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Part 5: Cassia

Jasmine and Cassia walked through the gate and into the city. “Well,” said Cassia, “that was an experience! I’d never expected to help crucify anyone!”

“Thank you, for being there, Cassia.”

“S’okay. I’ll say one thing, I can understand why you were so fond of them. They were lovely girls. Such a shame. So, what’s this about them being innocent? Do tell!”

“I’ve known them for years, Cassia. They wouldn’t hurt a fly. And they were quite fond of my father, despite….despite…”

“Despite the fact that he fucked them?”

“Do you have to be so graphic? But yes, despite that. They were his property, anyway. He could do what he liked with them, and they accepted that.”

“So, who did kill your father?”

“Marcus. I’m sure.”

“Your horrible brother?”

“Half-brother,” Jasmine corrected. The fact that she and Marcus didn’t share a mother was important to her.

“But you let them crucify those lovely girls anyway? Shame on you!”

Jasmine exploded. “Shame on me? Shame on me? I’ll tell you something, Cassia. My half-brother is an evil, vicious bastard. He’s got the Proconsul wound around his little finger. Watch him. He’s dangerous. I tried, the gods know that I tried. ‘It’s not a woman’s place to get involved in matters of Justice.’ That what that sycophant Proconsul said. Bastards. I hate the lot of them.”

“I see. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean…”

“Forget it Cass. I’m the one that should be sorry. You were right. Shame on me. How can I have walked back through that gate and left those girls hanging there? I’m going to have it out with Marcus, and I’m going to make him have them taken down, before it’s too late!”

“Jasmine, I….”

“’Shame on me!’ You said it yourself! Shame on me!”

“Jasmine, please don’t overreact, I shouldn’t have said it. I didn’t mean it! Please, just calm down and think about this rationally! Your brother is dangerous! You said so!”

“HALF-Brother! Read my lips! Half Brother!”

“Jasmine! Please!”

“Bye, Cassia. Thanks for being my friend. Bye.”

She raced off. Cassia watched her go, heart pounding. That had not gone well. She’d been hoping to coax Jasmine into bed. No chance of that, now, and she had an awful feeling that she had just made a dreadful mistake.
I'm not really a Latin speaker, but I have read a good bit about Roman naming practices. From somewhere around the first century BC, Romans tended to use a tripartite naming convention that consisted of a first name, or praenomen, a family name, known as a nomen or gens, and a nickname or cognomen. For example, Gaius Julius Caesar's praenomen was Gaius, his nomen was Julius, and his cognomen was Caesar.

Boys were called by their first names or praenomen up until the time of puberty, when they usually began being addressed by their cognomen. That wasn't a hard and fast rule, however; the first two Flavian emperors Vespasian and Titus, for example, were father and son and had identical names: Titus Flavius Vespasianus. Vespasian went by his cognomen, which was typical, but his son chose to go by Titus, his first name, in order to differentiate himself from his father. And Marc Antony doesn't seem to have had a cognomen at all. So there's precedent, if you're a writer, for making up names that don't necessarily fit the standard.

Now since Marcus and Jasmine were the children of Calphurnus, I would have supposed that that was his cognomen rather than family name since Romans didn't typically refer to men just by their family names. If they were going to include the family name, I believe they would have either added his cognomen onto the end or used his full name. So I don't know that we can be certain what his children's full names were from that.

I'm pretty careful about making up names that fit the culture and period. There are really good articles and lists of Roman names on some of the Roman re-enactment sites. I also have some lists and info on Germanic and Gaulish names from around the first century AD that I use when I need a name for some character of that persuasion.

The Wiki article on Roman naming practices is quite a useful one,
I'll put this link in 'Roman Resources' too.
The Wiki article on Roman naming practices is quite a useful one,
I'll put this link in 'Roman Resources' too.

That is a great article on the subject! I have also used the Legion XXIV page as a resource for Roman names, as it has lists of names for their re-enactor members to use when selecting a name for themselves. It is here: http://www.legionxxiv.org/nomens/

Attached is a PDF I captured from a website years ago that contains an article talking about Roman cognomen, their meanings and how they were used that might be of interest. I also attached a PDF of Legion XX's page on Roman names for what it's worth.


  • Roman Names - Cognomen Meanings.pdf
    80.8 KB · Views: 113
  • Roman names - Legion XX.pdf
    29.6 KB · Views: 56
Marcus is soaring off the charts on my loathometer!!! To think I gave up a chance for sex with Cassia to go yell at Marcus ... either I am not thinking straight, or I really am incensed! :confused:

And I passed up a chance to write a sex scene for you... :doh:

Didn't fit with the story, I fear :(

Sorry, though :(
And I passed up a chance to write a sex scene for you... :doh:

Didn't fit with the story, I fear :(

Sorry, though :(
What, no sex scene between Jasmine and Cassia:(......she must really have her mind set on getting even with Marcus. I do hope she is careful, she might find herself next to her friends on a cross.
Jasmine, don't be stupid, ... don't be ... dead! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Why does this always have to happen! :devil:
My reaction exactly. Cassia needs to go after her! Talk some sense into her. I mean, Jasmine may LOOK like Barb, but does she have to ignore obvious danger like Barb as well? :rolleyes::devil:
too bad ... missed opportunity that

would have been quite the romp ;):p:D

There, see? I think I have made my point. :very_hot::cool:


Shut up!
My reaction exactly. Cassia needs to go after her! Talk some sense into her. I mean, Jasmine may LOOK like Barb, but does she have to ignore obvious danger like Barb as well? :rolleyes::devil:

There, see? I think I have made my point. :very_hot::cool:


Shut up!
Since when have I ever ignored obvious danger? :oops:
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