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Now This Just Isn't Funny

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To try and move the conversation up out of the gutter...

The BBC series, Coupling, from the beginning of the aughts had great dating advice.

First, for gals, how to flirt with men:

Second, for guys, how to chat up a girl. (actually, he's stolen many of my best lines):
Better late than never -

Batman wants you to know that

But he does have a rather large penis
The ancestor of that sketch is not quite as funny as I remember.

Sad too, that after all these years, I Don't Know is still on third. ;)

Abbott and Costello actually did that skit a LOT of times, and this one may have been a done later. The uniforms suggest that this was for some TV show, which would have been some years after they introduced it. So there were probably variations in their performance from time to time. I've never seen it yet without busting a gut, but no two individuals will see the same thing exactly the same way.
Abbott and Costello actually did that skit a LOT of times, and this one may have been a done later. The uniforms suggest that this was for some TV show, which would have been some years after they introduced it. So there were probably variations in their performance from time to time. I've never seen it yet without busting a gut, but no two individuals will see the same thing exactly the same way.
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