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Other Forms Of Execution

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Andruxon Gallows and garrotte


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Today I found a story about St. Agatha of Catania (or of Sicily). It could be copied from CF.


"One of the most highly venerated virgin martyrs of Christian antiquity, Agatha was put to death during the persecution of Decius (250–253) in Catania, Sicily, for her determined profession of faith.[7]

Her written legend[12] comprises "straightforward accounts of interrogation, torture, resistance, and triumph which constitute some of the earliest hagiographic literature",[13] and are reflected in later recensions, the earliest surviving one being an illustrated late 10th-century passio bound into a composite volume[14] in the Bibliothèque nationale de France, originating probably in Autun, Burgundy; in its margin illustrations Magdalena Carrasco detected Carolingian or Late Antique iconographic traditions.[15]

According to the 13th-century Golden Legend (III.15) by Jacobus de Voragine, fifteen-year-old Agatha, from a rich and noble family, made a vow of virginity and rejected the amorous advances of the low-born Roman prefect Quintianus, who thought he could force her to turn away from her vow and force her to marry. His persistent proposals were consistently spurned by Agatha, so Quintianus, knowing she was a Christian during the persecution of Decius, had her arrested and brought before the judge. He was the judge.

He expected her to give in to his demands when she was faced with torture and possible death, but she simply reaffirmed her belief in God by praying: "Jesus Christ, Lord of all, you see my heart, you know my desires. Possess all that I am. I am your sheep: make me worthy to overcome the devil." With tears falling from her eyes, she prayed for courage. To force her to change her mind, Quintianus sent Agatha to Aphrodisia, the keeper of a brothel, and had her imprisoned there. Agatha never lost her confidence in God, even though she suffered a month of rape, assault, and efforts to get her to abandon her vow to God and go against her virtue.[16]
Quintianus sent for her again, argued, threatened, and finally had her put in prison and had her tortured. She was stretched on a rack to be torn with iron hooks, burned with torches, and whipped. Amongst the tortures she underwent was the cutting off of her breasts with pincers. After further dramatic confrontations with Quintianus, represented in a sequence of dialogues in her passio that document her fortitude and steadfast devotion, Saint Agatha was then sentenced to be burnt at the stake, but an earthquake saved her from that fate; instead, she was sent to prison where St. Peter the Apostle appeared to her and healed her wounds.[17]

Saint Agatha died in prison, probably in the year 251 according to the Legenda Aurea. Although the martyrdom of Saint Agatha is authenticated, and her veneration as a saint had spread beyond her native place even in antiquity, there is no reliable information concerning the details of her death.[7]

Osbern Bokenham, A Legend of Holy Women, written in the 1440s, offers some further detail."

A lot of Middle Age artist attended to this story.
Lanfranco,_Giovanni_-_St_Peter_Healing_St_Agatha_-_c._1614.jpgSaint Agatha bearing her severed breasts on a platter, by Piero della Francesca (c. 1460–1470).jpgSanta_Agueda_-_Zurbarán_(detalle).png
There is even a Sicialian sweet, "Minne di Sant'Agata "
Minne di Sant'Agata, a typical Sicilian sweet shaped as a breast, representing the cut breasts...jpg
Today I found a story about St. Agatha of Catania (or of Sicily). It could be copied from CF.


"One of the most highly venerated virgin martyrs of Christian antiquity, Agatha was put to death during the persecution of Decius (250–253) in Catania, Sicily, for her determined profession of faith.[7]

Her written legend[12] comprises "straightforward accounts of interrogation, torture, resistance, and triumph which constitute some of the earliest hagiographic literature",[13] and are reflected in later recensions, the earliest surviving one being an illustrated late 10th-century passio bound into a composite volume[14] in the Bibliothèque nationale de France, originating probably in Autun, Burgundy; in its margin illustrations Magdalena Carrasco detected Carolingian or Late Antique iconographic traditions.[15]

According to the 13th-century Golden Legend (III.15) by Jacobus de Voragine, fifteen-year-old Agatha, from a rich and noble family, made a vow of virginity and rejected the amorous advances of the low-born Roman prefect Quintianus, who thought he could force her to turn away from her vow and force her to marry. His persistent proposals were consistently spurned by Agatha, so Quintianus, knowing she was a Christian during the persecution of Decius, had her arrested and brought before the judge. He was the judge.

He expected her to give in to his demands when she was faced with torture and possible death, but she simply reaffirmed her belief in God by praying: "Jesus Christ, Lord of all, you see my heart, you know my desires. Possess all that I am. I am your sheep: make me worthy to overcome the devil." With tears falling from her eyes, she prayed for courage. To force her to change her mind, Quintianus sent Agatha to Aphrodisia, the keeper of a brothel, and had her imprisoned there. Agatha never lost her confidence in God, even though she suffered a month of rape, assault, and efforts to get her to abandon her vow to God and go against her virtue.[16]
Quintianus sent for her again, argued, threatened, and finally had her put in prison and had her tortured. She was stretched on a rack to be torn with iron hooks, burned with torches, and whipped. Amongst the tortures she underwent was the cutting off of her breasts with pincers. After further dramatic confrontations with Quintianus, represented in a sequence of dialogues in her passio that document her fortitude and steadfast devotion, Saint Agatha was then sentenced to be burnt at the stake, but an earthquake saved her from that fate; instead, she was sent to prison where St. Peter the Apostle appeared to her and healed her wounds.[17]

Saint Agatha died in prison, probably in the year 251 according to the Legenda Aurea. Although the martyrdom of Saint Agatha is authenticated, and her veneration as a saint had spread beyond her native place even in antiquity, there is no reliable information concerning the details of her death.[7]

Osbern Bokenham, A Legend of Holy Women, written in the 1440s, offers some further detail."

A lot of Middle Age artist attended to this story.
View attachment 683578View attachment 683579View attachment 683580
There is even a Sicialian sweet, "Minne di Sant'Agata "
View attachment 683581
Gabriel Knight maded a manip:

Another fun night at the government licensed execution club, where another batch of 12 pretty girls will get executed on stage. During the 3 hours leading up to their executions more than 100 VIP guests get to have a little fun with the condemned girls. In order to get some desperately needed pardon votes, the girls are more than eager to make the pre-execution party enjoyable for the VIP guests....
Something more old school

There is a bit of inconsistency: the bamboos to which she is tied supposedly grow at the same rate of the bamboo that impale her so no real impalement there.

I may experiment with a bamboo and my ankles chained to concrete blocks...

Bamboo grows well in Sydney, Eva, as you doubtless know.
I have quite a lot in my backyard. It's a damn nuisance, and I'm always looking for uses for it. Plenty here, Eva, if you're interested :), but we're out of the peak growing season now.
Hello :)


... one execution full of shame and cold
cold and shame.jpg

...two executions in a slightly warmer climate, but still nothing pleasant ...

prepering.jpg they know themselfs.jpeg

And a quick back in time to the wild west where the Quick Judith turned out to be too slow ...

execution of quick judith.jpg

Thank you for your attention ;)

Bamboo grows well in Sydney, Eva, as you doubtless know.
I have quite a lot in my backyard. It's a damn nuisance, and I'm always looking for uses for it. Plenty here, Eva, if you're interested :), but we're out of the peak growing season now.

There is a delightful bamboo grove in a nature reserve nearby, quite thick and dense, where someone cleared an inner circle for God’s only knows what purposes. It is interesting to see all those empty cars in the reserve’s parking lot after dark... In Sydney, bamboo grows faster in summer: your concrete blocks or mine?
There is a delightful bamboo grove in a nature reserve nearby, quite thick and dense, where someone cleared an inner circle for God’s only knows what purposes. It is interesting to see all those empty cars in the reserve’s parking lot after dark... In Sydney, bamboo grows faster in summer: your concrete blocks or mine?

I know the reserve you mean :), but it's not that close to where I live now, 20-30 minutes away.
We'll have to wait 6 months for the growing season, but when the time comes, I can supply concrete blocks, and bamboo. You may as well come here . . . . I have lots of cut bamboo as well, for making frames, or poles, for lashing bare limbs to.

Oh Eva, we could have such fun together :D
I know the reserve you mean :), but it's not that close to where I live now, 20-30 minutes away.
We'll have to wait 6 months for the growing season, but when the time comes, I can supply concrete blocks, and bamboo. You may as well come here . . . . I have lots of cut bamboo as well, for making frames, or poles, for lashing bare limbs to.

Oh Eva, we could have such fun together :D

Well, well, I hope you are not infected by Scott and Bill's promising fever...
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