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Ridingham Blues

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I can't believe I missed so much!

Heart pounding ... Wow!

PK ... just Wow!

Oh dear, this seems to have become a very minority interest read.... but I don't mind! I am enjoying writing it!!!!
never let that worry you pk - while I've been here (it'll be 4 years on Friday!)
I've quite often found myself posting a story and not getting much sign of interest,
but like you I just enjoy writing, and I don't think it's conceited for us to say to ourselves,
"I know what I'm writing's pretty good, it's here now for everyone to share,
and people who know a good story when they see it will find it sooner or later and enjoy it."​
Oh dear, this seems to have become a very minority interest read.... but I don't mind! I am enjoying writing it!!!!
Did it ever occur to you that you have like a couple thousand great stories going at the same time and it is hard to keep up...

...keep writing or Bull and Gunner will hunt you down and....

(Ed. note-,Tree will spare you the sordid details- Ulrika)
Oops…it’s Tuesday night and I can’t possibly imagine what I have been up to all day. Nothing very important I think. Well, a few things. I wrote Mitsuki a poem, a little Haiku. I think it’s nice and I hope she likes it. I know Haikus don’t really work in English, but I got the syllable count right and there’s a bit of a “cut” and I think she may like it. I hope so. Anyway, I’ve sent it to her now, so we will see, won’t we? And I’ve started already looking at flights to Japan for the summer. I think it will have to be the end of the summer though, not that I can wait! I can’t! I think of her all the time.

Anyway (kill me now!), tomorrow is the dreaded NYE and we’re going mob-handed into M… Romy’s coming, which is great. We had a quiet drink in The George the other day. I think we are cool together. You know, we know it’s like for the holidays, not forever, but, well, you never know do you. Her hair is so sweet. I like it when she touches me too. So that could make the awfulness that is NYE slightly bearable, maybe. As long as we don’t get hassle. M… isn’t the nicest place to be honest and you can usually expect hassle. And fights and shit like that. I really don’t like it much, but it is near. I prefer T… but that’s a bit further and, well, none of our friends really go there. Different schools and all that, you know the deal. So, it’s late. I’m thinking tomorrow I may do some proper writing in the morning, then have a long, slow, sloppy, bubbly bath and get ready. That sounds ok to me, don’t you agree? I think it will be nice. And I will do some proper work tomorrow. I have a story I want to try to move on a bit, maybe even finish. Oh yeah, I’ve started doing some creative writing stuff. I like it. It’s a good way to work out some thoughts, I think… And maybe, maybe, I will get a reply on the email? I am really excited about it. I guess just not knowing whether they will reply. And how I will react if they say yes. I think I would go with it. After all, I think I might enjoy it and I could make some cash and that would help for Japan. What do you reckon? I think I really might like it though, the more I watch their videos. Let’s see. Maybe tomorrow, or maybe they are all still on holiday. We’ll see….
PS - did I mention that Mitsuki means "Beautiful Moon"? I think it is a lovely name, don't you?
Mits looks just like that, but her face is prettier. She's so sweet. I mean her breasts are like a twelve year old's... I think maybe that's what is so sweet. She's so grown-up but so tiny! But as soon as you touch her she comes completely alive. And I don't think I will ever taste lips like hers... It would be impossible! She's amazing and I am... hmmm....quite smitten... Maybe even in love... Please don't tell Vero. I know she sort of wouldn't mind, but of course she would, wouldn't she? I mean I would. Obviously. And I really really really like Vero. You know that, don't you?
Wednesday morning! The last day of the year and it’s beautifully sunny. Quarter past nine in the morning, but it’s an hour later across the Channel and people must be at work because….Guess what? I got a reply!!!! I am almost too nervous and excited at the same time to press the enter key to open it. My finger’s hesitating. Dare I? I go and make a cup of tea and I sort of smile to myself. But maybe it’s just saying “no thanks”. I’m back in my bedroom and the email is still there, of course. So I press the key.

The usual thank you stuff, blah blah blah… “we liked your pictures and…” ….Well? Go on! And they say that they are interested in me and would like me to do a casting! Wow! They explain everything that it will involve, going over to their location in H… They will pay the airfare even! I’ll need only to be there for a day for the test, they say. Everything will be clear about what they will do and I can opt out at any time, but once the test starts then I have to see it through or use a safe word to stop. It will be about how I look in various positions and checking on how much pain I am comfortable with. I will have to sign something to accept liability or whatever. They will take photos and a video and whatever happens that is their property and they can use it online, whether or not I carry on. They will tell me on the day whether I am accepted and of course it’s up to me whether I want to do some more filming. If I do, then there will be a number of options and storylines and I can be involved in choosing what I would prefer. And then I would have to go back for a few days to make the filming. It all sounds very professional to be honest and I am really really excited and the money is good too, not that that is the main thing. But of course it will help me to get to Japan and to see Mits! So what a great present on the last day of the year. Of course I email straight back and say yes and tell them that I am free until the end of the Christmas vacation if that will work for them.

They get back really quickly, and so we set the date. It is so soon! I’ll be seeing Vero over the weekend in London and then it’s straight after that! Monday next week! I am trembling all over! I can tell Vero, for sure, but what about Romy? I don’t think I should. I think that would scare the shit out of her! And I want to have some fun with her tonight I think, as long as we don’t get too pissed. Wow! I can’t believe it! H…!!!! I’ve never even been to Germany! I can hardly wait! They say they’ll book the flight and send me a link so I can print the boarding card or get it on my phone. It’s really going to happen!!! I flick on their site again and look at the girls. I wish I was as lovely as Alex. The way she moves when the whip hits her is so gorgeous. And she’s like a gymnast too! I’m no way as lovely as she is, but I think I will look pretty good to be honest. I really do. Monday! Still, I’ve got tonight first and then the weekend with Vero. That’s going to be great too!
Five o’clock. Just finished chatting with Sallie. I told her about the gig in H… She tells me I should be careful, but she also thinks it sounds quite professional and that I might enjoy it. She says that I need to set my own boundaries though and be happy with whatever I agree to do. We sort of plan to meet up in the New Year. That’s going to be nice. Anyway, the bath’s running next door. I’ve put some lovely bubbly stuff in it and I’ve pinched a nice glass of chilled white wine from mum’s fridge and I’ve lit a load of tea lights and it looks lovely. Outside it’s night. Still and dark. The bathroom window’s all fogged up so I do what every kid does and write on it with my finger…. Mits Mits Mits I L Y…. coz I do! Then I look at myself in the mirror, once I’ve wiped the fog away. My back looks great with those lovely lines and my pretty tattoo. I’m still quite marked from the barbed wire, but I love every little mark. They remind me of my special night. And now I slide into the water, under the bubbles. Mmmmm…..

That was SOOO nice! I love a hot soak. I love soaping myself and wishing it was Vero doing it like in the shower back in Ridingham. And maybe like she’ll be doing in Kensington at the weekend. So now I’m lounging with my laptop on my bed and looking at that website again and imagining myself dangling from a rope like Alex and hearing those European voices telling me I am a slut and a bad girl and pushing the whip in my face and hitting me til I bleed. I’m getting excited and I play with my lovely glass toy a bit. Into my mouth, over my clit… yummy! I’m not hungry tonight, but I’m drinking a glass of milk because we are going to get shit-faced, I just know we are…but I don’t want to get too shit-faced of course and I don’t want Romy to either. But it sometimes just happens.

Ah well, time to get ready. I put on some really sexy things. Things that make me look nice. I like to be a bit of a tease sometimes, and NYE is a good time for that. The boys will all be pissed real early and I think it will be fun to have them going for me a bit. Not that I’m into boys, but it can be fun to play. They have big heavy hands and arms and stuff and that can be exciting. So I think that I’m looking good. Lots of make-up coz you need that in a club. Pretty wild colours. A nice thingy in my belly-button and a chopped-off top and a little chain, really fine, around my waist. And super-tight denim shorts. Pink ones with little rips. And a short, shiny black jacket. I do a little twirl. Not everyone’s taste maybe, but I like it. A quick shot of vodka – oh dear, I must be careful – then on with my coat and round to Charlotte’s where we’re all meeting up. It’s the end of the year. I’ve had an amazing year and next year is going to just get more amazing still!
this is really exciting pk, I'm certainly getting drawn into it - 2015 will get off to an interesting start... :devil:
Hurriedly I pull off my parka and my t-shirt and drop them without a thought. I hug my tree and feel the harshness of its surface against my skin, against my breasts. I unzip my jeans and with one hand push them down. I wrap my bare legs around my tree and let its hardness enter me. I am with my tree. I lay my head against the wood and with a single finger touch myself, then with the same finger part my lips. I’m standing back now, naked.

Passionate writing. I need to start reading from the beginning.
Five o’clock. Just finished chatting with Sallie. I told her about the gig in H… She tells me I should be careful, but she also thinks it sounds quite professional and that I might enjoy it. She says that I need to set my own boundaries though and be happy with whatever I agree to do. We sort of plan to meet up in the New Year. That’s going to be nice. Anyway, the bath’s running next door. I’ve put some lovely bubbly stuff in it and I’ve pinched a nice glass of chilled white wine from mum’s fridge and I’ve lit a load of tea lights and it looks lovely. Outside it’s night. Still and dark. The bathroom window’s all fogged up so I do what every kid does and write on it with my finger…. Mits Mits Mits I L Y…. coz I do! Then I look at myself in the mirror, once I’ve wiped the fog away. My back looks great with those lovely lines and my pretty tattoo. I’m still quite marked from the barbed wire, but I love every little mark. They remind me of my special night. And now I slide into the water, under the bubbles. Mmmmm…..

That was SOOO nice! I love a hot soak. I love soaping myself and wishing it was Vero doing it like in the shower back in Ridingham. And maybe like she’ll be doing in Kensington at the weekend. So now I’m lounging with my laptop on my bed and looking at that website again and imagining myself dangling from a rope like Alex and hearing those European voices telling me I am a slut and a bad girl and pushing the whip in my face and hitting me til I bleed. I’m getting excited and I play with my lovely glass toy a bit. Into my mouth, over my clit… yummy! I’m not hungry tonight, but I’m drinking a glass of milk because we are going to get shit-faced, I just know we are…but I don’t want to get too shit-faced of course and I don’t want Romy to either. But it sometimes just happens.

Ah well, time to get ready. I put on some really sexy things. Things that make me look nice. I like to be a bit of a tease sometimes, and NYE is a good time for that. The boys will all be pissed real early and I think it will be fun to have them going for me a bit. Not that I’m into boys, but it can be fun to play. They have big heavy hands and arms and stuff and that can be exciting. So I think that I’m looking good. Lots of make-up coz you need that in a club. Pretty wild colours. A nice thingy in my belly-button and a chopped-off top and a little chain, really fine, around my waist. And super-tight denim shorts. Pink ones with little rips. And a short, shiny black jacket. I do a little twirl. Not everyone’s taste maybe, but I like it. A quick shot of vodka – oh dear, I must be careful – then on with my coat and round to Charlotte’s where we’re all meeting up. It’s the end of the year. I’ve had an amazing year and next year is going to just get more amazing still!

Great stuff PK....love it....keep going!!!
Eight in the morning. I’m up and looking out at the sky as it slowly shifts from black to remorseless grey. I’m the only one up. I look over to my little bed where the sheets are all a bit of a tangled mess. Romy’s arm is sort of stretched out and her hand’s dangling over the edge. She’s got lovely pretty fingers. Her head’s turned away, her face in a pillow. I could stare at the nape of her neck for ages, it’s so pretty; and the curve of her back. We came home not that long after midnight. The club was really good fun and I didn’t get too ratted and neither did Romy. We had a few beers, you know, the ones you shove limes into, but I guess we sweated it out on the dance floor. It was great. I danced a load, and it was fun grinding up against some of the boys and have them try to kiss me and shove their fingers up my shorts and stuff. It’s a bit like a game really. Then I got into a corner with Romy and we snogged and snogged and let our dribble run into each other’s mouths. There was so much going on I don’t think anyone noticed and I didn’t care anyway. Then “BOOM” it was midnight! There was a countdown and Big Ben on a screen and the fireworks from the Embankment and loads of stuff dropped from the ceiling and everyone kissed everyone and then it was 2015! So we hugged the other girls then without really saying much just slid out. The streets were pretty quiet to be honest; most people were still partying and clubbing. It wasn’t too hard to get a cab but it was hellish expensive! When we got home to my place mum was already in bed I think. The lights downstairs were off, just the one in the hall left on. So we crept upstairs, trying to avoid the creaky step – ooops, we didn’t manage that and we both giggled – then into my bedroom and shut the door quietly. My laptop was still on and that was all the light we needed and I wanted and we quickly got out of our things and touched and kissed a bit. I gave Romy a toothbrush and we both took turns in the bathroom, being like church mice. While she was doing hers I checked the email and yes! There was a lovely little one from Mits and one from Vero and one from Sallie. My favourite three people in the world! I decided to reply tomorrow, er, no, later I mean. It was already tomorrow.

Then we got into bed together and pulled the sheet over us and stroked each other’s hair and let our noses touch and kissed. And then kissed each other’s breasts and tummies and pussies and soon we were sort of tangled up with our legs entwined and our pussies rubbing together and making a bit more noise than we should have done and that made us giggle and smile. But we carried on and it was hot and nice. Then I think we fell asleep. And now I’m awake. And Romy isn’t.
So, it’s lunchtime now and mum’s made something simple. Soup, cheese on toast. That’s fine by me. Romy woke up around ten and we cuddled up for a bit. She gave me a bit of a strange look when she saw my back; I’d sort of hoped she wouldn’t notice. But she didn’t say anything and so I didn’t either. I think we both knew it was a sort of silent lie. She hung around with me for a bit and we chatted and then she said she’d better be going home, so I went downstairs with her and we had a quick kiss in the hallway and then we waved goodbye. It had been really nice to be with her. She looked around as she went up the road and gave me a big smile and another wave and that was nice. I might see her again before the holiday’s over, but my days are filling up a bit I think!

My brother was sort of hanging around doing something with his Playstation on the TV and so I went through to the kitchen and jumped up onto the worksurface and sat there swinging my legs while mum stirred the soup. She gave me a really old-fashioned sort of look and I thought she was about to say something, but she didn’t. She just sort of smiled and shook her head a bit. So I asked her what it was and she said it was nothing. Which was clearly not true, so I asked again and she asked me about Romy and if she was a good friend. I said she was a friend, you know, a school friend. And that we’d both left pretty much after midnight and she didn’t want to barge in on her parent’s party so she’d come to sleep over. Mum said something like “really?”… so asked her what she meant by that. I guessed what was coming.

She said she’d gone to bed after the fireworks but hadn’t been able to sleep, and then she’d heard us coming in and so she read a bit and then she heard us together. I asked her what she meant, “heard us together”… and she went a bit sheepish. And eventually summoned up the courage to ask me what we’d been doing, coz she’d heard some noises and stuff.

Right, I thought. Enough. I wanted to do this on my own terms, but sometimes you can’t. And it’s New Year’s Day and maybe time for a new start and some honesty, so I told her. I told her that I liked girls and that it wasn’t that I just liked them, I liked being in bed with girls and having sex with girls and that was how it was and that I was happy with myself and that I was sorry if that shocked her but there you go. Then I said the words that I knew I should say:

“Mum, so, to be totally clear, don’t hold out hopes for a boyfriend, coz it’s not going to happen, coz your lovely loving daughter is most definitely a lesbian and she’s a very happy lesbian, ok?”

Well, mum was quiet for a bit, so I took over with the soup so it wouldn’t all boil away and she sat down and after a bit said that, no, it was all fine. And that she thought that there was something about me. And that she’d always sort of thought that, maybe…. And she struggled to get the words, which I got, and then she stood up and gave me a big big hug and well, that was it really. I’m glad we had that chat. Really glad. What a good way to begin 2015, apart from all the other good things that have already happened today!
Sometimes days drag a bit. New Year’s Day is a bit like that. The day after the day before feeling. So, lunch had been…interesting. Fair play to mum, she really did act cool about me. I mean, well, she should of course. And that was that, no more to say about it really. But I guess she’ll be thinking every girl who comes round is my forever girlfriend now! Mums eh? Well, she’s a good mum.

Back upstairs and log in but no-one’s around. I look at Mits’s email and decide to send her a little poem I wrote for her. It’s a proper Haiku, seventeen syllables; five, seven, five. And a nice little “cut” for the last line. And a nice play on her name too. I hope she likes it and I’m sure she will. She is perfect perfect perfect, or perhaps I already told you that? I can’t help remembering my tongue on her ears and my fingers….mmmmm…. I think it’s love!

No-one around, nothing to do. Too tired to do college work, so I flick around on Google. I put in Japanese girls and some pretty images come up. Like you do, I fool around and click and click and find a site with a whole load of “AV idols”… really big photo sets. I click on a few who are pretty – well, they’re really all pretty, but you know, different pretty. I like a girl called Ai Kurosawa. She’s got a sort of cute face and really big soft boobs. I imagine snuggling inbetween them. Then I find another called Tomomi Mizusawa. She looks a bit like Mits I think. She’s really gorgeous. I’m wondering why it is that Japan seems to have such lovely girls? I keep poking around and come across someone called Shizuko Iwasaki. She’s stunning, I think. Really special. And the pictures are good too. These are amazing pictures, really well taken. And some are in black and white and in some she’s all roped up. These shots are fantastic and I click on them and save them to my laptop. I make a little file called “Shizuko” and before I know what I’m doing I’ve saved all one hundred and thirty of the shots. And then I blow up one of the bondage ones. She’s crouched down and she’s wearing red heels and that’s all. Her arms are tied behind her back. In fact you only see her back and her tousled hair that’s pulled up and her neck, which is so sexy. Her shoulders are pulled together a bit by the ropes and her skin is…I’m getting wet looking. The ropes are black and her arms are tied from just above her elbows in six loops with big knots between and her hands are crossed over. So the whole picture is just grey, red, black and the beautiful colour of Shizuko’s body. It’s a lovely sexy picture. There are loads more too, and she has a sweet face I think.


I try to see if there are any videos of her, but there don’t seem to be. So I put in “Japanese bondage” because that looks interesting, and loads of stuff comes up. And on one site there are just hundreds, it seems to me, of vids of Japanese girls, and other girls doing bondage and S&M and all sorts of stuff. And some lovely lesbian ones too. I just get sucked in, watching one after another. I didn’t know all this stuff was there. It’s a nice way to spend an afternoon. I take my laptop and lie on my bed. Then I go and make a coffee and when I get back I loosen the string on my PJs and unbutton the top and with the laptop balanced on a pillow I let one hand play with my clit and the other with my nipple and I’m soon soaked. This has turned into a nice afternoon I think. But I better be careful, because it’s just too easy. I could watch this stuff all day every day. That’s no good. But well, today, I think maybe today I’m allowed. I wonder if Mits ever watches this stuff too? I hope she likes the Haiku. I think she will.
and her tousled hair that’s pulled up and her neck, which is so sexy.
I love the little details like this that you put in, pk -
they make your writing so sexy!
And I feel it's nice having my hair like that,
feels sexy (even though I can't see the back of my neck :p)​
Friday morning and drizzle. Laptop on and a few nice messages overnight. Three, to be precise. One from my lovely Mits – she likes the haiku! I bet she’s just saying that really, but I’m glad. She’s so sweet and adorable! I wonder what she’s doing today? Then one from Vero. Good news! She suggests we meet up in town today and that I stop over tonight as well as the weekend. I think that’s a great idea, coz I’m going stir crazy here in my room… I email straight back and explain that I’d like to stay over Sunday night too if I can because I’m going to the airport on Monday and I’ll tell her all about it when we meet up. I’m sure that will be ok. We’re going to meet at the Royal Academy; she’s got tickets for an exhibition she says I’ll like. At the back entrance she says, not the one on Piccadilly. I’ll find it, I’m sure. Then the third email. The one I’d been waiting for. From H… Just a short one, telling me the address to go to on Monday and that I should bring any travel receipts and with an attachment that’s the boarding thingies. EasyJet, departs LGW 08.10 arrives H… 10.45. The return is at 18.20 and will get me in at 19.00. I look at that twice, then remember there’s an hour time difference. So it’s really going to happen. I print it off and pull the paper out from the machine. I hold it to my mouth and suck my lips together. I’m excited and I’m scared, but mainly I’m excited.

So I shove my things in my back-pack, you know, the normal stuff for a few days away, some clothes, some make-up, some toilet thingies. My passport, mustn’t forget that. That would be way too stupid. Mum’s made an omelette for breakfast which is nice, but she’s a bit surprised when I tell her that I’m off today and that I’ll only be back on Monday night. I ask her if she’ll give me a lift to the station in S… and if she’ll pick me up if I call her from the train on Monday, and she says yes, which is nice. It saves the hassle of the bus. Right, upstairs again to get ready and then, I’m off!
I love the little details like this that you put in, pk -
they make your writing so sexy!
And I feel it's nice having my hair like that,
feels sexy (even though I can't see the back of my neck :p)​

I agree with Eul.....pk is the most, when it comes to those little details, so often poignant or sexy .... it adds depth, realism, authenticity, interest, and mood to her writings....that along with the dialogue make pk's stories so amazingly rich and fun. :p
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