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Roxie Is Tagged

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“Nice speech, Siss, I really liked the last line. Bull, take Roxie and Barb behind the tarp over there and free their wrists” Tree said then he turned to Siss. Listen, Siss, we’re ahead of schedule. Go to Barb and Roxie over there. You have a minute to get your last hugs in.”

“Are you serious?” Siss asked wide-eyed. Tree nodded and Siss put her hands on both side of his, pulled him towards her, and while on her toes gave him a quick kiss on his lips.

It would not have mattered to the women but the relative privacy the tarp afforded blocking the crowd’s view of their last intimate moment was appreciated by them.

Tree could see them but stayed far enough that he could not hear them. He wondered what they said but would not dream of asking…

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Monday 2nd February 2015


By Rupert Wragg

The crowd stands in breathless anticipation of the crucifixion of the century! Three beautiful girls stand tagged, naked, awaiting their final appointment with two pieces of the finest timber; waiting to be united to the wood by the finest, sharpest spikes ever seen in Minneapolis.

Siss delivered an impassioned speech, for a few brief moments she held the crowd in her hand:

“I am tagged to die today,” she said, and followed it up with some mumbo-jumbo about God and Jesus, then delivered her punch line, “By the way, I really don’t care what you think of us. Fuck all of you.”

So, we’ve had an ‘up yours’ from Barb, and a ‘fuck you’ from Siss. What of Roxie?

“I will carry the sensation of my last touch off Siss to the cross as I endure the nailing and my hanging...keeping the memory of the exquisite woman that Siss is with me throughout the tortures to come.”

God, these women! Has the world ever seen their like? Will it ever see their like again?
So, we’ve had an ‘up yours’ from Barb, and a ‘fuck you’ from Siss. What of Roxie? -Sir Wragg
Roxie did her best imitation of a pole dance as she could do with her hands tied behind her back and no pole when she was presented...

God, these women! Has the world ever seen their like? Will it ever see their like again? -Sir Wragg

Yeah there will be other threads...
So, we’ve had an ‘up yours’ from Barb, and a ‘fuck you’ from Siss. What of Roxie? -Sir Wragg
Roxie did her best imitation of a pole dance as she could do with her hands tied behind her back and no pole when she was presented...

God, these women! Has the world ever seen their like? Will it ever see their like again? -Sir Wragg

Yeah there will be other threads...

Guess you're right :rolleyes:
So, we’ve had an ‘up yours’ from Barb, and a ‘fuck you’ from Siss. What of Roxie? -Sir Wragg
Roxie did her best imitation of a pole dance as she could do with her hands tied behind her back and no pole when she was presented...

God, these women! Has the world ever seen their like? Will it ever see their like again? -Sir Wragg

Yeah there will be other threads...

Yes! The Titillating Threesome! Soon to appear at a crucifixion near you!


(Shameless self-promotion...)
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“Nice speech, Siss, I really liked the last line. Bull, take Roxie and Barb behind the tarp over there and free their wrists” Tree said then he turned to Siss. Listen, Siss, we’re ahead of schedule. Go to Barb and Roxie over there. You have a minute to get your last hugs in.”

“Are you serious?” Siss asked wide-eyed. Tree nodded and Siss put her hands on both side of his, pulled him towards her, and while on her toes gave him a quick kiss on his lips.

It would not have mattered to the women but the relative privacy the tarp afforded blocking the crowd’s view of their last intimate moment was appreciated by them.

Tree could see them but stayed far enough that he could not hear them. He wondered what they said but would not dream of asking…

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Siss expresses in one tender gesture the appreciation we three all feel toward Tree for allowing us this last moment together behind the tarp and away from that fucking rodent's pesky cameras. But I see him peeking now. Turn around Tree....these final hugs are very private....Come here girls ....;):p:D
these final hugs are very private....Come here girls ....

Tree turns and leaves them their last moment in arms. Overwhelmed with emotion he forgets he is not at the Tree house and pisses off the edge of the stage... RR is not going to be happy... those aren't cheap seats down there!!!

these final hugs are very private....Come here girls ....

Tree turns and leaves them their last moment in arms. Overwhelmed with emotion he forgets he is not at the Tree house and pisses off the edge of the stage... RR is not going to be happy... those aren't cheap seats down there!!!


Ignore him girls...he's just doing one of those distracted guy things:eek:....he's more dangerous than he appears right now, I know....crucifixion time can't be far off...

...as I said before he did that :confused:...

index.jpg Come here girls...
Ignore him girls...he's just doing one of those distracted guy things:eek:....he's more dangerous than he appears right now, I know....crucifixion time can't be far off....as I said before he did that :confused:...

View attachment 189245 Come here girls...
Tree did not piss in the cheap seats because that's where his family and friends sit...

...30 seconds, Siss...

View attachment 189248 Farewell Siss...be brave now...

know that I am nextView attachment 189249

... and Roxie not far behind
...Tree does not like to give plot hints but here is what the nail girl brings...

...they don't even look sharp....



...Good night all... Thanks for your interest and to the condemned cunts participation!!!

...what, Ulrika??? I know it wasn't that nice but after I crucify them do you think they would go on a date, forget getting in bed!!!
The stage is a surreal scene. The black tarps that shielded Siss, Barb, and Roxie from the crowd have translucent sponsor ads sewn into them that at night lights from the stage will shine on and light up for the crowd but are backwards from inside the stage with the sun shining through them. The stage is littered with audio-visual electronics and three crosses. Tree walks toward the trio and before he could say to Siss it was time she kissed Barb and Roxie and said “I’ll tell you what the view is like!”

She turns and walks towards her cross with a bravado that masks her nearly overwhelming fear. As she strides up to Tree she says “Thank you for the moment. You better treasure that kiss I gave you. It was the most passionate one I’ve given a man.”

Her voice is strong but tears well in her eyes. When she arrives her cross she steps over the stipe. She looks down at the wood between her legs. Tree tells Bull and Gunner to lay her on it. She shoots Tree an angry look and yells “NO! I will do this on my terms!”

She bends her knees and lowers her bottom to the wood. She sits on the beam a moment and wipes her eyes. Gunner and Bull move to stretch her out but Tree waves his hand and shakes his head. Quietly he says “Siss, slide back a foot, lie back, and put your wrists over the cross.”

She nods and does as she is told.

My feet are still on the ground, or stage, or whatever. Already I feel the edges of the stipe dig into my ass and shoulders. Oh, damn, this is going to be bad. I raise my arms over the cross realizing the next time I am vertical I will be nailed to this damn thing. Bull and Gunner grab my wrists and I scream that I do not need to be held. Tree says to me he’ll meet me halfway. Gunner will hold my other wrist and Bull my legs while Tree puts the first spike through me.

I am in no position to negotiate but offer my consent. Tree tells me to slide my arm up and in a bit. I do and he places the tip of a massive rusty square shanked spike against my skin. I ask him if he was laying rail tracks or crucifying me. He tells he swiped them from the old stable at the Cruxton Abbey. Then he asks “Are you ready?”

I look at the sky and say “Does it…”

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Siss doesn’t hear the hammer hit the spike. With one blow Siss’ wrist is one with the wood. Her howls of pain would have silenced the crowd even without being amplified on the PA speakers. As her left wrist and feet are joined to the cross Barb and Roxie grab each other, torn between the horror of what is happening to Siss and that they are witnessing what they are about to experience…

crux of Siss.jpg

The stage is a surreal scene. The black tarps that shielded Siss, Barb, and Roxie from the crowd have translucent sponsor ads sewn into them that at night lights from the stage will shine on and light up for the crowd but are backwards from inside the stage with the sun shining through them. The stage is littered with audio-visual electronics and three crosses. Tree walks toward the trio and before he could say to Siss it was time she kissed Barb and Roxie and said “I’ll tell you what the view is like!”

She turns and walks towards her cross with a bravado that masks her nearly overwhelming fear. As she strides up to Tree she says “Thank you for the moment. You better treasure that kiss I gave you. It was the most passionate one I’ve given a man.”

Her voice is strong but tears well in her eyes. When she arrives her cross she steps over the stipe. She looks down at the wood between her legs. Tree tells Bull and Gunner to lay her on it. She shoots Tree an angry look and yells “NO! I will do this on my terms!”

She bends her knees and lowers her bottom to the wood. She sits on the beam a moment and wipes her eyes. Gunner and Bull move to stretch her out but Tree waves his hand and shakes his head. Quietly he says “Siss, slide back a foot, lie back, and put your wrists over the cross.”

She nods and does as she is told.

My feet are still on the ground, or stage, or whatever. Already I feel the edges of the stipe dig into my ass and shoulders. Oh, damn, this is going to be bad. I raise my arms over the cross realizing the next time I am vertical I will be nailed to this damn thing. Bull and Gunner grab my wrists and I scream that I do not need to be held. Tree says to me he’ll meet me halfway. Gunner will hold my other wrist and Bull my legs while Tree puts the first spike through me.

I am in no position to negotiate but offer my consent. Tree tells me to slide my arm up and in a bit. I do and he places the tip of a massive rusty square shanked spike against my skin. I ask him if he was laying rail tracks or crucifying me. He tells he swiped them from the old stable at the Cruxton Abbey. Then he asks “Are you ready?”

I look at the sky and say “Does it…”

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Siss doesn’t hear the hammer hit the spike. With one blow Siss’ wrist is one with the wood. Her howls of pain would have silenced the crowd even without being amplified on the PA speakers. As her left wrist and feet are joined to the cross Barb and Roxie grab each other, torn between the horror of what is happening to Siss and that they are witnessing what they are about to experience…

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spellbinding narration ....wow.... and great artwork too ....

defiant.jpg hang on Roxie, I am next ... don't expect me to be nearly as cooperative as Siss....I am determined not to make this easy for them.
“Hang on Roxie, I am next ... don't expect me to be nearly as cooperative as Siss....I am determined not to make this easy for them.”

I am so pissed at what they just did to Siss. Fuck them if they think I am going like a lamb to slaughter!

Roxie puts her hand on my chest and says “No, Barb, you can’t! We promised to do this with dignity; not for the crowd but for us.”

“You want me to let them shatter my body without a fight? That is bullshit!”

“I never wanted you to be here, Barb. I came to you already condemned looking only for comfort. Now Siss is nailed to a cross and whether you fight or not we will both be. Don’t go as a lamb but as proud wronged woman. I have no right to ask this of you. I’m sorry” Roxie says to me. I stroke her hair as they come for me. What to do

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“Hang on Roxie, I am next ... don't expect me to be nearly as cooperative as Siss....I am determined not to make this easy for them.”

I am so pissed at what they just did to Siss. Fuck them if they think I am going like a lamb to slaughter!

Roxie puts her hand on my chest and says “No, Barb, you can’t! We promised to do this with dignity; not for the crowd but for us.”

“You want me to let them shatter my body without a fight? That is bullshit!”

“I never wanted you to be here, Barb. I came to you already condemned looking only for comfort. Now Siss is nailed to a cross and whether you fight or not we will both be. Don’t go as a lamb but as proud wronged woman. I have no right to ask this of you. I’m sorry” Roxie says to me. I stroke her hair as they come for me. What to do

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doomed.jpg Dilemma...Oh, I don't know what to do ....something inside me tells me to fight, resist, spit in their eyes....but Roxie reminds me of the importance of dying with dignity. So confused. Don't know what I will do when my moment comes.
View attachment 189659 Dilemma...Oh, I don't know what to do ....something inside me tells me to fight, resist, spit in their eyes....but Roxie reminds me of the importance of dying with dignity. So confused. Don't know what I will do when my moment comes.
"...I don't know what to do
I'm always in the dark
I'm living in a power keg
and giving off sparks..."
-Total Eclipse of the Heart

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