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St Sapphia

Go to CruxDreams.com
Chapter Six - pt1

She eventually made her way to the servants' canteen; it was just like most of the other rooms with a stone floor and whitewashed walls. A number of other servants were there; all girls; sitting at small tables in groups; wearing their tabards and eating their lunch.

Hi, I am Kate," one of the girls introduced herself. "Not seen you around so you must be the new girl. Welcome to the slaves café, as we call it; grab yourself some food and come and sit with us."

"Thank you, I am Fay and I only arrived yesterday; still trying to find my way around and still very much trying to get my head round the fact that I am here."

Fay walked over to the buffet and helped herself to some salad and cold ham; she took a glass of water and walked over to Kate's table.

"Listen everyone, this is the new girl Fay;" Kate proceeded to introduce her to the others. "This is Carole, Angela and Marilyn."

They each stood and hugged her in turn; their greetings were sincere and Fay began to relax slightly. She remembered that she had not had any breakfast and she was hungry; she got stuck into her salad while the other girls fire questions at her.

Fay decided that she would say nothing about her earlier rape.

"I am the head of Dormitory B," announced Kate. "I think you are scheduled to bunk in with us. I will show you the ropes this afternoon."

After lunch, Kate took Fay along the lower ambulatory to show her the dormitory.

"If you are ever lost," explained Kate, "there is quite a good trick you can learn. Each doorway has a small plate with a reference on it which tells all. The first letter denotes the block "N" is for north or 'nunnery' as we like to call it. A letter "A" denotes the Abbey and the undercroft; that's where most things happen so we remember "A" is for 'activities'.

"The letter "E" denotes the east block or 'easy street'; that is the quarters of the Masters and Mistresses and you should see some of their apartments.

"Finally we have the south block denoted "S" which is the monastery but we are divided about what to call it; so "S" can stand either for 'sodomites' or 'studs' depending on your point of view. I would hasten to add that we girls do keep these names to ourselves; they are our little joke."

"What do the rest of the letters denote," queried Fay?

"Well the levels of lower or upper come next denoted by 'L' or 'U'; there is a level below 'L' in the east block or Savants quarters and this is denoted 'B' for basement.

"Then we have 'N,S,E or W' to denote which side of a block you are; important in the monastery or the nunnery because it gives you which side of the cloister to aim for. The nuns have 'E, N and W' while the monks have 'E, S and W'; in the other blocks, this third letter is a little irrelevant. Finally we have the room description and so here we are at 'NLW-Dorm B'. So this is Nunnery, Lower level, West side - Dormitory B.

"It's actually quite simple when you get used to it; you just need a good sense of compass direction and it is very helpful if you are summoned to unknown territory. Eventually you will just know intuitively where everything is."

"Thanks," said Fay. "I will start taking more notice of my location."

Kate ushered Fay into the dormitory; again, it was a room much like the others but along one wall were a row of ten iron bedsteads. On the opposite wall were a row of corresponding lockers. On each bed there was a simple pillow and a single duvet; draped over the frame at the foot were two white towels.

"This will be your bed," she indicated a bed with the name 'Fay' inscribed above it. "Your locker; which does not lock by the way, is this one."

Kate opened the door to show a rail with two hangers upon one of which was her spare tabard. On a shelf above, were ranged a tooth brush and paste, and some simple cosmetics.

"No need for soap, that is all kept by the washbasins, baths and showers," she explained. "The cardinal sin in the dormitory is 'borrowing' anyone else's kit. Anyone found using anyone else's things will be severely punished by the other members of the dormitory.

"You can change your bed linen and towels every three days if you wish; clean tabards can be obtained daily. Just go across to 'NLE-Laundry' with your dirty stuff, give them your name and they will issue the change to you. Should you wish to get new makeup or extend your makeup options, go to 'NLE-Shop' and make your selection; no money is required. There's not a lot else in the shop so don't expect Walmart. There is a small selection of accessories which you can choose from to brighten up your wardrobe; hair ribbons and slides etc.

"When you get closer to becoming a Scholar, your personal jewellery will be returned to you; to wear as and when you wish."

At that moment there was a knock on the door; outside stood Sister Louise. It was an 'understanding' that Sisters respected the privacy of the servants' dormitories. Louise was wearing a white habit and white wimple, she looked angelic. She wore a long rosary about her neck which must have reached her knees; in her right hand was a black leather crop.

"I have come for Fay," she announced. "She is to repay her demerits and then visit the Abbott for an interview."

"Fay, you need to come here and go with Sister Louise; I will see you later." She kissed Fay on the forehead. "Don't let them see your pain when they whip you," she whispered.

"I am to be whipped Sister Louise?"

"Yes Fay," replied Sister Louise. "You need to clear the slate of your demerits before you meet the Abbott. They have chosen me to whip you because they have detected a bond between us; so do believe me when I say that it will hurt me, more than it will hurt you.

"Unfortunately I cannot be too gentle as Mistress Beatrix will be inspecting my handiwork; if I hold back then I too will be whipped."

"It's OK Sister Louise, I will take my punishment; I cannot let you suffer for my sins."

Sister Louise led Fay upstairs and into the Abbey. Mistress Beatrix was there waiting.

"Fay you have accumulated three demerits since your arrival and you are to be purged of these. Each demerit will earn you three strokes from Sister Louise. You may continue."

Sister Louise led Fay forward to one of the altar rail units and instructed her to remove her tabard.

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Fay could feel the chill against her skin as she drew the garment over her head.

"You will kneel at the rail and pray for forgiveness; you will count aloud each lash and you will thank me when it is over," explained Louise"

Fay knelt at the rail, her back and buttocks were exposed. When she raised both knees, her tiny breasts rested on the smooth wooden rail.

"Now kiss the lash"

Fay put her lips to the proffered leather crop.

"Give me my punishment please Sister Louise; I understand that you have no wish to hurt me but that it is your duty."

Sister Louise stood to one side and laid the crop softly on Fay's buttocks. Fay felt her drawing it back and then it cracked down on her flesh with a searing pain.

"One," she cried gasping for breath.

She could feel the pain spreading over and into her flesh. The crop rested on her back then crashed down once again.

"Two," she almost added a yelp but she held it back.

She tried to project herself away from the scene; she was an observer as Sister Louise administered the lash to some naked girl kneeling before the altar. Fay could empathise with the girl, she knew exactly how she was feeling; she was sharing this girl's pain. The crop rested on her back again; her back and buttocks were throbbing. Whack and down it came again; cutting into her soft flesh.

"Three," she had almost cried out in pain, she held back her tears.

She now imagined that Sister Louise was naked, wearing just her wimple and crucifix.

"Four," god this really hurt; each stroke was a searing pain and then there was the accumulating pain of the aftermath.

"Five," as the pain accumulated; the pain of the actual stroke seemed to diminish but another feeling was taking over.

Whether it was the image of a naked Louise wielding the crop or just the pleasure she derived from the idea of submitting to her; she found that she was getting stirrings in her loins. She was actually getting turned on.

"Six," she counted as the crop smacked into her buttocks. A shock wave ran from the point of impact to her pussy. She was immune to the pain; she focussed on the feeling deep inside her pussy.

"Seven," she imagined she was back in the stirrups again with Sister Ann licking her pussy.

"Eight," she was so looking forward to repaying her debt to Sister Ann; she was nearly at the point of orgasm.

"Nine;" and it was over; her back and buttocks glowed with the heat of her punishment; the individual stings began to subside as they blended themselves into one overall combined pain.

"Sister Louise, thank you for my punishment."

"Well done Sister Louise; that was a punishment fairly given." Mistress Beatrix announced before she just turned and left the Abbey.

"Are you OK Fay, I hope it was not too unbearable?"

"No Louise, it was rather nice in the end. However, you have left me with a very tender body and a very aroused pussy."

"Let me help." Sister Louise bent down and slid her fingers into Fay's moist cleft and gently massaged her clit.

Fay allowed herself to be carried along; she closed her eyes and just bathed in the feelings that Louise was generating within her. Occasionally she felt a twinge of pain as Louise ran her fingers over the wound at the entrance to her vagina. There was no prolonged build up; Louise knew that Fay wanted a quick release. She inserted a finger into her wet cunt while using her thumb to massage the clit. Fay's orgasm was almost instantaneous; she cried out in delight as the feelings washed over her.

Louise helped Fay to stand; from the pocket of her habit she took a small glass bottle and started to apply a soothing lotion to the weals that were developing on Fay's back and buttocks. Fay revelled in the sensation of Louise's soft hands and the soothing lotion; she could almost feel the pain easing.

Louise cleaned up Fay's pussy and then helped her into her tabard. Fay found that the coarse material rubbed on her wounds and she had difficulty in walking without making it worse. Louise returned her to her dormitory.

"I suggest you get some rest if you can; lie on your tummy and try to get some sleep. Sister Melissa will be along later to take you to the Abbott."

Fay entered the room and walked over to her bed; she slipped off her tabard and hung it in her locker. She carefully lay on the bed and pulled the duvet over her. She managed to drift off in seconds.
I think I'll feel quite at home and know my way about
if I decide to go on retreat to St Sapphia's
(and it certainly has its attractions for this girl! :devil:)

Than pic's from an Alain Robbe-Grillet film,
Glissements progressifs du plaisir ;)

Chapter Six - pt2

Again she dreamed that she was a nun and that three monks had stripped her. They were teasing her breasts and nipples; she kissed and sucked their rampant cocks. Somehow she had retained her white wimple and her suspenders and black stockings. She never considered it odd to be wearing stockings and suspenders under her habit. For all she knew, she probably strutted around the nunnery in six inch heels. Why not, it was her fantasy? Then one of the monks started knocking loudly on a pew; the knocking persisted while the dream faded; she awoke, there was someone at the door.

Quickly she rose from her bed, threw her tabard over her head and answered the door. It was Sister Melissa; she wore no wimple and her long black hair flowed over her shoulders. She wore the black dress and apron which she had been wearing earlier; in her hands she had a collar and a lead.

"Hello again Fay, it is time for you to meet the Abbott. I am to conduct you there."

"Good afternoon Sister Melissa perhaps I should brush my hair first."

Fay dashed back into the room and applied a brush to her long blonde locks; she tidied her rudimentary makeup and returned to Melissa.

"OK, I'm ready, sorry to keep you waiting Sister."

"Let me just put this on you." Sister Melissa buckled the black studded collar around Fay's neck.

"The Abbott likes the servants to look servile and submissive; hence the collar and lead." Melissa clipped the lead to the collar.

"How do you feel after your whipping," enquired Melissa.

"Better, now that the pain has begun to subside a little; thank you Sister. I cannot believe that I nearly had an orgasm while it was happening."

"That's not abnormal my angel, you were probably using arousing imagery to try and lessen the ordeal. That's something we have all learned to do. Whippings are quite commonplace at the Abbey; they say it is punishment but for some of us it is a humiliation; for others it is sexually arousing. We all learn to cope in our own way."

Melissa actually held the lead as they approached the Abbott's quarters. She knocked at the door and waited for the invitation to enter.

"Come in," called the Abbott.

The girls entered; Melissa at the fore with Fay in tow.

"Good afternoon Master; I bring you the new servant Fay."

The Abbott was dressed in a white robe. His apartment was sumptuous; located in a part of the new wing which served all the Savants. Fay judged the Abbott to be in his early forties; he was slim and quite good looking.

"Come here child and kneel in front of me. The purpose of this meeting is for you and me to become acquainted."

Fay knelt in front of him and Melissa handed the Abbott Fay's lead. Melissa moved round behind the Abbott and removed the robe from his shoulders. He stood naked in front of Fay with a rampant cock.

"You may kiss me," remarked the Abbott.

Fay realised that she had to kiss the tip of his cock which was so close to her lips. She bent slightly forward and placed her lips on the tip of his glistening member; then she realised that she had to do more, so she used her tongue to remove the bead of moisture that hung from the end of his shaft.

It tasted nice and it felt so slippery; from her little knowledge, she had expected a salty taste. She looked again and another bead had formed; she took the gift he was offering with her tongue. She noticed that his cock and balls were completely shaved and a tattoo surrounded the whole of his genitalia.

She opened her lips and slid them over his glans; she used her tongue to remove yet more pre-cum from the tip of his sturdy weapon. She bobbed her head back and forth, letting his knob fuck her mouth. The Abbott stood perfectly still; Fay did all the work.

The Abbott placed his hands at the back of Fay's head and encouraged her to take more of shaft inside her. She gagged as the tip touched the back of her throat. She pulled back and then moved gently forward again; mentally telling her gag reflex to stand easy. This time she coped and slowly she was able increase the length of her stroke until she had taken in as much as she physically could. Her lips were now touching his scrotum and pubic bone.

Melissa looked on in admiration; this girl was good. By all accounts she was very inexperienced and yet she was learning fast. She would soon be a Scholar, she thought.

Fay could hardly feel the weals on her back and buttocks; the soreness in her damaged pussy as she slowly fucked the Abbott's cock. She had no experience in giving head; so she just did what she thought needed doing; but she knew what the end result might be. The question was, what would she do with his seed once he had deposited it in her mouth?

She had heard that some girls swallowed but that others were reluctant to take it down. She used her imagination to try and resolve the problem. She was sucking the cock of this very fit man and he was going to give her his seed. She had to remove all doubts; if she was to swallow his seed willingly, she had to convince herself that she desperately wanted it. The seed would be good for her; she wanted it inside her. It would be like drinking down something special; it would be nectar beyond price and she wanted to take it all without spilling a single drop, all thoughts of what it might be like in reality, she dismissed from her mind.

She did want it; she was keen and willing to let him squirt his sperm down her throat. She sucked harder; eager to take him; knowing that soon he would explode; she visualized drawing the semen up from his balls. Then it would be forced along his urethra and it would spray into her mouth. At each stroke she imagined the drawing up process; she was willing it to happen. She felt the Abbott tense; she knew that he was close. She continued her ministrations; so eager now to make him come inside her.
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Then she felt the swell of his prick. Without warning, the Abbott pulled himself from her mouth; the hot seed squirted all over her face. One squirt, another and then another. She let the warm fluid slide down her face; it was in her eyes, round her mouth and on her chin. She felt it dribble down and onto her breasts. She put out her tongue to pull what she could into her mouth; now this did taste salty but it was wonderful. She wanted to please him and she used her tongue to clean the rest of the juices from his tool; she wanted him to realise that she wanted his seed inside her mouth; she enjoyed it. She imagined that the protein would go to her breasts and make her as voluptuous as Sister Melissa.

"Thank you my child you have pleased your Master. I will look forward to renewing our acquaintance tonight at your induction. Now run along with Sister Melissa."

Thank god he had not wanted to penetrate her; she had been dreading that. That was it, interview over; a quick blow job and a pat on the head. Fay could still taste him in her mouth but she was happy to forego the pleasure of feeling his cock in her still sore pussy.

Melissa wiped her face down with a towel and helped her to replace her tabard. They left the apartment and headed back to the dormitory.

"You did very well Fay; you almost seemed to be enjoying it. Have you ever sucked a cock before today?"

"No Sister Melissa, it was a completely new experience for me; it just seemed to be intuitive; somehow I just knew what was expected from me."

"Well you certainly looked good; as if you had been doing it all your life. The Abbott was very pleased with your performance; he will not forget you in a hurry.

"You need to shower and change into a new tabard; spruce yourself up and be prepared to go to the Abbey when the six-o-clock bell sounds. Run along and once again' well done."

Fay found the washroom next to her dormitory; it was sign as washroom B so she assumed it was the right one. There were four toilet cubicles along one wall but none of them had doors. A row of five white porcelain washbasins were located back to back with another row of five along the centre of the room; the wastes drained into a single galvanised trough which emptied into a gully in the floor. On the other wall there was a large shower tray, perhaps ten feet long by four, and a series of shower heads projected out from the wall. Bars of soap were located at convenient points in small stainless steel dishes with holes in them.

Fay stripped off her tabard for the umpteenth time that day and stepped into the shower; she turned on the water until it was nice and warm and started to soap herself down.

"You getting ready for prayers," said a voice behind her?

It was Kate who was about to step into the shower. Kate moved up close to share the one shower head rather than turn on another; she started to soap Fay. Assuming that she might be expected to reciprocate, Fay started applying her soap to Kate.

"We share everything in here. You will get used to the total lack of privacy; soon you will be peeing and crapping without trying to wait until there is no one around," stated Kate.

"Yes, I noticed it was a little lacking in privacy."

"You will notice that we are pretty cavalier about touching each other's bodies." Once she had said it, Kate immediately slipped her soap into Fay's crotch and started soaping her pussy. "I hope you don't mind; you can do me if you want."

They spent the next few minutes running their soapy hands all over each other. Kate was not averse to using her fingers to arouse Fay in the folds of flesh between her legs. Fay capitulated and started to give as good as she got; she wanted Kate to feel just how she was feeling.


They pushed their chests up close and used their nipples to massage each other's breasts; slowly drawing circles with their tumescent teats. Then Kate decided to kiss Fay on the breasts; she bent and took her nipple into her mouth; she sucked gently; teased the nipple between her teeth. Fay moaned with pleasure.

Then it was Fay's turn to do the same and to make Kate yield herself up to pleasure. Kate knelt in the shower and turning her head up she put her lips to Fay's naked pussy; she inserted her tongue and traced the length of her groove. She flicked her tongue over the nub of the tiny clitoris. Fay simply widened her stance to allow more access and placed her hand on Kate's head, pulling her closer.

"Mmm, this is good," murmured Fay. "Come let me have a go."

She dropped to her knees while Kate stood and then buried her head between her legs; trying to remember all the moves and tricks that had been used on her.

It was obviously working because Kate started to moan; as Fay used her tongue, the moans grew louder and Kate was urging her on. Fay placed a finger on Kate's anus and pushed; the moaning did not abate; if anything it increased. Her mouth was deep into Kate's pussy and her tongue was performing its magic. She pushed a little harder with her finger and she felt Kate's sphincter open to receive her. She let the finger go as far as it could and then she move it slowly inside the girl's passage, stimulating the walls of her dark hole; feeling the tightness as the sphincter gripped her tightly.

Fay increased the tempo of her tonguing and she could feel that Kate was getting very aroused; she was actually conveying her arousal by squeezing the finger more tightly. Finally, Kate could withstand the onslaught any longer; the waves of her orgasm crashed over her; her body shook with the spasms; she cried out in ecstasy and she ejected Fay's finger from her back passage.

As the two girls relaxed, the only noise came from the small group of naked girls who had been watching. They showed their appreciation by bursting into spontaneous applause. Fay felt embarrassed but Kate merely smiled back at her audience.

"Welcome to St Sapphia's Fay; you will do well here."

Chapter Seven is coming soon - will it bring a climax?
Chapter Seven - pt1

They finished their showering while the other girls started theirs. Fay returned to the dormitory, hung her towels over the end of the bed and took her clean tabard from the locker. She applied the lightest of makeup to her eyes and lips and started to brush her hair. No sooner had she started than Angela came over and offered to brush it for her. They sat on the edge of the bed while Angela patiently brushed the hair until it was completely dry. Fay could feel Angela's hands in her hair and luxuriated in the feeling; she reached back and put her hand on Angela's pussy. She had no intention of giving her an orgasm, they didn't have time, but she just wanted her to know that she appreciated her kind actions.

Eventually all the girls were dressed and ready; they started to think about making their way up to the chapel.

Fay made her excuses and rushed back to Mistress Isabella's apartment.

"Up on the table young lady," she commanded.

Not again thought Fay.

"When I have finished with you, you will bleed like a virgin," Isabella assured her. "Just lay back; open your legs and relax."

Isabella started by inserting a normal speculum into Fay's tight vagina. Down the middle she inserted a roll of light plastic material and slid the speculum out. The plastic opened out to form a perfect tube in her vagina. She placed a plastic drinking straw in the tube till it reached the very end of the passage; then placed a plastic bag containing blood into the tube. She tamped it very gently with a flat ended instrument; being careful not to rupture the fine plastic of the bag.

As the bag progressed down the passage, air was expelled through the straw. When she was satisfied she withdrew the straw and then the tube. She sprayed the rim of the open pussy with a fine liquid.

"Now walk very carefully to the chapel; no sudden movements. The spray will anaesthetise your torn hymen so as not to spoil your enjoyment of the initiation.

"It also acts on the vaginal muscles to make them contract. That will keep your virginity in place until you are lying on your back.

"When you are penetrated, the cock will feel resistance from your plastic hymen and any undue pressure will burst the bag. You will appear to bleed and I will be on hand to make sure that the bag is not withdrawn with the cock.

"Now go and enjoy yourself."

"Thank you Mistress."

As Fay walked carefully back to the chapel she wondered two things; what the hell was going to happen tonight and why the hell was she thanking her rapist?

When she arrived, Fay joined the rest of the female servants behind the rows of chairs; there must have been twenty of them all wearing the regulation tabard. All had bare feet and were bare headed. The occasional girl wore a headband or slide to keep the hair from her eyes.

Across the way there were about twenty male servants; all barefoot and wearing tabards. Fay spotted Tom and smiled at him. He looked back and shrugged as if to say 'what the hell are we doing here? What the hell is happening?' Then he smiled at her, pleased to see that she was safe and well; pleased to see a familiar face.

The Scholars filed in from either side; the brothers seemed to be wearing a lightweight brown robe which left their arms bare. In fact, it was more of a cloak that simply wrapped over and was secured by a white cord. Fay smiled inwardly as she imagined these brothers being in her dream.

The sisters mainly wore black but were wearing high heels and stockings; their wimples covered their head and hair. Fay smiled at those sisters that she recognised; most of them returned her smile.

When they were all seated the twelve Savants; dressed in white robes; took their places in a semi-circle beneath the curved east wall; Mistress Isabella, Isabella the Insatiable as she nicknamed her, was sitting on the end of a row.

The Abbott and Abbess stood and approached the altar.

"This evening we are all gathered to witness and celebrate the safe arrival of Fay and Tom in our midst; tonight they will be inducted into the Order of St Sapphia as servants," announced the Abbot.

To Fay's surprise, there was a round of applause.

"Sister Louise and Brother Michael have been chosen to act as mentors for Fay and Tom; would they please bring their candidates forward," said the Abbess.

Sister Louise rose from her chair and came towards Fay; she took her gently by the arm and led her towards the altar. Brother Michael did the same with Tom and soon, the four of them were standing with the Abbott and Abbess.

Fay stood with her back to the right hand end of the altar with Sister Louise facing her. Tom stood with his back to the left hand end with Brother Michael facing him. The Abbess stood with the left hand group and the Abbott with those on the right.

Fay realised that both she and Louise were now standing on the 'wrong' side of the Abbey; as were Tom and Michael.

At a nod from the Abbot, Sister Louise stepped closer to Fay and undid her tabard; suddenly it was hanging loose, hardly touching Fay's legs. Louise then drew the tabard slowly over Fay's head to leave her standing naked and exposed before the assembled company. She assumed that Tom had been similarly stripped by Michael.

The two mentors took the tabards and stepped towards the sides of the chapel. The Abbott stood in front of Fay and gave her a smile of recognition; The Abbess adopted a similar position in front of Tom.

Suddenly the Abbott bent down and he was kneeling at Fay's feet. He lowered his head down and kissed first her left foot and then her right.

"Blessed be thy feet for they have brought thee to us."

The Abbott then kissed her left knee and her right knee.

"Blessed be thy knees for they shall kneel at the sacred altar."

The Abbott then placed a kiss firmly on Fay's pussy.

"Blessed be thy virgin womb, for that is a special gift, it shall serve St Sapphia."

Fay remembered this as the blessing that Louise had given only the previous evening. Tom meanwhile was receiving a similar blessing from the Abbess except she 'blessed his phallus'.

The Abbott kissed each of Fay's breasts in turn.

"Blessed be thy breasts formed in beauty for our service."

Simultaneously, the Abbess kissed each of Tom's breasts in turn.

"Blessed be thy breasts formed in strength for our service."

Finally both Fay and Tom were kissed fully on the lips.

"Blessed be thy lips for they shall utter the sacred words of assent."

With this part of the ceremonial over, the Abbot and the Abbess stood upright and bade the candidates to kneel at either end of the altar. They both kneeled ard were instructed to grip the iron rings at the corners of the altar slab. In front of her face Fay saw a small lectern with a printed card on it; she assumed this to be her script.

The Abbott continued, "Fay you have chosen of your own free will to join the Order of Saint Sapphia; if you are ready to proceed I would ask you to read the words of assent which are laid out before you."

Fay read, "I Fay do hereby affirm that I wish to join the Order of Saint Sapphia; that I do so willingly of my own free will and without coercion from others.

"These are the gifts that I bring to Saint Sapphia.

"I give you my feet for they have helped me to find you; they shall willingly walk in your way.

"I give you my knees for they shall pray at your altar and become a symbol of my enduring humility.

"I give you my virgin womb; if it is your will, for the procreation of children; also for your service in providing pleasure to all my family, gathered here in thy name. Let the cries of passion and ecstasy which my womb provides be as an offering to your holy name.

"I give you my breasts that they may sustain and comfort those who do your work.

"I give you the lips that have uttered these words of assent; may they continue to sing thy praises for evermore.

"To my brothers and sisters in St Sapphia; whether they be Savant, Scholar or servant; I give my whole self to the service of our beloved founder. That through our mutual pleasures and fellowship we will come to love each other with a love that transcends all other. So let it be."

Then the Abbott spoke. "I commend the virgin Fay to you all; take her to your hearts and help her to achieve true greatness in the service of St Sapphia and her fellow Sapphesians. Welcome to our Order, Fay," after the Abbott had spoken these words there was a great round of applause.

Then it was Tom's turn to make his declaration; he too was greeted with appreciation from the audience.

The Abbess then spoke, "Now it is time for our two candidates to consummate their initiation into the order. The sponsors will step forward please."

Brother Michael crossed over and came to Fay's end of the altar and stood in front of her. He was in his early thirties and extremely fit looking. Fay wondered what might be lurking under his cloak; she decided he could definitely have a part in her dream that evening.

He unfastened the cord at his waist and his robe fell open to reveal a slender muscular body; again, the pubic region was completely shaved. Fay wondered if they shaved their privates instead of having a tonsure; that would be a novel twist. Fay hadn't overlooked the fact that Michael was extremely well hung and sported a massive erection.


Sister Louise stood in front of Tom; she reached behind her back and unfastened her habit. It slid down her body to lie in a pool of black material around her ankles. She was naked from the waist down and she retained the wimple on her head. She wore a black camisole that barely covered her breasts; the length of the garment was such that her navel was fully exposed. The camisole was worn under a sheer top that left little to the imagination. On her hands she wore gloves; she bowed her head and touched her hands together to indicate pious humility. Tom tried hard not to gasp aloud; he could feel the blood rushing to his member and he just knew that he was going to have an erection.
Chapter Seven - pt2

Michael and the Abbott assisted Fay in mounting the altar slab; they swivelled her round on her bottom then laid her with her back against the cool marble. The shock of the cold stone soon passed and she felt a soothing effect as it cooled her recent stripes. They laid her back and spread her arms and legs; her position was submissive and her body was fully exposed.

Louise and the Abbess helped Tom up; until he was kneeling on the slab between Fay's splayed legs. Brother Michael tested the wetness of Fay's pussy and used his fingers to stimulate her into producing more lubricant. Fay thought the process unnecessary as she was already quite prepared for penetration.

Louise oiled Tom's tool and stroked it, "I am your frotteuse," she whispered to him. "It is my job to ensure that you are nice and stiff for my baby."

She wondered at the size of the cock in her hand; she thought it was massive and rather envied Fay. As she had said, it was her duty to ensure that he was fully erect, oiled and ready to effect a smooth penetration. She mused that it would have been better had she ordered him practice on her first.

"Now you be gentle with my girl," she whispered to Tom. "Any complaints and I will be sure to come looking for you."

"As for you Miss Fay, just relax and enjoy; if you should make a noise, then all the better." Louise smiled at her trainee.

The Abbot then gave a blessing, "Blessed be this young man and this young maiden as they consummate their dedication to St Sapphia by their joining, one with the other. As the sword that is his phallus enters the chalice that is her womb, let it symbolise the joining of Brothers and Sisters over the centuries."

"So we meet again," quipped Tom sotto voce as he placed the point of his prick against the entrance to Fay's cunt.

"Enough of the delicate foreplay Tom; just fuck me," replied Fay smiling.

Tom gently eased his member into Fay's tight little cunt and encountered some resistance. Nobody had warned him that she might be a virgin; he pushed gently against her hymen; willing it to break without causing her any pain. He felt it give as he forced his way in; she gave a start but did not cry out. When he was satisfied that they were both comfortable he started to thrust back and forth. His strokes were deep, slow and rhythmic; he was trying to build her up gently. He could feel the wetness of her blood and imagined it dripping onto the altar beneath her.

Fay had never felt a prick like it; that was true because she didn't think that a dildo counted. It seemed to fit her perfectly; it felt so good; nothing like the violation she had experienced that afternoon. This guy wasn't fucking her; he was making love to her. He was skilfully using his shaft to play with her; to stimulate her as he might with a finger. He was teasing her, determined that she would enjoy the experience. She thanked god that the anaesthetic was still working, it dulled any pain from her hymen but didn't affect her clit or the depths of her cunt.

Why had she never tried this before? This was amazing; had she known it could be like this she would have been keener to try sooner. Where had someone like Tom been all her life? He was pumping her; each gentle thrust raised the feelings in her body. She could feel herself building towards a climax.

Tom continued toying with her; he knew that she was getting excited. When she was ready he would fuck her hard; but for now he was happy to raise her up slowly. He could hear her moaning; he bent and kissed her on the lips.

"Happy," he asked?

"Mmm yes," she replied in a dreamy voice.

He increased the tempo a little; the gentle thrusts became slightly firmer. He could feel his own climax was not too far away. He wondered if she was ready for the finale.

Suddenly she whispered, "Tom, I want you to fuck me now; fuck me hard; shoot your spunk inside me."

He said nothing, but raised the tempo slightly; he knew that her arousal was increasing fast. He decided that it was time to let go. He stopped loving her and started fucking her. He visualized her dressed like Louise with a tempting pussy but a nun nevertheless. He would be fucking a sweet innocent nun; he liked the idea. Fay's tight pussy was all that interested him now; he was going to fuck until he exploded.

The pussy called out to him, "fuck me harder you bastard; fuck me. Fuck me now; yes take me; harder come on. Use my cunt it is all yours; use me for your pleasure. Come on, deeper, harder. I'm coming; sweet jesus take me; fuck me; fuck me."

Tom knew that he had got her; he reckoned that he could just about hold out. He drove his shaft deep into her pussy; willing her to come. Her moans grew louder and more urgent; she was coming.

"Aaaah," she cried as the first spasm hit her.

Before the second spasm arrived, Tom was shooting his warm white essence into the depths of her near virginal pussy. When she felt the first wave of his sperm hit her womb her second spasm came. Tom continued to pump her as he emptied his balls into her. She continued to be hit by wave after wave of orgasm.

"God," she cried out to no-one in particular, she could hardly catch her breath and her head was spinning.

When Tom sensed that she had had enough; that she had experienced her final spasm. He ceased his pumping and lay quietly on top of her; taking his weight on his elbows.

"You Ok," he whispered?

"Oh yes thank you Tom; that was absolutely amazing. I never realised that intercourse could be so fulfilling, if you'll pardon the pun."

"Just lie still and relax. No doubt someone will tell us what to do next."

They were left in a post coital clinch for the next five minutes; then Louise tapped Tom on the shoulder and indicated that he should withdraw his still tumescent cock from 'her girl's' pussy.

Mistress Isabella had stepped forward and with a towel in her hand she watched Tom's cock as he gently slid out; there was no evidence of chicanery on either of them; the plastic was still safe, deep inside. She went back to her seat.

Louise came up and helped Tom down from the altar.

She looked at him and whispered, "mentor's privileges," and then she started to clean him up with a towel; she wiped the occasional patch of blood from his body.

She took his prick in her hand and proceeded to lick all the juices, including the blood, from it; she enjoyed the intermingled flavours of Tom and Fay which she tasted on her tongue; she handed him his tabard and made him dress.

Brother Michael applied a towel to the surface of the altar; mopping up all the spilled blood; he wiped the backs of Fay's legs and her buttocks. Gently he wiped towards her pussy; then he leaned over the altar and applied his tongue to Fay's bloody red gash. He lapped the evidence of her earlier passion from her wet cunt with obvious relish. He was so thorough that Fay thought she might have another orgasm. He lifted her down and slipped her tabard over her head; he adjusted the internal draw strings until the garment, both fore and aft, presented a strip only six inches wide to cover her modesty. He fastened her cord round her waist and patted her bum to indicate that she was done.

The audience offered tumultuous applause as the four participants returned to their seats in the hall. One Scholar gave her seat up for Fay who was obviously exhausted, both mentally and physically.

The Abbess welcomed the new initiates, Fay and Tom, to the Order and announced that some entertainment had been laid on downstairs.
Chapter Eight will follow shortly - will you be joining us?
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Chapter Eight - pt1

Fay went first to the washroom and douched her vagina with a shower hose; she unscrewed the rose and shoved the nozzle deep inside her. She saw the remains of the blood pouring from her body and finally a soggy plastic bag, like a used condom, flopped into the toilet bowl. She flushed and went to the party.

It seemed that most of the Savants and Scholars had returned to their quarters before joining events in the undercroft. When Fay arrived with a group of servants it just seemed to be the 'slaves' as they had nicknamed the whole band of servants; men and girls.

The room had been laid out with tables and chairs; there was a large buffet on a trestle table and a bar serving a wide variety of beers, wines and spirits. Tom came over and hugged Fay tight before kissing her tenderly; he went to get her a large glass of white wine. Fay looked around and noticed that all of the 'slaves' had done their best to adjust their tabards so that they displayed a little more leg than usual.

Finally the Scholars began to return from their rooms. Many of the Brothers had adopted a tabard similar to the 'slaves' except they were in black or brown. However the materials used were very lightweight and included some silks and fine cotton lawn. The way that some of the garments were gathered at the front and rear was even tighter than the 'slaves' could manage with their heavy cotton. From the side and when they walked there was a fine display of shaven cock and pendulous scrotum.

The Sisters mostly wore a parody of their usual habit and were exposing a lot of flesh. Many seemed to retain the wimple but most were wearing a combination of bras, panties, stockings and suspenders. Some had obviously decided that dress was 'optional' literally.

The Savants didn't appear at the party. Louise whispered in Fay's ear that they were probably doing 'their own thing' and would have their hands full or be tied up.

08a-sexy nun.jpg

Fay drew her own conclusions from this. One or two of the 'slave' girls came over and congratulated her on her performance. She assured them that it was no performance, it was for real and that; should they get the chance; they should try having it with Tom.

In the corner two Sisters, wearing short pvc outfits were being extremely friendly. Where the hell had they got those outfits from, she wondered? She would have to investigate the 'NLE Shop' to see if it stocked this sort of clothing; dirty habits as she came to call them.


Fay was tired and hungry; she didn't know which emotion to give in to; so she drank instead. After a few wines she was getting light headed and tackled the buffet. It was certainly better than the buffet at lunchtime. A Scholar called Sister Ruth came over and introduced herself.

Ruth seemed to have lost the dress from her habit; her breasts were visible below the yoke of her wimple and her body was exposed through the front of her black cloak.

"I thought you did very well tonight," she said. "Your vows sounded so sincere and the way you took the initiation on the altar had me stroking myself under my habit; still got the damp knickers to prove it."

Fay smiled, "twenty four hours ago I would have run a mile from this place but somehow, everything I experience, just seems to get better and better. I haven't seen you around before, what is your speciality Sister?"

"Oh, I spend a lot of time down at the farm. We have locals who work for us but I do most of the supervision; then of course we have the experimental section which is totally staffed by members of the Order."


"What sort of experiments Sister," Fay enquired?

"Sorry I can't really give you any details until your security clearance comes through; but it's very interesting and quite different from anything I have done before. Please, drop the 'Sister' this is an informal activity; you may call me Ruth."

"The farm sounds interesting Ruth; hopefully I will see it someday."

"Oh, I am sure you will. So tell me, are you into boys or girls?"

"Why not ask me straight out," exclaimed Fay. "Two days ago I had assumed that boys were what I should be into; as you put it. I had a little experience but not much as they didn't really interest me. Today, I discovered that girls have a lot to offer me and I do enjoy their company and I like making out with them. Now, about half an hour ago, I discovered that making love with a man can be wonderful. So, to answer your question, I am not sure; can I say both?"

"You certainly can," said Ruth as she leaned forward and kissed Fay full on the mouth. Her hand slipped under her tabard and grabbed a handful of Fay's left breast.

"You have a lovely body; I would love to see more of it."

The hand dropped to her pussy and felt the moisture forming between the folds of flesh; a finger ran through Fay's slit.

"But not tonight Fay, I have to get some sleep. We start early on the farm." With a final kiss on the lips she turned and walked away.

Time for bed too, thought Fay. I have a few things to dream about. She put down her plate and glass and walked back to her dormitory and let herself in.

There were just five girls there; the rest must still be partying she thought. She stripped off her tabard, grabbed her towel and went to the washroom; there were two more there, playing in the shower.

"Evening girls," she said as she entered.

"You can come and join us if you have any energy left," they giggled.

Fay decided to shower without getting her hair wet; she really couldn't be bothered to dry it. She pushed her body into the warm spray; keeping her head held back. She soaped her aching vagina and tried to remove all traces of the evening's activities. The other two just laughed and continued petting and kissing.

Fay dried herself down and returned to the dormitory. The others were lying in bed.

"Did you see anything of Lisette and Sonia while you were in the shower," enquired Kate?

"I think they may be a little longer," suggested Fay. "They seemed rather occupied."

Kate smiled. "That just leaves Sandra and Angela; I bet they are shacked up with a Scholar somewhere. Still, can't blame them; their beds are a damned sight more comfortable than these; they will be back for breakfast."

"They might have been summoned to easy street," suggested Marilyn. "They could be sharing a bed with one of the Masters; or a Mistress; or indeed both."

"Night girls; lights out," announced Kate as she doused the main light.


Only a couple of small bedside reading lights illuminated the gloom of the dormitory. The heat of the day still stifled the small dormitory; the window was insufficient to cool the air. They had propped the door ajar in the hopes of getting a through draught; it would be a long time before these girls needed the warmth of their duvets. They all lay naked on their beds; perhaps dreaming of the day just gone or looking forward to the day ahead. Fay's mind raced through all that had happened since she had come to the island; how she had been transformed completely from the shy virgin to a bi-sexual nymphomaniac.

She dreamed that she herself was a nun; she must have been a Savant because her apartment was quite large with smooth white walls and a timbered ceiling. She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and liked what she saw.

Her head and hair were completely covered with a black wimple edged with a white band across her forehead; she wore a white collar. Her habit was in two parts with a black skirt down to her knees and a black top which was open at the front. She could see her bare breasts; she admired how they seemed to have grown; it was obvious that the semen diet had been working.

Each morning she would summon three young male servants; she stood them in a row and ordered them to strip. They were to play with their cocks until they were rigid and ready to ejaculate. She would kneel in front of each in turn and force them to spew their warm creamy load between her eager lips. Any spillage would be rewarded later with a lash from the cane. When they had all finished she would dismiss the trio of youths and they would walk back to their quarters naked, trailing their tabards behind them.

Satiated with her liquid breakfast, she picked up the large leather whip and remembered that this morning she had another job to perform. The Sisters Melissa and Julie had been misbehaving; they were to be punished.

The two naughty nuns had been sent to the mainland to conduct some business for the Abbey. When it was completed they decided to have a little drink before they started their return journey. One drink led to another and they each got a little tipsy and a bit boisterous.


Finally, Julie had pulled up her habit and revealed that she wore very little under it; even dropping her panties to show her shaven mons. A photograph of the escapade had been sent to the Abbess and now it was time for Fay to punish them.

Fay pondered about the couple, they seemed to be very close and they did everything together. How would she punish them? There was no doubt that Melissa was the ring leader; Julie was naturally quite shy; but it only took a little alcohol and some encouragement from Melissa and she became a hungry tigress; craving sex and the lascivious attentions of her friend.

Fay had decided that she would whip Melissa and then have a little fun with the girls. The girls were due in a few minutes so she took the opportunity to make a few preparations. She poured herself a stiff drink and washed down the lingering taste of her protein diet.

A knock on the door announced the arrival of the miscreants.

"Come in," she said.

The door opened slowly and the two debauchees entered the room. Fay made them stand in front of her while she sat at her desk; on the desk were the whip, a white card and a camera.

"You know why you are here?"

"No Mistress Fay, no idea whatsoever."

"Perhaps you can explain this," said Fay as she turned over the photograph of the two nuns.

"Oh my god," yelped Melissa. "Where did that come from?"

"Do you recognise the nuns in the picture?"

"Yes Mistress, it is the two of us. We were only having some fun; we had no idea that someone had snapped us."

"Unfortunately the Abbess does not consider it to be fun and it is my duty to punish you both."

"I want you Sister Julie to remove all of Sister Melissa's clothes."

Julie stepped forward and began to remove the few clothes from Melissa's body. She unfastened the wimple and removed it; Melissa's dark hair cascaded down over her shoulders. Then she unfastened the white modesty collar which surrounded Melissa's slender neck. With cotton garment removed the swell of Melissa's breasts and her ample cleavage were revealed.

Julie unbuttoned the black habit and revealed the statuesque figure of her best friend, her closest friend; Melissa stood in her bra and pants trying not to be embarrassed as Mistress Fay eyed her sumptuous curves. She felt the release of her bra; she felt the relief as the constrictive garment was eased from her nubile breasts; finally she was revealed, her nipples erect and her dark brown areolae contrasting with her lightly tanned skin.
Chapter Eight - pt2

Julie knelt at her feet and put her fingers beneath the elastic at either side of Melissa's brief panties; slowly she drew the flimsy material down until her smooth pussy was revealed. Julie detected a glint of excitement and, as if by accident, she collected the moisture on her finger and slyly transferred it to her tongue.

"Mmmm," murmured Julie so softly that only Melissa heard.

The panties were down at her ankles and Melissa stepped out of them. Fay ordered her to turn slowly; she wanted to humiliate this girl; she also wanted to see all of her beautiful body.

Fay approached with a loop of cord.

"Put out your hands," she ordered. "Place the wrists together."

She slipped the rope over the two wrists and then took two turns with the remaining loop to form a handcuff. Fay reached up and hooked the loop over a nail in the beam above.

"Now I want you to watch closely," she instructed Julie. "I will whip your girl friend and you will feel every stroke of her pain. Her punishment will be the lash of the whip; yours will be in having to watch her suffering."

Fay approached the now suspended Melissa and took great delight in running her hands all over her helpless body; it was almost as if she was picking the site where the lash should stripe her. However, Fay's motive was purely selfish; she merely wanted to touch the girl; to excite her with her gentle touch.

Melissa was helpless to resist as the smooth warm hands of her Mistress caressed her body; she felt pleasure at her touch and she hoped that Julie would not notice. Julie got very jealous when Melissa spent time with other women. To see her enjoying herself at the hands of the Mistress could destroy her; perhaps this was a part of the punishment for both of them?


"I will be giving you an indeterminate number of lashes with the whip; I want you to count anyway and with each lash you will pray that it might be the last."

Mistress Fay presented the whip for Melissa to kiss. Melissa bent her head; the black leather felt smooth to her lips; she silently prayed that it would feel as smooth, across her back.

When the first lash came, it hurt; Melissa felt the long tail of leather wrap itself around her body and cross her defenceless breasts.

"One," she cried as she felt the leather tail being dragged across her flesh as Fay withdrew the whip.

"Two," the lash wound round her waist and striped her mons.

"Three," it landed on her shoulder and ran diagonally across her breasts striking the nipple. That fucking hurt, she thought.

"Four," mustn't let Jules see my pain.

"Five," it landed across her back and around her belly; grit your teeth and don't cry out.

"Six," somehow the lash landed on her hip and curled between her legs; it stung as it striped her pussy.

"Have you had enough," enquired Mistress Fay?

"Yes Mistress, thank you Mistress."

"Well now you will take another six for your lover."

"One," don't fret Jules I can take it.

"Two," I love you Jules with all my heart.

"Three," shit that hurt as the lash struck home again on her pussy.

"Four," ouch that's different; as the lash wrapped itself around her thighs.

"Five;" on the buttocks and tummy this time.

"Six, thank you Mistress."

Julie ran to Melissa and helped to untie her; she took the ointment offered by Mistress Fay and applied it to Melissa's stripes.

The ointment felt cool on her skin; the pain eased from the stinging stripes to an overall burning heat. The pair embraced and kissed each other.

"Don't mind me," declared Mistress Fay. "Do carry on; I want to see just how good you are together. You won't mind if I take a few pictures for my records?"

She picked the camera up from the table and started to photograph them.

"Ok, let's give her a show if that's what she wants. Lay down Jules."

Julie lay back on a couch; her head resting on a satin pillow. The naked Melissa lay on top of her; Julie hugged her while Melissa lay her left hand on Julie's breast.

Julie's habit had ridden up as Melissa lay between her legs; her beautiful legs, almost up to her hips, came into Mistress Fay's view finder.

They held each other very close and whispered sweet terms of endearment to each other. Julie was angry that Melissa had had to take the punishment for her; Melissa reassured her, she was the stronger partner; she didn't want anyone to hurt her darling Jules.

Melissa pulled the habit away from Julie's left shoulder. The young girl's left breast was exposed; it was small but firm and had the upturned nipple so typically found in a girl of her age. Melissa pounced on it with her lips; she kissed it until Julie moaned with the pleasure that was coursing through her body.

Melissa slid to the floor; parted Julie's legs and ran her tongue across Julie's pussy. The feeling rocked Julie's body and Melissa gave her more. Julie wanted to join in but Melissa told her to lie back and enjoy. Always doing as she was told; Julie lay back and let the feelings of enjoyment pervade her hungry body.

Melissa's tongue greedily lapped the juices from her lover's gash. She tasted so sweet; good enough to eat. Her left hand went under the habit and played with Julie's right breast. She knew that she loved this; they had a ritual which they almost invariably followed. They would kiss, cuddle and stroke each other. Then Melissa would work on the breasts, the tummy or the hips; she would plant soft kisses on the side of Julie's neck. She would work anywhere except the pussy to arouse her girl.


Then, when she sensed that it was right she would turn her attention to Julie's smooth pussy; she would nibble the thin curtains of labial flesh that hung from her vagina. Melissa thought that Julie's pussy was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen; ever tasted; ever touched. She would insert her tongue into the slit and probe for her little clitoris. She would work it with her tongue and tempt the shy retiring bud from its hiding place. That was it, Julie was just like her clitoris; she too was shy and retiring; but with a little attention of the right sort she too could be tempted to come out and play.

These two were soul mates as well as bed mates; they shared everything including themselves.

Melissa continued to work with her tongue; she loved doing this as it drove Julie wild. While her left hand teased her nipple her right was lubricating and teasing the area of sensitive skin just behind the pussy.

Julie could feel the tickling of the finger near her anus; she hoped that Mel would stimulate her there; she loved it when she did that. Mel was nearly always in charge; she was the dominant partner of the duo. If she wanted to probe her tight little hole then she would; she wouldn't ask permission. Not that she needed permission, Julie would let Mel do anything to her; she trusted her implicitly.

If Mel had wanted to strip her naked and parade her around the Abbey on a lead she would have let her do it. Mel would have a good reason and Julie didn't need to know what that reason was; she trusted her.


She could feel a finger probing the puckered entrance; her own juices, placed there by Melissa, were lubricating her; she knew that she would yield easily to the slightest pressure. When she felt the finger reach the resistance of her sphincter, she instinctively relaxed and let it invade her body; she revelled in the strange sensation as it insinuated itself into her dark passage. God; how she loved that feeling.

Melissa knew that she had Julie exactly where she wanted her; she could taste her excitement as she lapped at her labia. She tickled the clit with her tongue; gently she circled it with the very tip. Julie was moaning more urgently; she was telling Melissa to make her come.

Melissa upped the tempo of her ministrations; she gently flexed the finger that was inside her lover. How she loved to make Jules squirm; how she loved to make her beg. How long would she make her wait this time; how long before Jules started to shout and swear, begging to be fucked?

Julie could feel her orgasm building; she hoped that Mel wouldn't make her suffer. It was like sailing a canoe towards the Niagara Falls; the edge coming inexorably closer with each moment. She was on the roller coaster; slowly she was building lifted to the top of the first and highest point. Closer and closer she got; the horizon as she got nearer the top began to fall away. She knew that she was going over the edge but mentally she tried to hold back the moment. Closer came the horizon and then she felt it; the sudden dip as she plunged earthwards. Into the trough and up the next rise; her orgasm flooded over her; wave after wave as the roller coaster rose and fell. Then finally she reached the last drop; the car coasted slowly to a halt. She was exhausted; she just lay and waited for her head to stop spinning and her heart rate to slow down.

"Oh my god Mel, that was beautiful," she sighed.

"I love you Jules," sighed Melissa as she tried to extract her digit from her lover's tight grip.

When Fay awoke, it was morning. She was no longer a Savant in a smart apartment but just a poor naked slave in an iron bed. Some of the other girls were up so she joined them in the washroom. Slightly self consciously she sat on the loo while she watched the girls frolicking in the shower.

Everyone is always so happy here she thought and she went over to join them. Some had hangovers and some were still tired; they soaped and washed each other without a sexual thought in their heads; it was just the natural thing to do and it created a bond.

Having dried herself, she slipped on the cleaner of her two tabards, brushed her hair and made her way to the 'slave canteen'. There was a choice of cereals, juices and even bacon and eggs should she require it; the whole meal could be finished with a cup of hot coffee and some toast and marmalade. Today she was due to work and had been given the job of cleaning out one of the private chapels.

Coming Soon? - Chapter Nine won't be far behind you.
Chapter Seven - pt2

Michael and the Abbott assisted Fay in mounting the altar slab; they swivelled her round on her bottom then laid her with her back against the cool marble. The shock of the cold stone soon passed and she felt a soothing effect as it cooled her recent stripes. They laid her back and spread her arms and legs; her position was submissive and her body was fully exposed.

Louise and the Abbess helped Tom up; until he was kneeling on the slab between Fay's splayed legs. Brother Michael tested the wetness of Fay's pussy and used his fingers to stimulate her into producing more lubricant. Fay thought the process unnecessary as she was already quite prepared for penetration.

Louise oiled Tom's tool and stroked it, "I am your frotteuse," she whispered to him. "It is my job to ensure that you are nice and stiff for my baby."

She wondered at the size of the cock in her hand; she thought it was massive and rather envied Fay. As she had said, it was her duty to ensure that he was fully erect, oiled and ready to effect a smooth penetration. She mused that it would have been better had she ordered him practice on her first.

"Now you be gentle with my girl," she whispered to Tom. "Any complaints and I will be sure to come looking for you."

"As for you Miss Fay, just relax and enjoy; if you should make a noise, then all the better." Louise smiled at her trainee.

The Abbot then gave a blessing, "Blessed be this young man and this young maiden as they consummate their dedication to St Sapphia by their joining, one with the other. As the sword that is his phallus enters the chalice that is her womb, let it symbolise the joining of Brothers and Sisters over the centuries."

"So we meet again," quipped Tom sotto voce as he placed the point of his prick against the entrance to Fay's cunt.

"Enough of the delicate foreplay Tom; just fuck me," replied Fay smiling.

Tom gently eased his member into Fay's tight little cunt and encountered some resistance. Nobody had warned him that she might be a virgin; he pushed gently against her hymen; willing it to break without causing her any pain. He felt it give as he forced his way in; she gave a start but did not cry out. When he was satisfied that they were both comfortable he started to thrust back and forth. His strokes were deep, slow and rhythmic; he was trying to build her up gently. He could feel the wetness of her blood and imagined it dripping onto the altar beneath her.

Fay had never felt a prick like it; that was true because she didn't think that a dildo counted. It seemed to fit her perfectly; it felt so good; nothing like the violation she had experienced that afternoon. This guy wasn't fucking her; he was making love to her. He was skilfully using his shaft to play with her; to stimulate her as he might with a finger. He was teasing her, determined that she would enjoy the experience. She thanked god that the anaesthetic was still working, it dulled any pain from her hymen but didn't affect her clit or the depths of her cunt.

Why had she never tried this before? This was amazing; had she known it could be like this she would have been keener to try sooner. Where had someone like Tom been all her life? He was pumping her; each gentle thrust raised the feelings in her body. She could feel herself building towards a climax.

Tom continued toying with her; he knew that she was getting excited. When she was ready he would fuck her hard; but for now he was happy to raise her up slowly. He could hear her moaning; he bent and kissed her on the lips.

"Happy," he asked?

"Mmm yes," she replied in a dreamy voice.

He increased the tempo a little; the gentle thrusts became slightly firmer. He could feel his own climax was not too far away. He wondered if she was ready for the finale.

Suddenly she whispered, "Tom, I want you to fuck me now; fuck me hard; shoot your spunk inside me."

He said nothing, but raised the tempo slightly; he knew that her arousal was increasing fast. He decided that it was time to let go. He stopped loving her and started fucking her. He visualized her dressed like Louise with a tempting pussy but a nun nevertheless. He would be fucking a sweet innocent nun; he liked the idea. Fay's tight pussy was all that interested him now; he was going to fuck until he exploded.

The pussy called out to him, "fuck me harder you bastard; fuck me. Fuck me now; yes take me; harder come on. Use my cunt it is all yours; use me for your pleasure. Come on, deeper, harder. I'm coming; sweet jesus take me; fuck me; fuck me."

Tom knew that he had got her; he reckoned that he could just about hold out. He drove his shaft deep into her pussy; willing her to come. Her moans grew louder and more urgent; she was coming.

"Aaaah," she cried as the first spasm hit her.

Before the second spasm arrived, Tom was shooting his warm white essence into the depths of her near virginal pussy. When she felt the first wave of his sperm hit her womb her second spasm came. Tom continued to pump her as he emptied his balls into her. She continued to be hit by wave after wave of orgasm.

"God," she cried out to no-one in particular, she could hardly catch her breath and her head was spinning.

When Tom sensed that she had had enough; that she had experienced her final spasm. He ceased his pumping and lay quietly on top of her; taking his weight on his elbows.

"You Ok," he whispered?

"Oh yes thank you Tom; that was absolutely amazing. I never realised that intercourse could be so fulfilling, if you'll pardon the pun."

"Just lie still and relax. No doubt someone will tell us what to do next."

They were left in a post coital clinch for the next five minutes; then Louise tapped Tom on the shoulder and indicated that he should withdraw his still tumescent cock from 'her girl's' pussy.

Mistress Isabella had stepped forward and with a towel in her hand she watched Tom's cock as he gently slid out; there was no evidence of chicanery on either of them; the plastic was still safe, deep inside. She went back to her seat.

Louise came up and helped Tom down from the altar.

She looked at him and whispered, "mentor's privileges," and then she started to clean him up with a towel; she wiped the occasional patch of blood from his body.

She took his prick in her hand and proceeded to lick all the juices, including the blood, from it; she enjoyed the intermingled flavours of Tom and Fay which she tasted on her tongue; she handed him his tabard and made him dress.

Brother Michael applied a towel to the surface of the altar; mopping up all the spilled blood; he wiped the backs of Fay's legs and her buttocks. Gently he wiped towards her pussy; then he leaned over the altar and applied his tongue to Fay's bloody red gash. He lapped the evidence of her earlier passion from her wet cunt with obvious relish. He was so thorough that Fay thought she might have another orgasm. He lifted her down and slipped her tabard over her head; he adjusted the internal draw strings until the garment, both fore and aft, presented a strip only six inches wide to cover her modesty. He fastened her cord round her waist and patted her bum to indicate that she was done.

The audience offered tumultuous applause as the four participants returned to their seats in the hall. One Scholar gave her seat up for Fay who was obviously exhausted, both mentally and physically.

The Abbess welcomed the new initiates, Fay and Tom, to the Order and announced that some entertainment had been laid on downstairs.
Chapter Eight will follow shortly - will you be joining us?

That, Crucifer, was one of the best sex scenes I've read. Beautifully written! :)
Chapter Eight - pt2

Julie knelt at her feet and put her fingers beneath the elastic at either side of Melissa's brief panties; slowly she drew the flimsy material down until her smooth pussy was revealed. Julie detected a glint of excitement and, as if by accident, she collected the moisture on her finger and slyly transferred it to her tongue.

"Mmmm," murmured Julie so softly that only Melissa heard.

The panties were down at her ankles and Melissa stepped out of them. Fay ordered her to turn slowly; she wanted to humiliate this girl; she also wanted to see all of her beautiful body.

Fay approached with a loop of cord.

"Put out your hands," she ordered. "Place the wrists together."

She slipped the rope over the two wrists and then took two turns with the remaining loop to form a handcuff. Fay reached up and hooked the loop over a nail in the beam above.

"Now I want you to watch closely," she instructed Julie. "I will whip your girl friend and you will feel every stroke of her pain. Her punishment will be the lash of the whip; yours will be in having to watch her suffering."

Fay approached the now suspended Melissa and took great delight in running her hands all over her helpless body; it was almost as if she was picking the site where the lash should stripe her. However, Fay's motive was purely selfish; she merely wanted to touch the girl; to excite her with her gentle touch.

Melissa was helpless to resist as the smooth warm hands of her Mistress caressed her body; she felt pleasure at her touch and she hoped that Julie would not notice. Julie got very jealous when Melissa spent time with other women. To see her enjoying herself at the hands of the Mistress could destroy her; perhaps this was a part of the punishment for both of them?

"I will be giving you an indeterminate number of lashes with the whip; I want you to count anyway and with each lash you will pray that it might be the last."

Mistress Fay presented the whip for Melissa to kiss. Melissa bent her head; the black leather felt smooth to her lips; she silently prayed that it would feel as smooth, across her back.

When the first lash came, it hurt; Melissa felt the long tail of leather wrap itself around her body and cross her defenceless breasts.

"One," she cried as she felt the leather tail being dragged across her flesh as Fay withdrew the whip.

"Two," the lash wound round her waist and striped her mons.

"Three," it landed on her shoulder and ran diagonally across her breasts striking the nipple. That fucking hurt, she thought.

"Four," mustn't let Jules see my pain.

"Five," it landed across her back and around her belly; grit your teeth and don't cry out.

"Six," somehow the lash landed on her hip and curled between her legs; it stung as it striped her pussy.

"Have you had enough," enquired Mistress Fay?

"Yes Mistress, thank you Mistress."

"Well now you will take another six for your lover."

"One," don't fret Jules I can take it.

"Two," I love you Jules with all my heart.

"Three," shit that hurt as the lash struck home again on her pussy.

"Four," ouch that's different; as the lash wrapped itself around her thighs.

"Five;" on the buttocks and tummy this time.

"Six, thank you Mistress."

Julie ran to Melissa and helped to untie her; she took the ointment offered by Mistress Fay and applied it to Melissa's stripes.

The ointment felt cool on her skin; the pain eased from the stinging stripes to an overall burning heat. The pair embraced and kissed each other.

"Don't mind me," declared Mistress Fay. "Do carry on; I want to see just how good you are together. You won't mind if I take a few pictures for my records?"

She picked the camera up from the table and started to photograph them.

"Ok, let's give her a show if that's what she wants. Lay down Jules."

Julie lay back on a couch; her head resting on a satin pillow. The naked Melissa lay on top of her; Julie hugged her while Melissa lay her left hand on Julie's breast.

Julie's habit had ridden up as Melissa lay between her legs; her beautiful legs, almost up to her hips, came into Mistress Fay's view finder.

They held each other very close and whispered sweet terms of endearment to each other. Julie was angry that Melissa had had to take the punishment for her; Melissa reassured her, she was the stronger partner; she didn't want anyone to hurt her darling Jules.

Melissa pulled the habit away from Julie's left shoulder. The young girl's left breast was exposed; it was small but firm and had the upturned nipple so typically found in a girl of her age. Melissa pounced on it with her lips; she kissed it until Julie moaned with the pleasure that was coursing through her body.

Melissa slid to the floor; parted Julie's legs and ran her tongue across Julie's pussy. The feeling rocked Julie's body and Melissa gave her more. Julie wanted to join in but Melissa told her to lie back and enjoy. Always doing as she was told; Julie lay back and let the feelings of enjoyment pervade her hungry body.

Melissa's tongue greedily lapped the juices from her lover's gash. She tasted so sweet; good enough to eat. Her left hand went under the habit and played with Julie's right breast. She knew that she loved this; they had a ritual which they almost invariably followed. They would kiss, cuddle and stroke each other. Then Melissa would work on the breasts, the tummy or the hips; she would plant soft kisses on the side of Julie's neck. She would work anywhere except the pussy to arouse her girl.

Then, when she sensed that it was right she would turn her attention to Julie's smooth pussy; she would nibble the thin curtains of labial flesh that hung from her vagina. Melissa thought that Julie's pussy was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen; ever tasted; ever touched. She would insert her tongue into the slit and probe for her little clitoris. She would work it with her tongue and tempt the shy retiring bud from its hiding place. That was it, Julie was just like her clitoris; she too was shy and retiring; but with a little attention of the right sort she too could be tempted to come out and play.

These two were soul mates as well as bed mates; they shared everything including themselves.

Melissa continued to work with her tongue; she loved doing this as it drove Julie wild. While her left hand teased her nipple her right was lubricating and teasing the area of sensitive skin just behind the pussy.

Julie could feel the tickling of the finger near her anus; she hoped that Mel would stimulate her there; she loved it when she did that. Mel was nearly always in charge; she was the dominant partner of the duo. If she wanted to probe her tight little hole then she would; she wouldn't ask permission. Not that she needed permission, Julie would let Mel do anything to her; she trusted her implicitly.

If Mel had wanted to strip her naked and parade her around the Abbey on a lead she would have let her do it. Mel would have a good reason and Julie didn't need to know what that reason was; she trusted her.

She could feel a finger probing the puckered entrance; her own juices, placed there by Melissa, were lubricating her; she knew that she would yield easily to the slightest pressure. When she felt the finger reach the resistance of her sphincter, she instinctively relaxed and let it invade her body; she revelled in the strange sensation as it insinuated itself into her dark passage. God; how she loved that feeling.

Melissa knew that she had Julie exactly where she wanted her; she could taste her excitement as she lapped at her labia. She tickled the clit with her tongue; gently she circled it with the very tip. Julie was moaning more urgently; she was telling Melissa to make her come.

Melissa upped the tempo of her ministrations; she gently flexed the finger that was inside her lover. How she loved to make Jules squirm; how she loved to make her beg. How long would she make her wait this time; how long before Jules started to shout and swear, begging to be fucked?

Julie could feel her orgasm building; she hoped that Mel wouldn't make her suffer. It was like sailing a canoe towards the Niagara Falls; the edge coming inexorably closer with each moment. She was on the roller coaster; slowly she was building lifted to the top of the first and highest point. Closer and closer she got; the horizon as she got nearer the top began to fall away. She knew that she was going over the edge but mentally she tried to hold back the moment. Closer came the horizon and then she felt it; the sudden dip as she plunged earthwards. Into the trough and up the next rise; her orgasm flooded over her; wave after wave as the roller coaster rose and fell. Then finally she reached the last drop; the car coasted slowly to a halt. She was exhausted; she just lay and waited for her head to stop spinning and her heart rate to slow down.

"Oh my god Mel, that was beautiful," she sighed.

"I love you Jules," sighed Melissa as she tried to extract her digit from her lover's tight grip.

When Fay awoke, it was morning. She was no longer a Savant in a smart apartment but just a poor naked slave in an iron bed. Some of the other girls were up so she joined them in the washroom. Slightly self consciously she sat on the loo while she watched the girls frolicking in the shower.

Everyone is always so happy here she thought and she went over to join them. Some had hangovers and some were still tired; they soaped and washed each other without a sexual thought in their heads; it was just the natural thing to do and it created a bond.

Having dried herself, she slipped on the cleaner of her two tabards, brushed her hair and made her way to the 'slave canteen'. There was a choice of cereals, juices and even bacon and eggs should she require it; the whole meal could be finished with a cup of hot coffee and some toast and marmalade. Today she was due to work and had been given the job of cleaning out one of the private chapels.

Coming Soon? - Chapter Nine won't be far behind you.

Strike my last post! You've just trumped it! :very_hot: :clapping:
Chapter Nine

Fay collected her old tabard and took it to exchange at the laundry. She returned the new one to her locker and checked the duty roster. She was due to clean the 'NUE-Lady Chapel and had to draw cleaning materials from 'NLW-Cleaning'. She thought the route through in her head and set off for the cleaning stores. She collected her bucket, broom, dusters and an assortment of polishes.

She went one level up and walked round to the other side of the cloister. When she found the appropriate door, she pushed it open and let herself in. The chapel was warm, so she left the door ajar in the hopes of getting the slightest breeze to cool it down.

Fay was unfamiliar with the Lady Chapel so she placed her cleaning materials behind the door and had a good look round. There were windows on three sides so the chapel must jut out from the main walls of the nunnery. The walls were whitewashed stone and the windowsills were tiled. Below each sill was a swag of black fabric, draped to soften the harsh features. In the centre, at the top of three steps was a large altar and behind that, a huge cross. The sun streaming through the small window behind the altar shrouded the cross in a halo of light.

To one side of the chapel was a statue of 'Our Lady' and on the other, a door led into a small ante-room. The ante-room contained a single chair located by a grille in the wall which looked out into the chapel. Fay pondered on this and, remembering that there had been a stool on the opposite side of the grille, she assumed that it might be a confessional.

The ante-room was relatively simple, requiring a good sweep out, some dusting and a bit of polishing. She would start there first.

She collected her tools and took them into the small room. In order to polish the inside of the door, she would need to close it. Mercifully, a slight breeze came through the grille.

She sprayed the polish and started rubbing with her duster. Almost immediately, the wood was beginning to look better. She was about to start polishing the chair when she thought she heard a noise. Putting her eye close to the grille she saw that two nuns had walked in and were sitting on the only pew. Their heads were bowed in prayer.

Fay didn't recognise them, obviously she had never been formally introduced. She continued to watch as the nuns started to chatter and hold hands. Together, they rose and walked up to the altar. One of them mounted two steps and then turned to face her colleague. She leaned forward and pulled the other nun's habit up and over her arms and then let it rest like a scarf around her neck. Fay could see that the nun wore no bra and her young breasts were on display.


This second nun looked up longingly at her companion. The first nun wore a habit which was nothing more than a short sleeveless dress. She placed her fingers on the hem and pulled it up to reveal that she wore no panties and wore a tight garter on her left thigh. Fay could see that this nun had tattoos on her legs, her pelvis and her tummy.

The tattooed nun looked down and ordered the young, semi-naked nun to 'worship' her. The young girl leaned forward and kissed the pubis of her dominatrix.

Satisfied by the kiss, she reached up and pulled her dress over her head. She was naked but for her wimple and garter and it was evident that her tattoos covered more of her body than her remaining clothes.


They both climbed the steps and stood with their backs against the altar. The younger nun helped her tattooed mistress to sit up on it. The young girl stroked and kissed the body of her idol; she was worshipping her in the only way she knew.

The young girl still had her habit draped over her shoulders, it was not her place to be naked, it was her job to serve. She continued to run her delicate fingers over the body; she traced the outline of some of the tattoos. Her fingers strayed between the legs of her Mistress; her Mistress smiled and writhed in response to the butterfly touch.


In the confessional Fay was sweating with the heat; not just the air temperature in that small sealed room, but the heat that was being generated between her own legs as she played with herself.


Finally, the girls turned to each other, embraced and kissed. The two seemingly bound together by the younger one's habit. It was a passionate scene and Fay just wished that she had her camera to record it.

The two nuns helped each other to dress and then, after a brief kiss, they walked out of the chapel hand in hand.

Relieved, but not in every sense of the word, Fay flung open the door to let some cool air in. It was some time before she had calmed down sufficiently to continue with her cleaning.

At lunchtime she met up with Kate and related what she had seen. She told her how excited she had got but that it was all over before she could bring herself to orgasm.

"We'll soon fix that," said Kate. "Meet me in the dorm in thirty minutes and let's see if we can resolve your problem."

Fay finished her lunch, excited at the prospect of a liaison with Kate. She whistled softly to herself as she made her way back to the room.

Kate was waiting for her, she slipped off her own tabard and helped Fay to remove hers. She backed Fay towards a bed and pushed her down.

"Umm, this is comfortable," commented Fay. "This is your bed."

"A decent bed is one of the few privileges of being a monitor, my child," Kate whispered into Fay's ear. "Now where did you say it hurt?"

Kate caressed Fay's breasts, she sucked her nipples, she teased them with her teeth. When she felt that she had her full attention, she gently slid her hand down the young body to find a very wet pussy waiting for her.

"Ahah, I can see what the problem is now; allow me young lady."

While she worked on Fay's teats with her mouth, her fingers were playing an arpeggio on her pussy. Kate knew all the correct buttons to push, where to find them and what would happen if she dared to touch them.


She played Fay like a musical instrument. A Stradivarius, creating the symphony of sounds which expressed Fay's intense pleasure. She had obviously skipped the first two movements, because the music was already rising to a crescendo. Fay's body twitched and turned; dancing to the music and straining to get closer to the musician.

Fay revelled in the feelings which filled her body. She began to appreciate the pleasures of Sapphic love. These girls were all experts at making a girl feel wonderful. Oh my, she felt a shudder in her quim; it was coming and she was not going to hold back. Under Kate's expert touch, she had no chance of holding back.

There it was again, another stirring; her orgasm was building gently inside her. Then again, and it was more intense; I'm coming already.

"I'm coming," she whispered to Kate.

"I know little angel; hold tight."

Then it came, quite suddenly the feelings were being drawn up from her quim and were emerging as noises from her mouth.

"Yes; yes; yes," she yelled as yet another 'best ever' orgasm overtook her.

Kate continued to milk every last drop of feeling Fay's orgasm. She kept Fay shuddering until eventually; she was forced to say 'no more' by placing her hand over Kate's.

"Wow; that was so different Kate. What did you do to me?"

"Just want to make you happy honey; now off you go back to work" she replied, spanking her playfully on the bum.

Chapter Ten is getting close.
Chapter Ten - pt1

The Mistress 'Isabella the Insatiable' had been at the convent for about ten years. She had quickly risen through the ranks and become a Savant. She had earned her nickname by simply fucking her way through the Abbey, girls or boys it didn't matter to her. She just liked sex.

Being a Savant she now had a little power and that helped her to impose her will on the lowly Scholars and servants. Like all the other Savants, she had a Scholar and a servant living in her apartment. The Scholar was a hunk of a youth with a huge dick and he knew just how to use it. The servant was a young girl who cleaned the apartment and served her in many other ways.

Occasionally, the servant girl Annie and the Scholar Brother David would manage to get together when Mistress Isabella was safely out of the way. However Brother David had to be very careful that Annie didn't draw too much seed from him, he could be asked to satisfy Mistress Isabella at any time of the day or night.

Whenever possible, these two would try to mingle with others of their status. Annie loved nothing better than to share a meal in the slaves' café or to join the other girls in the shower. She did so miss their relaxing company.

Isabella had a particular favourite Mistress Roseanne; she too was a Savant and had entered the convent at the same time as Isabella. Unlike Isabella, Roseanne was a faithful lover she adored Isabella and did not seek satisfaction in other quarters. Roseanne was popular because of her large breasts and she would often be propositioned by either nuns or monks. It would have been bad manners to refuse their advances, that's how St Sapphia's worked. But she herself did not initiate sexual encounters.


The two nuns would often spend time together, removing the top part of their habit and parading around Isabella's apartment with their unencumbered breasts on display. They reveled in the fact that they had the largest breasts in the convent and they loved the way some of the other women looked enviously at their huge tits. They loved the way that the men couldn't keep their eyes off them. They had even adjusted the length of the chords which supported their crosses. They now nestled between their twin mounds of mammarial voluptuousness; they safeguarded their saviour between the immense lacrimal gourds.

The two loved to play with each other, sucking and nibbling their teats and seeing which had the biggest nipples. A naked Annie would often help them to compete with each other. First she would make them sit back to back and she would tie their hands together. Then she would fix clamps to their nipples and it would be adjusted until it just held its own weight. Then Annie would apply a further five complete turns to each clamp.

When the challenge began, Annie would apply a full turn to each clamp in turn. First to the left nipples and then to the right. They would compete with each other, turn for turn until eventually; one had to cry for mercy when the pain became intolerable. Annie did what should could to ensure that her Mistress got a 'very full' turn while Roseanne's was slightly short of full.

In undoing the clamps, she would undo her mistress's as quickly as possible; she knew from bitter experience that the blood rushing back into the nipple would be extremely painful. Roseanne's she would unscrew very gently; allowing the blood to return slowly; thus reducing the pain.


In Annie's eyes, Isabella was a bully and a sadist. Her bias in favour of Roseanne; she considered as payback for the way she herself was often treated. It gave Annie a little satisfaction whenever she heard her Mistress wince and yelp in pain. All the better when it was by her own hand; Mistress could not complain because she was only following her instructions.

She also liked it when the challenge was focused on the clitoris. Each nun would wear a strong garter around each of her upper thighs. Annie would clamp the outer labia and anchor them to the garter; by adjusting the anchors she would expose both their vaginal clefts.

Annie would then attach a special clip to each clitoris and the challenge would involve seeing who could stand the tightest clamp. Annie could never understand the attraction of these challenges. She hated it whenever she was clamped and yet, these nuns were doing it for fun.

When the challenge was over, these two well endowed nuns would fall into each other's arms and start to comfort each other. Annie would usually leave the room in case she was asked to get involved in the wrestling match between the bountiful babes.

On other occasions Roseanne would be sitting at her desk working on some detail of the history of Sapphia's when Isabella would enter the room and position herself behind her.

She would innocently chat while looking over Roseanne's shoulder to see what she was doing. Roseanne's pussy would be moistening at the prospect of what might follow, a mixture of fear and anticipation.


Sometimes, usually if David had just filled Isabella's cunt with his seed, she would finish the conversation and go back to her own rooms. Alternatively, if she wanted to be cruel, she might stand in front of the seated Roseanne and hitch up the skirts of her habit. Roseanne would catch the distinctive odour of her Mistress's recent sexual exploits; she would see the cum oozing from her pussy; she knew that Isabella would demand that she lick her out.

Roseanne hated that; it was so demeaning and Isabella seemed to be doing it more frequently these days. Roseanne knew that she was being used but still came back for more.

Occasionally, she would slowly start to expose Roseanne while she was trying hard to concentrate on her reading or writing. It was these occasions which her pussy ached for; it was that which kept her coming back for more.

Isabella knew just how to win her round, how to raise her hopes and then how to either dash or fulfill them. Roseanne knew that if she showed any sign of encouragement, her tormentor would simply walk away. If however, Roseanne approached the situation with an air of indifference, then Isabella would feel it her duty to force her attentions upon the other.

Roseanne had been caught out too many times; she was learning to play Isabella at her own game. However, the result would still often be a choice between sex or servitude.

If Isabella started to undo the top of Roseanne's habit then she knew that they were in for passion and that Brother David hadn't been soiling the Mistress's pussy.


Then Isabella would insinuate a hand into her costume and she would feel its warmth as she fondled the fleshiness of her heavy breasts. She loved it when Isabella stood behind her and played with her, she often caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and it felt good. She would push herself back onto Isabella, hoping that she might just be wearing the strap-on.

On occasions, Isabella would sit while Roseanne played with her; these girls just loved to feel tender hands on their bodies. It was all that Roseanne really wanted, the sex didn't matter too much; she just wanted to feel wanted. It was all right for Isabella, she thought, she had David and countless young girls that she could fuck; but for her, these moments were precious.

When Isabella was the target of Roseanne's attentions, it would nearly always end up with them stripping. Once Isabella had given her tacit approval to being groped, it would be up to Roseanne to see that she was satisfied. Funny, how it nearly always seemed to be Isabella that had the orgasm, while she was instructed by Isabella to bring herself off. Isabella would just watch; yet another humiliation for Roseanne to endure.

However, Roseanne loved serving her Mistress and, while she may have disliked some of what happened. She never complained and had even helped to design and prepare the kit used for the restoration of Fay's virginity. She just did as she was told by her dominant Mistress. As a Savant and therefore a Mistress herself, she considered herself to be a submissive mistress; if that wasn't a contradiction in terms.


She was groping Isabella's huge breasts now; weighing them in her hands and driving her Mistress wild with frustration. She stroked the nipples and pinched them between her fingers.

Her Mistress had always liked that, the strange mixture of the pain with the pleasure that sent erotic messages to her pussy. Roseanne could feel that her own pussy was getting wet; she wore no pants under her habit. She never wore pants as Isabella forbade it, she demanded that she be accessible at all times.


Roseanne loved the idea of being constantly available to her Mistress; her naked breasts and her shaven pussy were only hidden by her habit. The nakedness felt so good as she moved about; it felt so decadent as she mingled with her fellow sisters. Her Mistress could expose her in seconds and avail herself either of her cunt or her breasts; how she loved being naked in front of her Mistress. She yearned for the rare occasions when her Mistress spent the time giving her an orgasm.
Chapter Ten - pt2

That rarely happened as Isabella gave little thought to the needs of her submissive partner. What she did love was the attention and hero worship that Roseanne bestowed upon her, it boosted her ego and made her feel invincible.


Roseanne would kneel at her Mistress's feet; with her own breasts exposed, more in hopes than expectations, that her beloved might actually touch her breasts. She would suckle on Isabella's breasts; gazing up into her Mistress's eyes pleading for her approval.

If she managed to arouse Isabella, then her Mistress might reciprocate by kissing Roseanne's nipples. The two might exchange kisses and words of endearment but each working to a slightly different agenda. Roseanne wanted her Mistress to be happy, to be satisfied and to love her slave. Isabella merely encouraged Roseanne's arousal, because it might intensify the way in which the submissive might seek to satisfy her Mistress.

Isabella would slip the black cape from Roseanne's shoulders to expose her breasts. She would pull down her dress to expose her navel. They would stroke each other passionately. Their heads would be bare to give better access to the face and neck. Isabella loved her neck being kissed.


Finally they would remove their crosses as they could cause serious injury when they were writhing together. Then Isabella would lead Roseanne to the bed and they would lie together half naked.

The lovemaking would begin; more cuddles and kisses. Wandering hands would search beneath skirts; Isabella checking for panties and Roseanne preparing for the moment when she would be ordered to remove Isabella's.


They would change positions and top and tail, each sucking the other's breasts, each teasing the other's nipples. They would suck each other hard; they would bite and pull; each aiming to get a reaction from the other. Roseanne was always careful not to hurt her Mistress; Isabella always keen to cause the maximum discomfort.

Roseanne felt a probing between her thighs, Isabella was encouraging Roseanne to part her legs slightly. She felt something hard nudging the entrance to her pussy and she assumed Isabella had a dildo in her hand. It nudged her clit and she murmured with pleasure; was Isabella going to make her come for a change?

Again the pressure on her pussy and then the dildo slid gently in. It didn't feel as big as a normal dildo and the edges weren't rounded; they had more of a square feeling. The dildo seemed to be smooth on three sides and rough on the fourth. As Isabella slowly rotated it Roseanne could feel the roughness move round the walls of her pussy. As the dildo thrust in and out of her sopping cunt she could feel the inside of her pussy being stimulated.

My god, she was so near to coming, the feelings were surging inside her as Isabella kept up her assault. Was she going to be allowed to come or would Isabella withdraw the dildo at the last minute? She fingered Isabella's pussy, urging her Mistress to come with her. She stimulated Isabella's clit just as her own was receiving attention from the rough side of the dildo.

She was going to climax and it wouldn't be long. Roseanne was experiencing feelings which were greater than anything she had ever managed to induce in herself. This dildo was wonderful and she had never felt anything like it before.

She felt her orgasm build to crisis point. Oh god let me come. Then she came with wave after wave of shuddering as Isabella continued to drive home the dildo.

"Stop," she yelled when she could take no more.

"Enjoy that?" Isabella enquired. "You were yelling like a bitch on heat."

"Oh yes Isabella, I did enjoy that. That was wonderful, thank you."

Her Mistress removed the dildo and brought it out from under the skirt; she presented it to Roseanne.

"You had better lick this clean Roseanne," she said smiling.

A silver crucifix with an eight inch stem was inserted into Roseanne's mouth for licking. As Roseanne ran it between her lips she could taste herself, she could feel the silver outline of the Christ figure that had so recently massaged her clitoris.

Chapter Eleven coming soon - Isabella is unfrocked and Fay gets a challenge

cor! I think you'll need a few cold beers after writing that chapter! :D
Chapter Ten - pt2

That rarely happened as Isabella gave little thought to the needs of her submissive partner. What she did love was the attention and hero worship that Roseanne bestowed upon her, it boosted her ego and made her feel invincible.

Roseanne would kneel at her Mistress's feet; with her own breasts exposed, more in hopes than expectations, that her beloved might actually touch her breasts. She would suckle on Isabella's breasts; gazing up into her Mistress's eyes pleading for her approval.

If she managed to arouse Isabella, then her Mistress might reciprocate by kissing Roseanne's nipples. The two might exchange kisses and words of endearment but each working to a slightly different agenda. Roseanne wanted her Mistress to be happy, to be satisfied and to love her slave. Isabella merely encouraged Roseanne's arousal, because it might intensify the way in which the submissive might seek to satisfy her Mistress.

Isabella would slip the black cape from Roseanne's shoulders to expose her breasts. She would pull down her dress to expose her navel. They would stroke each other passionately. Their heads would be bare to give better access to the face and neck. Isabella loved her neck being kissed.

Finally they would remove their crosses as they could cause serious injury when they were writhing together. Then Isabella would lead Roseanne to the bed and they would lie together half naked.

The lovemaking would begin; more cuddles and kisses. Wandering hands would search beneath skirts; Isabella checking for panties and Roseanne preparing for the moment when she would be ordered to remove Isabella's.

They would change positions and top and tail, each sucking the other's breasts, each teasing the other's nipples. They would suck each other hard; they would bite and pull; each aiming to get a reaction from the other. Roseanne was always careful not to hurt her Mistress; Isabella always keen to cause the maximum discomfort.

Roseanne felt a probing between her thighs, Isabella was encouraging Roseanne to part her legs slightly. She felt something hard nudging the entrance to her pussy and she assumed Isabella had a dildo in her hand. It nudged her clit and she murmured with pleasure; was Isabella going to make her come for a change?

Again the pressure on her pussy and then the dildo slid gently in. It didn't feel as big as a normal dildo and the edges weren't rounded; they had more of a square feeling. The dildo seemed to be smooth on three sides and rough on the fourth. As Isabella slowly rotated it Roseanne could feel the roughness move round the walls of her pussy. As the dildo thrust in and out of her sopping cunt she could feel the inside of her pussy being stimulated.

My god, she was so near to coming, the feelings were surging inside her as Isabella kept up her assault. Was she going to be allowed to come or would Isabella withdraw the dildo at the last minute? She fingered Isabella's pussy, urging her Mistress to come with her. She stimulated Isabella's clit just as her own was receiving attention from the rough side of the dildo.

She was going to climax and it wouldn't be long. Roseanne was experiencing feelings which were greater than anything she had ever managed to induce in herself. This dildo was wonderful and she had never felt anything like it before.

She felt her orgasm build to crisis point. Oh god let me come. Then she came with wave after wave of shuddering as Isabella continued to drive home the dildo.

"Stop," she yelled when she could take no more.

"Enjoy that?" Isabella enquired. "You were yelling like a bitch on heat."

"Oh yes Isabella, I did enjoy that. That was wonderful, thank you."

Her Mistress removed the dildo and brought it out from under the skirt; she presented it to Roseanne.

"You had better lick this clean Roseanne," she said smiling.

A silver crucifix with an eight inch stem was inserted into Roseanne's mouth for licking. As Roseanne ran it between her lips she could taste herself, she could feel the silver outline of the Christ figure that had so recently massaged her clitoris.

Chapter Eleven coming soon - Isabella is unfrocked and Fay gets a challenge
cor! I think you'll need a few cold beers after writing that chapter! :D

I needed cold beer and a cold shower!

However, we should heed carefully Crucifer's warning that crosses can do serious damage :oops:
Chapter Eleven - pt1

"Well I think that there is something wrong," asserted the Abbess.

"What makes you say that?"

"The sheer amount of blood for a start; the towel that Brother Michael used to clean up was absolutely soaking in it."

"What else?"


"The way Mistress Isabella tried to insinuate herself into the ritual. She was not cast as a player; she has no connection with Fay. Why was she hovering with a towel at the moment of uncoupling?"

"So what are you suggesting?"

"I am suggesting that there was something suspicious about Fay's deflowering."

"If there was something fishy it could be serious. What are we going to do?"

"Well I have already started. I have bagged up the towel Michael used and a tabard that Fay dropped at the laundry this morning; they are on their way to a lab in Truro for a forensic comparison.

"We also need to start taking statements while minds are fresh."

"Agreed, we do really need to get to the bottom of this. If only to prove that everything was above board," said the Abbott.

Fay and Kate had been busy tidying up one of the Savant's quarters when Kate had suggested that, in order not to get their tabards dirty, they should work naked.

They both giggled as they stripped off and set about making the bed and clearing up various items of clothing which were strewn all over the floor. It didn't take a genius to work out that the Savant had spent the night fucking with a male, they decided to change the sheets.


Then the horseplay started. The two 'slaves' started playing tit tag, chasing each other around the apartment trying to grab each other's breasts. Then Kate fell back on the bed and Fay followed her. There was no struggle as Kate spread her legs and let Fay explore her pussy.

It was a serious study for Fay; she had never seen a pussy close up like this. She prodded and poked, she asked Kate to tell her what certain bits were. She started to quiz Kate on her sexual experiences.

As she gently probed she noticed that Kate was getting moist, she withdrew her finger from the pussy and licked it. She loved the taste; Kate seemed so pure a fresh. She applied her tongue and tasted her friend. She used her tongue to encourage the labia to swell; she noticed how her lover was opening up like a flower. She was presenting herself to be fucked; Fay had never really had the opportunity to notice that in herself.

"Do I open up like a flower when you touch my pussy?" Fay asked Kate.

"Of course you do, your pussy seems particularly eager when I touch it."

"Does my clit look like yours? Yours is pushing itself out of a tight sheath. If I touch the end it always seems to make you moan with pleasure."

Fay continued her exploration and was about to start licking seriously when there was a knock on the door. They scrambled off the bed, grabbed their tabards and tried to look calm.

When they opened the door, it was the Abbess's Scholar looking for Fay.

"The Abbess would like to see you immediately, would you please come with me."

Fay marched off with the Scholar wondering why on earth the Abbess would want to see her. She was ushered into the Abbess's study and the Scholar departed.

"Ah Fay do come in and take a seat. The Abbott and I have been discussing Tom and your initiation last night, we wonder if there might have been a few procedural irregularities."

"How do you mean, procedural irregularities, Mistress?"

"I don't want to go into detail at the moment; what I would like you to do is to write down a list of everyone you saw and everything you did, from the time of your medical up to the time of your arriving in the Abbey for the initiation last night."

"Yes Mistress, of course. When would you like it done?"

"Now, if you don't mind Fay. You can use the desk in my ante-room and jot down the details. Seal it in an envelope and leave it on the desk."

"Yes Mistress immediately;" and she left the room.

Brother Michael was interviewed about everything he saw during the ceremony and was invited to comment on anything he thought unusual. He was concerned at the amount of blood that Fay had lost and hoped she was not unwell. He commented on the hovering Isabella who was apparently intending to do his job.

The interview with Tom was embarrassing for him. He was asked to describe exactly what he felt as his prick slid into Fay. Limiting himself to the physical, he was surprised at the amount of bloodshed and yet Fay never complained. He described the penetration as odd, not that he had broken many maidenheads; he had expected a tightness which would have been sore even for him and then a yielding as the hymen tore. However, he had felt a blunt resistance on the end of his prick then a yielding and the sensation of his prick plunging into a void filled with liquid. Fay's cunt had been particularly wet, but not particularly lubricated.

The results were phoned over from the lab and there was no match between the wearer of the tabard and blood on the towel. There had been a slight trace match with the blood; but the bulk of the DNA was not human and was probably chicken blood. The lab also found traces of a rubber material mixed in the blood on the towel.

When Fay's list was studied she admitted to having visited Isabella after her medical and before her initiation. The results of the medical and a number of witness statements confirmed that Fay was one hundred percent virgointacta when she left the medical.

The finger seemed to be pointing at Mistress Isabella; even though Fay had omitted to give any detail about the reason for her visits. At Mistress Isabella's subsequent interview it was put to her that she had somehow taken Fay's virginity and then arranged for it to appear that she was a virgin at her initiation.

There were strong denials from Isabella; but she could not fully explain why Fay had visited her on two occasions. It was put to her that there were witnesses who would confirm her guilt. Isabella assumed that Roseanne had owned up to her part in the subterfuge and she finally confessed.

Fay was summoned to a meeting with the Abbess and Abbot.

"Fay, it has come to our attention that you were not a virgin at the time of your initiation. While we are quite happy to induct non-virgins; during your induction it was clearly stated that you had a virgin womb and so the ceremony was a sham in that respect. You will be punished on the basis that you should have informed us of the facts rather than try to protect the nun who raped you. In addition, you made no mention in your testament about what happened at your two meetings with Isabella.

"On the basis that you appear to have been raped by one of our number, your punishment may seem unfair; you will receive twelve lashes in the temple. However, you will be offered an opportunity to mitigate your punishment. Your challenge will be to make three male servants and three female servants orgasm within a time limit of thirty minutes. For each successful orgasm your punishment will be reduced by two lashes," pronounced the Abbott.

"The challenge will take place in three days."

Isabella knew that she was finished at St Sapphia's. She was immediately stripped of all rank and position; she would be imprisoned at the Abbey until suitable arrangements could be made for her on the mainland. She would be allowed an hour of exercise daily; whenever she was out of her cell she would wear a wimple and nothing else; she was to serve as an example to others.


Two scholars stripped Isabella before leading her away to be locked in the dungeons.
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