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St Sapphia

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Chapter Eleven - pt2

Meanwhile Fay prepared for her ordeal; she consulted her friend Kate to see if she could learn any tricks about how to get a man or a woman to orgasm quicker. Kate said she would do whatever she could to help her; but she should be prepared to take twelve lashes; anything less would be a bonus.

Fay lay awake at night trying to think her way through the thirty minutes; what could she expect to achieve? She had no choice over the selection of the servants; so she couldn't bribe them into having a fake orgasm. The servants would not be allowed to touch each other; only Fay could touch them but obviously they could also touch Fay.

When the day finally came, Fay was led into a small chapel. She stripped off her own clothes and prepared herself. She had oils and potions and she hoped to heighten the sensitivity of her challengers so that they ejaculated quickly.

After much thought she had decided on a strategy; she would have the maidens and men strip; they would stand in full view of each other. She would tackle the men first; lying on her back she would take one in the pussy and the other two she would masturbate with her hands. Her aim was to get them to fuck her rather than vice versa.

The girls she thought would be more difficulty; they would be her downfall. She would have to work on them; rather than encouraging them to bring themselves off on her.

The six contestants were led into the chapel by the Abbess; Fay asked that all their clothing be removed before the start of the contest. After some thought the Abbott agreed to this demand and the girls and boys stripped each other. Fay was pleased; she could see the process of mutual stripping was already having an effect on the boys.


The men were huge and growing firmer by the second; the girls were a delight. Fay would gladly have slept with any one of the six.

The Abbott explained the rules. The chapel bell would toll a two minute warning; when it fell silent the challenge would start. After thirty minutes it would ring again to indicate that the time was up. There was to be no touching between the six volunteers and no self-touching by any volunteer. This was to prevent Fay ordering a volunteer to help. The only touching must be between Fay and the volunteers and by implication, a volunteer could touch Fay.

The bell started to toll and Fay used the time to brief the volunteers about where to stand and what to do; she was as ready as she ever would be.

When the bell fell silent she oiled the cocks of the male volunteers; the firmest was ordered to fuck her; the other two kneeled by her head. She had decided that the only way to make them come quickly would be to talk dirty to them.

"Come on then stud, fuck my pussy; I want to feel your huge meaty weapon deep inside me. Fuck my tight little cunt really hard."

Boy number one was well on his way; he thrust his hot member into her slippery pussy and fucked for all he was worth.

"Now you two; I want to feel that spunk spraying all over my face; I want it in my mouth. The first to come will get to fuck me tomorrow in private. Come on boys, I want to feel your juices splashing onto my lips."

She pumped away at the two boys; she felt that they were beginning to respond; she wanted them to fuck her fists rather than having to jerk them off. Her hands were smothered in oil; she slackened her grip and she felt the two rampant pricks sliding in and out of her 'cunt like' fists.

"Come on baby, fuck me harder; I want you to spunk inside me. If you come you can have me in your bed tonight.

"Come on you bastards, call yourselves men? The first to come gets three nights with me; gets the opportunity to stretch my tight pussy to show me how good you are as a lover. Now I am just a dirty whore who deserves to be fucked; to be used by you."

The talk was having its effect; the pumping on three sides was getting more urgent. The boys she had in hand were doing well. Their pre-cum now adding to the lubrication, she could see white foam forming in her hands. She adjusted the tightness of her grip; she tried to sense what worked best. She thrust her pelvis, reinforcing the long deep strokes which were pounding her vulva.

How much time did she have? Should she persist with the boys or start on the girls, she wondered.

She decided to place her trust in the boys. Then she felt the shudder as pussy boy unloaded into her.

"Well done pussy boy, now fuck off and let me have a pussy over my face."

Pussy boy reluctantly disengaged and was immediately followed by one of the girls who planted her glistening cunt onto Fay's lips. She started to exercise her lips; trying to remember all she had learned in the last few days.

A twitching in her right hand and a splash of sperm all over the tits of her pussy girl indicated that one of the hand boys had come.

"Well done young man; you can have two nights with me. Now where is that cunt?"

Another girl positioned herself so that Fay could play with her. Fay's arms were aching from all the action. Her left hand was still being fucked by a hand boy and her right was trying to focus on teasing a clit from its hiding place. God, it was worse than patting your head while rubbing your tummy, she had a pussy to suck as well.

A jerk in her left hand and the splash of warm semen all over her own breasts indicated that she was now three down and just three pussies to go. How much time had she left? Was she dissipating her efforts by trying to triple task? Concentrate on licking the pussy; let the other girls use her hands if they wished.

"Come on girls I want you to fuck me now. Grind that cunt into my face; good girl. You two fuck my fingers; if you want to come then you have to help yourselves. Hold my wrists and use my fingers. That's better; same prize as the boys; nights alone with me"

There was a melee of girls writhing on the floor; there were hands everywhere. The Abbott and the Abbess were circling the group like referees in a wrestling match; trying to spot any infringement of the rules.

Pussy girl manoeuvred herself so that she could lick out Fay's pussy; the other two girls started to diddle each other. Fuck it thought Fay; that's screwed my chances let's just enjoy.


As the bell started to toll the four girls were well on their way to orgasms. Ignoring the bell they continued while the Abbott and the Abbess looked on smiling. Finally, they lay in an exhausted but sated heap; they were smiling at each other and were kissing.

Eventually the girls stood up; the three volunteers dress themselves quickly but Fay remained naked. The boys had gone, presumably back to work. They all walked over to the whipping stone. It was only now that Fay began to realize what it was; she had thought it to be an obelisk with wrought iron rings attached; how wrong could she have been.

She was stood with her back to the cold stone; ropes were fastened to her wrists. She stretched her arms above her head while the free ends of the ropes were tied to a ring at the back of the slender monolith. Then her ankles were tied and fastened tightly to another ring at the back. She found that her feet were off the ground; she was taking most of her weight on her wrists. Her breasts and pelvis were thrust forward, fastened in the way she was, her body formed a bow.

When it was presented to her she kissed the whip; she confirmed that she was ready to receive her six lashes.

The Abbott held the whip, ready to strike; the girls stood in their assorted garments and looked on as she took her punishment; they smiled encouragement to her; they winced as each stroked landed across her belly.

"One," cried Fay as the first stroke struck just beneath her breasts.

"Two," she suppressed a yelp as the second cut across her breasts and caught her erect nipples. "Shit, that hurt," she muttered to herself.

"Ouch Three," she fought back the tears as the third stripe landed across her belly.

"F… our," she exclaimed, having stopped herself from saying fuck. The lash crossed her pubic bone.

"Five," she gulped as the lash was back on her breasts.

"Six and thank you, Master;" as the final stroke stung her body.

She slumped in her bonds and the pain in her wrists began to hurt more than that in her bruised flesh. The Abbott untied her and gently helped her to restore the circulation into her wrists. The Abbess, very tenderly, applied the soothing balm which took away the sting and turned it into a nagging pain.


The girls stepped forward and comforted her; they raised her hands aloft as if she had just won a prize fight. They studied the marks on her body and felt sorry for their young friend.

Much to Fay's surprise, the Abbott and the Abbess invited Fay to join them for dinner that evening in the Abbott's quarters.

The girls took Fay back to her dormitory and laid her on the bed. They were not from her dorm and Fay had not really seen them before, well not to talk to. They sat around and chatted together, comparing notes on their experiences at the Abbey. They reassured Fay that life was really great in the convent and that a whipping was to be endured, enjoyed and forgotten.

They expressed the opinion that Fay probably needed to experience a lot more prick.

"Grab the opportunity when it arises," they laughed at their innuendo.

When Kate returned, the girls made their excuses and departed. Kate lay and cuddled with Fay. Then she kissed every inch of her stripes even when it meant kissing her pussy and her nipples.

"I am to dine with the Abbess and Abbess," she announced to Kate.

"Wow, what did you do to deserve that?"

"I don't know really, the Abbess just put her arms around my shoulders and came out with the invitation."

"In that case you will need to be prepared properly. Have you got a clean tabard?"

"Yes, in my locker."

"I can do better than that; you can borrow my special tabard. It's not the usual cotton; it's a very fine silk with gold trimmings down the edges. It is virtually see through and it clings to the body, leaving nothing to the imagination. They will love that."

"That would be lovely thanks, are you sure it's Ok to wear non regulation uniform?"

"You will be fine; you will be dining as a guest and not working as a servant; I will lend you a cloak to wear for the walk through the Abbey just so nobody molests you on the way. In fact, I will escort you."

Kate disappeared for a few moments and came back to Fay; she looked rather pleased with herself.

"I have spoken to Sister Greta and she has given us permission to use her bath. A good long soak will ease your aching joints; we can try to take your mind off some of the pain of your whipping. Bring your towel and come with me."

Fay grabbed her towel and followed Kate out and up the stairs to the bathroom which Greta and Carole shared. It was a lovely room with an ancient tub in the middle of the floor. The taps appeared to be made of gold and the room was tastefully decorated with plants on stands.

Kate removed Fay's tabard and then removed her own. She started to run a nice warm bath; testing the temperature with her hands as she swooshed the water around. She poured in some of Greta's bath essence and the smell was decadent. She helped Fay step into the bath; sat her down and placed a folded white towel beneath her head as she lay back.


Kate leaned over and started to gently sponge the whole Fay's body; being very careful that she did not aggravate the livid marks on her body. Fay just lay with her eyes closed enjoying every moment of the attention.

When she was happy that Fay had been thoroughly cleaned and that all evidence of semen in her pussy had been expunged, Kate decided to join her in the bath. She lowered herself to sit in front of Fay; the younger girls legs were wrapped around her waist; she could feel Fay's pussy in contact with her back.


"Thank you for being so nice to me," murmured Fay as she soaped Kate's breasts with her hands.

Now it was Kate's turn to relax and enjoy; soapy hands were stroking her body and playfully tickling her pussy. She could feel her own nipples perking up and she looked down at them.

"Mmmm, I could get used to this," she whispered.

They continued to stroke each other tenderly until Kate began to realize that she could not get comfortable access to Fay.

"I'm going to turn round," announced Kate, rising up from the warm water.

She turned round and stood in front of Fay, her naked pussy was too inviting. Fay bent forward and teased her with her tongue. Eventually Kate broke the spell and sat down.


It was a squeeze but Kate put her feet between Fay's legs; she was able to tickle her pussy with her toes and Fay could only groan with appreciation.

The two girls splashed each other with warm water; they gently drew the wet sponge over each other's nipples. They were both getting aroused. Kate introduced some more hot water to the cooling bath water. This was the life.

Kate leaned forward and started to finger the younger girl's pussy in earnest. She delved into the wet cleft and started to rub her clitoris. Fay lay back and let it all wash over her; she was exhausted after her ordeal and this was such a nice way to relax. She hoped that Kate would not mind if she took but didn't give.


Kate had Fay's legs as wide as the tub would allow them; she was exploring her tight cunt with two fingers. She wanted to show Fay how good it could feel. She lifted her head and kissed Fay's breasts; working the nipples with her lips to tease them to a greater size. Already they were as firm and prominent as they had ever been; being very sensitive Kate was able to generate wonderful feelings in Fay's pussy.

Fay knew that her orgasm would come soon; even in her short experience she could tell the signs of her arousal. She tried to imagine that she was a hetero virgin once again and that she was being 'taken' by this young vixen who was leading her astray; doing things to her which she had always thought wrong. What was wrong with her? She had learned so many things in the past few days; she was enjoying her confused sexuality. She could never have dreamt that this sort of thing would happen to her; yet here she was, enjoying every minute and giving herself to whoever wanted to play with her.

When the orgasm came, it came quite suddenly; flooding through her body like a tsunami. Shaking her body as she gasped for breathe. As she came her knees bent and she slid forward; jamming her pussy against Kate's tummy. She propped herself up on her hands; her head thrown back in ecstasy as she allowed the pleasure to surge through her body.


"God that was good," Fay yelled, as Kate slowly withdrew her fingers. "I so needed that after all the excitement of today."

"You know that I only want to please you," replied Kate. "When I am a Scholar I want you to be my personal slave; I will force you to do all sorts of things you never imagined."

The two disentangled and each lay back in the bath; soaking in the warm water and relaxing. Too exhausted to talk, they were each thinking their own private thoughts. Fay used the toes of her right foot to casually tickle Kate's crotch. It was more of a 'thank you' than a 'come on'.


Realizing that time must be moving on they got out of the tub and dried each other down; each careful to make sure that all their nooks and crannies were perfectly dry. They dusted on some of Greta's powder to make themselves smell nice.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, I promised Greta and Carole a night of passion with you; that was the price for using this place."

"What a small price to pay for such a nice bath."

Chapter Twelve is coming soon - will you be there?
Chapter Twelve - pt1

The pair returned to the dormitory; each glowing from the effects of the bath; each smelling like heaven. Kate helped Fay to apply what little make-up she needed. Some lipstick, a little mascara and eye shadow was all it took. Kate decided that Fay should have her fingernails painted. She took each hand and applied the varnish with confident strokes. While Fay held out her hands to dry, Kate stood with her pussy to Fay's lips.

"Lick me slave," she commanded.

Fay, the ever dutiful slave, did as she was ordered and satisfied Kate with her tongue.

Kate produced the silk tabard and slipped it over Fay's shoulders. When she had fastened it at the waist she used two gold ribbons to gather the front and rear sections of the skirt. The effect was stunning. The top of the tabard barely covered her breasts and the outline of her nipples showed through. The gathered skirts meant that her pussy and bum were barely covered; her sides were exposed from arm to ankles. As she walked the gathered material swayed back and forth, giving the spectator a glimpse of either her sex or her bum.

Kate found some gold sandals for Fay's feet and she was ready for the ball. A satin gold cape, fastened at the neck finished the ensemble.

The door was answered by the Abbott's servant Lisette and she led them through to the drawing room. Fay remembered the last time she had been here; she had been asked to suck the Abbott's cock it seemed like ages ago. She had wanted to swallow his seed but he had insisted on showering her face with it. Mind you, she had been able to taste just a few drops; she decided that sperm was going to be her diet from now on.

The Abbess was in full habit and was seated on a stool when Fay entered the room. She looked stunning and had apparently been caught in the act of doing up the suspender on her stocking; unless the deshabille was for Fay's benefit. The Abbess gave her a beaming smile.


The Abbott approached and admired Fay's outfit; eyeing her up and down, taking it all in.

"Welcome Fay, we are pleased that you could join us tonight. Let me take your cape and then I will get you a drink."

He stood behind Fay and placed his hands around her neck; he unfastened the clasp at her throat and removed the cape. Both he and Abbess gasped when they saw her outfit.

"Very nice," remarked the Abbess. "Not quite a regulation tabard but it looks super. I know that it cannot be yours so someone must be looking after you."

"Thank you Mistress, Kate had helped me tonight."

The Abbess kissed Fay on each side of the neck and then on her lips; it was not a perfunctory greeting, Fay thought.

"Mmm, you smell nice."

The Abbott approached with a glass of sherry.

"Well come and sit down over here," he said indicating the couch.

They all sat down and toasted Fay's arrival at the Abbey.


"Firstly, we must apologize that you got caught in the misdeeds of Isabella. It is only now that she is confined in the dungeons that we are beginning to learn the full extent of her activities. Apparently, she was known as Isabella the Insatiable among the Scholars."

"Yes," continued the Abbess. "We are so sorry that you had to lose your virginity in that cruel and wicked way. Rest assured that Isabella is in a safe place now and you will not get involved with her again. Indeed, she is now your inferior and it is she that must obey you."

"She will be kept confined at the Abbey until the spring; then we will ensure that she never troubles us again. The only problem with sending her back to the mainland is that she knows too much and could pose a threat. We will think of something, I'm sure."

"Now before we eat," added the Abbess. "We are very pleased with the way you have settled down. You seem to be making quite a lot of friends. You have met Sister Ruth from the farm I believe?"

"Yes Mistress; her job sounds interesting although she didn't give me very much detail."

"That my child is because she is discreet, as you yourself appear to be. Although you were punished for not telling anyone about Isabella's activities you are to be commended for keeping it to yourself. That may sound like a contradiction but I assure you it does show you can be trusted."

The Abbott was happy to sit back with his sherry and let the conversation continue. Mistress Mary seemed to have everything in hand.

"What I am about to tell you is known only to the two of us and to Sister Ruth. If we tell you that will make four and it must never go beyond that. Do you understand and will you promise not to divulge it to anyone else, including Kate?"

"Yes Mistress, I understand and I promise to tell no-one."

"Very well, we would like you to consider working with Sister Ruth in the experimental section. She could do with the help and she thought that you might be suitable. As far as anyone else is concerned, you will be listed as working at the farm. If you get any questions, you are simply helping with crops and livestock."

"Yes Mistress."

"Sister Ruth will explain all the procedures, but there is something we need to explain first. The government are increasingly concerned that the powers of the judiciary are often inadequate to cater for some types of criminal.

"In this instance we are talking about sheer bloody minded anti-social behavior. They have tried fining them and rehabilitating them but it just doesn't have an effect. They've looked at understanding them or allowing for their upbringing, circumstances and every other reason we use to excuse these people. Tolerance has been tried but these people do not accept that they have responsibilities to the community as well as rights.

"In the most extreme cases the government is offering these people work on our farm in place of a long custodial sentence. Frankly they are glad to see the back of them and don't care what happens to them, as long as it is painless.

"As a consequence, we are experimenting with a number of procedures which can assist the process. Let us just say that the subjects are extremely happy but occasionally they might get too happy and pass away."

"But surely Mistress, that is execution by another name?"

"Not really, they are sentenced to work on a farm, not sentenced to death. They honestly believe that life here will be better than life in prison and their experiences confirm this. Should they happen to shuffle off this mortal coil then that is simply, the final episode of their short lives.

They don't expect to pass away and they don't lie awake at nights looking forward to a noose or a firing squad. They firmly believe that they have landed a cushy number which they don't see as punishment. We are doing the community a favour. As for our clients, we are simply helping them to exit the society which they, as demonstrated by their behavior, really don't want to be a part of."

"When you put it like that Mistress, I begin to see what you are trying to achieve."

"Try working there for a bit; you will see what a humane process it can be."

"Ok Mistress, I will report to Sister Ruth in the morning."

"Now let us eat," declared the Abbott. "I am starving."

Little Lisette appeared with the first course of a crab soup; the novelty rolls were in the shape of a penis.

"Our little joke," said the Abbess as she waved her roll and proceeded to bite the end off it.

"Ouch," said the Abbott with a smile.

The crab soup was absolutely orgasmic; a swirl of single cream created a contrast to the light brown colour of the soup.

"This is absolutely delightful," commented Fay.

"Ah, just something chef knocked together," replied the Abbott dismissively.

When they were finished, Lisette removed the soup plates and went to the kitchen. The Abbott was offering both red and white wine and Fay gladly accepted. She hoped that it was not drugged, as it had been before.

There was a rumbling from the direction of the kitchen and the chef, naked except for his apron and white hat, wheeled in a huge trolley covered by a silver dome. He parked it in front of the three diners and whipped the dome off with a flourish.

"Voila," he cried as he exposed what lay beneath.

A naked girl was lying on the trolley surrounded by and covered in sushi and other Japanese delicacies. There were short ebony chopsticks and little bowls of dipping sauces. The young girl did not make eye contact; she lay absolutely still gazing fixedly into the distance.

The Abbott invited them to get stuck in and, with no further ado; he used his chopsticks to expertly remove a sushi roll; thus exposing the girl's navel. The Abbess decided to move aside a couple of the chrysanthemums which hid the girl's pussy.

Fay wondered to herself how the girl must feel; laying flat on a trolley, not able to move or speak, while three sets of chopsticks pecked at her body slowly revealing her young flesh.

Fay did not recognize the girl; she must be from a different dormitory. She was good to look at and her breasts stood proud; too proud to be natural, Fay thought. The girl's slender fingers gently touched her legs as they lay firmly at her sides; banana leaves ran the length of her thighs, loaded with sushi treats.


The girl just lay, hardly moving, only the rise and fall of her ample chest indicated that she was alive. Yes thought Fay, I would like to do that. God, how nice it would be to be served at a banquet like that.

The Abbess started to tease the girl's nipples with her chopsticks, as they grew the Abbess was able to get a firmer grip. The girl stifled a wince of pain. Fay reached over and exposed the girl's pussy.

The Abbott decided that the girl was too thin; he loaded his chopsticks with a sushi roll and dipped it in wasabi sauce. He placed the roll at the girl's lips and commanded her to eat. Reluctantly she parted her lips and let the morsel into her mouth. He continued to feed her; this was fun. Then he tried to make her drink from his glass. Her position made it impossible even when she dared to lift her head. He filled his own mouth with wine and bent over her. She opened her lips and he let the wine run into her mouth.

At a signal the chef returned and cleared away all the surplus food; he removed the flowers from the girl's body. He cleaned the surface of her body and left her naked in front of them. Fay wondered what might happen to her next.

Dessert was to be a simple affair; a bowl of peeled fruit and some whipped cream. The chef inserted a peeled banana into the girl's quim then he smothered her body with cream and dressed it with pieces of the fruit.

"No cutlery and hands behind your back," declared the Abbott as he bent over and tried to retrieve a ripe strawberry from the girl's left breast.

The three of them got up from the table and positioned themselves around the trolley; their heads bobbed up and down as they picked up the fruit with their mouths. The Abbess had cleared the right breast of fruit and was busy licking away the surplus cream, once the nipple was exposed she kept licking and nibbling.

Fay dared to dip her head between the girl's legs, she licked away the cream and took a bite from the banana. It was the sweetest experience. Encouraged, she took another bite until finally she was able to draw the remainder of the banana from the depths of her pussy. Even through the taste of the banana and cream, Fay could taste that this girl was excited.

The feeding frenzy continued until the Abbott was satisfied that the girl was clean, he offered her his hand and he helped her rise from the trolley. She stood in front of the trio and they each kissed her in turn. With a round of applause ringing in her ears, she returned to the kitchen and thence hopefully to a nice cleansing shower.

They sat and drank coffee and played games with the chocolates. The Abbess was now stripped down to her underwear and she lighted a cigarette. Fay noticed that she wore the tiniest of strophium across her chest; more to control her nipples than her breasts. She had the skimpiest of white knickers on; she drew heavily on her cigarette as she offered Jack Daniel's to anyone that wanted it. Fay declined; she was doing fine on the wine. God the Mistress had a fine body.
Chapter Twelve - pt2

The game with the chocolates ensured that eventually all clothing was removed. They cut cards and the highest would hide a chocolate about their person and the lowest would have to find it with their mouth. It was quite a giggle and Fay started to relax with the two most important people at the Abbey.


Fay wondered if the alcohol was affecting her sense of decorum. They all seemed just as bad so she went with the flow. She enjoyed extracting the chocolate sticks from the Abbess's pussy.

"The other day," announced the Abbot. "When I was intent on preserving the virginity that you had already lost; you only got to suck my cock. While I thoroughly enjoyed the experience, you have no idea how much I wanted to penetrate that tight pussy of yours.

"As your pussy is no longer so tight, I am going to avail myself of your other virgin hole; I hope you don't mind?"

Fay gulped when she heard this; she could not imagine his thick member in her tight little hole.

"Come my dear, it won't hurt too much; he will be very gentle and I am sure that I can make it up to you afterwards," assured the Abbess.

The Abbess laid Fay down flat on her tummy; she ordered her to spread her legs. Fay felt the warm olive oil being poured onto the tight bud of her anus and she felt a finger probing her as it worked the oil in. A syringe was used to introduce a stream of warm oil beyond her tight sphincter; she could actually feel the warmth permeating inside her body.

"Now when he pushes, you will need to relax your sphincter. Try to pretend that you are going to the loo; that should loosen you up a little. It will feel tight at first but, as you relax, you will learn to love the feeling of a cock up your bottom. Stand up my dear."

The Abbess walked Fay over to the Abbott who was lying on his back on a low stool.

"Now straddle his body; that's right with your back to him. Good, now stroke his cock; use this oil to make him big and firm. Does that feel good?"

"Yes Mistress, the Abbott has an impressive cock."

Fay could feel hands at her waist; the Abbott was pulling her back slowly until his cock rested against the dark ring of her tight rosebud.

"I will not push into you," said the Abbott reassuringly. "I just want you to slowly lower yourself onto me, as slowly as you like. Ease me in at your own pace, I do not want to hurt you."


The Abbess stroked Fay's brow; reassuring her that everything would be fine. Fay let herself down until she could feel the helmet of the Abbott's prick pushing against her. She felt herself yield a little. The intruder was trying to penetrate her sphincter, it felt so tight. She remembered to relax and she felt the end of his knob enter her well oiled anus.

That was the worst bit she thought; she rested until she got used to it. Her body weight slid her down the shaft until she was well and truly skewered by his hard member.

She thought how weird it felt, a couple of fingers were one thing, but this huge object was something else entirely. It was going to split her in two.

She assumed that if she was doing the fucking she would need to rise again. She lifted herself up and she felt the bulge of his cock run down her passage. Then she applied some weight and it ran back inside her again. Mmm; that felt rather nice. There was a lot of pain but the motion felt good. She started to rise and fall in a slow rhythm. The oil made is so easy for her. She had him pumping in and out of her like a piston in a cylinder.

She tried clenching her sphincter and he felt her do it. The little minx was milking his cock; she was good, a natural. He smiled up at the Abbess who was watching everything; she could see the pleasure on his face. The pain seemed to ease inside Fay and she started to milk in earnest. She increased her rhythm and the length of each stroke. His balls were now bouncing against her bum; he could go no deeper.

"That feels comfortable Master," declared Fay. "Will you take me now please?"

With a little help from the Abbess they rolled over without disengaging. Fay was now kneeling with her body along the top of the stool; the Abbott knelt between her legs with his penis impaled in her tight little bottom.

"Now fuck me Master," implored little Fay. She wanted to feel that huge cock thrusting inside her; she wanted to feel the spray of his warm seed into her tight passage.

The Abbott took hold of her around the waist and thrust into the young girl. She urged him on; the Abbess, with a Jack Daniel's in her hand, stood watching in amazement.

"Go on, fuck her hard Richard; the little slut wants it."

"Yes please," cried Fay. "Don't hold back, I am a fucking slut and I want you to fuck me really hard; now."

Urged on by the two women, Richard knew that he had to show them that he was the boss. He would fuck this little whore until she cried for mercy. He increased his tempo when he felt that Fay might come; no way was she going to come before him, if at all.

He felt his own orgasm coming; it was getting closer. He just had to get it to the point of no return; he fucked harder. He imagined this young girl in all sorts of situations; being fucked in white bridal wear; the basque, the stockings and the silk knickers. He was going to take this virgin….

Then he felt himself go over the edge; a surge of juice flowed down his cock and spurted out into the tight passage of her anus. Wave after wave he squirted into her. She could feel it inside her as it splashed out. He shuddered with relief and fell silent; resting on the girl's fragile back. He could see the buttons of her vertebrae as they pushed at her skin; he could feel her ribs beneath his fingers.

Slowly he withdrew; Fay helped by expelling him. Mary was on hand with a towel before a mixture of oil and sperm started to drip slowly from her cunt. Mary tenderly mopped her up.

"The first time is always the worst my dear. You did extremely well to take something that size. Come, let's go and tidy up."

The two women walked through a door into the Abbess's apartment; the Abbott went and showered. The young Lisette was summoned to assist Fay to clean up. She tied up Fay's hair and then ran her a bath of piping hot water. As Fay stood in the bath, Lisette washed her down with a sponge and soapy water.

"So much nicer than a shower, I always think," said Lisette.

"Yes I do agree," replied Fay.

"What have you done to receive the star treatment," enquired Lisette. "I've never seen the Master and Mistress make so much fuss over one of us slaves. I expect you will be staying the night."

She carefully soaped Fay's pussy and bum; trying to ensure that everything was clean down there and that nothing nasty was likely to drip on her clean carpets.


When she had finished she towelled Fay down; like all the others paying particular attention to her breasts and quim. She managed to score a few accidently hits on each with her fingers; this only made Fay's nipples swell and her pussy go moist.

"Careful Lisette, you are giving me a moist pussy."

"Here allow me," and she bobbed down and started to lick Fay out.

"Enough Lisette; you must stop, I cannot take much more."

Lisette desisted and helped Fay to dress. She found her a pair of very fine knickers which she said would catch any drips.

Fay smiled and accepted them gracefully. When she returned to the Abbott's lounge, he was in a silk bathrobe and the Abbess was wearing a very erotic number which was probably more suited to the bedchamber than the chapel. However, it seemed to be having the desired effect because the Abbott's gown was hiding a rampant cock and Fay felt herself juicing up again. She took her life into her hands when she decided to make a move on her Mistress.


Fay simply complimented her on her outfit and ran her hands over it to feel its softness. She accidently touched her nipples and, when they responded, Fay knew that she was on safe ground.

Fay turned to the Abbess and started to caress her all over. She stroked her neck and she stroked her tummy. She worked on the breasts and then the nipples. She kissed her cleavage through a gap in her dress; she even kissed her fully on the lips. She pushed her tongue into her mouth and the Abbess responded by caressing Fay's tongue with her own.

Fay laid her Mistress back on the sofa and then she started to run her soft hands along the insides of her thighs; gently caressing backwards and forwards. Slowly she increased the length of her strokes; all the time easing closer to her pussy. She never touched it; not even by accident. She ran her finger tips gently along the crease between her pubis and the top of her legs; sometimes circling across the tummy and back down the opposite crease.

Fay knew just what the Mistress would be feeling; a mixture of frustration and excitement. As she neared the pussy or crossed the tummy, she knew that her Mistress would have butterflies dancing on her clitoris.

Fay slipped her hands under the dress and grasped the strings at each side of her Mistress's brief panties. She eased them down so slowly; like an awkward teenager trying to strip his girlfriend without her realizing what was happening, hoping she wouldn't stay his hand. The girl always knew but if she didn't let on then she wouldn’t appear to be so 'easy'. The Mistress knew what was happening; she was raising her buttocks slightly, each in turn, to ease the passage of her panties as they made their way south.

Fay could see the smooth skin of her Mistress's shaven pussy and could smell the sweet aroma of her Mistress's arousal. As Fay slowly unwrapped her prize, she saw the tight slit of the pussy. The sacred place grew longer as she continued her work. Then, she saw the glistening of a drop of moisture at the gateway to her Mistress's inner sanctum.

Fay removed the panties altogether. The Abbess, when the restriction of the elastic had gone, involuntarily parted her legs; or so it appeared. Fay bowed her head and with the tip of her tongue she took the jewel that sparkled on her Mistress's pussy.

Gently she inserted a finger and sampled the moisture within; it tasted good on her lips. She gave her Mistress a taste too. Their mutual passion was aroused; Fay licked avidly at the pussy while the Abbess writhed and placed her hands on Fay's blonde hair; pushing her head in towards her pussy.

The Abbess persuaded Fay to change her position and now they each had a face full of pussy. They were in that moment equals; each yearning for release and each striving to give before she received. Mistress Mary was controlling the pace; she was almost ready but was holding back to allow Fay to come first. The young girl deserved it after all she had been through. Fay felt her orgasm approaching; she tried to communicate this to the Abbess with her tongue. The Abbess increased her pace.

Fay was now so near; god, she was being licked out by the Abbess herself. That thought made her even worse; she licked desperately at the Abbess. They were both coming and they both did. Locked in each other's arms they rocked as the orgasms hit them. They couldn't breathe and they couldn't speak; they almost lost consciousness. When they each felt the others spasms subsiding, they stopped tonguing and they gripped each other tight. Slowly, they relaxed in each other's arms.

The Abbott looked on as the two happy women lay there. Both lost in their reverie. Two women, lost in each other.

Eventually they retired to the Abbott's huge bed. Fay was placed in the middle so that they could attack her from both sides. The Abbess reached across and took Fay's hand; she placed it on the Abbott's cock. Fay took the hint and started to pump his penis slowly; while the Abbess used her fingers to stimulate Fay's pussy and anus.

The Abbot turned Fay on her back and positioned himself over her. The Abbess directed his huge cock towards Fay's tight pussy. Gently, he slid himself in. This was what he had been waiting for. Finally, he was fucking her as he had always wanted to.

God always looked after the needs of St. Sapphia. He always answered their prayers. The Abbott and the Abbess both agreed that this girl was indeed a gift from god.

Chapter Thirteen soon - if you are lucky you might come too

Chapter Thirteen - pt1

Fay rose early the next morning; the Abbot and Abbess were fast asleep in each other's arms. She slipped on her clothes and let herself out of the apartment. Back at the dormitory she had a quick shower, put on normal clothes and went to the café for some breakfast. She smiled as she remembered her meal of the previous evening.

After breakfast she let herself out into the Abbey gardens. She knew roughly where the farm was, so she strode through the formal gardens to the bottom gate. Once through there and she was into the fields. There was a huddle of farm buildings to the left about a half mile away.

She strode out along the path; the cool autumn breeze was cold on the exposed parts of her body. She wondered whether there would be special clothing for farming in winter.

When she reached the farm she quickly found the office. Inside was nice and warm and she toasted herself against the fire while she waited for someone to appear. Eventually Sister Ruth arrived from the direction of the Abbey.

"You're nice and early," she remarked to Fay. "All ready to start in the experimental section?"

"I think so," said Fay. "Not sure what it really entails yet."

"Well you are lucky, we have just received a new client and it will be your job to look after her. She's a bit tied up at the moment as she is not too happy to be here. Let's go and see her."

Ruth picked up a bunch of keys and led Fay along a corridor until they stopped at a door. On a board above the door someone had chalked 'Trixie'; they entered.

"Morning Trixie," said Ruth. "Do you still think that you would be better off in prison?"

"Why am I tied like this?"

Trixie had a leather belt padlocked to her waist. Doubled ropes were looped through each of the four rings that were spaced at intervals around the belt. The ends of the ropes were fastened to similarly spaced rings in the wall. Her hands were secured behind her back.

"Well Trixie, this is because you are violent and a flight risk. As you can see, you cannot remove the belt and the ropes are tied at the walls; so that you cannot reach any of the knots."

To Fay, Trixie seemed to be just a normal teenager with a particularly high dose of attitude. She wore a simple blouse and a short skirt. Under the blouse Fay could detect a bra supporting some ample breasts. She wore nothing on her feet.

"What have you done with my panties?"

"We have taken them off you. If you want to piss or shit then do it where you stand. However, I would suggest that you try to aim for the drain; otherwise you might end up treading in your own mess."

"What are you going to do to me?"

"Well, if you give me a chance I will tell you. First off, this is Fay and she will be looking after you. She has a cattle prod so that if there is any nonsense she will zap you and then you will be sent back to serve your prison sentence in full.

If you show signs of behaving we will release your bonds and you can start helping on the farm.

"I know that you have not eaten since you arrived, so Fay will now give you a vitamin drink."

Ruth indicated an aluminium flask on the shelf and Fay took it down.

"Give it a good shake and then let her drink it through that mouth piece."

Fay thought it looked like a larger version of a child's feeding cup. She offered it to Trixie who gulped it down readily. Obviously her thirst and hunger were greater than her desire to rebel.

"Ok Trixie, we are now going to slacken the ropes and you will be able to lie down on a mattress on the floor; you must be tired."

They slackened off the four ropes and Trixie was able to settle down comfortably; quite soon she had nodded off. 'What the hell was in that cup,' thought Fay.

When they returned to the office Fay asked Ruth.

"Well it's a bit of a cocktail really; hence the need to shake it before drinking. It contains food; one cup twice a day will keep her well fed and healthy. She won't be getting any solid foods at all but she can drink as much water as she likes; one of your jobs is to ensure she is always topped up.

"There is also a slight sedative in the mix and this will calm her down; eventually she will become docile and co-operative. There is also a drug which will become addictive. She will recognize that feeding is the only things that will cure her craving. Finally we have a substance that will make a few changes in her body over the next few days."

"Wow, sounds like quite a diet. What changes will she experience?"

"I will point them out as they develop. Our first priority is to get her settled down in her new home; a few days of sedation should achieve that. Meanwhile, I will show you round the farm so that you can answer any awkward questions about your work when you return to the Abbey.

"You might find this useful," she handed Fay a full length cloak with a lined hood. "This should keep out the cold. I keep mine just inside the door at the Abbey, along with my boots for when it gets muddy."

Fay donned her protective gear and was glad of it. Not only did it keep out the cold but it also discouraged the prying eyes of the civilians who worked on the farm.

"Whenever we leave the Abbey garden to roam the island, we wear something like this so as not to draw attention. The farm hands are the only other residents, so we know who they are and how many. Some days, when we need the island to ourselves, we round them up and 'persuade' them to stay indoors until we let them out. They don't mind because we supply loads of food and hooch to keep them quiet.

"They also have some privileges as you will discover; that keeps them quiet."

Fay spent the day inspecting the farm and being introduced to the hands. At four she returned to the office to feed Trixie. She was lying quite happily on her mattress gazing at the ceiling. She smiled when Fay came in; once again she seemed to enjoy her liquid meal. When she had finished she got up off the mattress walked to the limit of her ropes and squatted over the drain. When she finished her pee she lay down again and went to sleep.

"I think we may be able to dispense with the ropes tomorrow and just keep her on a leash," announced Ruth.

Fay returned to the Abbey satisfied with her day's work; even though she hadn't done much at all. Kate asked lots of questions and Fay gave her the spiel about tending cattle and collecting eggs.

Kate announced that there had been a bit of a scandal while she had been 'down on the farm'. Apparently two female scholars had been caught in flagrante that morning. Normally there was no problem with the inflagrante but on this occasion they had been found draped over an altar in the Lady Chapel frigging each other with their crucifixes.

The powers that be had decided that this was too much and they were to be flogged that evening. All female Scholars and servants were to attend so that they might witness what happens to young people who let their feelings get the better of their sense of decency. Fay wondered if one of the girls was heavily tattooed.

Before dinner all the women paraded into the chapel to witness the punishment. The Scholars in full habits stood on one side and the servants stood in a group facing them. The two miscreants were brought forward and made to stand while the upper half of their habit was stripped away. They sat on their haunches and leaned forward; their bare backs displayed to the nuns behind them. In front, the servants saw the young girl's unsupported breasts. They were the same girls that Fay had seen a few days earlier.


There were twelve female Scholars; with two being punished that left just ten. Each Scholar was to deliver one stripe to each of the girls; anyone considered to be holding back would herself receive three lashes. The senior Scholar took the whip and laid into both girls; they each screamed with the pain.

The lash was handed to the next nun and she delivered a stroke across each back. By the tenth lash the girls were sobbing their hearts out; Sister Susie from the intensity of the pain and the other, Sister Ulrika, because she had experienced an orgasm during the ordeal.

The Scholars helped the girls to their feet; they stood half naked with their habits draped round their waist and the white cap and collar still in place. Sister Michelle handed them the soothing balm and the two girls tended each other's wounds. The crowd of onlookers started to drift away for their evening meal or their evening duties.

Ulrika whispered something to Susie; she stopped her sobbing and looked in disbelief.

"An orgasm; are you sure?"

"Absolutely, one minute I was writhing in pain and the next I could feel an orgasm pulsing through my body. Here feel my pussy if you don't believe me."

Susie put her hand up Ulrika's skirt and her fingers found a cunt that was sopping wet. She withdrew her fingers and licked the juice from them.

"You are probably wet too." said Ulrika as she probed Susie's sex with her fingers. "Told you so; a few more lashes and you might have come too. Come back to the room and I'll finish you off."

The girls pulled their habits back up and replaced their head gear. Happily they walked out of the chapel, arm in arm and giggling about what was to come.
Chapter Thirteen - pt2

The following morning Fay reported to the farm dressed in her cloak and boots; she stripped them off in the office and went down to look at Trixie. She was fine, quietly sitting on her mattress and talking to herself; she smiled when Fay entered.

"I have your breakfast for you, are you ready for it?"

"Yes please miss, I'm quite hungry."

"Before I do that, I want to change your bonds; will you let me?"

"Of course miss, I quite like my room," she said looking around at the bare stable she occupied.

Fay slipped the leather collar around Trixie's neck and padlocked it in place; she then padlocked a chain to the 'D' ring and padlocked the other end to the wall. The length was sufficient to give Trixie access to the whole floor area.

Once Trixie was secure, Fay removed the ropes one at a time and finally unlocked the belt. Trixie's waist was slightly pink where the belt had chafed her skin. Fay used the soothing balm in her pocket to rub into the damaged skin.

"Ooh, that's nice miss," said Trixie as she sort of rubbed up against Fay.

Fay thought she would try an experiment; she slid her hand down between Trixie's legs and diddled her pussy. The girl was like a bitch on heat, begging for more.

"How are your breasts Trixie?" enquired Fay as she felt the girl's teats. She could have sworn they had grown, certainly the nipples had.

"Quite tender miss, never been like this before."

"Ok, you drink your breakfast, then I will go and ask Ruth if she has anything that might help you." Fay watched as Trixie downed her juice, she handed the flask back to Fay with a thank you.

Fay reported back to Ruth every detail of her findings; that the girl had sore breasts and she was on heat. Ruth smiled on hearing the news.

"That was quick, it doesn't normally happen so fast."

"What doesn't?"

"The secret ingredient in the feed tricks her body into believing that she is pregnant. It would appear that her breasts are already preparing for feeding; they have swollen in size and are sore. Tomorrow we can move her on a stage."

"She seems so docile."

"That is because she is already beginning to associate you with food; she knows that the food is her fix, it makes her happy and it seems to be making her randy. You provide the food, ergo she behaves for you. If you want you can go back to the Abbey until the four o' clock feed."

"Thanks, I've got a book I would like to finish."

"What are you reading?"

"The life of Thomas Aquinas, I found it in the library."

"Have you discovered the second library yet?"

"What do you mean?"

"In the corner of the library there is a door, allegedly to a store room. Try that."

With thanks for the time off, Fay made her way back to the Abbey. She went straight to the library and the stuffy reading room lined with books. She tried the door which had been locked on the day of her conducted tour, it yielded as she turned the handle.

Inside was a huge room filled with books and there were big windows looking out over the gardens. The room was light and airy and there were a good assortment of chairs for the reader to use. There were a few occupants, four nuns, five monks and two servants all sitting reading.

Fay scanned the shelves. There were books on everything, except religion. This was a proper library stocked with the latest novels and reference books. The novels ranged from mysteries to bodice rippers; from detective stories to dirty stories. She took down one novel by someone called Crucifer; it was the story of a young girl called Cassandra and a witches' coven called The Sisters of Luna. She flicked through the pages; there were illustrations throughout. She tucked the book under her arm and carried on scanning the shelves.

She would return the book to her locker and then go and find some lunch at the café. After lunch; and before the four o' clock feed she would spend some more time in the library. Must remember to thank Ruth, she thought.

At the four o' clock feed everything went as normal. Trixie's breasts were still sore; they seemed to be enlarging with every feed. Indeed, Trixie herself was putting on a bit of body weight.

Ruth instructed Fay in a new feeding procedure. Trixie was to be led along the corridor by her chain to the 'parlour'. There she was to be placed in a stall which had been prepared for her.

The headroom was low and Trixie had to go down on all fours to enter the stall. In the middle of the floor was a wooden inverted vee made of wood; placing a knee on either side, she managed to crawl through. Her breasts and tummy cleared it quite easily but it did mean that her legs were forced apart.

Fay walked around the parlour until she stood in front of Trixie; she encouraged Trixie to move forward. Trixie squeezed her way into the narrow stall. In front of her was a plank on edge and a half round cutout where she was to rest her neck. There were two smaller cutouts for her wrists. When Fay was satisfied that the neck and wrists were located correctly, she fixed a similar plank above and complete what was effectively a set of stocks.

Trixie thought this was great fun as she positioned herself. Fay had told her that she would be fed very soon. The stocks were locked and Fay offered Trixie a stainless steel drinking tube; eagerly Trixie took it between her lips.

She sucked avidly on the tube while Fay returned to the back of the stall and couldn't help notice Trixie's exposed pussy. While Trixie fed, Fay returned to the stable and swept the debris and human waste from the stone floor. She hosed the floor clean, removed the mattress and put down a fresh bed of straw. She replenished the water in the drinking trough.

When Trixie was finished, Fay opened the stocks and Trixie was able to wiggle herself back out of the stall; she was smiling like a little child when Fay saw her face. Fay led her back to the stable and fastened the end of her chain to the wall.

"Are you tired Trixie? Then why don't you take off your clothes and go to bed?"

Trixie unfastened her blouse and threw it off; she unclipped her bra and let it fall. Her huge breasts looked very heavy. Finally she unfastened her skirt and stood in front of Fay; quite oblivious of the fact that she was naked. She smiled at Fay, then lay down and went to sleep. She had not even noticed that her mattress had gone and that she was lying on straw. Fay picked up the garments and took them to the farm office.

"All tucked up and fast asleep," she reported back.

"Good, then I can give her this injection then."

"What's that for," enquired Fay.

"While she sleeps her body will think that the baby has been safely delivered. When she wakes, her breasts will be producing milk and she will feel the urge to feed. Come back for the morning feed and you will see."

Fay rushed back to the Abbey, keen to have an hour with her Crucifer book before she needed to get ready for dinner. As she walked, she pondered on young Trixie; she seemed happy enough.

Chapter Fourteen soon - we are approaching the climax, are you?

Chapter Fourteen

Isabella was languishing in her cell; she was being fed on a meagre diet and with only water to drink. Her daily exercise period in the garden was difficult to bear. They would allow her no clothes other than her wimple and so, when it was really cold she opted to stay inside or she would go out for just as long as she could stand. They allowed her no books and she spent her time thinking about what might have been. After some deliberation, the Abbess and the Abbot decided to relent a little. During the winter she would be allowed to circulate freely in the Abbey building for an hour a day. She would still go naked and she would not be allowed to fraternise with the other residents.


One morning she was taken to see Sister Christine. The two escorting monks helped her into the examination chair and fastened her down securely. Sister Christine sprayed her labia with an anaesthetic and waited for it to take effect.

She carried out eight piercing; four on each of Isabella's inner lips. Each hole was fitted with a fine metal ring which could be snapped permanently closed when required. She then located one large ring which through each of the small rings; she snapped the small rings permanently closed.

The large ring was such that it forced her lips apart and formed a circle. What Isabella didn't realize was that the large ring had razor sharp teeth which projected across the opening of her pussy; one particular tooth covered her clit completely, making it inaccessible. The teeth were slightly turned in; pointing into the depths of her vagina.

This was the 'Crown of Thorns', the ultimate punishment for an oversexed woman. The teeth made it impossible to penetrate the cunt with anything like a finger, let alone a prick. The teeth would rip anything to shreds the moment it tried to withdraw. Isabella was untouchable by herself or any of her former lovers; she couldn't even stimulate her own clit.

The inside of her pussy would become very dry; constantly exposed as it would be to the open air. Without lubrication it would hurt; so a servant was assigned to attend to her daily; effectively to flush out her cunt with antiseptic lubricating oil and clean away any debris.

As Isabella was released from the chair, she could actually see her Crown of Thorns as she walked; everybody would see her shame as she displayed her open cunt. The large ring and the terrible teeth glistened in the light as a warning to all who might be tempted.

Thus, her winter of exercise in the Abbey was to be a humiliating affair. She longed for the spring when she might walk outside once more.

Fay walked down to the farm for the morning feed. Trixie was distraught, her breasts were leaking milk and she needed relief. Her body was craving sex and she was hungry; eager to get another dose of her feed.

Fay led her to the parlour and helped her into the stall. She located her neck and wrists correctly before she brought the top bar down and locked the stocks. Trixie's mouth eagerly awaited the feeding tube that would come to her lips. Her heavy breasts were crying out for relief; she heard a pulsing noise somewhere beneath her head. Fay raised the two stainless steel cylinders; one in each hand. The upper ends were fitted with a black rubber sealing sleeve; the lower ends were attached to black rubber tubes. Fay offered the open end of a cylinder to each of Trixie's breasts; the suction from the pump drew the teats deep into the tubes.


The pump alternated the suction on each breasts; always enough to hold the cylinders in place but at its peak, the suction pulled hard on her teats. As the pressure fluctuated, Trixie found that she was being milked. It was not unpleasant and it was something of a relief. She looked down and watched as her milk squirted into the glass jar below her head.

A farm hand strode into the parlour and knelt at the back of Trixie; he pulled out his rampant prick and thrust it into her moist cunt.

'What the fuck?' thought Trixie, until she realized that she quite liked it; then Fay offered her the drinking tube and she started her breakfast.

This was bliss, all her needs catered for in one action. This was much better than prison; life on the farm was a doddle. She felt the huge prick inside her and felt happy. The milking of her breasts, the feed and the fucking ensured that she came; in fact she had multiple orgasms. The farm hand withdrew his penis and then slapped her playfully on the rump.

"See you tomorrow Trixie old girl, see you tomorrow."

He wiped his cock on her arse and tucked it back in his pants; his brother would be doing the evening shift. 'Tomorrow I might try a bumfuck,' he thought as he strolled back out to the farm.

Fay picked up the milk can and took it up to the Abbey; there were a few pints so someone would be having cornflakes for breakfast. She had enquired of Ruth and apparently breast milk was considered a great treat among the monks.

On her way back to her room, Fay popped her head into one of the smaller chapels; it was cosier than the main chapel and the Savants used it frequently to carry out 'private' punishments for minor infringements. There were two Savants in the chapel; one monk, a naked servant and Sister Ulrika. She was completely stripped and had a steel collar around her neck; her wrists were cuffed and fastened together. She was receiving a breast whipping from the naked monk. One of the Savants stood behind Ulrika and used her left hand to present her breasts to the lash of the whip.


Ulrika was feeling the pain but not letting it show, she would not let these people break her. She felt moisture at her pussy and discreetly rubbed her inner thighs together trying to derive some pleasure from her ordeal.

In the background, the naked servant knelt while she was being lectured by the other Savant. Perhaps it was her turn to be whipped next? Fay couldn't help but admire the young servant's bottom; she would like to have got her hands on those firm cheeks.

Fay carried on back towards her dormitory; she was taking the opportunity to use a longer route, in an attempt to discover what happened in some of the rooms she had never visited.


One door was propped wide open to allow a draught and some light into the room; the only thing preventing her entering was an ornate grille which acted as an inner door. She paused to peer through and saw a naked man standing on a stool posing for a life drawing class. She could not determine whether this fit man was Savant, Scholar or servant; either way, the sight of his erect cock made Fay have naughty thoughts.

Two nuns were seated at easels; busy sketching in an attempt to capture on paper this Adonis. The model's penis was now semi erect and this didn't suit the two artists. They both went over to him. One Sister grabbed his member and started to pump his penis until it reached its full size.


The other looked on in amazement dreaming of what she could do with it. She imagined it in her mouth pumping seed down her throat; she imagined it inside her pussy.

When the nuns were satisfied, but alas not the model, they returned to their seats and carried on sketching; the second nun still dreaming about her carnal ambitions.

Fay moved on and had her lunch; afterwards she retired to the second library and curled up on a window seat reading her book. The Sisters of Luna was becoming quite exciting as she eagerly turned the pages.

She returned to the farm for the afternoon feed. She removed Trixie's collar and lead completely; she didn't seem to be any trouble now. When Fay opened the stable door, Trixie crawled down the corridor on her elbows and knees. She went straight to her stall and by the time Fay could get round to her head, she was ready and waiting for her.

Fay fixed the stocks and applied the nozzles to her teats. A look of blissful relief showed on Trixie's face; the second farm hand thrust his cock into her vulva and she hardly batted an eyelid. Fay gave her the drinking tube and patted her head.

The yield was even greater this time; Trixie was performing well and seemed to be happy. Her breasts were getting larger and hung like huge balloons when she first went into her stall. Once she had been milked, the empty breasts hung down like grotesque empty bags.

That evening, Fay decided she would pay off some of her debts. She sent a note to two of the men from her challenge and asked them to invite her round. She was aware that as a mere servant she could not take the initiative.

Quite quickly, the reply came back that she was to meet them after dinner. It turned out that the boys, Brothers Luke and Simon were Scholars who shared a suite of three rooms. Fay made her way over to the monastery and sought out the designated room.

The Brothers welcomed her and ushered her into Simon's room. Fay wore her clean regulation tabard; the boys were in silk robes. They all sat on the huge bed; they drank wine and chatted. The boys had a chance to feed back on Fay's performance at the challenge. They were very complimentary about her technique and congratulated her on achieving what she had.

Reminding Fay that they had been unable to play with her during the challenge, they started to fondle her under her tabard. Fay loved the feeling of four hands roaming all over her body; she responded by stroking the men's cocks. This was something new for her; she ran her nails across Simon's scrotum and watched his reaction.

The two boys set about removing her tabard; not to be outdone; Fay started to strip the boys. Within seconds, all three were naked and romping around on the bed. The two boys had huge erections which bobbed around in front of them as they chased Fay; she took one look and lay on her back.

"One at a time please boys," she said as she spread her legs.

Simon was on her like a flash and sank his prick into her eager pussy, she sighed as she felt it slide in. Luke was knocking on her lips with his moist dick; she opened her mouth and tasted his pre-cum. While Simon fucked her, she slowly licked Luke's tool; she wanted him in her pussy eventually so she didn't try too hard.

She raised her hips to meet each of Simon's thrusts; she thought to herself that men did have their uses, occasionally. Simon quickly came inside her; with three big thrusts he emptied his balls into her. He moved over and let Luke take his place. Luke was gentler; he inserted himself slowly into Fay's juicy cunt.

Simon offered his wilting prick to Fay and she took it into her mouth; she tasted the combination of his spunk and her own juices as she licked his prick clean.

Meanwhile Luke was using a slow rhythm inside Fay's pussy; he was massaging the inside of her vagina with his tool. Not thrusting, just gently and firmly stroking. Fay loved the sensation as she felt him inside her.

Simon started to work on Fay's breasts with his fingers and his tongue; she reached down and started to play with her clit. She was well on her way and she was determined to come before Luke. Once again she tried to imagine herself looking down on the scene; a young girl being ravished by two young men.

She felt that she was coming and removed her hand; she allowed the stroking of Luke's cock to stimulate her. At each thrust he seemed to raise her level another notch; he was continually building her up. He sensed that she was ready and started to increase his tempo; seamlessly he changed from loving to fucking; it was too much for Fay. She gave herself up to the first spasm of her orgasm; she felt Luke squirting his seed into her. She spasmed again and again; her body tense as the feelings shuddered through her body. She kept coming until eventually it passed; she wanted it to stop. They relaxed and lay together to let the euphoria pass.


While Luke and Fay had been shagging, Simon had run a bath and the two boys led Fay through to their bathroom. They helped her into the bath, leaned over and washed her thoroughly; cleaning her pussy very gently. She sponged their pricks clean and was amazed how stiff they had already become; these boys had stamina.

The boys lifted her out of the bath and dried her body thoroughly.

"We want you as a sex slave," announced Simon.

"To be at our beck and call whenever we need something," added Luke.

"Uh, is that allowed under Abbey rules?"

"Oh, absolutely," confirmed Simon.

"Ok, I agree then; where are my chains?" she enquired jokingly.

To her surprise, Luke produced a black and white collar and fastened it round her neck. A 'D' ring at the front would take her lead when required. They loosely bound her wrists as a symbolic gesture and sat her on the ottoman at the foot of the huge bed.

The boys stood in front of her and masturbated; occasionally they would force Fay to lick the beads of pre-cum from their dicks by pulling her head forward. Fay needed no forcing; she loved the taste. She watched as the two hands slid expertly up and down the shafts. Sometimes their grip would be loose so that the cock slid through the hand and the glans was stimulated. On other occasions they would grip tighter; she could see the skin of their dicks being pulled.


The boys came virtually simultaneously; she heard them groan and they leaned back. She felt the first splash of cum on her face; she opened her mouth, this was her supper. When they had finished, she licked the remaining drops from their helmets; she swallowed the large quantity that was in her mouth and knew that her face was also covered. She used her tongue to clean up the bits that she could reach; that was her first proper taste of spunk she thought and it tasted good.

The boys untied her and cleaned her face with a damp flannel. They announced that she would be sleeping with them tonight; between them in the huge bed.

They all slid beneath the covers and cuddled up, one on either side of her. Holding their rampant cocks, she fell asleep contented.

Chapter Fifteen soon - will Fay get pregnant, do you care?
Christ, Crucifier, you type faster than I read!!!

Excellent story, thanks...

To answer your comment seriously, I write the whole story as a text file and then start releasing it a chapter at a time.
Then I spot all the typos and errors and start a first revision which is too late for the first few chapters.
Then a second revision which I have just completed.
Hopefully, by the time I have released all chapters I have a text document which I can release as a complete illustrated .pdf file.

The delay, allows Melissa and Julie to submit photographs for inclusion which are too late and require me to add scenarios to involve their artwork. I have enough material for a second 200 page novel.

'Udderly' fascinating image...

To answer your comment seriously, I write the whole story as a text file and then start releasing it a chapter at a time.
Then I spot all the typos and errors and start a first revision which is too late for the first few chapters.
Then a second revision which I have just completed.
Hopefully, by the time I have released all chapters I have a text document which I can release as a complete illustrated .pdf file.

The delay, allows Melissa and Julie to submit photographs for inclusion which are too late and require me to add scenarios to involve their artwork. I have enough material for a second 200 page novel.

I have a general idea where I want to go with a story and write as I go, often altering the story details when I get suggestions, particularly when they from the characters.

That said saying I am horrible typist would be a complement to me and an insult to typists the world over!!!:p


...it doesn't help my 15 pound cat Leo often lays between me and the keyboard but he likes Crux Forums so what can I do...

leo 004.jpg

'Udderly' fascinating image...

Had a devil of a job persuading Mrs C to pose for this one :devil::devil::devil::devil::devil:

I have a general idea where I want to go with a story and write as I go, often altering the story details when I get suggestions, particularly when they from the characters.

That said saying I am horrible typist would be a complement to me and an insult to typists the world over!!!:p


...it doesn't help my 15 pound cat Leo often lays between me and the keyboard but he likes Crux Forums so what can I do...

View attachment 219299
Beat him into submission with a cat o' nine tails! :devil::devil::devil::devil:

'Udderly' fascinating image...

I have a general idea where I want to go with a story and write as I go, often altering the story details when I get suggestions, particularly when they from the characters.

That said saying I am horrible typist would be a complement to me and an insult to typists the world over!!!:p


...it doesn't help my 15 pound cat Leo often lays between me and the keyboard but he likes Crux Forums so what can I do...

View attachment 219299
I had a devil of a job persuading Mrs C to pose for this one - but she's a sucker for punishment ;););)
Beat him into submission with a cat o' nine tails! :devil::devil::devil::devil:
Never bring a whip to a cat fight... especially if he has not been declawed (which Tree would never do)... I would walk away from Leo if he is pissed and ready to fight... I have seen what he can do both defensively and when taking care of his territory... a lot of muscle and claws and a life in the wild he know what to do!!!
Chapter Fifteen - pt1

The following morning the boys awoke early and demanded a morning fuck from their 'sex slave' before Fay left. She happily obliged and then cleaned herself up in their bathroom. She returned to the dormitory to change into her dirty tabard and rushed to the café for some breakfast.

Kate was already there and was dying to know where she had been. She related the events of the previous evening and they giggled as they discussed Simon and Luke.

"You can take me with you next time," called Kate as Fay rushed out to go to the farm.

Trixie was in good form; as soon as the stable door opened she crawled off to her stall. She was looking bigger now; her breasts were definitely fuller than they had been before. She was still adding body weight and her tummy only just managed to squeeze over the 'leg spreader' as she waddled into the tight stall.

Fay fastened her in and started the milking process; soon the sound of her milk splashing into the bottle could be heard. The original farm hand was good to his word and inserted his thick penis into Trixie's anal passage. She hardly noticed that it was there.

After lunch, Fay retired to her favourite spot in the library to do some reading. She had finished The Sisters of Luna and was now into another of Crucifer's books, Yvette's Dream. Fay so identified with the heroine and her trials at Clavus Magna.

Back to the farm and yet another milking for Trixie. Her yield was still increasing, as was her weight.

Fay decided on an early dinner, as some of the female servants were staging a series of pageants in the undercroft. Fuelled by a little alcohol, the girls would work in teams; presenting a pageant of their choosing to a mixed gender audience of servants and Scholars.

Judges in the audience would score the performance; all the results would be added together to find a winner. They could even bet on the outcome; using 'favours' as a currency. A bet of 'one kiss' on a five to one yield could yield five kisses for a win; in the event of loss, the punter paid the bookie. Favours could range from orgasms to nights in bed; penetrative sex to a blow job. It was important for the punter to pick the right bookie as payment could work both ways.


The first group on were three nymphomaniacs from dormitory C. They were all blondes, stripped to the waists; they had short white skirts which barely hid their privates.

Apparently they were the favourites to win; they spent a lot of their spare time practicing. Their first display involved two girls whipping the third. The target had particularly prominent breasts and they illustrated their skill with the lash by repeatedly landing stripes across her nipples.

The girl stood with hands behind her head taking the lashes and trying not to flinch. Then it was time for a change. The initial victim lashed the other two. Standing between them, she accurately landed a lash on one with her backswing and then a lash on the other with her forward swing.

As she speeded up the lash was moving between them so quickly that you could not see it land. It was a remarkable display and an accurate one. At the end of the display each of the later victims had one bright red breast and there was no evidence of stray stripes anywhere else.

As a finale, the initial victim took up a position between the other two; who then proceeded to whip the two lengths of cloth from out of her belt. With just two lashes, the girl was standing naked in front of the audience. To a round of thunderous applause from the crowd they bowed and left the centre of the floor.

The second team comprised five girls from dormitory A. There was a single victim, two servants in regulation tabards, a Grecian goddess in an orange dress and a guard in a heavy brown cloak.


They had obviously decided to use the contest as an opportunity to stage a full punishment pageant. They started by gagging the victim with a wooden bit. Then she was held by the guard while the two servants ripped the flimsy clothes from her trembling body. She was so convincing that Fay actually wondered whether the victim was a willing volunteer.

The goddess then thrust her fingers contemptuously into the victim's pussy; she tried to struggle but the servants held her arms. As her pussy was diddled the victim's eyes started to fill with moisture; she was nearly in tears. Only after she had achieved a forced orgasm, the four others picked up whips and with the victim between them, whipped her as she stood. She could not evade the stripes; there was always someone close enough to strike her.

The girl dissolved into genuine tears and was still sobbing as they left the stage. If nothing else, it had been an emotional performance.

Dormitory D had decided to enact a bathing scenario. Three girls wearing pale blue see-thru dresses wheeled a mocked-up palanquin onto the stage. They parted the curtains and out stepped the fourth member of their team. She was a mature blonde with voluptuous breasts wearing a goddess dress. Three of the girls removed the goddess's dress and she stood naked in a low bath of warm soapy water. The three young virgins sponged their goddess down; in the process making their own frail costumes very wet and very see through. Fay found the scene very erotic and was feeling quite moist herself.


The virgins then moved the goddess from the bath and started to dry her down; almost worshipping her voluptuous body as they dried it. The goddess seemed to get aroused by their attentions and spread her legs. Taking this to be a signal, one of the virgins knelt at her Mistress's feet and started to lick her pussy.

The other two virgins; kissed her hands and worked along the arms until they were kissing her breasts. With three young girls working on her, it was not long before the Goddess shuddered in the throes of a prolonged orgasm. The four turned to their audience, took a bow and walked off the stage. The audience went wild with their clapping.

The final act from dormitory B started when three girls, dressed as nuns, walking onto the stage. Two were around 5'6" in height and the other was taller at about 5'10". They paraded back and forth showing the odd glimpse of leg to get their audience's interest.

The two shorter girls started to remove each other's clothes; slowly and seductively. Eventually they were both standing in their bra and pants with only a white cap over their heads. The underwear was very frilly and Fay wondered where they had borrowed it from; they were servants. Indeed, where had they borrowed their nun's uniforms?

They turned their attention to the taller nun who was still wearing her black habit. They pulled her behind a small screen and made a show of undressing her; they hung her habit, pants and bra over the top of the screen.

When they pulled her out onto the stage, she was sporting a huge erection. Where had they 'borrowed' this nun from? The girls got down on their knees and proceeded to share his cock between them; taking it in turn to suck and lick. They ran their finger nails over his tight scrotum; they tickled the entrance to his anus. One girl stroked his cock while the other held it between her lips; they reversed roles. One girl put her tongue to his scrotum and then tried to suck his balls into her mouth; the other licked the tip of his penis.


He tried so hard to resist their ministrations, but eventually he just exploded into the mouth of one of the nuns. Spunk was dripping down her chin. The other moved in to try to catch his second load; she succeeded and caught his third load as well. Her partner licked the dribbles from the end of his prick and then licked the other girl's chin. The two girls were insatiable; they wanted to swallow every drop his warm white sperm.

The show was over, Fay didn't bother to wait for the results; she retired to her bed and dreamt about what she had seen. She saw herself being whipped; she imagined what it would be like to be forced to perform on stage in front of an audience. She still wondered if that girl had really been a volunteer.

She dreamed that she too had been ingesting vast quantities of semen; she was sure it would help her boobs develop. How much semen had Trixie been drinking? Once again she was a fully ordained nun; more mature and with bigger breasts.


She was accosted by the three monks of her earlier dreams and they led her into the dark recesses of the monastery. She feared that they were going to be naughty with her.

Now they were leading her down a long corridor; further into the depths of the monastery. They had their hands on her bum and had raised her hem; she was certain that her bottom and her suspenders were exposed at the rear. What were they planning to do? Should she call for help? If they raped her, would she be able to take their huge members in her tiny virgin pussy?


Surely these men could see that she was a good girl. One only had to look at her to tell that she was both innocent and sexually naïve. She held her crucifix in the hope that it would protect her from the evil that she was convinced was about to befall her.

Would it hurt, she wondered as she allowed herself to be pushed into a room and made her kneel on the floor?

They pulled her habit up over her head; she tried to fight back but couldn't stop these three strong men from overcoming her spirited resistance. She was near enough naked now; she noted how the semen diet had increased the size of her breasts. She was proud of the way she had developed in the years since she had joined the convent.


One monk already had his habit rolled up; his semi erect penis swung gently as he helped to undress her. When her hands were free she turned to him and started to play with him. Her thinking was that if she made him big and firm, he might not thrust his swelling manhood into her aching pussy.

What was she saying? The thought of these ruffians forcing their huge stiff cocks into her dripping pussy was making her dizzy with fear. Perhaps if she yielded to their demands they would not hurt her. That was it; she would like back and let them do their worst. She would let them see that she wasn't enjoying it one bit. Then they would be embarrassed that they had failed to arouse her in any way.

She resigned herself to her fate and lay back. She took one cock in her pussy and another in her mouth. She actually loved the feeling of the cock in her cunt but of course, she showed no emotion. She sucked on the cock in her mouth; she had trouble gripping it with one hand. She longed for it to squirt down her throat; if it happened, she would protest vehemently, afterwards.

The third monk stood by, watching the proceedings while slowly masturbating his own cock. My god she thought, looking up, if he comes now it will splash all over my face; it will be all warm and sticky. That should never happen to an innocent girl like me.

Unfortunately, the more she pretended that she didn't want any of this, the more she enjoyed it. Her own orgasm was approaching and she doubted that it would pass in silence; although the cock in her mouth would muffle some of the sound when she came. She was so close now; any small thing would push her over the edge into ecstasy.


She came quite suddenly the moment she felt the splash of warm jizz on her face; it covered her mouth, got in her eyes and a long rope of it landed in her hair. The convulsions of her orgasm set the one in her pussy on fire and he shot three great loads into her and, as soon as he had finished she felt the other shooting his load down the back of her throat.

She was in the process of telling herself that she hadn't enjoyed it one bit when she awoke in the dormitory, covered in sweat and with pools of pussy juice soiling her sheets.

Fay spent most of her day on the farm looking after Trixie; the human cow was now so eager to get to the milking parlour for her fix of food and sex. She was a totally different girl from the one that had first arrived at the farm.

Fay wondered if it might be safe to return her to society; Ruth assured her that it wasn't. Assuming that they could wean her off the drugs, she would actually revert to being a worse citizen than she had been. Trixie was on this treadmill of drugs, sex and milking for the rest of her life.

When Fay visited the farm for the afternoon shift, Ruth informed her that they were soon to be joined by two more young tearaways. Both would be girls and they would follow the same path as Trixie. One of the girls was called Daisy and Fay thought this quite appropriate in view of her future lifestyle.
Chapter Fifteen - pt2

In a ground floor room of the convent, three young servants were being prepared for their graduation to Scholarship. It was an important day for them; if they passed all the tests they would get the opportunity to wear a habit, they would have some status and they would be moving out of the dormitories into much better accommodation.


First they would receive a ritual cleansing; for some this was a luxurious change from the routine of dormitory showers. The water was warm and soapy; it was heavenly just lazing in the huge wooden tub up to their necks in bubbles. In attendance were a Sister and a Mistress; the Sister to do the work and the Mistress to oversee the ritual.


The cleansing over, the three girls were led naked through the Abbey to the apartments of the Mistress. There, they were closely inspected by the Mistress; more for her titillation than any medical requirement. She seemed intent on examining their pussies and breasts in a very intimate manner. She made comparisons between the three; she made a mental note of which to summon to her bedchamber later.


Each girl had to kneel on a stool at the foot of the huge bed; she had to rest her upper body on the soft eiderdown. A naked monk then scourged their backs with a cat of nine tails, leaving livid red marks from shoulders to buttocks.

While the Scholar tended her stripes, the girl had to suck the cock of the monk, as thanks for the chastisement. The other two girls merely watched and waited their turn. She was given just ten minutes to make the cock ejaculate. If she failed, she was bent over the bed and fucked from behind until he emptied himself into her.

Then it was time for the second girl and a new monk to perform. The idea behind the whole ritual was to demonstrate submission as a servant before graduating. None of the girls managed to avoid getting fucked; they weren't skilled enough to make a man come in ten minutes.

When this part of the ritual was over they were taken through to the chapel where the Scholars and the Savants awaited them. The altar rails had been moved away. On the floor lay three huge wooden crosses.


The Abbott gathered the girls round him. Each in turn had to kneel in front of him, open his robe and give him the fivefold kiss which they had been given when they were been inducted as servants.

When they each finished blessing the Abbott, they were led to the crosses and ordered to lie down with their arms outstretched. Their wrists were securely attached to the cross bars by stout ropes; their feet were bound together and they were tied to the stipe such that their feet rested on the sloping wooden step.


All three girls felt vulnerable and afraid as they lay there, waiting. They had been warned about the crucifixion; but now it was upon them. The first girl lay waiting while the other two were tied; the tension was mounting and a slight feeling of panic caused a fluttering in Jane's chest.

She heard the click as a hook was fitted to the eye bolt at the top of the stipe; then the rattle as three chains slowly raised the crosses to the vertical. She felt the weight transfer from being a pressure of her back from the wooden cross, to the drag of the ropes on her wrists and arms. Her feet were pressing against the step. She kept thinking they would slide off. She felt the motion of the cross stop as the stipe dropped into the socket in the floor. Jane looked to left and right; her two friends appeared to be in agony.

The rules stated that they had to endure for thirty minutes; after that, it was up to them. The length of their time on the cross would determine their position in the pecking order of Scholars.

At first she thought that the pain would be easy to bear. She couldn't straighten her legs because when she pushed up on her feet, her arms were held down by the ropes; if she relaxed her knees, the whole of her weight was shared between the two arm ropes and they cut into her flesh.

Any pressure she tried to take on her feet made her bent knees ache and tremble.

Jane had no idea of the time; she would not be told when the thirty minutes had elapsed. Her first task was to make certain that thirty minutes had passed; her second aim was to outlast her two friends.

She concentrated on the rays of the sun which streamed through the windows and warmed her naked body. In her head she divided 360 degrees by 24 hours and concluded that the sun would move round 15 degrees in an hour. She made a mental note of the cross's current shadow position; then tried to divide a quadrant into six parts. If she did 15 degrees then she would have done an hour and safely exceeded her thirty minutes.

Sweat rolled down her brow and into her eyes; her eyes stung. Sweat was running down her body; she could see it forming between her breasts and running down to her pussy. She had never been naked and helpless in front of a crowd like this; she heard them talking about her and her friends. Some commented on the size of her tits; others thought that her pussy looked nice.

Christ, she was hanging in agony; while they were treating this as a spectator sport. Of the three, she thought that she had the best tits; the girl on her left had the tightest of bums while the girl on the right was particularly attractive. They each had their good points; it didn't always come in one package.

Jane tried to imagine what it would have been like if the members of the audience had all been naked. Then she could have made personal comments about them; a voice from the cross pointing out a pair of saggy breasts or a juicy twat.

She chuckled; god it hurt when she chuckled. She tried just straightening one leg; after a minute she straightened the other; after a minute she relaxed the first leg; then she relaxed the other. She tried to cycle the pain around her body moving it between arms, shoulder sockets and knees. It didn't relieve the pain; but at least her pain came from different places.

The girl on her left started to cry out loud. She had had enough; she wanted down. Jane checked the angle of the shadow and it was beyond the point where she had estimated 30 minutes to be. There was a clatter of chains as the first cross was lowered to the ground.

Jane looked over to the girl on the right; her face was contorted with pain. She danced on the cross in a vain attempt to find a comfortable position. However, she was determined to go longer.

Jane continued her programme of pain cycling; she was convinced that it helped to keep the pain at bay. She tried to imagine that she was in the audience looking up; a naked girl on the cross dancing in torment.


Had it been a real crucifixion she would have been stripped and made to wear a crown of thorns; she would have carried her own cross through the streets to her place of execution. Now that would have been humiliating; to be displayed naked in front of total strangers.

The image caused her to get aroused. She wondered how, in all this pain, she could get aroused. She imagined being whipped through the streets. Total strangers yelling abuse at her and slapping her body; some even stepping from the crowd to pinch her nipples or finger her pussy.

Her reverie was interrupted when the girl to her right called out for mercy. Again there was the clatter of chains and the cries of relief as the girl was released from her torment.

Jane wondered whether she could continue much longer. The pain was no longer sharp; it was just a constant factor. She wondered if she could get any more from her fantasy about being tormented by the crowd.

She thought about the real crowd; the audience gazing up at her. She was glad that her feet were tied together; as long as she bent both knees the same way she was safe. When she bent both outwards she displayed her moist fanny.

God, had she been on a St Andrew's cross her legs would have been splayed and everyone would be able to see her private parts. She imagined the sight of her slender and prominent labia hanging down for all to admire or criticize.


She imagined a member of the audience had stepped forward and was now standing in front of her; her tongue grazed her pussy. The image was so real; she could actually feel it happening to her. The gentle stroke of the tongue along her slit; teasing her labia and probing for her clit. God, if only; she was feeling so horny. The pain was nothing; the feelings in her pussy were what she was concentrating on. If only she could think herself to an orgasm. It must be possible; no physical contact, just thoughts.

She concentrated hard; she knew she was juicing. She just wanted that tongue to dip in and lick it all out. She thought about Janice; her special friend. Most nights they would share a bed; most nights were spent in each other's arms. She missed Janice and she wanted to feel her tongue in her pussy; her hands massaging her breasts.

"Let me down," she cried. "I am finished."

Ten minutes later, she was in the arms of her true love.

Chapter Sixteen, the penultimate tomorrow?
Chapter Sixteen

Isabella found the straw to be very scratchy. She was trying to stimulate herself through the Crown of Thorns; the only thing she had was the straw on the floor of her cell.

She had thought that her little finger might be small enough and it passed the vicious teeth of her crown. She was unable to move it about and there had been much bloodshed when she finally managed to extricate it.

Her guard, Sister Ulrika, had applied basic first aid on her daily visit, but even after a week her finger was extremely sore. The regular douching and cleaning of her fanny provided no satisfaction. Ulrika was careful to ensure that she applied the oil in as non-sexual a way as possible. Isabella the insatiable was getting very frustrated.

As the spring approached, Isabella thought it was about time that she be allowed to walk in the gardens. Perhaps she could then find a twig or something to defeat her tormentor. One morning Ulrika arrived accompanied by Brother David; he had been Isabella's Scholar and now he was her jailer. Ulrika oiled and examined her pussy while Brother David looked on. He removed a very slim dildo from his pocket and approached Isabella.

"At last," she thought. "I am going to get satisfaction from my faithful friend David."

The monk pushed the dildo between the teeth of the crown of thorns; the end which remained in his hand was shaped like a tee bar and acted as a handle.

Ulrika locked the fingers of her left hand around the handle and pulled; the teeth bit into the dildo and held it firm.

As she pulled, the crown of thorns was pulled away from Isabella's pussy. Her lips were stretched and the eight rings that anchored it were fully exposed. With a pair of snips, David cut the rings and the circle of teeth was finally removed from her body.

He ordered Isabella to kneel on all fours; having been stretched for a period of four months her pussy was reluctant to close up. Ulrika squirted oil inside it to relieve the dryness.

David inserted his cock into the gaping cavern and rammed it home; he simply fucked the women who had spent the last few years making his life hell. There was no finesse; no attempt to satisfy Isabella, just the urgent thrusting of a man trying to have his way in a girl's cunt as quickly as possible.

When he had jetted his load into her slack pussy, he withdrew his prick. He wiped it on Isabella's hair; then Ulrika carefully sponged and cleaned it for him.

Isabella remained on her knees begging for satisfaction; she urged David or Ulrika to rub her clit, they didn't hear her.

As his prick slowly began to lose its girth, David was able to slide the viciously spiked ring from his cock. He looked at Isabella's cunt; blood was flowing freely and it was her turn to be a virgin. Fortunately, the oils which Ulrika had applied contained an antiseptic; the inside walls of Isabella's vaginal canal would be severely lacerated. They would sting like buggery for weeks but she would survive. If only Fay had been present to witness how her tormentor had been made to bleed.

In the Abbey the two new recruits for the farm were being examined by Sisters Louise and Greta. They had just been delivered by Brother Robert on the boat, they needed to be washed and then examined to ensure that they were fit enough to 'work' on the farm.

The Sisters were not aware of what the farm work would involve, or even the circumstances under which the girls had been sent to the island; they would merely pass them on to Sister Ruth and Fay when they had finished.

Sister Greta explained to the girls what was going to happen; the girls seemed docile enough, if a little sullen. They had been sedated for their journey from the prison and it had not yet worn off.

Ruth and Fay were going to try a slightly different regime with these two; there would be no ropes or chains. Sedation would be used until they became compliant and they would share a stable. However, they would not be meeting Trixie any time soon.


The sisters stood Dorothy in a bath of warm water; she was blonde and had lovely plump breasts. According to her records she had spent some time as a model for a lads' mag.

As the sisters sponged her down they examined every inch of her youthful body; Greta imagined what it might be like to share a bed with this one. She accidently grazed her pussy and got no response at all; Dorothy was obviously not interested in girls. Apparently, this one craved cock, and lots of it.

Greta wondered how long Dorothy would be able to hold out if she was living in the nunnery.

They continued with their work, making small talk with the girl. How had she come to volunteer to work on the farm? The girl gave no clue as to the real reason.

16b- Dorothy.jpg

Sister Louise also took a liking to the gorgeous Dorothy; perhaps one day she would visit the farm and look her up. Louise still had a fancy for the new girl Fay, well not so new now because she had been at the Abbey six months, but this one had a body to die for. She tried a more direct approach than Greta; she stood the girl in front of her and started to dry her pussy.

"Open your legs Dorothy darling, I can't dry you properly."

Dorothy complied and let Louise explore the folds of her pussy. Louise started to play with her clit and the girl responded.

"You like that don't you? I can tell"

"Yes Sister, but I am not used to women, it feels sort of wrong."

"But you could get used to it though?"

"Oh yes Sister."

Had Louise realised it; she was trying to seduce someone who had been convicted of killing a number of young girls. Dorothy was convinced the girls had been trying to get off with her boyfriend. At her trial she showed no remorse and the judge had given her two life sentences, only because there was no death penalty. Louise was fortunate that the girl was sedated.


The Sisters started to work on Daisy. She had long black hair and also a very nice body; they examined her before they bathed her. Daisy had very good breasts with large nipples which Greta had no problem arousing.

They ordered her to strip down to her waist. She was reluctant to do this but she allowed Greta and Louise to pull the simple cotton shift from her shoulders. She was passive; they could do anything to her but she would not help.

They felt her breasts and ran their fingers over her nipples; she winced when they pinched the teats. The Sisters enjoyed their work, particularly when they had the opportunity to test their skills on a 'new' girl.

Daisy had 'volunteered' for the farm because she had murdered her family one night while they slept. There had been a row with her parents about stopping out late; so she had taken a knife and killed them together with her brother. Greta didn't know this and considered her a vision of loveliness with great 'fuck' potential. She was however, the sweet kid that had told the judge and jury at her trial that she would come back and kill the lot of them.

Sisters Greta and Louise always saw the best in people; right now, Louise was pulling Daisy's shift down to her ankles so that she could get a better look at the girl's inviting pussy. A few drops of moisture were evident and Louise ran her finger through them.

"Nice," she said as she put her finger to her lips and tasted Daisy's juices.


Daisy smiled down at her and Louise took this as encouragement. She ran her finger along the groove that was Daisy's cunt; this girl was hot. Greta started to massage her breasts and the nipples became firm under her touch.

As Louise pressed her lips to Daisy's pussy, the girl bore down, pushing her mound into Louise's eager mouth. A tongue started to lick at her juices; she felt it dart over her clit. Daisy reached across and started to undo the front of Greta's habit.

Dorothy joined in and soon they had the two nuns naked. Hungrily they massaged each other's bodies; breasts were being squeezed and pussies were being felt. Eight hands; eight breasts; four pussies and four tongues all playing with each other.

They laid Louise on the bed and tied her wrists and ankles to the bedposts. She was now splayed wide and available to the attentions of the other three. She had a tongue in her pussy and lips suckling her breasts. Hands were running up and down her legs. Sister Louise was getting very aroused and wanted to come.

Sister Greta tried to encourage the other two to lick her own pussy. To Louise's frustration, they temporarily abandoned her and started to play with Greta. They encouraged Greta to lick Louise's pussy. They encouraged Louise to reciprocate as Greta lay on top of Louise. Greta ran her hands along Louise's slender legs. At the same time, she spread her own legs to allow Louise greater access. Daisy and Dorothy were playing with them both, fingering their tight bum holes and stimulating their pert nipples. The two nuns were in seventh heaven as their two charges administered to their sexual needs.

Greta never noticed when her ankles and wrists were also tied to the bedstead. Her body formed a perfect 'X' on top of the 'X' made by Louise. The two girls stopped their teasing and watched as the two nuns licked avidly at each other's wet cunts.

The girls gathered up the nuns' discarded clothes and started to get dressed. They let themselves out of the door and locked it behind them. They made their way to the Abbey and across the courtyard to the door where they had emerged from the boat.

They averted their gaze when they passed anyone. They found the gate unlocked and started down the narrow passage, between the racks of wine towards the bottom gate.

Sister Ruth had made her way over from the farm. She wanted to know whether the girls were ready for their new life. She knocked on the door and entered, finding two rather embarrassed and naked nuns spread-eagled on the bed.

There was no sign of the girls, apart from their discarded cotton shifts. Neither was there any sign of the habits which Louise and Greta had been wearing earlier.

Leaving two naked nuns trussed up on the bed, she ran out into the hall and pressed the general alarm bell. Savants and Scholars dropped everything they were doing and sprang into action. The alarm indicated some disaster like a fire or someone trying to break in. It could indicate an invasion of the island; it might possibly mean that someone was trying to break out.

Occasionally, a new servant might have a change of heart and attempt an escape. Try as they might, they never succeeded. Eight hours was the longest that any escapee had managed to evade capture.

Each person had their duty to perform; all gates were locked immediately. Whoever sounded the alarm would report to the office to give details of the emergency. If they hadn't done this within five minutes it would be assumed that they were somehow incapacitated and a general search would take place.

Short of swimming, there was no way off the island. The boat was locked down. The cliffs were vertical and all access to the beach was blocked. A contingent of monks would even now, be on their way to the far end of the island to conduct a sweep back to the Abbey.

Sister Ruth reported that she thought that Daisy and Dorothy had escaped from Louise and Greta. As the search got under way, she slipped back and released the two nuns.

"I hope that you two have got your stories straight?"

She left the nuns to find themselves some clothes; serve them right if they had to walk naked through the Abbey grounds. She made her way to the courtyard. There was already a report of two nuns having been seen on the long staircase. It could only be the reluctant farm hands.

A party of monks went down to bring them back up. They took the opportunity to strip off their nun's habits and march them naked back up to the courtyard. Nobody questioned why these two 'volunteer workers' were being hunted down. The alarm had sounded and the call had gone out that two civilians had 'escaped'. We find them and bring them back, we don't ask questions. Brother Robert alone knew; that he very rarely took anyone other than a Savant to the mainland; for most people it was always a one way trip.

Fay's idea of applying a new approach to farm workers was immediately abandoned. The two were chained at the ankles and wrists like American convicts. They stood in the courtyard awaiting the arrival of Sister Ruth and Fay who would take them to their quarters. On this occasion they came armed with the cattle prod.

These girls were potential escapers; they had tried it once and they might try it again. They didn't know that nobody had ever yet managed an escape from the island.

"You are potential escapers," announced Sister Ruth. "You know why you are here and you know that the alternative is a very long prison sentence. You will be marked so that in the unlikely event that you do ever reach the mainland, the authorities will know you are an escaped prisoner. Come with us."

They took them to an isolated outbuilding and made them watch while the fire was stoked and the iron was heated. The girls were terrified; they could imagine what was coming. They were defiant enough to cope with incarceration but physical pain and permanent marks were something else.


Dorothy was taken over to a bench and made to get on it. She was forced to kneel with her bottom in the air. Strong hands held her down; she was quaking with fear.

When Fay applied the red hot iron to her buttock she screamed with the pain; there was the sound of searing flesh and smoke rose from the iron.

"Next time my darling," said Ruth. "The brand will be on your pretty breasts."

Fay removed the iron and returned it to the fire.

A black 'S' was scorched into the delicate flesh; the agony was intense and she fainted. Fay rubbed a salve into the wound in an attempt to ease the pain. They threw a bucket of cold water over the naked girl to bring her round.

"Now it's your turn," said Fay turning to Daisy who sat cringing in the corner.

Fay actually felt sorry for the girl as she made her way to the bench.

"No, no, no," sobbed the girl as she tried to resist. "I won't escape again I promise, it was all Dorothy's idea."

"Come my child, we all have our cross to bear, except in your case it is an 'S'," said Fay rather cruelly.

If anything the screams were louder as the iron burned its way into her. When the girls had recovered sufficiently to travel, Fay and Ruth led them down to the farm. They put them in the stable and let them lie down on the straw; they lay on their sides, careful not to let their newly formed ornaments touch the straw. Fay gave each of them the first of their protein drinks; the girls slept.

Chapter Seventeen - the denouement tomorrow
Chapter Seventeen - The Last

While the two girls slept, Trixie was let out for her milking. She crawled along the corridor to her stall in the parlour and shuffled her way in. The leg spreader boards were now quite an obstacle for her pendulous tummy and it was a squeeze to get in place.

Soon she was connected up and happily sucking on her feeding tube; a huge prick was ploughing her flaccid fanny and she was a contented young cow.

Her orgasms now started within a couple of minutes and would continue one after the other until the bull serving her chose to pull out. The looser her fanny became the longer he took and the more orgasms she had to endure. She was probably just cresting her sixth orgasm when a sharp pain in her chest put all the lights out.

Poor Trixie had served her time on the island and her punishment was over. She died happily with a prick in her pussy, an orgasm in her brain and her tits being milked; what a way to go.

Later, the two farm hands that had spent the last six months serving her; managed to remove the body from the stall and took it away on a barrow for a quiet 'burial' in the pig sty. After a few weeks, nothing would remain of poor Trixie; she had never existed.

Isabella was roaming the gardens during her exercise periods now. She had lost her wimple many months ago and now, the sun was warm on her naked body. She strolled through the orchard and past the 'private' garden.

To her mind, the 'private' garden just appeared to be a bunch of trees and some grass; not that she could see much over the wall that surrounded it. A wooden door prevented access and it was always locked. A notice by the door said "Danger Keep Out" which intrigued her and piqued her insatiable curiosity. At the end of the main Abbey gardens, another door led through to the fields and the farm, this was locked and only Ruth and Fay carried a key to allow access to their work.

Isabella would wander round, soaking in the sun, smelling the flowers and listening to the birds. All too quickly the bell would ring and she would have to return to her cell.

The following day Fay was at the farm working with Dorothy and Daisy; both were quite docile now and allowed to share a stable unfettered. Fay knew that the two were fucking each other; but what the hell? Their breasts were growing bigger as the hormone treatment kicked in.


Daisy's teats were massive and Ruth watched as she tried to relieve some of the pressure from the growing milk supply; tomorrow she would be introduced to the milking parlour. Fay could already imagine the suction cups gently pulling on the teats and drawing the milk into the big glass jar. With two 'cows' she would be able to satisfy all of her thirsty customers at the Monastery.

Fay had lined up a couple of male servants to act as the bulls for the new girls. The new girls were too good for a rough old farm hand.

The bulls had no idea who they were fucking or what their function was. All that the servants saw was the rear end of two girls; they could have been servants for all they knew. They couldn't see the milking; just two nice juicy cunts being offered on a plate, as it were. One of the servants was Tom and the other was Peter.


Dorothy was already spraying her milk and the girls were using each other to relieve the pressure. It was so cute to look into the stable and watch one girl suckling the other.

They had also started to relieve each other in a different way and if they weren't sucking nipple they could be found sucking pussy. The girls would often sleep in each other's arms.

Fay thought that these girls would be perfect dairy stock. Her mind continued the analogy and she actually started to wonder what the cuts of meat might taste like, suitably grilled. She quickly dismissed the thought from her mind; that was gross.

The Abbess opened the safe in her office and removed a large rusty iron key; she slipped it into the pocket of her habit and closed the safe. The sun was shining brightly and she suspected that the 'tree of life' would be in full blossom now. She walked out of her French windows and into the garden; it was a lovely day. In the hours before Isabella's exercise period, the garden was out of bounds to everyone, except the Abbott and Abbess. Even Ruth and Fay had to time their trips between Abbey and farm to ensure that Isabella had absolutely no contact with anyone.

Once in the garden, the Abbess slipped a mask over her nose and she inhaled the pungent aroma from the oils which it had been soaked in. The fumes cleared her sinuses and masked all other smells as she approached the 'private garden'. She unlocked the gate and stood framed in the entrance; she gazed upon a sight that so few had ever seen. Within the confines of the wall which surrounded the garden were a series of trees set in a grassy meadow. The grass was tended by a small flock of sheep who ambled around cropping the tufts as if their life depended on it. The trees were all of different sizes; the tree in the centre was a mature specimen; those around it were younger.

Even the Abbess didn't know the name of the tree it seemed to be a cross between a willow and a magnolia; a single large white blossom hung from the tree. The ancient limbs were sprouting wands of willow like stems which grew upwards, reaching for the sky. Perhaps in the old days these would be harvested to make materials for basket weaving or sticks to be lashed into a broom.

No, she decided, they were too supple for a broom but they were slender enough and long enough for weaving. The Abbess left the 'private garden' and neglected to either close the door or lock it. She returned to her study; removed the mask and threw it into her waste paper basket.

Fay and Ruth had to lunch at the farm because of the Isabella embargo; Fay particularly had no wish to come face to face with her rapist. They ate their sandwiches and went through to the stable. The two girls eyed them up as they sat on the straw. Fay walked over to Dorothy and raised her own tabard.

"Lick me," she commanded.

Ruth approached Daisy with her nun's habit hoisted high.

"Taste my pussy," she ordered.

The two girls set to work with a will. By now they were compliant and sex starved; any opportunity for a bit of fun helped to while away the hours.

The lock on Isabella's cell turned and the door swung open. She knew that there would be no-one there to speak to. She walked out of her cramped cell, through another door and into the fresh air. The blazing sunlight hurt her eyes and she could feel the warmth on her body. She turned slowly like a rotisserie, soaking up the heat.

She always walked the perimeter of the garden first; it gave her a chance to stretch her cramped legs. Then she would circumnavigate the wall of the 'private garden' which was contained inside the Abbey garden. It was just a routine that she had built up because she didn't like wandering aimlessly.

She could hear the birds singing and the bleating of the sheep as they cropped the grass. Butterflies were beginning to visit the flowers and they were particularly attracted to the Buddleia. Buddleia Davidii she thought; named after her one time lover David. If only she had kept to the rules, she thought. Why could she not have been satisfied with shagging David and playing with her slave Annie? Perhaps if she had treated them better, she might not be in this predicament.

She was deep in thought. Mentally she tried to list all her regrets as she took her walk. She agreed that it had been wicked to take the girl Fay's maidenhead and then try to cover it up. Once the girl had been initiated, Isabella could have had as much of her pussy and tongue as she had wanted.

As a Savant she could have whatever she wanted, within reason. But, she could not resist the temptation to pluck this particular rose.

One of the flowers was in bloom somewhere. She could smell the strong scent as it wafted over the breeze; tempting passing insects to drop by and pollinate. Gosh, the scent was strong and it made her feel excited. How could a mere smell engender such feelings in a woman? She still couldn't see the source when she happened on the open door of the 'private garden'.

Time to explore, she thought; as she pushed the door open. She was doing it again. It was in her very nature to ignore the words 'private' and 'danger' because she was a rebel at heart.

She saw the group of strange trees and she saw the single white flower. That must be the source of the scent, she knew it. What kind of tree was this? The perfume from the flower was driving her crazy and she could feel the moisture between her legs. She needed to get closer and smell the flower up close.

She studied the branches; about three feet from the ground the trunk branched into two. It was a broad based 'U' shape rather than a 'Y'; the two branches started horizontally and then turned upwards to the sky. Smaller branches and foliage were growing higher up, from which hung the one white flower.

The limbs that formed the 'U' seemed to be covered in thin little shoots that grew straight upwards. She guessed that if she stood in the 'U' and held onto the uprights, she would be able to lean far enough forward; she just had to get closer to this erotic and arousing aroma.

Isabella placed her bare foot on a knot in the trunk and managed to lift her other leg onto her chosen perch. She brought her other foot up. The upright fronds of willow tickled her legs and ankles as she planted her feet between them.

So far so good; now to find a hand hold on the twin uprights so that she could lean forward safely. She threaded her hands through a forest of fronds and gripped the two slender main stems; wrapping her finger around as far as they would go. Again she felt the tickling as the fronds, no doubt stirred by a breeze, as they brushed her wrists.

She held tight as she leaned forward; she was so close to the flower now and the perfume was intoxicating; she drank it in. The fronds at her ankles and wrists slowly, almost imperceptibly began to wrap themselves around her. She didn't notice because she was concentrating on the flower.

Smaller, finer fronds seemed to emerge from the shoots and were stroking her body; she felt excited as something started to tickle her legs between her thighs. Other fronds found their way along her arms and touched her breasts. Isabella had no idea what was happening except that she could feel her whole body tingling as she was being stimulated. Could a perfume conjure up all these feelings, she wondered?

Even if she had wanted to, she couldn't have moved her ankles or wrists from the tree; she was held firmly. To Isabella, the firmness didn't represent restraint, it meant security; she could lean further towards the tantalizing flower.

The tiny fronds were now everywhere; they stimulated her pussy; they massaged her breasts. Fronds at the side of her neck were stroking her; behind the ears and down her back. She could take no end of this.

Her pussy was beginning to run with the evidence of her arousal; the juices were running down her legs. The aroma of her arousal mingled with the scent of the flower. As the scent of the flower reached her nostrils, so the scent of her own excitement was drifting towards the beautiful flower.

At the centre of the flower head, a crack was forming. A pink seed pod began to force its way out of the base of the flower. When it fully emerged it was about two inches in diameter and six in length. It was attached to the flower by a long umbilical which seemed to grown in length by the minute. The seed pod descended vertically towards the ground as Isabella writhed in ecstasy on the tree of life.

Then the pod caught the heady scent of her vagina and turned upwards; growing towards the source of the aroma which interested it. The tree had attracted her by its scent and now, she was attracting the tree.

The pointed tip of the pod nudged the entrance to her pussy and she felt a slight pressure. Delicate fronds were tickling her clit and started to work their way into her cunt. Following the scent of her arousal, they worked their way inside her.

As the pod applied pressure, the fronds gently pulled her lips apart leaving the way open for the seed pod to gain entry. She felt ecstatic as it slid inside her; its girth and length increased to fill the available space. Then it slowly started to pulse. First swelling and then deflating; swelling again and deflating. She was mesmerized by the sensation deep within her vagina as the pulsing continued.

The pod didn't physically move in or out of her pussy; it simply pulsed, sending a series of ripples along her pussy walls; simulating the sensuous movement of a penis during intercourse. She was enjoying the best fuck she had ever experienced. This thing was arousing her towards a fantastic orgasm; tendrils from the pod itself were now moving inside her womb, to give her feelings she had never experience before.

Then she came, crashing orgasm after orgasm wracked her aching body. She lost count of the number of times; the pod wouldn't let her stop.

It continued to stimulate her, forcing her to climax repeatedly. The pleasure was so intense it seemed to explode inside her until finally, unable to stop the climaxes; she finally lost consciousness as a state of euphoria overtook her.

The fronds at her wrists and ankles released their grip and she fell from the tree. Her unconscious body landed unharmed on the grass below. In the fall, the pod broke away from the umbilical, but remained firmly inside her.

When she eventually regained consciousness she felt a sudden chill pervade her body; she needed the warmth of the sun. Without thinking she crawled through the meadow away from the shade of the tree; away from the other trees until she found a nice warm patch. She rolled onto her back and returned to a state of semi consciousness.

She could feel the tendrils in her womb stared to reach out; they were seeking the flesh and blood which they needed to feed the pod. She felt the pod sprouting roots which forced their way through her back and her anus. They bored their way into the ground until she was firmly anchored. It continued to grow; she felt green shoots emerged from her stomach their leafy tips growing upwards towards the sun and a small shoot emerged from the depths of her swollen pussy.

Then, each breast was pierced from within, more shoots grew upwards. She felt a stem working its way through her body, around the organs until it reached her faintly beating heart. Her brain was still functioning and she could feel the inexorable progress of the plant within her. When the growth finally reached her brain, shoots started to appear from every orifice in her head.

Her eyes were forced out from behind. She choked as she felt the thing growing in her throat. All her bodily functions were slowly closing down as the plant took over her body.

The fronds turned upwards, seeking the warmth of the sun in their own insatiable quest for life. One insatiable being growing out of another.

Isabella didn't hear the sound of the Abbess closing the gate and turning the key in the lock; in fact, Isabella never heard another thing.

Within days, all that remained was a pile of white bone fragments surrounding a small willow tree. The plant had devoured her flesh and her organs. The birds overhead had finished off any remaining morsels of her once delectable flesh.

The glorious breasts which Roseanne had once avidly sucked no longer existed. The pussy which she had loved to pleasure was gone. The Insatiable was gone forever and the world was once more a safe place.

Isabella had paid the price for her sins and she would not be returning to the mainland after all.

A full .pdf version of the story will be posted shortly.
It contains all the photographs and the text is revised.
wait for it
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