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That Oral Sex Thing....

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I had never had a cock in my mouth until i got married Admihoek, but i soon learnt and when your man is in deep depression because his football team lost sucking his cock soon brings a smile to his face, and the way things are going this season i am going to be doing a lot of cock sucking
i can`t make my mind up what he likes the most, having his cock sucked or me rocking back on my heels, rolling my eyes and swallowing, the look on his face i just cannot describe, what is the best part for you boys. -Dorothy


I really don't remember when I first did or had done oral sex. Many I know find it repulsive but I think a muff-dive divine. She is so cute when she is either struggling against the ropes or ripping my hair out...

Your thoughts???
Going down is a measure of love. It can be trivial, some don't consider it sex. But then again it can be the a deep bond, especially if your partner has never been properly treated before.

I've heard a thousand times that women are FAR LESS STIMULATED by vaginal penetration alone without clitoral stimulation. So if all you're doing is fucking there is a very real chance that the moan coming from her is something less than sincere.

TESTOSTERONE is transferred by saliva. Kiss her up and down. Let your chemicals mix. Then lick and nibble, my favorite technique is to use my lips alone to pull at her clit. Biting can be fun but will not lead to orgasm alone. The same goes for when she goes down on me. I will throw her off me if she is either too passive or too aggressive.

Tether to it and take a ride.
One cannot say Adobe is without opinion...

...Ladies and (dare I say) gents...


I love my wife to death, but she doesn't like weird shit (she doesn't know about this forum :) And weird shit includes her blowing me, which has never happened, and me going down on her, which happened 2 but she said it made her feel disgusted on my behalf. I did enjoy it. It was not what I expected at all in terms of taste, and Adobe has provided me with some extra tips for the future. I have mixed feelings about being blowed myself. It always seemed like a power play to me.
Oral sex is one of the most intimate and joyous things that people can do for each other. It is a beautiful and wondrous experience for both parties and to not do this is to miss out on one of the most rewarding activities that it's possible to do.

Obviously being a lesbian, I find myself doing this a lot, and I love it being done to me. Fortunately, Cynthia also loves this and we spend a lot of time pleasuring each other in this way. The taste of her sweet juices arouses me enormously and she enjoys it when I kiss her afterwards so she can taste her delicious sex on my lips.

For me, it's very hard to imagine how anybody could not enjoy this :p:D

We also both enjoy rimming, though I can fully understand why some people may not want to do this, but as for "front-side oral", anyone who doesn't do this is really missing out!
I like having my pussy licked and eaten,it turns me on so much and I always cum hard!
I had a girlfriend that loved to do me as I drove my pick-up truck down the highway...

...she's my wife now...

luckey you..........................and how about your wife now?:p
Most of the women I have known enjoyed oral sex. One in particular liked it more than intercourse. At first I was a little hesitant because I didn't know what I was doing, but as I got better, practice makes perfect, I enjoyed it because the lady enjoyed it. The method I use is you lick the alphabet, find the letters that gives the most response and stay with those:p. As for blow jobs, I personally like them.
I once got a speeding ticket just after my first road-head. Now that sucked! [ quote="thehangingtree, post: 82406, member: 4513"]I had a girlfriend that loved to do me as I drove my pick-up truck down the highway...

...she's my wife now...

Seems mixed Mr. Tree, Mostly Men licking out their woman, Jimmy thinks that is dirty so i have never ever been pleasured in that way, i suck his cock because i love him and want to please him, simple as that , i know for sure he likes it, maybe better than normal sex
Tree does not understand guys who expect oral sex but will not offer it! While not saying I'm not good at intercourse, there has never been a woman I have been with that damn near didn't have her brains blown out by an orgasm caused by a righteous tonguing!

The odd thing is they would never let me do it after we had intercourse because they felt 'dirty'...


master of deep thoughts and crucifier of fine women around the globe...
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a new form of address?:D

Ulrika had it put on my last batch of business cards after I tied her spread-eagle to a bed and locked her pussy until she couldn't take anymore...


...then I fucked her...
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