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The Aniversary

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My mom always said..."there will be days like this" and "I never should play with the little boys in the wood"? (anyone here know where that second line came from ... prize for anyone who does)

Stop the World - I Want to Get Off?????????????????????????? :rolleyes::p:doh::confused:;)
This is totally new to me. I don’t go to slave auctions; I crucify slaves. Suddenly I own ‘Lot 21’! I knew they were serving the bidders cheap drinks! At least ‘Lot 21’ was pretty damn good looking; better than I could pick up at a bar even if I was throwing money around.

I paid extra for the optional restraints and shove her in the passenger seat. I climb in the driver’s seat and start the car, asking her if her hair was her natural hair color. She gave me a funny look and said “Does it really look natural?”

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I make a mental note not to engage in small talk (it is above me). We drive to the Tree house and I put her to bed. She asks “Aren’t you going to whip me or rape me?”

“Why should I?” I ask.

“What the hell did you by me for, hog food?” She replies.

“I don’t own hogs and I didn’t mean to buy you. I lifted my ass to fart and didn’t know I was doubling the bid” I told her.

“Haven’t you ever been to a cattle or slave auction?” she asks me.

“Never sober” I say.

“You fucking idiot, when you lift your ass you double the bid because you are signaling whatever is bid you are going to blow away!”

I suddenly understand her explanation though I’m not sure I liked the “fucking idiot” part. I tell her I need to shower and she bitches she is not bound. I wrap her wrists behind her back with a belt and ask if she has a name. She tells me most people call her ‘bitch’, ‘cunt’, ‘whore’, or ‘slave’. I tell her I’m not ‘most people’ and again ask her name.

“I was Barb”

“You are Barb… I don’t own slaves…”

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This is totally new to me. I don’t go to slave auctions; I crucify slaves. Suddenly I own ‘Lot 21’! I knew they were serving the bidders cheap drinks! At least ‘Lot 21’ was pretty damn good looking; better than I could pick up at a bar even if I was throwing money around.

I paid extra for the optional restraints and shove her in the passenger seat. I climb in the driver’s seat and start the car, asking her if her hair was her natural hair color. She gave me a funny look and said “Does it really look natural?”

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I make a mental note not to engage in small talk (it is above me). We drive to the Tree house and I put her to bed. She asks “Aren’t you going to whip me or rape me?”

“Why should I?” I ask.

“What the hell did you by me for, hog food?” She replies.

“I don’t own hogs and I didn’t mean to buy you. I lifted my ass to fart and didn’t know I was doubling the bid” I told her.

“Haven’t you ever been to a cattle or slave auction?” she asks me.

“Never sober” I say.

“You fucking idiot, when you lift your ass you double the bid because you are signaling whatever is bid you are going to blow away!”

I suddenly understand her explanation though I’m not sure I liked the “fucking idiot” part. I tell her I need to shower and she bitches she is not bound. I wrap her wrists behind her back with a belt and ask if she has a name. She tells me most people call her ‘bitch’, ‘cunt’, ‘whore’, or ‘slave’. I tell her I’m not ‘most people’ and again ask her name.

“I was Barb”

“You are Barb… I don’t own slaves…”


car sex.jpg And I don't do it in cars:rolleyes:....come on, Tree, be truthful....
you have always owned me.
So that is how this started. I really believe he did not mean to buy me but the more I know him the more I am confused if he was too sober or too drunk. The longer I am with him the kinder he treats me. He even invites me to have sex instead of demanding it. I believe if I wanted to walk away he would let me but as an IMF registered slave that still does not insure freedom.

One day on the deck of the Tree house I ask him “Do you regret buying me?”

“I regret you are here as a slave” He says as he lights a Marlboro. “Would you have even given me a first glance if we passed on the street?”

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I grab a Madame Wu and light it then pick up the glass of wine he poured for Me. I look at him and smile and answer honestly “Only because you look like my grandfather!”

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As time passes I become bolder and ask him more questions. “So why did you buy me?”

“I did; I’ve never done that before.”

“What did you pay?” I ask.

“Enough that when you turn 30 you will never have to work again when you get your share of the commission.”

He is evasive but that is good to know. I press on. “So why are there no slaves over thirty?”

“There are no legal slaves over thirty. The IMA is powerful but with international trade agreements that’s where they figured they could get to. I hear there is a Dutch slave trader that will buy and sell any women at any age.”

“Why aren’t there male slaves?” I ask.

“There are, but it doesn’t draw much interest on this site."

“Do you realize I am still far from 19 and you are giving me Madame Wu’s and wine?” I ask.

“I’m not sober, Barb. I am well aware of what I am doing!” He replies indignantly.

“Can’t you get in trouble for giving these to a minor?”

“You’re a slave, Barb. The only ones that care are PETS (People for the Ethical Treatment of Slaves) and I have more change in the jar on the kitchen counter than their five year budget!”

So that is how this started. I really believe he did not mean to buy me but the more I know him the more I am confused if he was too sober or too drunk. The longer I am with him the kinder he treats me. He even invites me to have sex instead of demanding it. I believe if I wanted to walk away he would let me but as an IMF registered slave that still does not insure freedom.

One day on the deck of the Tree house I ask him “Do you regret buying me?”

“I regret you are here as a slave” He says as he lights a Marlboro. “Would you have even given me a first glance if we passed on the street?”

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I grab a Madame Wu and light it then pick up the glass of wine he poured for Me. I look at him and smile and answer honestly “Only because you look like my grandfather!”

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As time passes I become bolder and ask him more questions. “So why did you buy me?”

“I did; I’ve never done that before.”

“What did you pay?” I ask.

“Enough that when you turn 30 you will never have to work again when you get your share of the commission.”

He is evasive but that is good to know. I press on. “So why are there no slaves over thirty?”

“There are no legal slaves over thirty. The IMA is powerful but with international trade agreements that’s where they figured they could get to. I hear there is a Dutch slave trader that will buy and sell any women at any age.”

“Why aren’t there male slaves?” I ask.

“There are, but it doesn’t draw much interest on this site."

“Do you realize I am still far from 19 and you are giving me Madame Wu’s and wine?” I ask.

“I’m not sober, Barb. I am well aware of what I am doing!” He replies indignantly.

“Can’t you get in trouble for giving these to a minor?”

“You’re a slave, Barb. The only ones that care are PETS (People for the Ethical Treatment of Slaves) and I have more change in the jar on the kitchen counter than their five year budget!”


on deck.jpg He is being so nice to me here....I feel free...hardly like a slave today ...

oh yes.jpg .....eleven more years of this can't be all that bad ...

caprice_bum.jpg and then when I turn 30 I will just run away ...

barb whip 2.jpg ...and start a rebellion that will shake IMF to its foundations, and fill the coffers of PETS to the brim with confiscated IMF funds....

tree house deck.jpg Oh, the plans I have, and oh how little he knows of what goes on in my warped little slave mind.
View attachment 186233 He is being so nice to me here....I feel free...hardly like a slave today ...

View attachment 186234 .....eleven more years of this can't be all that bad ...

View attachment 186235 and then when I turn 30 I will just run away ...

View attachment 186236 ...and start a rebellion that will shake IMF to its foundations, and fill the coffers of PETS to the brim with confiscated IMF funds....

View attachment 186237 Oh, the plans I have, and oh how little he knows of what goes on in my warped little slave mind.
Like very much, really...

Almost a year goes by and if weren’t for the occasional visits by Tree’s sister Joan I feel more like a (captive) house guest than a slave. She is good at reminding me of my place in life.

On my 19th birthday Tree gives me a present. The box is too small to be spikes and when I open it I whisper “What is this?”

“It’s an engagement ring” he says.

“I can see that! Who is it for?” I ask.

“See if it fits” he replies.

Confused I slide it on and say “It fits, but will it fit her?”

“’Her’ who?” he asks.

“The woman you bought it for” I exclaim not believing he would play with me like this.

“Barb, I know I am three times your age and you are here because you are a slave, but you don’t have to marry me if you don’t want to. I’ll understand.”

“I’m your slave. Can’t you force me to marry you?” I ask.

“I’d have to check but unless you want to marry me I would not force you to” Tree says. “I must tell you upfront if you say ‘yes’ it will be a master-slave wedding.”

I can only imagine what that would be. I say yes…


Any one see that coming???
It would be quite a formal affair. Tree even hired the renowned photographer R. Rodent to document the event. He came early to get some formal pictures of her brides’ maids.

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Left to right is Roxie, Melissa, her maid of honor Siss, Yupar, and Blaire.

Following the tradition Tree would not see Barb on the day of their wedding until the ceremony. R. Rodent would document Barb’s preparation for the wedding.

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He even shot pictures of Barb getting her last paddling as a single slave as Tree’s best man Bull delivered it…

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… and the woman of the abbey helped prepare the brides’ maids. Here we see the women help getting Siss ready.

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Finally Barb is readied to meet her groom…

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…what, Ulrika? No the wedding was not in Arkansas. She would have come to the ceremony more like this…

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…That was one hell of a party, though…

(Ed. note- This young slave Barb is not the slave Professor Barb Moore incarcerate at the Cruxton Abbey at this time as we will find later)
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