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The Coffee Shop

  • Thread starter The Fallen Angel
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"Men marry women with the hope they will never change.
Women marry men with the hope they will change.
Invariably, they are both disappointed."
- Albert Einstein
I haed ma doots anent that one, and they're confirmed by this ever-useful site:

Mind, it only tracks English language sources, and Einstein was never very fluent in English -
I suppose it might have been a German, maybe even a Yiddish, saying.
I haed ma doots anent that one, and they're confirmed by this ever-useful site:

Mind, it only tracks English language sources, and Einstein was never very fluent in English -
I suppose it might have been a German, maybe even a Yiddish, saying.
I confess I was lazy and just used the first source quoted as Einstein. I knew the phrase and wanted to use it with attribution rather than to claim credit myself. Mea Maxima Culpa!

We certainly don't know Einstein's dying words. He spoke them in German and the only person present was a Scottish nurse who spoke no German and couldn't repeat what he said.:(

“The Picture of Dorian Gray” quote is indeed similar. As is also one from "The Importance of Being Earnest"
“All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does, and that is his.”
I haed ma doots anent that one, and they're confirmed by this ever-useful site:

Mind, it only tracks English language sources, and Einstein was never very fluent in English -
I suppose it might have been a German, maybe even a Yiddish, saying.
Eulalia reminds me of the movie "As Good as It Gets." I want to repeat the line that Melvin (Jack Nicholson) says to Carol (Helen Hunt) - "You make me want to be a better man."

Of course I think of another quote from that movie when I write my stories.

Jackie: How do you write women so well?
Melvin Udall: I think of a man. And I take away reason and accountability.
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It never ends. If you want to know why I live in my own underground Führerbunker with two half-starved Dobermans guarding the stair, and an arsenal which could take on the 82nd Airborne and fight them to a draw, this is why - just two miles from where I'm holed up:
*inserts joke about praefectus praetorio sitting around on his arsenal*
Question: shouldn’t that be “two half-starved Dobermen”? :confused:
Would rather have her than Siri or Alexa :rolleyes:
I know we are not supposed to judge here (after all a sheep could be a soulmate for some of the people I know), but I do think anyone who uses Siri or Alexa as a sex slave is in need of professional help.
The proper name is Dobermann Pinscher. They were first bred by Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann in the 1890s. English speakers often drop the second "n". Because it's a family name, the plural adds an "s". After all, the family would be the Dobermanns, not the Dobermenn.
If anyone is wondering - and I'm sure you are - "pinscher" is the German word for "terrier", although the breed is no longer classified as a terrier.
Houston Astros play the Washington Nationals about two hours from now. I am for Houston because the used to be a National league team until 2012 when they moved to the American league (I don't understand why to this day). But before their move the STL Cards and Houston had a grand rivalry and since the Cards are out of it I wish them well.
Houston Astros play the Washington Nationals about two hours from now. I am for Houston because the used to be a National league team until 2012 when they moved to the American league (I don't understand why to this day). But before their move the STL Cards and Houston had a grand rivalry and since the Cards are out of it I wish them well.
And Washington DC (the Senators) used to be in the American League! (The second Wash. [expansion] franchise moved to Texas in '72, leaving DC fans adrift.)
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