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The Cull And Hunt... Road To A Rebellion...

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The next class Professor Barbaria announced “Today we will explore why the girls would sign up for a class that could result in her serving as slave until she is 30 or not even live long enough to get to suffer that fate. Was it the chance for free tuition and room and board or did you have some other reason?”

Barbaria point at one girl and demanded “What is your name and why are you here?”

“My name is Marilyn Scanlan, Professor Moore, and I enrolled because…”

“I am sorry to interrupt you but I think if you are selected to be in the cull it would do you well to make sure you are one of the ‘kills’ because you don’t have a prayer at being a slave” Barbaria said sternly.

Marilyn asked in incredulous disbelief “What do you mean by that?”

“The first day of class I said I am not interested in last names and I said you would address me as ‘Barb’ or ‘Professor Barb’. Before we revisit my latest question what part of my opening did you not understand?”

“I’m sorry! I have been a student here entering my third year and have never had an instructor wanting to be addressed as informally as you have asked to be.”

“Fair enough, Marilyn, but habits will not serve you well as a slave. So let us go back to the question. Why did you enroll in the course knowing the ramifications?”

“Well, certainly, there is the thrill that my life is at least in danger or altered if I survive the hunt. But I figure I have a greater chance of dying in a car wreck so why not go for the tuition” Marilyn said.

“Let’s hope you aren’t majoring in anything that requires analytical mathematics, Marilyn” Barbaria said without hiding her contempt. “There are about 200 women in this class and 24 will be selected for the cull and hunt. In the cull usually 50% of the candidates are eliminated so odds give you a 6% chance you’ll be dead by the end of the cull. Unless you are a really crappy driver and don’t wear seatbelts I’d take my chances in the car!”

“The next class will have an archery demonstration. You will watch a condemned slave be executed with arrows” Prof. Barb said. She waited for the gasps to die down before adding “If you are squeamish you may want to bring a barf bag. And girls, I do not recommend you miss it. If the cull selection committee knows you didn’t show you greatly increase your odds of being selected…”

The next class Professor Barbaria announced “Today we will explore why the girls would sign up for a class that could result in her serving as slave until she is 30 or not even live long enough to get to suffer that fate. Was it the chance for free tuition and room and board or did you have some other reason?”

Barbaria point at one girl and demanded “What is your name and why are you here?”

“My name is Marilyn Scanlan, Professor Moore, and I enrolled because…”

“I am sorry to interrupt you but I think if you are selected to be in the cull it would do you well to make sure you are one of the ‘kills’ because you don’t have a prayer at being a slave” Barbaria said sternly.

Marilyn asked in incredulous disbelief “What do you mean by that?”

“The first day of class I said I am not interested in last names and I said you would address me as ‘Barb’ or ‘Professor Barb’. Before we revisit my latest question what part of my opening did you not understand?”

“I’m sorry! I have been a student here entering my third year and have never had an instructor wanting to be addressed as informally as you have asked to be.”

“Fair enough, Marilyn, but habits will not serve you well as a slave. So let us go back to the question. Why did you enroll in the course knowing the ramifications?”

“Well, certainly, there is the thrill that my life is at least in danger or altered if I survive the hunt. But I figure I have a greater chance of dying in a car wreck so why not go for the tuition” Marilyn said.

“Let’s hope you aren’t majoring in anything that requires analytical mathematics, Marilyn” Barbaria said without hiding her contempt. “There are about 200 women in this class and 24 will be selected for the cull and hunt. In the cull usually 50% of the candidates are eliminated so odds give you a 6% chance you’ll be dead by the end of the cull. Unless you are a really crappy driver and don’t wear seatbelts I’d take my chances in the car!”

“The next class will have an archery demonstration. You will watch a condemned slave be executed with arrows” Prof. Barb said. She waited for the gasps to die down before adding “If you are squeamish you may want to bring a barf bag. And girls, I do not recommend you miss it. If the cull selection committee knows you didn’t show you greatly increase your odds of being selected…”


Wow .....

eiza-gonzalez.png .... what a bitchy prof!
And girls, I do not recommend you miss it. If the cull selection committee knows you didn’t show you greatly increase your odds of being selected…”
but I reckon there ain't much point in signing up for this module
if I don't get picked for the cull.
Still, watching how they kill us could be fun,
it's nice to know what's coming,
might even pick up some tips to improve my chances
(some hope, in this extermination camp of a uni! :rolleyes:)
I'll find other ways of attracting the attention of the cull committee - :tits:
“What are you doing here, Wragg?” I asked. I thought he’d look older but I recognized him at first sight…
“What do you think, Tree? I want the professor and Blaire in my stable of slaves.”

I lit a smoke and said “Then you’ve come to the wrong place, Wragg. I only report what is going on. Sort of like your ‘CF Chronicles’, which by the way have been few and far between.”
tree god dark.jpg
“Don’t worry about the ‘Chronicles’, Tree. I will own Barbaria and Blaire” Wragg scowled.

“Barbaria is yours if you can take her” I reply as I pour a drink “but what are you going to do about Bull and Gunner? They own 2/3rds of Blaire.”
jurist prelude.jpg
“I haven’t worked that yet, Tree.”

“I think you ought to…”

“What are you doing here, Wragg?” I asked. I thought he’d look older but I recognized him at first sight…
View attachment 149910
“What do you think, Tree? I want the professor and Blaire in my stable of slaves.”

I lit a smoke and said “Then you’ve come to the wrong place, Wragg. I only report what is going on. Sort of like your ‘CF Chronicles’, which by the way have been few and far between.”
View attachment 149911
“Don’t worry about the ‘Chronicles’, Tree. I will own Barbaria and Blaire” Wragg scowled.

“Barbaria is yours if you can take her” I reply as I pour a drink “but what are you going to do about Bull and Gunner? They own 2/3rds of Blaire.”
View attachment 149912
“I haven’t worked that yet, Tree.”

“I think you ought to…”


Things that go on behind my back...guys!!!!!:confused:
“Tree, are you drunk?”

“I think so” Tree replied. “Why?”

“I just wanted to know if it was safe to come up.”

“Come up, Ulrika, you seem upset about something.”

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“Tree, you have Wragg, Barbaria, me, some gal named ‘Marilyn’, Joan and probably a few I missed and I just think you are going to lose track of the cast.”

“Fuck, I haven’t mentioned RR and Admi, yet??? They would be pissed!!!”

“Why do I worry about you, Tree?” Ulrika asks.

“Because you are a better person than me- by a long ways, Ulrika…”

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