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The Nude Nurse and the Master of the Whip.

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El golpe de gracia is it? Those jabs to my tummy are certainly a golpe, Juan's trick much more painful ...
It has been brought to my attention that some members of the forum, trying to read this story are encountering an obstacle with the use of Spanish Language terms. So, for those too lazy (or too ignorant – [not targeting a special, middle-of-the-country red state]) to use google, here is a list of many of the terms used (trigger warning, some are slang or misogynistic)

Puta -slut or whore

Perra – Bitch

Coronel – Colonel

Teniente Coronel – Lieutenant Colonel

Mayor – Major

Capitán – Captain

Subteniente – Second Lieutenant

Sargento Primero – First Sergeant

Cabo – Corporal

trueno - thunderclap

El desapareciendos – the disappearing ones, political prisoners arrested and never heard of again.

El Demonio – The Demon

Bienvenido – Welcome

Mierda - Shit

Psicológico tortura – psychological torture

mi amigo – my friend

Maravilloso - Most Marvelous

Culo - ass

Prisionero Atencion – Prisoner be at Attention!

La Parrilla – The Grill

Mamada – blow job

De rodillas – the knees

Princesa – Princess

Infierno – Hell, hellfire

Cerdo – pig

Coño - cunt

Golpes – snack, hit, blow

la caña Malaca - The Malacca cane

la manguera – the hose

puñetazo – punch

Suficient – enough

Tetas - tits

mi hija (hijo) – my daughter (son)

olor de puta – smell of a slut

golpe de gracia coup de grâce, death blow

Dama - Lady
Yes, my Spanish vocabulary has been well brushed up during my stay in the Villa Grimaldi.

One word that isn't in the list was a source of embarrassment to an academic I once heard of
with unfortunate handle C. O. Jones :p
The Nude Nurse and the Master of the Whip.

Part 48 April 1, 1974 - The Sixth Day, Wing D, Interrogation Room 1

As Eulalia gasped and retched, the Colonel walked calmly to his seat.

Trueno gave a sign to the head guard, who walked to one of the cabinets and returned with a device that looked like half a fluorescent tube made of plastic. On the end were two contacts like on a light tube. He stood directly behind Eulalia, out of her sight.

“Miss Burns, I wish to get on with the questioning,” said Trueno. “Since you have such trouble with it, I think we can proceed faster without the silence rule in effect.”

“Now I would like to review your sexual history. Have you ever licked a girl’s pussy?”
Without Godray.jpg
Eul was still gagging and trying to catch her breath. She obediently nodded yes.

“I need an answer out loud for the recording.”

Panting, Eul tried to swallow the saliva filling her mouth and give an answer, but it was still too soon after the belly blows.

“No answer. I’ve told you before, that’s like a lie!” Trueno nodded to the guard behind her. He positioned the contacts against her right butt cheek and pressed a button. Instantly 2,000 volts of electricity was applied across the inch gap, delivering a powerful shock to her butt muscles and causing very painful, small burns at the two points of contact.

Eulalia seemed to jump a foot and screamed at the top of her lungs. Never, Never, Never! How could there be such pain. It took almost half a minute until she had calmed enough to stand, spread-eagled in her bonds.

“The picana can be very attention grabbing, can’t it? Well, Miss Burns?”

Eul weakly shook her head and whimpered, “Please, No!”

“No? I have right here in your file. You confirmed this! You are lying again!” Trueno nodded and, before she could correct her answer, the guard applied a shock to her other buttcheek.

The girls’ reaction was almost identical. The officers watched appreciatively as she thrust her hips forward and shook her breasts.

“What is your answer?”

Using all her strength to answer through the pain, Eul cried out, “Yes! Dammit yes! I’ve licked pussies! Is that what you want to hear?”

“I just want the truth.” said the Captain, in a soft, calm voice.

For the next hour and a half, Eul struggled to answer the questions satisfactorily. Often she’d slip as Trueno worded the questions differently to confuse her. Then a quick electric prod to her ass, or thighs or armpits would follow. The convulsive responses to the picana, along with trying to maintain balance in the painful suspension, were bringing her muscles to near total exhaustion.

Trueno began to intersperse questions about the recorder along with sexual ones. Eulalia tried desperately to remember her new story and keep it consistent. The agents in London had warned her, that revealing their names or what the recorder was for, would not only condemn her as a spy, but cause other innocent Britons in Chile to suffer horribly. Eul wanted badly not to hurt others. She repeated her latest version of the lie: government people, she didn’t know, gave her the recorder. She didn’t know the purpose, but they had told her to cover with the University Professor story.

As she gave those answers she wasn’t shocked. But, Trueno’s voice seemed a little different, a little sarcastic. She prayed he would accept that and move on.

A little after eleven, Rodríguez excused himself for a luncheon appointment at the Ritz-Carlton. A little before noon, Trueno announced it was time for a lunch break. He and Mayor Lopez exited by the officer’s door and three of the four guards left by the other, leaving one to watch Eul, who was left suspended from the ceiling.

At 1:30 PM, all three officers returned and took their seats as the three guards also re-entered. They head guard came before Eul and grinned while waving the prongs of the picana in her face. He then took his stance in front and to her right, with the device pointed at her midsection.

Trueno again repeated questions. This time concentrating on the details of Eulalia’s seduction of Gabriela Sánchez. The men all seemed to revel in the humiliation she felt at confessing to non-existent degrading acts. Her detailed answers drew snickering laughter. These, and her own repugnance at what she described, caused her to keep making mistakes. The first drew a burning prod to her belly. Not only did she have the usual pain of the picana, but the electricity caused her bruised and sore abdominal muscles to sharply contract. The pain was deep and lasting. Next, the picana to her right hip caused the girl to do an erotic dance of pain for the onlookers. Then one on her left inner thigh caused her to collapse and hang from her arms for almost a minute before she could recover.
At about 2:30 PM, Trueno asked. “Are you tired of hanging there? Like to be in a different position?”

Eulalia, exhausted and desperate and not thinking clearly, said, "Yes."

The guards released her to stand alone. Just then the door behind her opened. Turning, she was very surprised at who entered.

April 1, 1974 - The Sixth Day, Santiago de Chile, Ritz-Carlton Hotel

At 3 PM sharp, a military limousine pulled up under the porte-cochère at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel and Dean Hawkins entered.

The car carried him swiftly to a grey stone building. He was greeted in the Courtyard by a handsome young officer, who introduced himself as Subteniente Jose Martinez, ayudante de Coronel Rodríguez.

The Subteniente explained that Eulalia was currently undergoing her second day of ‘intense’ interrogation. Would he be so kind as to go with him to the observation room for light refreshments while watching the ‘action’? Hawkins swiftly agreed and they went off to see the show.

They entered a small, but comfortably appointed room with refreshments spread on a side table with pitchers of white sangria. Three leather recliners faced a large window on one wall which was covered by a roll-up shade. Hawkins took the glass of sangria offered and sat in a chair. The Subteniente pulled the cord to raise the shade from the one-way glass.

Hawkins stared with his mouth open, barely retaining a hold on his glass. Never, in his wildest….
Author's Note:

Perceptive readers will be realizing at this point that the story must be moving soon toward a conclusion. Simply put, Eulalia’s body (let alone her mind) simply cannot take much more of this brutal, and accelerating abuse! Will she be rescued? Or will the ending be less happy? She did believe that the contract she signed for this story did not permit a snuff ending.

Unfortunately, she relied on Dr. Barbara Moore to review the contract. And there was some fine print.

The outcome might not be ideal for our sexy, tormented Scottish Lassie.
It has been brought to my attention that some members of the forum, trying to read this story are encountering an obstacle with the use of Spanish Language terms. So, for those too lazy (or too ignorant – [not targeting a special, middle-of-the-country red state]) to use google, here is a list of many of the terms used (trigger warning, some are slang or misogynistic)

Puta -slut or whore

Perra – Bitch

Coronel – Colonel

Teniente Coronel – Lieutenant Colonel

Mayor – Major

Capitán – Captain

Subteniente – Second Lieutenant

Sargento Primero – First Sergeant

Cabo – Corporal

trueno - thunderclap

El desapareciendos – the disappearing ones, political prisoners arrested and never heard of again.

El Demonio – The Demon

Bienvenido – Welcome

Mierda - Shit

Psicológico tortura – psychological torture

mi amigo – my friend

Maravilloso - Most Marvelous

Culo - ass

Prisionero Atencion – Prisoner be at Attention!

La Parrilla – The Grill

Mamada – blow job

De rodillas – the knees

Princesa – Princess

Infierno – Hell, hellfire

Cerdo – pig

Coño - cunt

Golpes – snack, hit, blow

la caña Malaca - The Malacca cane

la manguera – the hose

puñetazo – punch

Suficient – enough

Tetas - tits

mi hija (hijo) – my daughter (son)

olor de puta – smell of a slut

golpe de gracia coup de grâce, death blow

Dama - Lady

Thank you. I have learned at least five words or phrases which will come in handy at work (I work in a kitchen where around 40% are Spanish or Hispanic.)
Will she be rescued? Or will the ending be less happy?

You have already given us this clue:

I can tell the readers that Eulalia (or her body) leaves Santiago de Chile by air. But, of course... that doesn't tell you much, does it?

Who's going to the expense of shipping her body by air? I remain hopeful..................................................a little.
I think unfortunately she may become one of the many desapareciendos

Or Maybe her death will be reported to IRC that sadly she fell ill while helping the authorities with their questions and despite strenuous efforts to save her ........ I accordance with her wishes she was buried in the country she had grown to love...

And a specialist closed brothel operated by the military will get a new inmate for those of a sadistic persuasion to ‘practice’ on....
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I think unfortunately she may become one of the many desapareciendos

Or Maybe her death will be reported to IRC that sadly she fell ill while helping the authorities with their questions and despite strenuous efforts to save her ........ I accordance with her wishes she was buried in the country she had grown to love...

And a specialist closed brothel operated by the military will get a new inmate for those of a sadistic persuasion to ‘practice’ on....

Nice ideas
So many sad outcomes possible.:(:oops:

Eulalia Burns reminds one of the great song by Bert Kalmar, Harry Ruby and Oscar Hammerstein II, "A Kiss to Build a Dream On" ;) (featured in "Sleepless in Settle.")
She's a Lassie to build many a nasty dream on. :rolleyes::rolleyes::firedevil:
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The Nude Nurse and the Master of the Whip.

Part 49 April 2, 1974 - The Seventh Day, Villa Grimaldi, Rodríguez's Office

Rodríguez let his eyes slowly go down and up, taking in Barbara’s beautiful body and total nudity. Then he came around his desk toward her.

“You have a beautiful body, Barbara Moore. We are going to enjoy it.”

“Well, thank you…I guess? What do you mean by ‘we’?”

“You will see very soon. First, let’s get you over here in the center of the room,” the Colonel said as he took her arm and led her away from the desk.

Subteniente, esposas.” The aide handed him a pair of handcuffs. In a moment, the Colonel had Barbara’s hands secured behind her.

“Hey! What the fuck are you doing!”

“Oh, Barbara! Such language. We are here for some refined enjoyment of your lovely body. Let’s not spoil it with gutter talk.” He grabbed a carabiner on the end of a cable from overhead and snapped it on the cross chain.

Cinturón de codo.” Rodríguez took a leather belt from his aide and strapped Barb’s elbows tightly together.

“Oww! That’s too tight,” she whined.

“You may go ahead, Martinez. Slowly. Let’s get her in the right position.”

Martinez went to a ratchet winch on the wall and rotated the handle, taking up the slack on the cable.

“This is a joke, right? Ha Ha, very funny! You’ve scared me now. You can take these off and I will give you a very good time!” said an increasingly alarmed Moore.

“I can assure you that we will have an excellent time, puta. Just a little more, Subteniente. Si.”

The lifting of her arms forced Barb to bend at the waist. Her hands were raised about two feet above her ass, putting noticeable stress on her shoulders. The position presented her tight little ass superbly while her firm, shapely breasts hung demurely from her chest.

Puños de tobillo,” said the Colonel. Martinez handed a leather cuff and rope to the Colonel who fastened it on Barbara’s right ankle. The aide did the same on the left. They each took the rope and pulled to the side, forcing the captive woman to spread her feet wider and wider. Once they reached a very uncomfortable three feet, the men tied off the ropes to retractable brackets on the floor. This lowered her hips, increasing the pressure on her shoulders. The Colonel noticed that a fine sheen of sweat glistened on her skin. Also, how her pussy was displayed through the gap and her asscheeks pulled slightly apart.

“Please Colonel. I came as you wished. I undressed! Can’t you just release me and I’ll promise to make it good for you.” Barb had kept up a constant stream of pleas and complaints during the bondage process.

Rodríguez turned to his aide, “Mordaza de bola.” He handed the Colonel a ball gag which he forced into Barb’s mouth and pulled the strap tight.

“We will make excellent use of your mouth later, Miss Moore. But for now, you may be silent.”

Silenced, Barbara looked around to see what was going to happen to her. The young aide had taken off his trousers and was standing to her left. His shorts were tented with what appeared to be a large cock. While scared by her bondage, Barb felt her pussy dampen with arousal.

Looking the other way, she saw the Colonel was similarly down to his shorts. Well, she thought, I have handled two men enough times to deal with these two Neanderthals.

The Colonel walked to a cabinet in the corner and came back holding a cruel-looking strap, two feet of supple flat leather attached to an equal length handle of oak. The instrument could accommodate both hands and delivered a furious stinging slash with every blow, but wouldn't rip the skin. It was the perfect tool for introducing a soft female butt to the pain of the whip. There were holes drilled through the leather, a refinement that not only added to its speed through the air, and so the sting it imparted, but would also produce hideously painful little blisters on the skin.

Barbara couldn’t see the strap clearly, but she knew what it was for. As the Colonel took position behind at to her left, she shook her head vigorously, No!

Rodríguez drew back and brought the strap forward. WhissssSSWACKK! The pliant leather strap curled over her butt and the tip bit viciously into her tender side just at the hip.

Geeze, that hurt, Barb thought. He’ll only need a couple to get it red enough, I hope.

Taking aim, the Colonel swept the strap over the brunette’s taut asscheeks. Landing right over the first stroke, it hurt much more. Barb danced from foot to foot to deal with the pain. How many more? She saw him winding up. Oh, God, no..no,,no.

WhissssSSSSACKTT! This lash was a rising horizontal cut that burst across the bottom of her tender ass for the very first time, punishing both bulging white cheeks. "Aaaaaahhhhhh," Barb hissed behind the gag. God, her ass was already throbbing! Oh, the pain, the pain! She had assumed that the Colonel liked to hurt, but she’d never dreamed he would be this brutal. She enjoyed the touch of a man's hands fondling her rear and now this man was beating it!

The Colonel swept the belt through a more vertical arc, bringing it downward onto the top of her rear. HisssSWAPPT! "Uhnnnnnn."

The Colonel blasted a red line just above the center of her cheeks. HissSWACKT! "Oh. Oh. Oh!"

WhisssSWACKK! "Haaaaaaaah." This vicious snap swept low around her butt, again stinging the soft curved side of her hip.

Rodríguez went back to the center, with a hard cut right over where the first two had landed. The impact, on already bruised flesh was terrible. Pretty Barb screamed into the gag, feeling her ass swell with bruising.

There was a pause as the Colonel walked around to her other side. Barb couldn’t keep her hips still. They were in constant motion, twisting and rolling, providing a most lascivious display.

Barb hoped he was finished. This hurt like hell! But when she looked back her right side, she saw him winding up again. Oh God, No!

He struck instantly with the whip, a bitter smack to both upper curves. As her cheeks bounced, he noticed that increasing pattern of blood-blisters left by the belt holes. That must really hurt, he thought.

Barb screamed into her gag and leaned forward away from the pain. As she did, she felt something warm on her cheek. She looked around and saw Martinez had removed his shorts and was standing in front of her with his prick just in front of her face. Oblivious to the pain in her butt, Barb inhaled sharply. It was the biggest cock she’d ever seen! Yipes, she thought, I can’t take that!

Just as that thought passed, HisssSWAPPT! "Uhnnnnnn." The Colonel left the center of her butt, blasting a red line just where the cheeks blended into her upper thighs. Shit! That was sensitive there!

WhisssSWACKK! "Haaaaaaaah." This vicious snap swept around the fullest part of her butt, the end again stinging the soft curved side of her left hip.

HissSWACKT! "Oh. Oh. Oh!" Rodríguez went back to the center, punished the tight, bruised globes. Barb rocked so far forward, her gagged mouth pressed against the aide’s cockhead.

“I think that’s enough of that,” said the Colonel. Barb, her hips and ass still dancing erotically, breathed a sigh of relief. She didn’t think she could have stood mush more.

He walked calmly back to the cabinet and replaced the belt. Barb hung her head, panting, trying to ride out the waves of pain coming from her ass. She didn’t see that when he returned, he was carrying a new weapon.

“Here, Subteniente, your arm is younger and stronger than mine. See if you can get a good reaction from the perra.”

Barb’s head snapped up as Martinez went behind her and the Colonel, now also with his shorts came to her front. She saw his cock was large, but not as obscenely large as his aide’s. She wondered for a moment how she could possible accommodate his manhood, when her mind was torn away when she heard a wicked pop to her side and looked over to see Martinez testing a new whip by her side. It was a beastly weapon, three feet of finely braided leather that tapered to a thin split tip. The large man swept the new scourge into a whistling overhead circle that terminated in another explosive pop. Martinez smiled over at her and his eyes flicked back to her hips. Barb caught the glance. The braided whip looked vicious and she could only imagine what kind of hideous pain it was capable of inflicting. Her poor asscheeks already burned with heat from the brutal strapping they had just endured and she instinctively knew that this new lash would administer a pain even more harsh. She didn't have long to wait.

HisssSSSWICKKT! The thin braided whip whistled through the air and curled around Barb's rear. She surged forward immediately. Oh God, this whip was worse! The strap stung, but nothing like the thin red line of fire that this thing cut across her skin.

Her hips again pumping with heat, Barb almost cried with fear. These next ones would be bad, really bad. The aide was stronger and the whip was attacking bruised flesh.

One more lash carved the top of her ass! “MMMMMNNNNNNNN!” My God how it hurt. It crossed a couple of the blisters and opened tiny droplets of blood. Barb of course didn’t know this detail, but it made the blisters feel like a knife was plunged into her flesh.

WissssSSSICKTTT! Martinez slashed up hard with the thin whip, just hitting the crease at the junction of her ass and thighs. Barbs danced from foot to foot and rolled her ass, trying to deal with the stinging pain. This was so much worse than the belt! She clutched her cuffed hands tightly and lifted her head to scream into the gag!

WhisSICKKTT! “OWWWWWW! OW! OW! OW!” A line across the center of her ass, popping several more blisters, feeling like pins driven in hard! Oh, the beastly pain!

WhissSSSICKKT! “AAAHHH! AAAHHHH! AAAAAHHHHHH!” Barbara was struggling to suck in air through the perforated ball with great heaving breaths.

She heard the men chuckle and looked up to see the Colonel with his prick inches from her nose, smiling at her tears.

WhisSICKKTT! “OWWWWWW! OW! OW! OW!” Another line across the center. Martinez was concentrating on the already, deeply bruised and blistered sections of her cheeks. The hyper-sensitive nerves there were exploding with each new blow.

Two more quick strokes, both harsh horizontal cuts that punished previously damaged skin. The next flew to a diagonal path, crossing several of the early welts. The horrible pain caused Barb to thrash in her bonds, desperate to escape the torture.

Rodríguez signaled his aide to pause.

“That’s good for now, I think, Martinez,” he said, removing the gag. “we’ve done our part in warming her up with some foreplay. Now she should return the favor.”

Barb drooled as she gasped for breath. Foreplay! Shit!

“What do you say, DR. Moore,” he said, taking her head in both his hands and guiding her mouth toward his swollen prick. “How about you give Martinez and I a double-header?”
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