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What is more painful? Nailing wrists and feet and afterwards rising the whole cross or being nailed on a patibulum and then being lifted with pierced wrists and still free feet?
I believe nailing through the wrists to the patibulum then being dragged along the ground to the foot of the stipes would be excruciatingly more painful as the entire weight of the victim and any resulting friction would tear against the wounds of the two nails only.
The victim's agony can be clearly gauged from these shots from Red Felines excellent crux productions, (Via Crucis Camille 2, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, Seven Days on the Cross IV, Romana Crucifa Est) tagged as to video involved. The dragging/raising also provides many obscene exposures of the female victim's genitalia to the watching spectators.
With the victim's wrists and feet being nailed prior to raising the cross, there is no dragging of the victim's wounded
body across the rough ground. If the raised cross is dropped into a prepared hole, the resulting agony and dislocation of shoulder joints would apply to both nailing scenarios. Again, the agony and and greatly increased damage to the existing (albeit fresh) wounds in the victim's wrists would be magnified if only the pierced wrists had to support the victim's body.


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The importance of nailing

Nailing seems to me the most important phase of the long process of crucifixion. The one that requires the most skill on the part of the executioner.
It conditions the life on the cross and especially the intensity of the pain with each movement of the body of the condemned.
Each one must break bones and injure nerves. Every slight movement must bring unbearable suffering.
The suffocation caused by the position on the cross will in any case force the condemned to try to get up to breathe. The angle of the arms is important and the feet must be nailed within 50 centimeters of the buttocks.
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Nailing seems to me the most important phase of the long process of crucifixion. The one that requires the most skill on the part of the executioner.
It conditions the life on the cross and especially the intensity of the pain with each movement of the body of the condemned.
Each one must break bones and injure nerves. Every slight movement must bring unbearable suffering.
The suffocation caused by the position on the cross will in any case force the condemned to try to get up to breathe. The angle of the arms is important and the feet must be nailed within 50 centimeters of the buttocks.

You are right, nailing raises the seriousness of crux to a new level. This is where steel and flesh finally meet, where the victim is wedded permanently to the wood and crux truly becomes a terminal matter. Abandon all hope, the future is only one of agony and endurance as flesh tears and bones grind, unbearable yet inescapable!.
The position of the feet is very important to how much freedom of movement the subject has, and how much stress is placed on them. The straighter they are the more their strength can be used to hold the body up, but the less opportunity there is for movement upward. With feet tucked right up under the buttocks it is much more difficult to rise, to bring that leverage to bear. 50 cm sounds like a good mid point. It all depends what effect you are trying to achieve.
You are right, nailing raises the seriousness of crux to a new level. This is where steel and flesh finally meet, where the victim is wedded permanently to the wood and crux truly becomes a terminal matter. Abandon all hope, the future is only one of agony and endurance as flesh tears and bones grind, unbearable yet inescapable!.
The position of the feet is very important to how much freedom of movement the subject has, and how much stress is placed on them. The straighter they are the more their strength can be used to hold the body up, but the less opportunity there is for movement upward. With feet tucked right up under the buttocks it is much more difficult to rise, to bring that leverage to bear. 50 cm sounds like a good mid point. It all depends what effect you are trying to achieve.
Yes and I forgot an important point: the nails themselves. They should be at least one inch in size, at least at the base so that the bones are better broken. Their shape must be square. The bleeding will be very limited.
You are right, nailing raises the seriousness of crux to a new level. This is where steel and flesh finally meet, where the victim is wedded permanently to the wood and crux truly becomes a terminal matter. Abandon all hope, the future is only one of agony and endurance as flesh tears and bones grind, unbearable yet inescapable!.
La posizione dei piedi è molto importante per quanta libertà di movimento ha il soggetto e quanta sollecitazione viene posta su di essi. Più sono dritti e più la loro forza può essere utilizzata per tenere il corpo in alto, ma meno opportunità ci sono per il movimento verso l'alto. Con i piedi infilati proprio sotto i glutei è molto più difficile salire, per portare quella leva da sopportare. 50 cm suona come un buon punto medio. Tutto dipende dall'effetto che stai cercando di raggiungere. [/ QUOTE]
Nailing seems to me the most important phase of the long process of crucifixion. The one that requires the most skill on the part of the executioner.
It conditions the life on the cross and especially the intensity of the pain with each movement of the body of the condemned.
Each one must break bones and injure nerves. Every slight movement must bring unbearable suffering.
The suffocation caused by the position on the cross will in any case force the condemned to try to get up to breathe. The angle of the arms is important and the feet must be nailed within 50 centimeters of the buttocks.

In my case the nails have not damaged bones or nerves. I was nailed with my body stretched out, my legs were stretched along the pole, but I was sitting on a small, inconvenient but useful knob, I could breathe in small doses and each time the crowd in front of me could count my ribs. when I pushed on the nail in my feet the terrible pain made me give up ....
In my case the nails have not damaged bones or nerves. I was nailed with my body stretched out, my legs were stretched along the pole, but I was sitting on a small, inconvenient but useful knob, I could breathe in small doses and each time the crowd in front of me could count my ribs. when I pushed on the nail in my feet the terrible pain made me give up ....

Easter 2005 Philippines
Nailing seems to me the most important phase of the long process of crucifixion. The one that requires the most skill on the part of the executioner.
It conditions the life on the cross and especially the intensity of the pain with each movement of the body of the condemned.
Each one must break bones and injure nerves. Every slight movement must bring unbearable suffering.
The suffocation caused by the position on the cross will in any case force the condemned to try to get up to breathe. The angle of the arms is important and the feet must be nailed within 50 centimeters of the buttocks.

Nailing is a key stage in a crucifixion, because it literally ‘seals’ the condemned to his/her fate. It is also the most brutal and violent stage. In a story, I always find it one of the most difficult parts to describe (I even sometimes omit it, or transpose it to another experience of the condemned, or to an onlooker’s viewpoint).
I do not agree that bones should be broken during nailing, on the contrary, an experienced executor should try to avoid them, as well as other vital body parts as important arteries and nerves. This allows to put the emphasis on the duration of the agony, the emotions of the condemned, rather than on the shear pain aspect, which, in a fantasy story, is less attractive and wipes out other aspects such as humiliation and human interaction. The pain bodily destruction aspect should be softened as far as it allows the condemned still to live other feelings and emotions, and interacting actively with his/her environment while hanging to the cross. Of course pain is part of these emotions, as well as the claustrophobic experience of hanging nailed to two pieces of wood without prospect of relief, and the degradation and death which is awaiting.

Crucifixion fantasies, the way I prefer them, should not be primary about inflicting pain and bodily destruction, but about creating a situation that creates intense emotions.
For the same reason, to my opinion, crucifixion with ropes has its own merits.
Nailing is a key stage in a crucifixion, because it literally ‘seals’ the condemned to his/her fate. It is also the most brutal and violent stage. In a story, I always find it one of the most difficult parts to describe (I even sometimes omit it, or transpose it to another experience of the condemned, or to an onlooker’s viewpoint).
I do not agree that bones should be broken during nailing, on the contrary, an experienced executor should try to avoid them, as well as other vital body parts as important arteries and nerves. This allows to put the emphasis on the duration of the agony, the emotions of the condemned, rather than on the shear pain aspect, which, in a fantasy story, is less attractive and wipes out other aspects such as humiliation and human interaction. The pain bodily destruction aspect should be softened as far as it allows the condemned still to live other feelings and emotions, and interacting actively with his/her environment while hanging to the cross. Of course pain is part of these emotions, as well as the claustrophobic experience of hanging nailed to two pieces of wood without prospect of relief, and the degradation and death which is awaiting.

Crucifixion fantasies, the way I prefer them, should not be primary about inflicting pain and bodily destruction, but about creating a situation that creates intense emotions.
For the same reason, to my opinion, crucifixion with ropes has its own merits.
Yes I understand your point of view, but that is not contradictory. Already no vital organ is touched and fractures do not shorten the life span on the cross. The humiliation of being naked and exposed, the certainty of death that will come, I urinate and defecate exist anyway and are independent of the nailing: even if we used ropes instead of nails, it would be the same thing.
The crucifixion and the agony that can last several days must not leave a second of respite to the convict. The suffering must be permanent, never stop: the terrible cramps, the pressure of the nails, the back torn by the whip that frop against the stipes ... The very painful nailing will wring cries with every movement of the tortured and that will add to his psychological torture, giving him what could remain of his dignity.
Nailing is a key stage in a crucifixion, because it literally ‘seals’ the condemned to his/her fate. It is also the most brutal and violent stage.


Crucifixion fantasies, the way I prefer them, should not be primary about inflicting pain and bodily destruction, but about creating a situation that creates intense emotions.
For the same reason, to my opinion, crucifixion with ropes has its own merits.

Absolutely! We can get caught up in the visceral and agonising details, but the emotional state, the humanity of the subject is always a key point of interest. This is where the drama derives, the pathos, the sympathy. Otherwise we are describing meat.

The crucifixion and the agony that can last several days must not leave a second of respite to the convict. The suffering must be permanent, never stop: the terrible cramps, the pressure of the nails, the back torn by the whip that frop against the stipes ... The very painful nailing will wring cries with every movement of the tortured and that will add to his psychological torture, giving him what could remain of his dignity.

It is a true test. A struggle to hold on to the remaining threads of humanity and dignity while enduring such unspeakable torture, hour after hour with no respite. The subject's own body becomes a weapon against them, it is a contest of mind and body, of will and pain. This is the essence of the cross.
I agree that nails seal the deal for the condemned and if will be the moment when they know for sure their fate is in fact... death upon the cross. However, I like the idea of binding the condemned to the cross with silk rope first. This allows no worries that the weight of the victim may cause the nail to fail in it's job. It also adds a way for the blood loss to be at it's minimal, as the silk rope will be highly absorbing.

I don't require the victim to be whipped or flogged before they are taken to the cross. In fact I prefer the victim to be in pristine health before they are quickly brought from the holding pen to the site of their crucifixion. This rapid change from life to eminent death is mind searing and will cause great fear, it will also allow them the most time alive on the cross, displayed and helpless before death finally takes them.

On a side note... I feel the need to burn the cross with the body upon it as soon as it expires. This for me, cleanses the space and will appease the Gods of the area.

Absolutely! We can get caught up in the visceral and agonising details, but the emotional state, the humanity of the subject is always a key point of interest. This is where the drama derives, the pathos, the sympathy. Otherwise we are describing meat.

It is a true test. A struggle to hold on to the remaining threads of humanity and dignity while enduring such unspeakable torture, hour after hour with no respite. The subject's own body becomes a weapon against them, it is a contest of mind and body, of will and pain. This is the essence of the cross.
Yes it is: the great suffering of all times, the humiliation of being suspended in a grotesque position, the screams of the crowd, total nudity, piss, shit, screaming, knowing that only death will put an end to suffering. Only the brain is intact and thinks.
It is even harder if friends or family members watch the torture.
I've been thinking about how I would be reacting right after my nailing and my
cross was still laying on the ground with me nailed to it.

I see myself sobbing uncontrollably, struggling and writhing from the pain and
finding it hard to believe that I am actually held to this piece of wood by nails.
I think I would be struggling the most at this point, hoping to somehow get free of my
cross even though it's impossible. I would know that once my cross is raised, any chance
I have would be gone.

I would look around desperately hoping to see a friend or a loved one that could come over
to try to comfort me at least. I would look at my nailed wrists not being able to believe
what I am seeing. But the pain and agony tells me it's real. I would be crying out for help.
"Please please somebody please help me.....please....". I know I did nothing wrong so I would
be trying to make sense of why I am nailed to this cross. I would then realize that my only
crime is being a woman and that these people just wanted to see a woman in anguish, struggling
on a cross....

I would pray. "dear god please help me.....please have mercy on me lord...please I beg you. Please
don't let this happen to me.....please god please.....".

Then a friend would be allowed to come over to me. She kneels down next to me and strokes
my face telling me how sorry she is. I begin to squirm and struggle more, looking up to her and
say "please help me.....oh god please help me please....". She tells me she wishes she could just
as she is grabbed by the arms and dragged away from me. I struggle and cry so hard as I see
that. And then I am alone again with my fear, agony and anguish...

As much pain as I am in, I know it will increase in intensity several fold once my cross is raised.
There is shuffling around me. I know the time has come for my cross to be raised. I struggle
harder on my cross, but the nails hold me tight to the wood. I then feel my cross begin to
rise, and I cry out loudly...."oh god please no....please no......oh god no....."
What if they didnt raise your cross and left you laying on it for a few days before they raised it?
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