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Oh… my… Ghod…!!!

All this time the captive was April? It was her investigation that was a flashback

@dommmu that is a brilliant plot twist, superb!

Doesn’t seem to be much time for a white Knight to appear either… Lucas? Really, he’s her best hope?

Damn it you have me on the precipice, how’s it going to play out?
All this time the captive was April? It was her investigation that was a flashback

See? You were kind of right about the flashbacks. It just turned out to be the other way around than you had originally assumed. ;)

Yes, April was 'The Captive' from the start! And the 'Investigation' chapters were her flashbacks of the events before her abduction into the 'Red Room'.

@dommmu that is a brilliant plot twist, superb!

Thank you! :D

Doesn’t seem to be much time for a white Knight to appear either…

Her situation is indeed hopeless. How should anyone but her abductors know where she is? It seems like only a miracle can save her now... :eek:

Damn it you have me on the precipice, how’s it going to play out?

By the way: My plan is to continue posting a new chapter every day (except for next Monday, where I'll be occupied with work and personal matters, so I will have to excuse myself in advance). :cool:
Picture Credits for Chapter 17:
chapter_17_the_camper.jpg - A scene from "Breaking Bad" Season 1 / Episode 1, AMC, 2008-2013
chapter_17_digging_the_grave.jpg - London River in "Sweaty Pig", Realtime Bondage, 2015
Chapter 18: Interlude

Zach wakes up to the alarm which he had set to 5:00 p.m. on his phone. The few hours of sleep had been well deserved. He and Zoey had been working so much in the last couple of days, shooting and producing videos, that they had disregarded a regular sleep schedule. After turning the alarm off, he stretches to shake off the rest of the sleep.

When he turns around on his left side, he discovers Zoey, lying next to him in the bed, naked just as he is. Sweat covers her chest and her forehead. Even on full speed, the old AC of their camper is hardly able to keep the afternoon heat out.

But Zach is glad that it is still working after all. The fuel for the small power generator outside is one of the few things they have not run out of, yet. Zach stands up and retreives a soda can from the fridge. Only two more remain. They and two TV dinners are all that is left of their food. They have to restock their supplies urgently. But that will have to wait a little longer. The first thing that Zach is going to do right after they have put the cunt into the shallow grave she has dug for herself, is to go home and take a long shower. The water tank of their camper has been empty for three days now, denying him and Zoey a refreshing wash. They have wasted too much of it in an effort to get the sulfur stench out of Dakota's skin before dumping her at the roadside. The result of the missing water is evident: A biting smell of sweat that hangs in the air and accompanies them at all times. Zach finishes his drink and throws the empty can on top of the small garbage can, which is overflowing already.

The alarm has not woken Zoey up. She has always been a sound sleeper and needs some more incentive to get up. Carefully, Zach crawls back into the bed, extends his hand and cups one of her breasts, massaging it gently. Zoey responds after a few moments by deepening her breaths, her ribs showing clearly as she arches her torso in excitement. While her eyes remain closed, her lips part slightly and she lets out a soft moan. She also raises her arms and buries her hands under the pillow, allowing him better access to her breasts.


In moments like this, Zach remembers how much he loves his sister. Yes, Zach and Zoey are siblings and they are in love with each other, as they always had been. Having been born only a little more than one year apart, they had hit puberty at about the same time. And from the earliest stages of that, they both had noticed that their affection for each other was stronger than the regular family love between brother and sister should be.

Zach's hand lets go of Zoey's soft breast, moves down across her chest and her stomach and comes to a halt between her legs, which she parts willingly. He puts his fingers on her labia, letting them rest there while feeling the heat that particular part of her body is emitting. Then, he slides in between them. His thumb and his index finger find her clitoris and pinch it hard. Zoey lets out a surprised gasp, opens her eyes and raises her face. The "O" her lips have formed in shock turns into a wide smile as he lets go of her.

She likes playing rough. And he likes doing things like this to her. He had been unaware of his sadistic streak until about three years ago when Zoey had asked him for the first time to tie her up, spank her and pull her nipples while fucking her. Things had gotten a little bit out of hand since then. Every now and then, Zoey would come up with new ways how Zach could torture her for both of their fun. She was very creative and had been so exited every time she had pitched him a new idea of how he could make her suffer.

But after a while, the regular BDSM stuff one would discover (nipple clamps, whips, hot wax and so on) did not seem to give her the thrill it used to anymore. The new methods to torment the female flesh his sister was dreaming up scared him, since the risk of causing permanent damages, dangerous ones even, terrified him and he had refused. He loved her way too much to expose her to that risk, regardless of how tempting her fantasies were. But Zoey had kept insisting and when she had pressed him one too many times, he had said: "The only way you will ever see me doing this, is when we kidnap some random bitch from the street and do it her."

He had meant it as a joke back then, but for Zoey, it was not. As it turned out, his sister was as much a sadist as she was a masochist and the idea of watching other women suffer unspeakable things excited her as much as being on the receiving end. One day, she had even come up with the idea of filming them torturing their victim and selling the video online. Zach had to admit, that his sister was the smarter one of the two. Not only fulfilling their darkest fantasies, but also turning it into a profit was a brilliant idea! And why should he care about some random cunt they would use and then throw away?

What little money they had, they had invested in the camper and some camera equipment. Most of the torture devices they used, Zach had build himself. He was a talented woodworker and also had decent welding skills. And once they had picked this remote and abandoned mine as their shooting location, everything had been in place.

The first victim they had found, Dakota, simply had been in the wrong place at the wrong time. He and Zoey had parked their camper next to some railroad tracks when they spotted her smoking weed. While Zoey had engaged Dakota in a conversation, drawing her attention, Zach had knocked her out form behind. It had been easier than expected. The only real mistake they had made was dumping Dakota's body in such an obvious place where it would be discovered only hours later (and wasting most of their water cleaning her so eagerly).

The solution they had found for their second victim, Millicent, and all future victims to come, was much easier and much safer: Just bury them, right here. No one was going to find them in years, probably not ever. It was certainly not the end that Millicent had had in mind for herself when they grabbed her from the foodtruck in the empty parking lot she had been working in. When Zach had held the gun to her face and ordered her to step out, she had probably thought they only wanted the money from the cash register and had complied. Her surprise and then her horror when she realized that it was in fact her who was being stolen, had been just priceless.


And their latest bitch, April, had been delivered to them by a lucky coincidence of fate. While all of their victims had been good looking, Zach found April to be the prettiest so far. But not as pretty as he found his sister.

In the short time Zach has taken to reflect the events of the past week, Zoey has recovered from the pinching prank Zach had pulled on her. At least she is awake now, but she is not willing to get out of bed, yet. Instead, she spreads her legs, tilts her head slightly to the side and looks at Zach with expectation.

She is insatiable!, Zach thinks. Whenever they had taken a short break from entertaining their captives and producing their videos, Zach and Zoey had fucked. He had underestimated how horny it would make both of them when they abused their victims. Still, they had sworn to stay loyal to each other and had agreed that they would have no sex with them, only with each other.

Knowing that coming once was not going not satisfy his sister, Zach figures that he has to tire Zoey out a bit before he is going to penetrate her. He reaches under the bed and picks up one of the vibrators they have brought along from their sex toy collection at home. They also have some BDSM equipment with them, for their private use only, but unfortunately, their schedule for the rest of the day does not allow an extended play session. They still have to finish shooting "The April Trilogy" after all. Some foreplay and a quick fuck have to do for now.

Zach turns the vibrator on and presents it to Zoey. Her eyes widen in elation when she sees it and hears the buzzing sound. It is one of those vibrators that are not meant to be inserted into the vagina, but have a vibrating tennis ball sized head at the end of the control handle. For now, the vibration intensity is only turned to level 1 of 3.

Zach presses it against her nipples a couple of times, alternating between left an right. They become erect in no time and Zoey uses her hands to play with them after Zach and the vibrator have moved on. Vibration level 2 is applied to her labia, which are already moist from Zach's caressing earlier.

After some time, he uses his free hand to pull her labia apart and expose her clitoris. The vibrating ball makes direct contact. A switch to vibration level 3, the highest one the device can perform, makes Zoey's hands let go of her breasts and grip the blanket instead. She is getting close. Zach can tell.

"Come for me, now!", he orders.

Grunting and howling, Zoey moves her chest up and down while she screams out her orgasm. But when it fades, Zach does not remove the vibrator. To the contrary, he holds it even harder against her clitoris. She tries getting away from him, pressing her feet into the mattress and sliding towards the headboard. But Zach does not let her shake him off. A second orgasm follows, stronger than the first one. Every muscle and vein on Zoey's arms can be seen under her skin as she clenches the blanket even harder and twists herself around on the bed, hammering her head into the pillows.

Zoey begs him to stop by giving him a doe-eyed look. He decides to show mercy on her. For now. Putting the vibrator away, he gives her some time to catch her breath.

"Fuck me, Zach!", she pants after a minute.

Oh yes, Zach is ready to fuck her! During the whole time playing with his sister, his prick has been hard, up to a point where his erection has even become painful and aches for relief. But just as he fumbles for an unused condom in the chaos of trash and worn clothes they have left on the floor, he hears the crunching sound of tires rolling over the dirt. A car is approaching. Peeking carefully through one of the windows, he spots the familiar dark blue sedan, coming to a halt right next to their camper.

"Who is it?", Zoey asks, still waiting on the bed, her voice filled both with desire and with irritation.

"Get dressed, uncle Cameron is here."

To be continued.
Picture Credits for Chapter 18:
chapter_18_zoeys_pleasure.jpg - Nicki Blue in "The Upper Floor" Shoot ID 11678, Kink.com, 2011
chapter_18_taken.jpg - Penny Pax in "Hardcore Gangbang" Shoot ID 30768, Kink.com, 2013
Chapter 19: The Captive (IX)

How long has it been now since Zach and Zoey have left me here? It must have been a couple of hours already. Their 'lunch break', as they called it, seems to be quite extensive.

The chains have been taken off from me and are back in their box, which now rests next to the door to the cell I have been kept in before. But I was not returned to the cell. Instead, they have left me with my hands tied to an iron bar with ropes, stretching them out to each side. Two more ropes run around my ankles, pulling them and my legs apart to the left and to the right as well, ending in iron rings that are embedded in the floor. Stretched out like a X, I have waited out the past hours.


The bar my hands are tied to hangs from a steel cable above my head, which is connected to a winch on the wall. It is not cranked up too tighlty, though. My feet still touch the ground and the cable is long enough to give my body some slack. Not that it serves my comfort much, though. Exhausted as I am from the forced labor Zach and Zoey have put me through, digging the graves for Millicent and myself, I am hardly able to keep myself up on my feet. My legs and knees are too weak to support my weight and my arms do not have the strength to pull me up. And so I hang here like a dead peace of meat, fading in and out of consciousness.

I feel filthy. I am filthy. My skin has adopted the omnipresent sulfur stench that hangs around the old mine buildings. I can smell it emitting from every single pore. But it is not the only thing. Sweat and urine have joined and together with the sulfur, they have formed an unholy trinity of reek. Dust and dirt have mixed with my perspiration and have caked on my skin, forming a greyish crust. The same applies to my hair, which used to be a natural dark brown.

Back outside, while enduring the degrading slave work, I already was beginning to get a feeling that I might not get out of this alive after all. And what little hope I had left was blown when Zach had unveiled my imminent demise to me, ordering me to dig my own grave.

I wonder how they are going to do it. I have not the slightest idea what these two sadists are still able to think up. But knowing what happened to Dakota and Millicent, I am certain of one thing: They will make it count. They will make me suffer so much that I will likely welcome death as a salvation at the end.

Eventually, the endless limbo of me hanging from the iron bar and pondering about my fate ends when I hear steps and voices approaching. I even manage to stand up on my feet, as much as my bondage allows at least. Zach and Zoey come back for me. And they have company: my former partner detective Cameron...

"...Parker!" My voice is coarse, since my throat is so dry. "Help me! Stop this madness!"

"Oh April, I thought we were on first name basis now." His disappointment does not seem to be acted, but genuine.

"Fuck you! I trusted you. You have kidnapped me and delivered me to these... animals!"

"These 'animals', as you call them, are my family. My nephew Zach and my niece Zoey. Do you remember what I told you at the restaurant? The urgent family matter I had resolve regarding them? When you showed me that video in the meeting room, he might have been dressed up in dark clothes and a mask, but I could still recognize the voice of my godchild! So I went to meet him, and to find a way solve this mess."

While telling me this, he moves up and down nervously. He also avoids looking at me. I can tell he is not comfortable seeing me like this, knowing that he contributed to my misery.

"Did you ever consider turning him in?" I am furious. It gives me new strength.

"Blood is thicker than water, April. Would you really expect me to betray my family? When I met Zach, Zoey was with him. Before, I did not know that she was involved in this, too. And first, I thought that this would make it even worse. But then, she had an idea that would help me protect my family and also profit from it. She is a clever girl, you know."

"You joined them."

"Yes. My job was to keep the police off their asses. They should have made Dakota Morales' body disappear for good, not just dump it somewhere. That was a mistake I could not undo. But I could, and I still do my best to sabotage the police investigation."

"You spineless piece of shit! Do they also give you money?"

"One-third. An equal share of what they are earning with the videos." Parker's voice has changed to a strange, business-like tone. "I have been working for the force for almost 40 years now. In a couple of years, I am going to retire. But do you know what my pension will be? A fucking joke! But in the few days since they published the first videos, they have made more money than I earn in a month. And their earnings are tax free, of course!"

"But why did you pull me into this?" The anger I feel about this unfair turn of events almost makes me choke.

It is the first time he looks me into the eyes, although he averts his gaze as quickly as he can, like I was some witch that could put a curse on him if he maintained eye contact for too long. For the moment, I actually whish that I was.

"You did. You decided to investigate on your own, and against your orders. I knew that you were too persistent and too smart and would sooner or later discover that I was involved. I had to get you out of the way, and this seemed the easiest way to do it."

"I hope that you will burn in hell for this, Parker." To my own surprise, I do not spit those words out, but say them rather calmly. There is nothing more that I have to say to him.

During my little chat with Parker, Zach and Zoey have prepared for shooting another scene, setting up the studio lights in order to give their stage a proper illumination.

"Are the two of you done catching up on each other?", Zach quips as soon as he and his sister are done with their preparations. He does not receive an answer from either of us.

"Zach, is it really necessary that I am around for this?", Parker questions.

"Absolutely. That is why I wanted you to join us this afternoon."

"Why... why do we have to continue torturing her? I did not want you to make her the star of your new movie to begin with. You were only supposed to get rid of her. Can't we just get over with it, kill her and make her body disappear?"

"We will do that, but not before getting some more footage. And not before you have proven your commitment", Zoey steps in.


Zach extends his hand towards Parker, holding the ski mask. Terrified, Parker takes a step back and raises both hands in rejection.

"You cannot make me do this!", he protests looking at both of them alternately.

"Oh uncle Cameron, we can." There are hints of menace in Zoey's voice. "See, if Zach and I ever get caught, we will tell everyone about your involvement. Zach and I... we will just say that we did this because we were young and stupid. But you, you will always be the cop who betrayed one of his partners, used his influence to help two psychopats torturing and killing innocent women and, the worst of all, the man who failed to keep his own family intact. But if you play along, we might just forget about that part."

Parker's face is pale. Just as pale as it was when he saw the video of his godson abusing Dakota Morales. With shaking hands, he accepts the mask and puts in on.

"What do you want me to do?" His voice sounds resigned, broken.

"Fuck her in front of the camera!"

"Parker... I mean, Cameron, no!" I shake my head and pull on my restraints, hurting myself. "If you stop right now, we can still turn this around. Rescue me and I will put in a good word for you, I promise!"

Of course, he does not buy it. My reasoning has no leverage. Both he and I know that if I survive, his life will be over. He will loose his job and end up in jail, likely for the rest of his life, given his advanced age.

"She can't say my name on camera", he says. "Everyone will know of our connection."

Zach agrees and moments later, the familiar ballgag is back in my mouth. Now I can protest all I want. The only results I produce are incomprehensible noises and drool running down my chin.

"Can we put a blindfold on her or something like that? I don't want to look into her eyes while I do it."

"You won't have to", Zach explains. "You will fuck her from behind. Look at her: Those big brown eyes, her beautiful petite tits, those shapely legs... do you really think that I want this view to be covered up by your old wrinkled ass?"

Parker actually looks at me for a second, but lowers his gaze immediately when our eyes meet.

"Do you have a condom?", he asks, his voice is barely more than a whisper now. But Zach only laughs.

"Are you scared of getting her pregnant? The whore will be dead in an hour!"

To be continued.
Hello, I have received permission from Dommmu to illustrate his beautiful story "RedRoom" and post it here. I've got as far as the 12th chapter, the picture names refer to the corresponding chapter. I can't say yet when I'll finish the rest.

Of course, the pictures alone make little sense, and you have to know the whole story to understand them. But the enthusiasts among you will be able to sort them out.

Here are the first five pictures, with five more to follow later today.


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Thank you again, @Zardoz for your offer to illustrate my story. As I told you before in our PM, I am very happy with the pictures you have created so far and look forward to your future illustrations for the chapters to follow!

And here we go with the next one...
Chapter 20: The Captive (X)

Moving hesitantly, Parker gets behind me. I turn my head, following every step of his until he has left my field of view. Then I feel him close behind me. His breath smells like cigarettes. It makes every tiny hair of my neck stand on end.

"Please don't resist, April", he whispers into my ear. "Or you will make it worse for the both of us."

He grabs my hips. His touches feel like electric shocks to me. Speaking of which... at this time I would be glad if my pussy was still numb from yesterday's extended electro torture. Maybe that would make what is coming next a bit less painful. But unfortunately, it has fully recovered by now.

Parker pulls my hips back. He wants me to stick my ass out in order to give him better access to my pussy. It works after Zach has turned the winch two rotations backwards, lowering the bar my hands are tied a couple of inches and giving me a bit more room to move and bend my torso forward.

I hear a zipper being undone and fabric rustling. Then I feel the tip of his prick against my labia. It is soft. He won't manage to penetrate me like that. In an attempt to get hard, he alternatingly pushes, then slabs his dick against my privates, but it only gets semi stiff. Parker tries to get aroused by touching me. His hands are all over me, feeling my breasts, exploring my crotch, groping my butt cheeks... it feels so humiliating to be molested like that. And Zoey and her camera are there again, capturing every second of it.

"Sorry, I can't do it!", Parker yells after several minutes of futile attemps to get an erection. "I just can't get a hard on."

"Ahhhw", Zach mocks. "Don't tell me it is because you feel pity for the pretty helpless girl whose only crime was her naivety. Or is it your remorse, knowing that you brought her here?"

Finally letting go of me, Parker argues that he is not twenty anymore and getting an erection on command just would not work in his age that easily. But I have a feeling that Zach has a point and that Parker is telling a lie.

"It's the effort that counts", Zach reassures his uncle. "We will let you off the hook now, uncle Cameron."

Parker steps out of the spotlights. While passing Zach, he pulls off the ski mask and hands it to his nephew, who puts it on in return. Then Zach comes at me. Without a warning, he drives his fist into my stomach. I recoil until the ropes stop me, tearing at my arms and shoulders, rubbing at my wrists. A second punch follows. And a third.

"This is for failing to get him off, cunt!", he comments.

Then I feel the tip his boot hitting against my pussy. He kicks me between the legs. Three times. Hard. The pain makes me go delirious for a moment. The organs in my abdomen scream with pain and I have trouble breathing. From far away, I can hear Zach and Zoey discussing.

"I am fine with it, it is for the scene!", Zoey says as I begin to come around again.

The punches and the kicks have sent me off my feet, which means I am hanging from my arms now. Struggling to get back on my feet to ease the stress on my shoulders and my wrists, I look forward and see Zoey filming her right hand stroking Zach's cock, getting him hard. Wait, I thought they were brother and sister. Are they...?

I have no time to process this new information. The only thing I have eyes for is Zach's erection, bouncing up and down as he walks around me. He pulls me up, so that I stand on feet again, then repositions me by pulling my ass backwards and bending my torso forward.

When he enters me, he does it without any caution or care. With determination and persistance, he penetrates me until he is all they way in. As long as he can stand the roughness, he seems to be fine with it. Then he starts moving back and forth, fucking me.

I try to outlast my rape without showing any strong reaction to it. They will not get this triumph! I manage at first, apart from the occasional gasp or yelp. Trying to avoid the stare of the camera, I let my head hang down, showing my face to the ground.

Me acting tough falls apart when Zach grabs my hair and twists my head upwards, forcing me to look directly at Zoey and her camera. Through the lense, my tearful eyes beg for mercy, to an audience that I will never know. Watchers who paid money to see me suffer for their delight. To see me getting killed for their thrill.

Zach has fucked himself into a rage. Close to cumming, he is overwhelmed with excitement. His free hand reaches around my body and closes around my left breast. His grasp is so tight that it hurts and that I am worried about him damaging my boob. In the moment he switches to my right breast so that it can receive the equal share of abuse, I feel him cumming inside me. The grunts he makes are animalistic and so loud that my ears hurt as he screams them out.

He pulls his cock out as quick and heedless as he has entered. It is sloppy now from his semen and the little bit of lubrication my pussy was able to produce from the brutal penetration. Then he gives me a shove in the back, making me fall forward until the ropes stop me. They are burning the skin on my wrists while my weight hangs from them.

I struggle to get back on my feet once more in order to ease the pain in my arms, but it is to no avail this time. Zach is operating the winch, lifting me up until I am completely in the air, and the ropes, not only the ones around my wrists but now also the ones around my ankles, are stretched taut. Like a human X, I am suspended, the strain does not allow me to move anything apart from my head, fingers and toes. I also notice that getting air into my lungs is diffcult in this position, since the strain impedes the proper function of my breathing. It is not as bad that I would have to fear suffocating like this, but it is anything but comfortable.

I am so occupied with figuring out the misery my new predicament inflicts that I only notice the whip flying at me when it is just about to hit. The thick leather hits me across my midriff. First I hear the dull sound it makes as the tip hits against one of my lower ribs, then I feel its force compressing my skin and the tissue below and finally, stars explode in front of my eyes as the pain reaches my brain. I want to scream, but the impact has caught me off guard when I had just finished exhaling. I draw a sharp breath, and then, I scream.

Zach, who is handling the whip, having stuffed his prick now back into his pants, chuckles when he sees the effect the whip has on me. Zoey joins him with a mean cackle. Of course, they would not miss the opportunity to use that dreadful single tail whip on me! With all the creative ways they have come up to torture me and my unfortunate predessors, this one seems to be their trademark. I have seen them use it on Dakota in the short preview video on the 'Red Room' website, I have heard it being used Millicent while I was locked in the cell. And now I am experiencing it myself. In horror I realize what this thing is going to do to me, remembering how beaten up Dakota's and Millicent's bodies looked.

Zach continues whipping me, but not with full force now. Instead, he lays a series of lighter lashes all over my front, teasing me for the next big one. They still hurt, though and make me flinch and yelp every time. Then it comes, right across my tummy, leaving a dark red line just moments later. A small trickle of blood runs down my hip shortly after.

I curl my toes and form fists with my hands to cope with the pain. My fists are so tight that my fingernails are digging into the flesh of my hand. For the moment, I am actually glad that they put the ballgag back into my mouth before the rape. The rubber ball gives me something to bite down on and likely prevents me from breaking off some of my teeths.

With my eyes wide open, almost insane from the anticipation, I watch Zach as he keeps repeating his game of laying down a couple of lighter strikes before giving me the next full force blow. Nothing is off limits for his whip. Over the course of the next minutes (although they feel like hours to me), my breasts, my stomach, my butt cheeks and my legs receive a good number of nasty bleeding welts. Zach even strikes up between my legs. Most of the times, he only hits my outer labia (which is painful enough), but his last strike gets right between them and hits my clitoris.

This is enough to make me faint for the moment. Zach comes up to me and slaps my face a couple of times, bringing me back around and denying me the mercy of unconsciousness.

"I think you had enough of that", he concludes.

But it does not mean that he is finished with me. He is back to punching and kicking me. It hurts, but Zach's inention has moved on beyond hurting me. He wants to break me. I cannot tell how long the beating lasts or how many hits land.

Eventually, there is a metallic noise, like a bolt getting undone, releasing some tension. Then I feel myself descending quickly. Zach has loosened the safety of the winch. The drop is not long, maybe a foot or two, but I still hit the ground hard, ending splayed out on my stomach, limp like a ragdoll. The skin on my shins and my knees chafes open in the process. The metal bar my hands are tied to only slightly misses my head as it crashes down.

I lie on the wooden floor, unable to move from pain and exhaustion. Indifferently, I notice my wrists and ankles being untied, but only to be tied in a different position again. I do not resist. What would be the point in that now? They might just leave me untied after all. The new predicament is simple: One rope is wrapped around both of my ankles, a second one around my wrists, tying them together in front of me. Zach picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

"Let's finish this bitch off", he says to Zoey and Parker. "Let's put her into the ground."

Am I not dead already?

To be continued.
Chapter 21: The Final Scene

Compared to the blinding brightness of the spotlights inside, the sunlight outside is almost gentle to my eyes. It is late in May and the days are long. And while I estimate the time to be around 7:00 or 8:00 p.m. and the sun is way past its zenith, it still shines bright, albeit not quite as scourching as a couple of hours earlier when I was forced to dig up the graves for Millicent and myself.

Zach carries me to the place, with Zoey and Parker following him. Parker keeps a distance of a couple of paces, either because he wants to make sure not to step into the view of Zoey's camera or because he does not want to observe my suffering too closely. During the time Zach had raped, whipped and beaten me, Parker had stood at the side, looking away and pretending not to be involved in the events.

We arrive at the open grave. Zach puts me down next to the edge of the rectangular hole. To my own surprise, I am able to stand on my feet by myself. A little bit of my strength must have returned during the short break. But the little bit of confidence I had for the moment fades immediately when I see Millicent's fresh grave: With a couple of hours of the desert winds blowing sand and dust over it, it has almost blended in with the rest of the landscape again. Anyone who does not know would never suspect a person being buried here. Millicent's body will remain undiscovered forever. And so will mine.

And then I see what is waiting for me at the bottom of my future grave: On the head end, there is a large piece of conrete, probably some debris that has come loose from one of the decrepit buildings around. The larger part of it is embedded in the ground, so that it is at level with the rest of it. They must have added it after I was done with the digging.

In terror, I now realize how they are going to kill me: They will tie me to this heavy object, preventing me from getting out of the hole, and then bury me alive!

"I think she is beginning to understand", Zach comments gleefully, reading my face.

He descends into the open grave, pulling me down with him. Then he lays me down, positioning me so that my head and my shoulders rest on the concrete block, like on a hard and cold pillow. This time, Zoey has not only brought along her camera, but also a toolbox. She hands a leather strap, two screws and a cordless screwdriver to Zach, who immediately begins to assemble his vicious installation.

He lays the leather strap across my throat. It is about two inches wide and long enough to touch the concrete at the level of each of my shoulders. Then, he uses the cordless screwdriver to force the screws through each end of the strap and into the conrete below them, pinning my neck against the large piece of debris. The screws are long, probably the largest ones you can buy at your average hardware store. The leather strap pulls tight against my throat, but not tight enough to restrict my breathing. Just strangling me would be too easy for them. They want me to suffocate slowly and agonizingly from the sand when they throw it over my face.

Once he is done, Zach climbs back out and gets the spade ready, positioning himself at the head end of my grave. Zoey stands in the middle, her camera ready and recording. And Parker will witness my live burial from the foot end, his face and his body language still clearly showing that he would rather be somewhere else.

One last time, I try to reason with them, begging them to stop. Of course they would not listen to me, even if I was able to utter comprehensible words. The ballgag, which is still strapped tightly in my mouth, makes it impossible for me to speak. For a moment, I wonder if they are going to wait for a while after my burial is complete, to be sure that I am dead, and then dig me back up to recover the gag. Or will they just save effort, leaving it inside my rotting body, and buy a new one for their next victim?

Before I get it how irrelevant that thought is for my current situation, the first shovel of sand and small rocks hits my chest. I am surprised how heavy they actually are. I shouldn't be, though, since it was me who dug them up in the first place a couple of hours ago.


The next load lands on my face. I scream in panic as it robs my vision for a moment. Also, some of the dust gets into my mouth and my nostrils, making me cough from my respriatory tracts being polluted with the tiny particles. I use my tied hands to clean my mouth, my nose and my eyes as best as I can, just before I see the next load of soil flying at my face. This time however, I manage to cover it with my hands to avoid worse.

Still, it is a battle that I cannot win. Zach increases his shoveling pace. And while he throws an occasional shovel at my chest, my stomach or my legs every now and then in order to extend the show, his focus is on my head. Before long, it is buried more than half way, with the sand already covering my ears, muffling most of the outside noise. Trying to lift my head in an attempt to escape the suffocation slowly creeping in on me is to not avail. All that I achieve is to choke myself by testing the tighness of the leather strap.

The constant waves of sand and rocks hitting me stops all of a sudden. Are they now beginning to play some kind of sadistic game with me, waiting for me to move my hands away so that they have a clear shot at my face for the next shovel? Nothing happens for a couple of seconds.

Carefully lowering my hands, I peek past them and see that Zach, Zoey and Parker are still standing and the edge of my partly filled grave, but now with their backs turned towards me. Zach has dropped the spade and drawn his gun, as has Parker. They are pointing them at something. Or someone? I need to find out what is going on. Swiftly, but careful not to make too much noise, I scoop the dirt away from my ears, so that I can hear again.

"For the last time, lower your weapon!", a woman shouts from somewhere nearby. I recognize this voice and my heart skips a beat. It is Elena, my desk neighbor from the detectives' office. She has come to my rescue!

Zach fires a shot, but he only hits some metal.

"Fuck, that was close", a man curses out of the same direction Elena's voice has come from. Lucas!

Somehow, they must have found out where I was taken and now they are here! But they won't manage to get the situation under control. At least not as long as their standoff with Zach and Parker continues. I must distract them, so that Elena and Lucas can use the small moment of confusion for an attack and take them out.

Surprised, I notice that the leather strap on my neck is not as tight anymore as it was before. And when I reach for it with my hands, I find that I can pull it away with the first try. Of course! That moron of a brute has used only simple screws instead of rawplugs to lock me in place. Me constantly testing my restraints has made the metal threads grind against the brittle concrete until they came loose!

Slowly and quietly, I sit up until my head sticks out of the hole. Looking into the direction Elenas's and Lucas' voices came from, I spot them, having taken cover behind some old machinery. They see me, too. I must look terrible. I can tell by the shocked looks on their faces. But they will get their chance to pity me later. For now, we must make use of our advantage. With my tied hands, I try to signal them to keep their cool and my captors' attention focussed on them for the moment. I point at myself, then at Zoey. Elena seems to understand and gives me a subtle nod, then looks back at Zach, Zoey and Parker.

"Our reinforcements will be here any minute!", she claims. I honestly cannot tell if she is bluffing. But I only need another moment.

Quickly, I reach forward and untie my ankles. I cannot undo the rope around my wrists. This would require my teeth, but the ballgag in my mouth does not allow this. I will have to manage with at least my feet being free. It takes me a lot of effort to stand up. My legs are shaking from exhaustion and for a small moment, I feel like I am about to faint. But then I catch myself again.

I am now standing directly behind Zoey, my face about the height of her butt. From all three of them, she is closest to my own heigth and weight, which makes an attack on her most likely to be successfull. She hasn't noticed me being so close to her now. Elena and Lucas have her full attention, and since she is unarmed, all she can do for now is to slightly raise her hands, one of them still holding her camera. Man, I am going to stomp that damned thing to pieces when I am done with her!

Collecting the last of my energy, I squat down in order to gain some leverage and then leap straight up, stretching my arms out. My plan works! My tied hands go over Zoey's head, landing on her shoulders on either side. As I fall back down into the hole, I pull her with me. She lands on top of me, knocking the air out of me for a moment. Startled by the unexpected attack (and me literally rising from the dead), Zach and Parker turn around, showing their backs to Elena and Lucas.

"Let go of her, you bitch!", Zach shouts, pointing his gun at me.

Whatever chance you have been waiting for, Elena and Lucas, your time is now! And there will be only a small window of opportunity!

Zoey fights against me, giving it all to escape my grip. She stomps her feet against my already bruised shins and digs her fingernails into the skin of my arms as I keep holding her in a headlock. Suddenly, her torso makes a sharp jerk. There is a nasty snapping sound and then her body gets limb within a second. Fuck, she has broken her own neck from the struggeling!

"Nooo! You killed her! You fucking cunt killed her!" Zach's voice is scary. Panic, rage and desperation all mixed together. For a moment, I almost feel sorry for his loss.

But that feeling disappears immediately when I hear a loud bang and then see sand splashing up just an inch away from my face. He is shooting at me! It try to get under Zoey to use her as a human shield. The second bullet hits flesh. I can feel the impact when it enters Zoey's dead body under her right collarbone and is then stopped by her shoulderblade before it can pierce me.

There is no third shot, but a mix of dull sounds, and then cursing, gasping and screaming. After a couple of failed attempts, I finally manage to emerge from under Zoey's body and stand back up. There are scuffles on either side of the grave. Elena has taken on Zach and Lucas has brought Parker down. Each of them is wrestling for the upper hand, and everyone seems to have lost their guns in the process.

Zach versus Elena is the more uneven fight. Within moments, he overwhelms her, lifts her up by one leg and one arm and then smashes her into the ground, which knocks her out on the spot. Then he goes after his gun. I have an idea who his first target is going to be and quickly seek to arm myself, too. Parker's weapon is closest, I can even reach it while still standing in the grave.

Zach comes at me with a look in his face that is impossible to read. I know that he will not listen to any reason now, so I decide to defend myself by the only means currently available. Being all shaky on my legs and with my tied hands swaying from side to side, my aim is not the best anymore. I fire a quick burst of several rounds. The first two hit nothing but air, the third one hits Zach's left leg, the fourth one his abdomen and the fifth one finally ends up in his chest, making him drop dead.

Still worried about Elena, I miss Parker breaking free from Lucas and making a run for his car before any of us can follow him. An engine howls up nearby and then I spot Parker's dark blue sedan shooting past one of the old buildings. This is the only chance I will get to stop him before he will be gone for good. It is probably just luck that with the next shot fired, I prove a better aim than on my best day at the shooting range.

The bullet makes Parker's right front tire explode, just as he is about to make a sharp turn to avoid another one of the buildings. This makes the car understeer and hit the wall head on. Parker, not having invested the time to put on a seatbelt, flies through the windshield. The weird angles in which his head and his limbs stick out from his body after he has hit the ground tell me that he is dead, too.

To my relief, Elena starts coming around again, sitting up and moaning. She is bleeding from a laceration on her forehead. From the right, I see Lucas approaching, displaying a bleeding nose and some kind of limp.

"Ahw hew gffs awright?", I ask them. Then I notice that I am still wearing the ballgag.

To be continued.
Excellent story. I was expecting a bad end, but still excellent!
Now it's complete, I will copy the text and save it in a textfile, so I can read it back in the future.
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