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Bridewell, my Penance, my Pain

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Bridewell, My Penance, My Pain. Chapter 39


I spend only four days in the prison hospital. For some reason this time I am in a private room, away from the other patients. Edward comes in to tend to my whip marks three times each day, Although the carriage whip used on me, as I pulled the wooden cart, is not nearly as severe as some of the other whips I have endured at Bridewell; the marks left by the carriage whip are none-the-less painful. He takes his time massaging ointment onto my wounds and we dive into some very long and interesting conversations. The more we talk, the more I begin to feel a great fondness for him, waiting anxiously for each and every visit.

My whole body tingles each time he touches me, his gentle hands massaging ointment onto my wounds. I long for him to take me into his arms. I want to feel his body against mine in a long embrace. I want to touch him and taste his lips. I have not felt this way for a long time, a very very long time, but I am not sure that Edward feels as I do.
Much to my delite , things between us gradually begin to become more intimate. It all starts, after a long conversation about how we bothended up in Bridewell. I told him of my previous life as a seamstress and shop owner, of my marriage, and the debt my husband incurred. I tell of my trial, my inability to repay my husbands debt, and being sentenced to to four years at Bridewell. I choose not to tell him about Miles Cowerd, Livia, or Governor Abbott.

Edward tells me that he was a physician, engaged to be married and working for a wealthy member of parliament. Things were going well until his fiancé was raped by the man he worked for. When Edward found out he was so enraged that he he beat the man so brutally that he almost killed him. He was immediately arrested and thrown into prison. He was found guilty and sentenced to 5 years in Bridewell. His fiancé, so distraught and heart-broken, committed suicide after his trial.

I reach for his hand to console him after his story and he returns the favor by pulling me into a tender embrace and kisses my waiting lips. The sensations I feel this moment almost caused me to faint. My knees feel so weak that I am sure that I would have crumbled had he not held me in his strong arms.

Our intimacy increased over the last two days of my hospital stay. On the fourth day we are sitting on the bed, embracing and kissing, when we hear the door to my room open. We both sit bolt upright as the physician and Governor Abbott enter the room. I just know that the looks on our faces betray us as I see the stern looks on the faces of the governor and the physician. Edward is led away to tend to other patients by the physician. I am left to face the governor alone.
I cant look at the governor’s angry face as he shouts at me, “ Pennyworth, you refuse to shag me, a man of means and authority, but you have no qualms about about whoring yourself to another prisoner, mind you.” I try to plead my case, “ We were doing nothing wrong. I am no whore. I told you that I will lay with no man unless we are married. That is the truth.” The governor scoffs, “ I saw the looks on your faces. A slut you are. You’ll pay for this, and pay dearly.”
Within minutes the guards arrived and marched me through the main ward of the hospital where Edward was tending to other patients. I saw the worried look on his face. I tried to give him a reassuring look as I was dragged through the door and back toward the prison dormitory. We didn’t stop at the dormitory though, they instead drag me directly to the hallway that housed the dreaded closet. As they force my body to fold into this small space, I scream out as they slam and lock the door, leaving me to suffer in the darkness of this cramped and lonely space.

Livia had to languish in a cramped cell below decks of the clipper ship Destiny for three days before she was taken top-side with the other women. The reason was to watch marine justice administered to a recalcitrant prisoner. That prisoner was a nineteen year old woman named Daisy Waters who had been singled out by several of the crew members and assaulted the first night she was on board. She did not roll over without a fight and had stabbed one of the crewmen with his own knife. The crew member would live but would face a long recovery, which made every other seaman’s load a little heavier. The ships captain meant to send a stern message to all the prisoners.
Daisy, a petite redhead, was secured to the main mast with her wrists tied high above her head. The crew cheered as the first mate tore the girl’s clothing until she was naked above the waist. Poor Daisy could hear the catcalls from some of the crew members as her freckled skin and her small breasts with their coral nipples were bared for all to see. Livia could see the goose bumps on the petite girls skin as the cool damp air chilled her to the bone and caused her the nipples on her small breasts to stiffen and protrude. She was cold now but soon the burning lash was all she would care about. Livia actually felt some pity for the girl. After all, it was not long ago that she had suffered under the the lashes of the cat-nine-tails as the cart had pulled her around the Bridewell courtyard. Livia could still feel the discomfort of the wounds she had received during her flogging.

The first mate forced a wooden dowel into the shaking girls mouth, between her teeth, telling her to bite down on it when the whip struck. What had been a loud and raucous group of crewmen became as quiet, as the convict women who were forced to watch the flogging, when the first mate took his place behind the bound woman. The captain stepped forward to proclaim the girl’s sentence “ Daisy Waters, you will receive 40 strokes of the “cat” for attacking a crew member. All of you bitches understand” he said as he turned to face the prisoners, “ It will be you hugging the mast if you so much as show a hint of disobedience. If any of you dare to turn away from this display of discipline, you will find yourself trussed up next to miss Daisy.”A murmur arose from the crew members, such a sentence was extreme for a male much less a wee little female. But not one of them felt any pity for the poor girl. In fact, they would thoroughly enjoy the sight of a woman’s body writhing under the lash and the sound of her muffled screams as the tails of the cat drew blood and stripped the flesh from her pale-skinned back.

Livia could hear several fellow prisoners gasp as the first mate drew back his arm to deliver the first stroke. The braided whip, made of sail cord with knots all along the nine tails, whistled thru the air as it hurdled toward the young woman’s naked back. The crack it made as it impacted tender flesh high on Daisy’s back, was startling, even to Livia. The girl’s body stiffened and she tried to cry out but the suddeness of the blow took her breath away. Daisy pulled at her bonds, frantically trying to pry herself free. The second stroke, a little lower on her back brought forth the first sound from the young woman, a barely audible grunt. Another lash still lower brought forth the first of what would be many screams. The forth and fifth strokes elicited two more screams as her body bounced in her bonds, responding to the fiery pain that lingered after each strike of the lash.
Livia saw the grimace on the girl’s face as each of the lashes struck her, her mouth biting down onto the wooden dowel Between her teeth. Daisy’s back was bright red from the top of her shoulder blades to her waist and her body danced to and fro at the mast. The blows were coming faster than her ability to recover now and anther five delivered up and down her back over flesh that was still burning had her back afire. Daisy was howling continuously now,. The fact that she was sweating profusely and dancing about caused her dress to slip down to her knees, leaving her light drawers only covering her backside. The first mate looked inquisitively at the captain who nodded his head.

The first mate slowly moved toward the sobbing girl and turned to the crew as his hands grasped the waistband of her drawers. .” Shall we see what weapons she hides beneath these drawers? “ The crew yelled out”Aye” in unison. So with a flourish the first mate yanked the poor girl’s drawers down to her knees, baring her bottom and upper thighs for all to see. A groan went up from the prisoners, feeling pity for the girl, but the crew became quite animated as they cheered the first mate on. Livia could think only of her beating in Bridewell. Davey, the guard had been a hard whipper but this man seemed to be an artist with the whip, a virtuoso, now with Daisy’s bare bottom providing him a larger canvas. The next five strokes painted the tender flesh of the girl’s thighs a deep crimson. Then he concentrated on her pert, naked bottom, bringing forth the loudest screams from the victim and in turn, the loudest cheers from the crew.

Poor Daisy went rigid with each blow now, her head and body arching away from the mast. The man wielding the whip and the crew had been waiting for this moment. He now began alternating snapping blows to her back and bottom with blows that wrapped around her right side and curved around to slap onto the skin of her abdomen. This sent the girl alternating between pressing against the mast and trying to pull away from it. The lashes started to draw blood now as the writhing girl’s skin began to tear under the brutal knotted strands of the “cat.”
The bottom of the girl was weaving lasciviously as she fought the pain coursing thru her body. The crew was roaring and shouting obscene comments and the girl was screaming as loudly as the gag-bit would allow. The first mate smiled, he knew that he had successfully driven the young woman crazy with pain and the ships crew cray with lust. He glanced at the prisoners,the women’s faces ashen and expressionless. Tonite, he thought, those blank looks will change when the crew gets the chance to sate their carnal desires with the female convicts.

After thirty-five total blows, Daisy’s back was bloody and she began drifting into unconsciousness. One of the crew threw a bucket of saltwater onto her back, bringing her back to a sputtering, painful, consciousness. Blood sprayed from the whip as the last five blows were administered. This time when Daisy lost consciousness, they did not revive her.
The first mate felt no pity for the woman hanging limply at the mast. Normally he would rape his female victims the night of their flogging so that they could satisfy the hardness he always felt as he whipped them. But tonight he had other plans. He had ordered the crew that the pretty blond convict, destined for a rich man’s whore house in Morton Bay was his alone. He and she had a history but this time it was he who had the upper hand. ( to be continued)


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Finally caught up on this story. This is really fantastic stuff @Aslin nee 8ball ! Some really great, nasty punishments and humiliations. Particularly loving the bastinado (so tricky to portray well, as I now know firsthand) and Daisy's shipboard flogging.

Elsbeth is a great character. The mean batch who kind of deserves her beating but who you end up feeling sorry for anyway is an underrated archetype in these kinds of stories.

Anyway, that's my thoughts. None of them are that deep. Looking forward to more!
Bridewell, My Penance, My Pain.Chapter 40


My stay in the closet is as miserable as my previous stays in this cramped space. By the time they come for me in the morning, I am wringing wet with sweat, my muscles are knotted and I ache from the center of my being. The inhumanity of this punishment is not what it does to your body but the effect it has on your mind. Just one night in this tiny space and I have lost all touch with reality. I am unable to stand, or even move my legs and arms when they finally release me. I am left totally disoriented and fearful that I may never again be able to use my appendages. The burning pins and needles tingling I feel in my legs and arms as feelings return to them, is torture in itself.

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The thing that helped me endure the pain while in the closet was knowing that Edward cared about me, but now that my head had cleared, I was worried about what would happen to him. What would the governor do to him, now that he knew of my relationship with Edward. I now need to be worried not only for myself but also for this man that fate has brought into my life. We both need to be careful.

It didn’t take long for for my antagonists to use my relationship with Richard to their benefit. It was just two nights after my release from the closet. I hadn’t seen Richard in that time but that didn’t stop him from inhabiting my dreams. I dream of being held securely in the arms of the man that I love when I am suddenly shaken awake by one of the guards. “ Sorry to spoil your dreams Pennyworth, but your needed elsewhere. Quick, come with me.”

My first thought is always “ the closet”, but once again I am headed for the bowels of the prison. Will I be pushing the capstan, pounding hemp, or has the governor decided on a new punishment for me. I brace myself, knowing that I must continue to be strong. They have not broken me thus far and I do not plan to give in this time either.

I am taken to a new room this time. As I am escorted into the room I come face to face with my two biggest antagonists, the Governor and Miles Cowerd. But to my surprise there is a woman with Miles. A woman that looks very much like Livia Cowerd but this cannot be. Livia is gone, sent to the colonies in Australia, how can she be here. I stare at her, my mouth agape. She looks at me and smiles. “ Well so this is the infamous Pennyworth. I’m not sure what all the fuss is about. She don’t look like such a tough nut to me.” She doesn’t sound like Livia and as I look closer, I see for the first time that it is not really Livia.

Miles smiles at me “ Pennyworth, let me introduce my fiancé Lydia. It’s amazing how much she looks like her older sister Livia, is it not. But this woman is no one to mess with. I have brought her here so that she can meet the person responsible for sending her sister to the colonies.Lydia, Aslin Pennyworth, is the reason your sister was sent away.” I stiffened, “ She was a wretched woman and deserved her fate. But if anyone is to blame it would be you, Miles. She just fell for your heinous lecherous ways and followed in your disgraceful footsteps.”

“ You are right Miles dear, she is incorrigible. Petulant as young child. When Livia and I were young and we misbehaved or spoke out, our father would take the paddle to our bare bottoms. I think it’s about time that Pennyworth here learns that there are consequences when she that sassy tongue of hers goes wagging.”

Miles Cowerd orders me “ Strip Pennyworth, it just so happens Lydia has brought her fathers paddle. Let’s see what effect it can have on your sassy tongue when it’s burning sting attacks your sweet little arse.” I back away but I am grabbed by the guard. “ Do as they say Pennyworth, or by god your boyfriend Richard will spend a week in the ‘closet’”, yells the governor. I hasten to remove my clothing until I stand before them completely naked. They tie my arms behind my back, each wrist tied to the opposite elbow.
Miles slides a heavy armless chair in front of me and sits down. I feel myself bent forward over his lap. I feel one of his hands clamp down hard on my tied arms and I squirm trying to free myself. I feel him begin to harden as I wriggle on his lap. Suddenly something else catches my attention. The sound of a loud smack and my backside explodes with pain. I hear myself squeal as my body bucks against the sudden pain.

The second stroke strikes home quickly and nerve endings still burning from the first stroke erupt. I scream loudly as the third stroke slams into my reddened bottom. It feels like I am being stung by hundreds of bees simultaneously and with each blow of the paddle, the intensity of the sting increases. I am mad with pain now, screeching and howling with each blow, my body wriggling and bobbing on the lap of Miles Cowerd.

Through the haze of pain, I hear Lydia’s voice. “ Kind of gets your attention doesn’t it Pennyworth? That was just a teaser, my dear. Governor Abbott would you like to take over? My arm is tiring and we wouldn’t want poor Pennyworth to feel short-changed now, would we?” The governor answers as he take the paddle from the blond woman, “ I’ll do my best to hold her interest. I’ll beat the sassyness out of those shuddering little cheeks of hers. Lydia just tickled you a little bit but now it’s time for some real pain Pennyworth?
He can’t be serious, I think. My throbbing backside is telling me that it can’t get any worse. But I am wrong. His first blow lands with a loud crack and the pain that follows is unbearable. My body spasms as I raise myself off of Miles lap, my neck arches backwards, as I fight for breath to scream but all the breath has been knocked from me. Although my mouth forms a scream, no sound comes out. My body shudders as pain courses thru me, all the way to my fingertips and toes. I know if I cant survive this pain. I scream with all my being as the next stroke impacts my flesh.


The first mate Collin Lawson had Livia brought to his quarters and tied face down on his bed. He entered his cabin without a word and commenced to tearing the clothing from the bound woman. Livia cried out, to no avail. When she was naked the man reached for a strap hanging from a nail on the wall.

Unable to see behind her, Livia, thinking she was to be raped was unaware that she was about to be beaten brutally. Without any warning the first mate brought his arm down rapidly slashing the woman across the shoulder blades. Caught unawares, the pretty blond woman’s body went rigid as her head reared back and she screamed the first of many screams.

After half a dozen strokes her bottom is a blaze and glowing red. The man finally speaks “Do you remember the last time we were together. Not even a goodbye from you but you did steal all of my money and half of my belongings.” Livia recognized his voice immediately, it was Collin the sailer that her and her sister Lydia had lived with for a short time. She had not recognized him in his sailers cap and beard but obviously he had recognized her.
Livia knew she had to think quickly but it was hard to concentrate on anything but the sting of the strap as it once again began slapping onto her bare buttocks. Between screams she cried out “ It wasn’t me…argh…..it was Bart. He stole your ..things and your money. Kidnapped Lydia and I…argh …and sold us to a brothel.” She had remembered Collin and a rather large sailer Bart fighting at a tavern one night. If only he would believe this lie, he may stop beating her. Then maybe she could use her feminine wiles to get out of her present predicament.

Two more scalding blows and the onslaught on her bruised and battered body was over. Her back and bottom still burned intolerably but the blows had stopped. It took her several moments to stop the tears and catch her breath. “He came that night with three other sailers, we fought them but they were too much for us. They told me that they would kill Lydia if I didn’t tell them where you hid your money. They spirited us away and stole your things, all four of them had their way with us before they sold us to a whore house.”
Collin Lawson fell for the lie. He and Bart had been enemies ever since a shipboard incident long ago. It made sense that Bart was behind the theft. Bart was no longer a member of the crew on the Destiny. But if Collin ever came across the man again he would kill him. He began to untie the young woman on his bed but he was not finished with her quite yet. The hardness that came whenever he whipped a female was back and seeking relief. Livia still was a beauty with a pleasing body. She owed him that much anyway.
(to be continued)
So let me see if I have this correct?

Lydia knows her sister was great at getting herself into trouble so comes to prison bearing her father’s paddle in order to teach Pennyworth another lesson, but allows Miles and Abbott to really give her a proper thrashing? All for the crime of not preventing Livia from stealing and misrepresenting her charm into Abbott’s heart to then betray him so cruelly as to force him to send her to the Colonies? Clearly all of it is absolutely and solely Pennyworth’s fault!

Meanwhile Livia convinces Collin it was his sworn enemy, Bart, who had stolen his belongings, not to mention kidnapping herself and Lydia who are then sold to a brothel! So his answer is to finish beating her with his belt before concluding “she owed him” sexual relief at the least. For the crime of allowing herself to be overpowered, raped, and sold into slavery!

The horribly unfair injustice plus the brutality of the underserved and very severe corporal punishments just keeps this series on point in the heat of an Erotic fireball!

@Aslin nee 8ball - May I please ask for a favour? If you could, a reiteration of, and if possible more detail, about the dimensions and privations of the cupboard, please? I know you have explained it across several chapters but I think a summary would be nice. I want to imagine every moment of Pennyworth’s ordeal and think that cupboard is her most hated punishment of all!

Truly a wonderful read and well worth the wait for each new installment.
Bridewell, My Penance,My Pain. Chapter 41


The blows from the governor are far worse than I could ever have imagined. They keep raining down on my bare bottom as I frantically struggle to free myself from the grasp of Miles Cowerd. My screams are echoing loudly in this stone chamber. I feel that each of the brutal blows is tearing the skin from my flesh as the searing pain worsens with each crack of the whistling paddle. I feel no longer invincible, I believe they will continue their onslaught until I have screamed my last scream and breathed my last breath.

I hear Lydia cheering on the governor “ I think you have gotten all of her attention Governor Abbott. You have her bottom bouncing about like a small boat in a windstorm. Her screeches and caterwauling are becoming quite bothersome though. Do you think we should gag her? “ Miles answers first, “No, would be a shame not to hear this little bird sing. I rather enjoy it.” “Absolutely” agreed the governor as he stepped forward and struck my exposed bottom with another brutal strike. I scream loudly, shudder and grind against Miles Cowerd’s lap as I struggle to evade the strap. “ The screaming isn’t the only thing you be enjoying Miles. I’ll wager that all that naked wiggling has your manhood standing straight like a soldier” laughed Lydia.
The blistering blows keep falling , the pain is unbearable, all I know is the burning pain that consumes me. My mind is so fixated on the searing pain that I don’t even notice when the onslaught ceases. I am gasping for breath, unable to focus with my tear filled eyes. The governor lifts me off of Mile’s lap and holds me tightly against his body. I feel the effect I have had on him immediately. His penis is protruding in his trousers, I can feel his hardness against my throbbing bottom.
Deep in my heart I feel that they are about to rape me. I have feared this happening to me many times since arriving at Bridewell but this time I am almost resigned to it. Lydia says “ Well you little whore, you have seduced these two men into such a state of excitement, don’t you think you should satisfy them?” I have regained my senses and immediately respond, “ I am no whore. I have seduced no one and will never lay with anyone who is not my husband.”

“Such a high and mighty bitch you are Pennyworth.” Yells the governor. “Refusing to service your betters after teasing them so, refusing to come to my bed, and refusing to sign the indenture papers. If your own suffering won’t get you off your high horse, maybe the suffering of someone dear to you will.”

“No! Leave him alone.” I plead. “He has done nothing to you” Governor Abbott looks at me sternly “ We will see won’t we Pennyworth. Guard take to the infirmary.”
As I am led from the room, I hear Lydia speak “ We have much to discuss gentleman but first let me relieve some of the tension that little bitch has caused you both.” Far better her than me I think. I wish to be as far away from those three as possible.

It is Richard that they call for to tend to me in the prison hospital. He is very concerned when he sees me, “Aslin what have they done to you? Why did they beat you so?” Tears come to my eyes once again, “ They blame me for Livia. The governor, Miles Cowerd, and Livia’s sister Lydia. They beat me because they can. After they beat me, they called me a whore and they wanted me to offer my body to them.” I could see the anger in Richards face, his kind eyes showing only rage.

I assure him that I refused their advances but I do tell him that they have threatened to make him suffer for my stubborness.“ They threatened to put you in the closet.” Richard, unaware of the closet, looked at me quizzically. I describe to him the horrors of the closet.

“ It is a space not tall enough to stand upright. It is not wide enough to move your arms or legs. Within a short time your arms and legs begin to cramp because you cannot move them. You neck aches because you are bent so you can’t lift your head. Your feet ache , holding all your weight but you cannot move them at all. It becomes so hot in the space you sweat profusely. You try to brace yourself against the walls of the space but they become slippery and you cannot. Soon the pain and misery begin to take over your thinking. Your mind plays tricks and you feel like you are dying. You wish for death but it does not come, you feel only pain, your whole world is pain”

Seeing me upset, he takes me into his arms trying to console me. Just then my three antagonists enter the room. I hear the annoying voice of Lydia first “ Oh so heartwarming, the two love birds.” We immediately stand at attention as the governor stands before us. Looking at Richard he shakes his head “ I told Pennyworth that this relationship must stop but obviously she won’t listen. But this time it will be you who pays. Guards take him to the closet.”

“ No, No please” I yell as two male guards lead Richard out of the room. He glances back at me trying to assure me that all will be well. I am not sure that it will be alright. I know that the three of them will not stop harassing us.
“ Pennyworth, if you continue your obstinance, your friend Richard will pay for it, not you.” Miles Cowerd adds,
“ We will give you until tomorrow to come to your senses. After a full day in the closet, I’ll wager your Richard will be a pitiful sight.” They leave as quickly as they had come, leaving me in anguish, afraid for Richard, afraid for myself.


Livia, knowing that Collin believes her lie, decides to let him have his way with her. After all they had been lovers, she was sure that he loved her but she had just feigned love, using Collin for a safe place to stay for her and her younger sister Lydia after their father had died. Their father had remarried and the woman he took as his wife hated Livia and Lydia. Somehow that vile woman had gotten their father, in a new will, to name his new wife as the primary heir to his fortune. After his death the bitch cast Lydia and Livia out onto the streets, with only the clothes on their backs.

The two girls became streetwise very quickly often having to sell their bodies for pennies, sleeping in abandoned buildings, they learned how to steal and lie just to survive. They began to look for men with means to take them in, feigning love, but actually trading sexual favors for a more comfortable existence. That is how they came to be with Collin Lawson. A young sailer who had just received his pay for a recent voyage. He was handsome and spending freely when the found him half-drunk in a pub near the docks.

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It didn’t take long for Livia to seduce the young sailer and soon she and Lydia had a place to stay. It was just a rented room but it was safe and off the streets. But Livia’s plan did not include the young sailer, she planned to move up in society by finding someone with wealth and influence. The money the sisters stole from Collin Lawson, the money he had saving for years to buy a small farm, allowed them to buy fancy clothes and find a fancy apartment to live. So began their high society act. It wasn’t long before Livia, falsely attending all the local social functions, latched onto Miles Cowerd. It wasn’t long before she was able to trick the man into marrying her.

What she didn’t know was that she wasn’t the only one who harbored a secret. Her new husband Miles had been attending
Women’s punishment day at Bridewell since he was a young lad, sneaking in with his friends to watch half naked women beaten with sticks and whips. He moved on as he go older to attending special bordellos where he could pay to inflict pain on one of the young prostitutes. There were times that he went too far and by the time he was finished with his victim the woman was damaged so badly that she was close to death or was unable to work ever again. Of course a man of wealth can buy his way out of any situation.

It didn’t take long for Livia to be introduced to her husbands sadistic proclivities. On their wedding night upon returning to Miles ornate house, Livia was surprised when Miles approached their wedding bed with a wicked looking black leather martinet. He bade her to disrobe, turn her back to him and bend over the bed. She knew that she had married the golden goose and had to bow to his wishes however deviant they were. It wouldn’t be the first time she was beaten, she and Livia had felt the cane from their stepmother on countless occasions.

But the first time Miles had been one of the worst she would experience until she was sentenced to that awful place Bridewell. Miles was one of those men who could experience sexual satisfaction only after he has felt that he has completely dominated his women . He needed to hear them plead and beg for mercy. Livia was stoic, on that first night, thinking that was what Miles wanted in a wife. But she was wrong.
Miles wanted to hear his wife scream and beg for mercy. He felt like she was taunting him by not pleading for him to stop, so the blows began to come faster and much harder. Livia mad with pain began to shriek and finally began to beg for him to stop whipping her. Miles finally properly aroused grabbed her welted buttocks , spread her cheeks to expose her anal bud, and buggered his new bride.

Livia said no one would ever take her like that again but she will let Collin Lawson take her any way he wishes because she knows that he is the ticket to get her back to London. She knows that she may have to bide her time to have that happen. It will give her ample time to plot her revenge on her ex-husband and Aslin Pennyworth. Livia just knew that Miles was infatuated with that bitch and she was the real reason that Miles plotted with the governor to send Livia to the Australian colonies.
( to be continued )



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“ It is a space not tall enough to stand upright. It is not wide enough to move your arms or legs. Within a short time your arms and legs begin to cramp because you cannot move them. You neck aches because you are bent so you can’t lift your head. Your feet ache , holding all your weight but you cannot move them at all. It becomes so hot in the space you sweat profusely. You try to brace yourself against the walls of the space but they become slippery and you cannot. Soon the pain and misery begin to take over your thinking. Your mind plays tricks and you feel like you are dying. You wish for death but it does not come, you feel only pain, your whole world is pain”
Why thank you very much!
Miles wanted to hear his wife scream and beg for mercy. He felt like she was taunting him by not pleading for him to stop, so the blows began to come faster and much harder. Livia mad with pain began to shriek and finally began to beg for him to stop whipping her. Miles finally properly aroused grabbed her welted buttocks , spread her cheeks to expose her anal bud, and buggered his new bride.
At last some redeeming features for Miles. I can’t understand why Livia would defy him, he could whip me until i had to beg for mercy every day, I would be happy to please him… Livia is just a selfish bitch, poor Miles!
Bridewell, My Penance, My Pain. Chapter 42


I wait anxiously for the return of Richard from his stay in the “closet”. The next day has come and gone and not only is there no evidence of Richards return but also, the governor, as promised, has not yet returned to receive my answer about signing the indentureship papers. I cry myself to sleep that night, for I know that no one can withstand more than one day in that absolutely horrible place they call “the closet”.

I pray that Richard has been released by now for if he has not been, I am sure, that he will be only a broken shell of himself. His brain possibly addled beyond repair. Everyone who gets close to me in this hell hole that is Bridewell, suffers dearly for showing me any friendship or love. It is my curse and my fault that Richard is suffering, as it was with my friend Elsbeth and before her my friend Alice.

Immediately after breakfast the following morning, two of the male trusties take my left wrist and shackle it to the bed post. I cry out asking “ , Why I have done nothing wrong.” I receive no answer. Soon the door to the room opens and two guards drag in another prisoner. My heart almost stops beating in my chest. It is Richard, my beloved Richard.
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My god, have they killed him. He looks so pale. His eyes are closed and his feet drag as they carry him in. He is naked and his hair is matted. “ Please be careful with him”I plead as the toss him onto the bed next to mine. They shackle him to the bedpost, the same way I am shackled. The guards leave us as I call out to Richard “ oh god , Richard ,what have I done to you? Please talk to me. I am so sorry. I begin to cry, unable to help myself, I am soon sobbing loudly.
Just then the surgeon and Governor Abbott enter the room. “ He doesn’t look so good does he, Pennyworth, and it’s all your fault. Because of your pride and stubbornness, he is close to death. How do feel about that you snotty bitch? See what you on your high horse has done to him. “
I sob even harder than I have previously.

I watch intently as the surgeon ministers to Richard’s unconscious form. Soon he holds something beneath Richards nostrils and I see the man I love shake his head slowly and his eyelids flutter and open. He is alive, he is alive! But he looks so weak and although I can see his eyes, the ever present sparkle is not there. His eyes that were always so kind have a blank look.
The governor orders the surgeon to let him know when Richard gets back on his feet. Governor Abbott turns to me “ When he’s able, it will be to the post with him. A thorough flogging will do him good, then he gets reacquainted with the closet. Then I think maybe I will have him sent to the Australian Colonies where a strong man like him can do some good.”

He continues, “ All because of you, you selfish bitch. But should you change your mind and agree to our terms, there could be a reprieve in his future. Not only a reprieve for his scheduled punishment but a reprieve of his sentence. It’s up to you what happens.” I begin to plead but before I can get anything out of my mouth, the governor exits the room.

I am frozen with my mouth open. What will I do? I have always thought that my resolve could withstand anything they throw at me, but not this. How can I subject the man I love to any more suffering? How can I condemn him to a life of indentured hard labor in the land they call Australia? How can I ever live with myself, if I do not protect him?


Livia became the personal property of first mate Collin Lawson, at least while the Destiny slowly made its way to the Australian Colonies. Livia was perfectly fine with that. She would warm his bed while she worked on her plan to escape and enact her revenge on those who had wronged her.

The first mate let it be known that Livia was off limits to the rest of the crew, so Livia avoided the molestation that the other female prisoners suffered at the hands of the crew members. Even the other prisoners steered clear of Livia, wary of angering the first mate and facing his lash.

There was one prisoner who did not pay heed to first mate Lawson’s warning. Her name was Lilly Thatcher, a Cockney East Londoner, who also had learned life’s hard lessons on the street. She was a comely girl of 20 years who had to whore herself out just to survive on the streets. Unfortunately one of her rich clients nearly died while they were shagging and being the streetwise wench she was and thinking he had died, she lifted his wallet. He lived, she was apprehended and convicted and was sentenced to indenture in the colonies.

She, because of her looks and fine body ,was a target for all of the crew. Lilly had it in for Livia because she herself had her eye on the first mate. Lilly also was a master at manipulating the male of the species and short of the captain who made himself unapproachable, she knew the first mate was the only other crew member who could provide her with protection.from the rest of the crew.

That was her thought when during the daily exercise period on the top deck, she pushed Livia over the rail. Lucky for Livia, but unlucky for Lilly Thatcher, Livia’s foot became tangled in the coils of rope from the rigging. The crew was able to grab the shrieking Livia by the entangled leg and hoist her back onto the deck. Lilly was identified as the culprit and brought before the captain. Evidence was presented and Lilly was deemed guilty. Before the captain could pass sentence, Collin Lawson asked for that privilege and was granted it by the captain.

He ordered that Lilly be stripped and bent forward over one of the cannons on the foredeck. He steeped forward with a brutal looking cane in hand “ We will have discipline by god. All of you pay attention, as I skin her bottom. You don’t want to be next.” He stepped into the first stroke, striking the bottom of the comely brunette.
The young women cried out as the cane, with many jagged little knobs all along its length, smacked against her naked flesh. Welts with little dots of blood began to develop immediately. Within a few strokes she was bucking and pulling violently against the ropes that held her. She was screaming loudly and begging for mercy but the onslaught of strokes kept coming.
Lilly’s feet began to beat a tattoo on the deck to accompany, with each violent stroke as blood began to run in rivulets down the back of her legs. Her body, even though tightly tied, shook and quivered continually, as her screams became almost guttural. Soon you couldn’t see her bottom for the blood that covered it. The cane too was covered in her blood and it sprayed that blood with each stroke.
The first mate asked for a rag, to wipe the cane, as a crew member tossed a bucket of saltwater on the woman’s bloody bottom. Lilly shrieked like a wounded animal as the salt water burned into her damaged flesh. By the time that that Collin had delivered six more strokes, the skin on Lilly’s bottom was shredded and once again bloody. She began to bang her forehead against the top of the cannon, as she screamed, unable to cope with the searing pain scalding her bottom.
Collin Lawson finally satisfied that his message was understood by all in attendance, let loose with his most forceful stroke yet. Lucy’s head flew back as the cane snapped in half after impacting her bloody bottom cheeks. She screamed one final scream before she slumped forward and unconsciousness overcame her. The first mate just tosses the remains of the stick away as he heads back to his cabin and the awaiting Livia. ( to be continued)
More great work, Aslin. A brilliant description of Lily "kissing the gunner`s daughter", it is interesting that it was thought that when secured over the cannon`s breech, the victims genitals rested directly onto the cascobel.
Okay, now I have to look up “cascobel”

Oh, it’s the knobby bit at the end of the back:

cascabel is a subassembly of a muzzle-loadingcannon, a knob to which to attach arresting ropes to deal with the recoil of firing the cannon.

Wikipedia Cascabel

Obviously had @twonines spelled it correctly I would surely have immediately recognised it! :roflmao: :azote:
Bridewell, My Penance, My Pain Chapter 43

I try to reach out and touch Richard but the shackles prevent me from reaching him. I want to take him in my arms and hold his body close to mine. I want to once again, feel his heart beat against against my chest. I want to feel the tenderness of his touch as he explores my naked body. I want to once again feel his soft lips as we passionately kiss.

I never thought that I would ever find true love, especially after I was sent to this vile place they call Bridewell. I thought I had found love with my first husband but that had been nothing more than a roux to obtain what money I had saved over the years of working the shop, to feed his gambling habit. He showed me no tenderness nor love after we wed. I thought at the time that maybe that was the lot of married woman.

It is totally my husbands fault that I am here. But I am to blame too. I was foolish enough to fall for his charade and that is why I find myself in this place. That is why I take each punishment, as they are meted out to me, as a penance for being so gullible. The closet where I suffered so, the lash, the cane, the pillory are all crosses that I must bear for being so daft.

I have become hardened by this brutal place, vowing that I will let no man be my master. I had groan to loath all men, especially Miles Cowerd and Governor Abbott. Men with money and power who thought that they could dominate any woman because of their position. Miles and the governor have persecuted me since I set foot in this place but they have not been able to break me.

Then Richard came into my life. I started, when I detected the kindness his eyes showed after one of my ordeals. Then he kept turning up to lift my spirits and strengthen my will without ever uttering a word. Just the calm and caring look in his eyes began to carry me through the pain.

Once we came to meet in the prison infirmary, he stole my heart. I never thought that I could experience a love like this. It has consumed me. I am his forever more. I have moved out of my “shell of protection”.
I am no longer the most important thing. This man who has made his way into my life has become the focus of my being.

I try speaking to him in a reassuring tone but I get no response as he flits in and out of consciousness. I want to tell him how sorry I am that this has happened to him because of me. I am devastated that I am unable to give him comfort when he needs it the most.

The door opens and Margaret, one of the physicians assistants enters the room. I cry out immediately, “Please, please help him.”
I see her feel for his pulse. I see her gently cover his body with a light blanket. “ Is he alright” I ask. She looks at me sternly “ You are the cause of his suffering. It is because of you that he lays here in such a state. Stay away from him. You blight everything you touch in this place, Pennyworth.

I anger immediately and want to lash out at her but the realization washes over me that she is right. I have caused nothing but pain and suffering for all of those who have become close to me. Alice was whipped just because she became my friend, Ellsbeth has been brutalized and become addIed due to my friendship, and now my beloved Richard lies near death because of me. I must make a decision, a decision that I wish I do not have to make, a decision that needs to be made immediately.

I must sign the letters of indenture. I know that I am sentencing myself to a life of pain and debauchery beyond anything I could ever imagine. I know that I will be a plaything for Miles and Lydia. They will force me into all manner of carnal debauchery with each of them and their rich friends. I will be their pet, maybe chained, whipped and caned for their pleasure. I will be their slave. They will do whatever they want to do with me for the next thirty years if I live that long.
I will subject myself to all of this if the governor keeps his word. If this means that Richard will be spared any more ill treatment. I have to take the chance, although I find the governor a brutal man, he seems to be a man of his word. I know my lot will not be pleasant with Miles and Lydia, I will gladly take it, if the man I love does not suffer any more for me.

The governor, the surgeon, and two male guards enter the room unexpectedly. Before I can say a thing the governor tells the guards “ Take this prisoner now, truss him to the post. He’s rested long enough, The cat will take the skin off his back, then we’ll see how cheeky he is.” Both the governor and Margaret tell the governor that Richard will not survive the lash.

The words come to my throat as I see the guards begin to unshackled Richard from the bed. “ I’ll do it” I cry out. “ If your promise to stop his punishment and guarantee his release is true, I will sign the papers.” The governor smiles and adds “ So you have finally come to your senses Pennyworth. The original offer still stands but with one caveat and I think you know what that is. I do know what he means and although I loath it, I know that for Richards sake I must comply.

I nod my head in affirming that I understand. I beg the governor to release me from my shackles. He agrees and soon I hold Richard in my arms. I hold him tight he does not respond, but I feel that he knows I’m there. I tell him that I love him and that I have to do this for him. The Governor takes my arm and leads me away, my heart aches and my eyes fill with tears as I glance back at the man I love. Sure that it is the last time I will ever see him.


After months at sea ,Livia knows that she has cemented a place in the first mates heart. Uncharacteristically she has eagerly taken care of all of Collin’s emotional and carnal needs. But she has yet to convince him that he needs to aid her escape at one of the ports of supply on their way to Australia. She tells him that they will reunite and find a place to cohabitate and call home.
Collin would prefer to reach port in Australia and then devise a plan for her escape. Livia worries that if she makes it to Australia and reaches Miles Cowerds whorehouse she will be a prisoner there forever. She hears the tales of indentured servants trying to escape in that un-escapable place, being hunted down, and brutally whipped and branded as a warning to others. She decided that she could not wait.

She heard a couple of sailers talking about their preparations for a supply boat arriving in two days hence when the Destiny anchors off the coast of Cape Town. She decided that she would take the Vance and try to stow away on the supply boat on its return to shore. Having free reign of the ship, being the first mates doxy, She hoped to go unnoticed as she hid on the supply ship. Everything went as planned. She took some of Collins coins that he had stashed away for safe keeping and made her way onto the supply boat, hiding under some tarps. The boat returned to the docks at cape town and Livia waited until dark to make her move. Meanwhile Collin was frantically searching the Destiny looking for his missing bedmate.

As Livia lifted the tarp when everything seemed the quietest, the docks looked passable. But as she climbed from the boat and set foot on the dock she heard a growl and not ten feet away stood a constable and a mastiff on a leach. “ Best you stand still girl. Barney here been looking for a bone to chew on all night. I’m guessing you don’t want to be that bone” Livia froze in her tracks not wanting to anger the snarling mutt.

Livia was taken to a small cell in the jail near the docks. She tried to tell them that she was looking for her boyfriend, a sailer. But after the constable noticed the letters on her dress, “ HMS Destiny” , he sent word by messenger to the ship. In a short time the ships captain, first mate Collin Lawson and half a dozen crew members arrived at the jail. “Well it appears to be your slut, Mr Lawson. I should keel haul the wench , the barnacles would teach her a lesson but I don’t think the whorehouse would be happy with skin ripped of that pretty face and her titties. So I leave it up to you to punish her. I’m making her your problem. Don’t let me down. You are my first mate. Prove to me your worth that title.

Livia pleads, “Collin, it’s all a mistake. I was kidnapped by the men on the supply boat”.... “ Shut up woman.” The first mate yells. “ You have gone too far this time.” Collin Lawson conferred with his sailers and sent them off in all directions. Within 10 minutes the docks were thick with sailers from the ships anchored in the harbor. When Livia was led out of the jail she was surprised to see sailers lined up on each side of the long dock as far as the eye could see. Each man held in their hand either a belt, a whip, or a cane. Livia cried out as Collin ordered her to strip bare. Livia, never shy when it came to baring her body, fumbled with the buttons on her dress, her body taking on a crimson blush. Not in front of so many men. The sailers all cheered as her comely body was fully exposed to them.

Collin grabbed the back of her neck and pushed her near the front of the line. “ It’s the gauntlet for you. Run fast Livia. Protect your eyes. Keep moving. Don’t stumble and fall. A stationary target gets the most lashes and I fair guess your ass and titties will be the target. Shall we get started men?” The men raucously shouted in unison, “Aye”. With a shove he sent Livia down the tunnel of men. Suddenly arms began to swing their weapons, aiming for different parts of their woman’s naked body. Livia took a belt across her bottom, a cane to the right breast, and a whip to the groin. She lowered her hands for just a second to protect herself but a cane to the left ear made her bring her arms up to protect her face.
Blows were coming from all directions as she swerved her way thru the gauntlet of men. Crying out with each blow she almost stumbled after a whip stroke caught the back of her thighs. It was getting hard to see now as tears began welling in her eyes. Her breasts and bottom were receiving the brunt of the strokes and were decorated with red wheals. She almost reached the end she thought as she approached the last of the men, but instead she was grabbed and shoved back in the opposite direction. She began screaming now, begging for mercy but the blows kept landing. There was no unviolated skin on her body by the time she once again reached the start of the line. She looked at Collin, pleading for her punishment to stop but Collin just pointed in the other direction and she was turned and shoved forward once again.
A stiff leather belt made a direct hit on her left nipple dead center. She screamed loudly thinking her nipple had been ripped off, both of her hands went to her left breast. A wicked cane stroke across her right temple caused her to stumble and almost fall. The sailers thinking that she was falling closed in on her and suddenly her left foot got entangled with one of the sailers and down she went. Outstretched on her belly, the blows rained down on her back. Brutal searing pain scorched the back of her body from the nape of her neck to the soles of her feet. She covered her head as she scrabbled along the wooden dock, her fingernails and toenails digging into the soft wood, trying to regain her feet. Stumbling along she once again mAde it to the end of the line. Unable to go any further, she collapsed .

Just as the men began to close in on her, they were called off by the first mate. “Enough”he yelled. “She has been punished. Go back to your ships.”
Slowly he made his way to the prone naked woman. Livia was in a stupor, sobbing uncontrollably, her body a mass of welts with cuts. Collin Lawson slowly bent over and lifted the limp body into his arms. Without comment he carried her back to the small boat that would take them back to the Destiny.
( to be continued)
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What an amazing chapter. To see Pennyworth at last broken, not through physical punishment, but by proxy! Her surrender for the sake of Richard is such a beautiful self-sacrifice. To submit to a life of servitude and pain, all for the sake of her love that she will never see again.

Even though I long to read of the cat tearing the flesh off Richard’s back so I can feel his agony, Pennyworth’s sacrifice is perfectly fitting. Her despair is palpable, every person she touches in life is condemned by her action. Her feeling of helpless despair tastes like ultimate degradation of enslavement to me… to surrender so utterly to those that she despises, all for the love of Richard, is a beautiful scene!

And then we move on to Livia, a most unsympathetic character, and yet you craft the scene so wonderfully that I begin to sympathize for this vile creature. Her running of the gauntlet was ingenious and well deserved! Let’s hope Colin keeps her in chains and delivers her to the Turbot St* whorehouse with strong admonishment that she be disciplined harshly and kept in eternal bondage!

Brilliant as always, possibly Your finest chapter yet! Thank you!!!

*a street in Brisbane, capital of what was then the Moreton Bay Colony…
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