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Game Of Thrones Executions?

what game of thrones character would you have wanted to see executed in the show and how

  • Danearys

  • Cersi

  • Egrid

  • Marjorie

  • Tyene the sand snake

  • Missandei ( Danearys handmaiden)

  • Crucifixtion

  • Impalement

  • Beheading

  • Pulled apart

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For a medieval based show that revolves so heavily around violence I'm surprised that there aren't more execution scenes. I mean there is some crucifiying in mereen and the famous shame Cersi scene but other than that I would like to see more. The characters are gorgeous beauty's that dance close to danger and powerful people's bad sides. Who hasn't dreamt of marjarie in a big public crucifixtion!
Further more I wonder how the different lands and people would execute and punish their condemned.
The dothraki, dorn, kings landing, the north, beyond the wall. Savages and fine ladies the possibility is endless. Here is a list of my favourite beauty's and the fate I think that would befall them if they were still alive or got caught doing something seriously naughty.
image.jpeg Danearys; for me I imagine her meeting her fate on the grass plains with the dothraki. Shamed by the Khal after being a bad fuck she's taken naked through the masses and tied each limb to a horse. She is then quartered publicly as the crowds watch the horses bolt. I feel this would suit the dothraki way of life and would be a unique end to such a sexy character. This however is not at all likely.
image.jpeg Egrid; a tough woman from a savage land I believe it's possible if she had survived the men beyond the wall could have turned on her for her love for a crow. Egrid would be taken outside and publicly stripped of her furs and weapons before being raped by the men to shame her. She would then march carrying her stakes to a frozen lake where she would be staked down spread eagled naked and left to freeze. Her fiery hair and toned body no match for the relentless cold.
image.jpeg Sand snake; I believe in dorn she would be punished by feats of endurance in the sand. Tied naked in a public sandpit to a pole honey and snake attractant rubbed onto her breasts and pussy then Deadly snakes are then let free in the pit. After two days if she survives she is freed. However 48 hours is a long time in the sun and snakes are not forgiving.
image.jpeg missendei; as a commoner and in the cruel lands of mereen she would face a very cruel fate. Most likely a very slow and public crucifixtion upon the wall for all the free folk to see who thought they could Defie the masters.
image.jpeg Cersi; now as a very important female she may have met a very regal execution a grand beheading with final words and a tip for the axeman. However I believe the most likely fate of her to face execution would have been at the hands of the faith militant. After her march through the city she is publicly whipped before being crucified high on the steps of the septum a fate for all to see. After all even the royals are but servants of the gods!
image.png Marjorie ; if there was one character I was convinced was going to be executed on the show I thought it was going to be Marjorie. Completely ok with nudity and making cruel enemies everywhere she turned I was certain Cersi was going to catch her and have her executed. I'm sure she would have had the worst fate to. Cersi would have had her publicly shamed and ruined saying she tempted and misled the young king. Marjorie's times in the dungeon and on public display would be humiliating and painful and Csersi and her maester with his black magic crafted the cruelest of punishments. From racking and fire to mass public rape. I believe Cersi would have Marjorie publicly impaled on a large stake. After all if your going to hurt the Tyrell's why not destroy their prettiest flower?
Danearys; for me I imagine her meeting her fate on the grass plains with the dothraki. Shamed by the Khal after being a bad fuck she's taken naked through the masses and tied each limb to a horse. She is then quartered publicly as the crowds watch the horses bolt. I feel this would suit the dothraki way of life and would be a unique end to such a sexy character. This however is not at all likely.

Mmmmmm ! My preferate !!! It could arouse me to see her torments (crucifixion !) ...;)

This looks like a conservative female being chastised for such by the left in America...:eek::cool::devil:
I should've thought that 'Look at that nekkid slut!' has been a US conservative trope since San Francisco in '67 or thereabouts.

Then again, US conservatives and liberals pretty much look the same to me, with Orange being nothing more (or less) than the New Black.

And I'm breaking the forum rules already. :devil:
I should've thought that 'Look at that nekkid slut!' has been a US conservative trope since San Francisco in '67 or thereabouts.

Then again, US conservatives and liberals pretty much look the same to me, with Orange being nothing more (or less) than the New Black.

And I'm breaking the forum rules already. :devil:
As did I... but fuck it. When in the 80s Clarence Thomas was nominated to the Supreme Court to replace the first black justice to the court he was so vilified that before the US Senate he asked if it was a confirmation hearing or a political lynching. 'Jim Crow' laws and segregation in the US were the work of Democrats. LBJ's 1960s civil rights act would have never passed if more Republicans than Democrats (his party) hadn't voted for it. So this is a history lesson...
I never saw the show, only clips.
I never saw the show, only clips.
Back in those days you had maybe 30 cable channels (not counting broadcast channels- you needed an antennae to get them) and the remote control had a 20 foot cable that went from the box to the controller. CNN was a rising star as was ESPN. We had three movie channels but because the movie studios could not know what to make of 'this new technology' the three channels often carried the same movies! The Weather Channel was all weather 24/7 and not political climate change crap. MTV actually played music videos!!!

...but those were different times when poets studied rules of verse and all the ladies rolled their eyes...

-David Bowie
I have never seen this show, but I vote to crucify Marjorie anyway. :rolleyes:

Marjorie is damned annoying! She is more innocent in the books, younger and less scheming, more a tool of her family. The TV version deserves a sticky end, and I would be happy to see her on a cross. Strip for us Marjorie, come carry your cross, the people are waiting.
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Ygritte is a fighter, she would make a great show of resisting the cross, she would entertain for a long time.
Missandei is a good woman, loyal, kind. It would be unjust to execute her, to raise her naked on a cross to die in public shame. But she was born a slave, she would accept it stoically, her innocence adding a bittersweet flavour to her fate.
The sand snakes are fighters, they would be better in the fighting pit, fighting for their lives.
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