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Game Of Thrones Executions?

what game of thrones character would you have wanted to see executed in the show and how

  • Danearys

  • Cersi

  • Egrid

  • Marjorie

  • Tyene the sand snake

  • Missandei ( Danearys handmaiden)

  • Crucifixtion

  • Impalement

  • Beheading

  • Pulled apart

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As did I... but fuck it. When in the 80s Clarence Thomas was nominated to the Supreme Court to replace the first black justice to the court he was so vilified that before the US Senate he asked if it was a confirmation hearing or a political lynching. 'Jim Crow' laws and segregation in the US were the work of Democrats. LBJ's 1960s civil rights act would have never passed if more Republicans than Democrats (his party) hadn't voted for it. So this is a history lesson...
One should've also thought that the US non-white population would've learnt this history lesson by now, yet it -- by and large -- keeps voting for the other, non-R, sort of clowns.

Drinking poison is clearly preferable to talking modern US politics. I'm done, I swear.

Roman politics used to be much more interesting anyway. :p
Seeing Marjorie get crucified would have been fun.

Danearys did order all the nobles in the city she took to be crucified, so I'm hoping we could get to see a main character get crucified at some point. To this point the closest we've gotten is the way Joffrey handled Ros. Unfortunately we didn't actually get to watch her die.

Seeing Marjorie get crucified would have been fun.

Danearys did order all the nobles in the city she took to be crucified, so I'm hoping we could get to see a main character get crucified at some point. To this point the closest we've gotten is the way Joffrey handled Ros. Unfortunately we didn't actually get to watch her die.

Could you post a thumbnail, please : we cant enlarge this one ...;)
Is this pic downloaded to your comput ? If yes, in 'clic' on "upload a File", it does open your comput where the pic is registered ... So, you 'clic' on it and it does be uploading here ; when it's made, you can "post reply" ...;)
Two of these are already dead - I won't spoil it by say which ones or how. Cersei and Dani will probably around until near the end. Everyone seems to believe Cersei will be strangled by Jamie to fulfill the prophecy about her. Missandei is a good person so she'll probably meet an unpleasant end.

But, you left out an obvious choice: Melisandre burned at the stake. It would be both poetic justice and something she might embrace as a religious experience.
Do dah do
Walk like an ..................................................

Wrong song?

Well, I realize that she got one of the lowest totals of votes, but who doesn't like an innocent woman? It's not a perfect likeness, but I like Strix's way of exaggerating form!

It's a great pic, and her innocence is an adornment to that cross.

(thinks) You know, Missandei would look fantastic on a cross!

"They want to do what to her?" (thinks) my dream has come true!

"Come, Missandei, your cross is ready, don't be shy"
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