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Game Of Thrones Executions?

what game of thrones character would you have wanted to see executed in the show and how

  • Danearys

  • Cersi

  • Egrid

  • Marjorie

  • Tyene the sand snake

  • Missandei ( Danearys handmaiden)

  • Crucifixtion

  • Impalement

  • Beheading

  • Pulled apart

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But, you left out an obvious choice: Melisandre burned at the stake.
Hmm that's one I thought of too. Though certain witches turn out to be fireproof... or leave more behind than inert ashes...

I've never seen the series, only some Youtube excerpts, but I read the books a loooong time ago. Margaery Tyrell seems to be a completely different character in the series than in the book.

Cersei Lannister, I'd say, will have to end in the grip of the valonqar (whether that turns out to be Jaime or not) and somehow I don't think that's going to be suffocation on the cross... also crux just doesn't seem an established tradition in Westeros...

Daenerys Targaryen, now that would be a possible end... her fleet shattered, her dragons slain and her invasion of Westeros a hopeless failure, she tries to flee back East but is captured by the resurgent slavers, paraded around in shame and finally crucified. Could be a fitting end...

But then again the cross often chooses the innocent... poor Missandei...
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Seeing Marjorie get crucified would have been fun.

Danearys did order all the nobles in the city she took to be crucified, so I'm hoping we could get to see a main character get crucified at some point. To this point the closest we've gotten is the way Joffrey handled Ros. Unfortunately we didn't actually get to watch her die.


Well, they used a shitty excuse to not put Marjorie naked in her cell or for a walk of shame, so, I'm afraid that the end of GoT will be full of people dying in their sleep with clothes on them.
Well, they used a shitty excuse to not put Marjorie naked in her cell or for a walk of shame, so, I'm afraid that the end of GoT will be full of people dying in their sleep with clothes on them.

Yes, I voted for Marjorie ... too bad they didn't;)
Her nice boobies dancing on a cross would have been awesome!
"Let's humiliate the hottie naked on a cross? Hum,no, let's burn her instead and waste her hotness potential, ruining the character!" scenarists = assholes!

Yep, no academy award for these guys ;)
Do we have any clude from the books that is going to happen a crucifiction or an execution of any of the girls above in the next season of GoT?
Yes, plus (SPOILER AHEAD) Margerie is dead as is Egrid.
Which was a waste both should have been sexually executed. A fine performance it would have been I'm sure! Perhaps it could even have brought the seven kingdoms together, alas now we will never know!
We probably have a better accounting firm too :rolleyes:
I can't see us mixing up the envelopes, in any case. Sheesh, what a stupid mess. :rolleyes::doh:
We'd have a hard time on deciding the Oscar for "Best Crucifixion Scene in a Motion Picture" - we seem to like so many of them. :confused::devil:
I can't see us mixing up the envelopes, in any case. Sheesh, what a stupid mess. :rolleyes::doh:
We'd have a hard time on deciding the Oscar for "Best Crucifixion Scene in a Motion Picture" - we seem to like so many of them. :confused::devil:

I am trying to imagine the acceptance speeches. "And I'd like to thank my supplier of French premium wood. And Nailus Martyrs for props. And all the CF crux girls who gave up their bodies and their lives to perform so tantalizingly on the crosses. And RR for lighting, sound and camera..."

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