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Helena's Tale

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Across from the gallows, Helena knelt locked in a pillory. Tears ran down her face as she looked out at the dead bodies Barbara and Siss, known only to her as Passion and Lust.
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On the far side of the village in the catacombs of the cathedral Roxanne was tortured relentlessly. As by law the inquisitors only had one session with her. The law did not specify how long that session could last. She was locked in a spiked chair and a brazier of hot coals was place under the seat. The spikes pierce her flesh and the hot metal seared her wounds.
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Still Roxanne refused to confess. Clamps were placed first on one hand then the other and her fingers were brutally broken. Crazed with pain she still refused to confess
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Father Lynch returned from the tavern and was annoyed that his inquisitors had yet to break Roxanne. He ordered a new tact and had her suspended in strappado first with no weights. Roxanne only cursed the inquisitors. Then a 40 kilo (nearly 90 lbs.) weight was attached to her left ankle and she was hoisted up again. As she struggled she cried out in agony as both shoulders were dislocated to add to the pain of her crushed fingers.
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Salts were held under her nose and she wretched what little was in her stomach. She cried “Stop! Let me talk to Passion and Lust!”

“You mean Siss and Barbara. You will have to hang to do that as there dead bodies are still in the square dangling from nooses” Father Lynch coldly stated. “Let me tell you where this stands before I have you lowered and place another weight on your other ankle. Either you confess to the sins of seduction and deviant carnal acts or not only you will hang tomorrow in the square but Helena, the woman you call Ecstasy will join you as an adulteress.”

“You can’t do that!” Roxanne howled.

“Really? How do you plan to stop me?” Father Lynch demanded.

Wracked with pain Roxanne moaned “I confess to the crime but not the sin!”

Father Lynch shrugged and said “That works for me…”

Perhaps, though we can never know, the only thing worse than the hanging of Barb and Siss is the events leading up to the act itself. A nun from the near-by convert used scissors to cut their bluntly cut their hair to around shoulder-length and cut the front to crude bangs so as the hung from the nooses their faces would not be obscured. Then as they stood noosed with wrists tied behind their backs and the sun shining though the shear gowns Father Lynch read an invocation that centuries later the Rev. Lynch wished he could equal.

“Daughters and sons of the Church, we gather here not to mourn the deaths of these two miscreants but to pray they suffer slow agonizing deaths and are greeted at the Gates of Heaven and Saint Peter sends them to purgatory to hang by their necks for a millennium before God himself opens the golden gates to heaven and takes them in.
“Notice for yourself their breasts stand proud ready to feed Satin himself upon their deaths. Pray after penance they are snatched from the devil himself and offer him no nourishment.”

“If Satin is as good at sucking tits as Ecstasy is I could go for that” Siss whispers to Barb.

Barb laughs then says “Be quiet, this serious!”

“Fuck it, Barb, we are going to hang and no matter what this pompous ass says isn’t going to sway God one way or the other. We took care of Ecstasy with our lives” Siss retorted. The wagon started to roll from beneath the beam that they would hang from. When the rope started to drag Siss from the back of the wagon she said “This is done on my terms” and stepped from the back of the bed!

Siss swung in a wide arc as a roar came from the crowd. The inevitable was about to happen to Barbaria but whether it was courage, defiance, or resignation that led Siss to step from the wagon Barbara could not bring her to follow suit. But the wagon did not stop and the rope was relentless as it tugged on her neck. A moment after Siss was hanged Barbaria fell forward and like Siss her body swung in a long arc. The crowd laughed as a trail of her pee marked her swing on the ground.

Both Barbara and Siss were surprised by both the pain and the relative ease that they could breathe. Science being what it was in the day knew that hang one by her neck would (eventually) kill her did not fully understand the mechanics of the execution. Unfortunately for them their hangman did know that a tightly made knot on the noose and setting it only enough to trap their heads would give the crowd the kind of show they wanted in the women’s ‘dance of death’ and in addition to his pay he would not have to buy his own drinks at the tavern after they expired!


Great job Tree of capturing Siss' irrepressible snarkiness, even in the face of death...not to mention my own contrariness...your writing is so good at giving your characters an identity, and exploring their thoughts and feelings as the contemplate and experience the horrors you dream up for them.....

mad.jpg but, would I really leave a "trail of pee" on the ground as I swung.... right, proper Midwestern girls like myself, never pee in public....that part is out of character.
It was a gruesome hanging with both Barbara and Siss kicking and thrashing for more than a quarter hour before succumbing to the ropes. While they could not say anything intelligible their squawks, gasps, moans, and above all their desperate struggles from the nooses were enjoyed by all.

After they hung limp from the ropes, the tavern reopened and business was brisk. The owner, a lovely vixen named Messaline, greeted her visitor from the new world, a tall lanky man known as Tree.

He commented she did not seem too upset that her bar maid and backroom dancer had just been hanged. She shrugged and said “Monsieur Tree, I run a business and it will do very well today. Poor Barb and Siss were no trouble to replace. And business should be good tomorrow. If Roxanne confesses to seduction and deviant carnal acts she will be hanged tomorrow. If she does not she will still be convicted of deviant carnal acts and adultery and Miss Helena will hang with her. Either way, business will be good tomorrow. But enough talk, Tree, come and bed me!”
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The horny bastard tossed his strange straw hat on the nightstand and stripped off his clothes. Outside Barbaria’s and Siss’ lifeless bodies still dangled from the ropes…
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you expect me to believe that.jpg Oh thanks for all that Gallic indifference to the hanging of your two American sisters Messa!!! Geeze!
Across from the gallows, Helena knelt locked in a pillory. Tears ran down her face as she looked out at the dead bodies Barbara and Siss, known only to her as Passion and Lust.
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On the far side of the village in the catacombs of the cathedral Roxanne was tortured relentlessly. As by law the inquisitors only had one session with her. The law did not specify how long that session could last. She was locked in a spiked chair and a brazier of hot coals was place under the seat. The spikes pierce her flesh and the hot metal seared her wounds.
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Still Roxanne refused to confess. Clamps were placed first on one hand then the other and her fingers were brutally broken. Crazed with pain she still refused to confess
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Father Lynch returned from the tavern and was annoyed that his inquisitors had yet to break Roxanne. He ordered a new tact and had her suspended in strappado first with no weights. Roxanne only cursed the inquisitors. Then a 40 kilo (nearly 90 lbs.) weight was attached to her left ankle and she was hoisted up again. As she struggled she cried out in agony as both shoulders were dislocated to add to the pain of her crushed fingers.
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Salts were held under her nose and she wretched what little was in her stomach. She cried “Stop! Let me talk to Passion and Lust!”

“You mean Siss and Barbara. You will have to hang to do that as there dead bodies are still in the square dangling from nooses” Father Lynch coldly stated. “Let me tell you where this stands before I have you lowered and place another weight on your other ankle. Either you confess to the sins of seduction and deviant carnal acts or not only you will hang tomorrow in the square but Helena, the woman you call Ecstasy will join you as an adulteress.”

“You can’t do that!” Roxanne howled.

“Really? How do you plan to stop me?” Father Lynch demanded.

Wracked with pain Roxanne moaned “I confess to the crime but not the sin!”

Father Lynch shrugged and said “That works for me…”


Easy for the good Father to say:rolleyes:
It was a gruesome hanging with both Barbara and Siss kicking and thrashing for more than a quarter hour before succumbing to the ropes. While they could not say anything intelligible their squawks, gasps, moans, and above all their desperate struggles from the nooses were enjoyed by all.

After they hung limp from the ropes, the tavern reopened and business was brisk. The owner, a lovely vixen named Messaline, greeted her visitor from the new world, a tall lanky man known as Tree.

He commented she did not seem too upset that her bar maid and backroom dancer had just been hanged. She shrugged and said “Monsieur Tree, I run a business and it will do very well today. Poor Barb and Siss were no trouble to replace. And business should be good tomorrow. If Roxanne confesses to seduction and deviant carnal acts she will be hanged tomorrow. If she does not she will still be convicted of deviant carnal acts and adultery and Miss Helena will hang with her. Either way, business will be good tomorrow. But enough talk, Tree, come and bed me!”
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The horny bastard tossed his strange straw hat on the nightstand and stripped off his clothes. Outside Barbaria’s and Siss’ lifeless bodies still dangled from the ropes…
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That is the sexiest hanging ever!
Across from the gallows, Helena knelt locked in a pillory. Tears ran down her face as she looked out at the dead bodies Barbara and Siss, known only to her as Passion and Lust.
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On the far side of the village in the catacombs of the cathedral Roxanne was tortured relentlessly. As by law the inquisitors only had one session with her. The law did not specify how long that session could last. She was locked in a spiked chair and a brazier of hot coals was place under the seat. The spikes pierce her flesh and the hot metal seared her wounds.
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Still Roxanne refused to confess. Clamps were placed first on one hand then the other and her fingers were brutally broken. Crazed with pain she still refused to confess
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Father Lynch returned from the tavern and was annoyed that his inquisitors had yet to break Roxanne. He ordered a new tact and had her suspended in strappado first with no weights. Roxanne only cursed the inquisitors. Then a 40 kilo (nearly 90 lbs.) weight was attached to her left ankle and she was hoisted up again. As she struggled she cried out in agony as both shoulders were dislocated to add to the pain of her crushed fingers.
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Salts were held under her nose and she wretched what little was in her stomach. She cried “Stop! Let me talk to Passion and Lust!”

“You mean Siss and Barbara. You will have to hang to do that as there dead bodies are still in the square dangling from nooses” Father Lynch coldly stated. “Let me tell you where this stands before I have you lowered and place another weight on your other ankle. Either you confess to the sins of seduction and deviant carnal acts or not only you will hang tomorrow in the square but Helena, the woman you call Ecstasy will join you as an adulteress.”

“You can’t do that!” Roxanne howled.

“Really? How do you plan to stop me?” Father Lynch demanded.

Wracked with pain Roxanne moaned “I confess to the crime but not the sin!”

Father Lynch shrugged and said “That works for me…”


You Are A Sadistic Sod Ar`nt You, Poor Girls, and that woman in the town square Tarred And Feathered Is Me.
Did You Have Anything To Do With That
I confessed to save Helena, my dear Ecstasy, from the noose. The next morning before dawn I am taken to the gates of the village and stood on a platform with a rope around my neck and my arms pinioned behind my back. They needn’t have bothered as my broken fingers could not unfasten the knot securing the rope around my neck. It is market day and farmers and vendors will all file past me as come to set up their booths in the square before I am led to the square to be hanged at noon. Because I refused to confess to the sin of seduction and deviant carnal acts but only the crime of such acts I am denied even the thread-bare gowns that Siss and Barbara wore to their deaths…
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I confessed to save Helena, my dear Ecstasy, from the noose. The next morning before dawn I am taken to the gates of the village and stood on a platform with a rope around my neck and my arms pinioned behind my back. They needn’t have bothered as my broken fingers could not unfasten the knot securing the rope around my neck. It is market day and farmers and vendors will all file past me as come to set up their booths in the square before I am led to the square to be hanged at noon. Because I refused to confess to the sin of seduction and deviant carnal acts but only the crime of such acts I am denied even the thread-bare gowns that Siss and Barbara wore to their deaths…
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Way to go Roxie!!!!!! ;):p:clapping::clapping:
Many of the farmers and vendors passing on the way to the square do not know that days ago I lived the pampered life of an old rich man’s pampered trophy bride. There is no sign saying who I am or why I am to be hanged. All look at me and any comments are made among themselves as if I were cattle to be led to slaughter.

The time comes for my last walk. A constable unties the rope from the post and helps me from the platform and hands the rope around my neck to a nun that will lead me to the gallows but before I am led though the crowd the constable orders me to spread my legs. Thinking there is no point in drawing his wrath I obey. I gasp and squeal in pain as some massive thing is rammed into my bum with a smaller part into my slit!

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Not only is it long and thick it must weigh more than two stones but the shape of it precludes any possibility of it slipping out or me being able to expel it! The constable slaps my buns and laughs “You don’t want to crap in front of the crowd while you hang. I think your friends were embarrassed when they did though they didn’t say anything! Take her away, sisters!”

I begin my death march and crowds line the narrow avenues as I take my last walk.

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Again the vast majority of the crowd keeps their comments among themselves as if I am dumb animal being paraded past. Yes, I was naked with my lovers in the meadow but I am marched naked past men and women I don’t even know. As if it could not get worse, the closer I am to the town square there are more and more people I know. My heart says flee but my head says they have stripped me of any dignity but what is still within me!

There is a man and a woman with their daughter watching my progress. I am mortified as I recognize them as people who I had entertained at my home! Behind them a woman watches from the window of the brothel calls out “I’ll be damned, I wasn’t going to go to the hanging today but look who is getting her neck stretched! Hey Roxie, I can’t wait to see your tits bounce and shake when you’re hanged naked!”

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The woman in the brothel is someone I would have nothing to do with feeling she was below me. She was always friendly but would not even acknowledge her. Soon she will be below me… as I swing above her from the rope. Her cold words are deserved. I have seen more than a few hanging and was always fascinated by the thrashing the condemned did as the strangled. Once, my husband had a business associate for dinner at our house. After A few hours and more than a few glasses of wine I asked him what had happened to his neck as he had a scar around it just below his jaw.

He told me that years back he was hanged in Persia for raping a powerful man’s daughter. He said he had not done so but they tied a rope around his neck and forced him onto a wagon. Before they pulled the wagon from beneath his feet they jerked his trousers down around his knees. He said he had an erection not because he was sexually aroused but from the adrenalin from the prospect of hanging by his neck until he died. I asked him if he did the ‘death dance’. Almost scolding me he said ‘It is not a dance, young lady! It is pure desperation and a struggle to escape the rope that is taking your life. If you are ever hanged you’ll do it too!’

‘But how did you survive?’ I asked. He told my husband paid a substantial amount of gold coin in retribution to the father. It had been a less than profitable trip and they still had made him hang for a quarter hour before signaling to cut him down. That night in my bed I rubbed my loins as I contemplated his words ‘If you are ever hanged…’

I did the same every night when some poor wench was hanged in the square while I watched. I still saw it as a dance every time. I am led through an arch and ahead of me is the square. All too soon I will find for myself if it is a dance or panic…

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Tree wished to mention the last few illustrations are 'Tree original'.
Many of the farmers and vendors passing on the way to the square do not know that days ago I lived the pampered life of an old rich man’s pampered trophy bride. There is no sign saying who I am or why I am to be hanged. All look at me and any comments are made among themselves as if I were cattle to be led to slaughter.

The time comes for my last walk. A constable unties the rope from the post and helps me from the platform and hands the rope around my neck to a nun that will lead me to the gallows but before I am led though the crowd the constable orders me to spread my legs. Thinking there is no point in drawing his wrath I obey. I gasp and squeal in pain as some massive thing is rammed into my bum with a smaller part into my slit!

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Not only is it long and thick it must weigh more than two stones but the shape of it precludes any possibility of it slipping out or me being able to expel it! The constable slaps my buns and laughs “You don’t want to crap in front of the crowd while you hang. I think your friends were embarrassed when they did though they didn’t say anything! Take her away, sisters!”

I begin my death march and crowds line the narrow avenues as I take my last walk.

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Again the vast majority of the crowd keeps their comments among themselves as if I am dumb animal being paraded past. Yes, I was naked with my lovers in the meadow but I am marched naked past men and women I don’t even know. As if it could not get worse, the closer I am to the town square there are more and more people I know. My heart says flee but my head says they have stripped me of any dignity but what is still within me!

There is a man and a woman with their daughter watching my progress. I am mortified as I recognize them as people who I had entertained at my home! Behind them a woman watches from the window of the brothel calls out “I’ll be damned, I wasn’t going to go to the hanging today but look who is getting her neck stretched! Hey Roxie, I can’t wait to see your tits bounce and shake when you’re hanged naked!”

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The woman in the brothel is someone I would have nothing to do with feeling she was below me. She was always friendly but would not even acknowledge her. Soon she will be below me… as I swing above her from the rope. Her cold words are deserved. I have seen more than a few hanging and was always fascinated by the thrashing the condemned did as the strangled. Once, my husband had a business associate for dinner at our house. After A few hours and more than a few glasses of wine I asked him what had happened to his neck as he had a scar around it just below his jaw.

He told me that years back he was hanged in Persia for raping a powerful man’s daughter. He said he had not done so but they tied a rope around his neck and forced him onto a wagon. Before they pulled the wagon from beneath his feet they jerked his trousers down around his knees. He said he had an erection not because he was sexually aroused but from the adrenalin from the prospect of hanging by his neck until he died. I asked him if he did the ‘death dance’. Almost scolding me he said ‘It is not a dance, young lady! It is pure desperation and a struggle to escape the rope that is taking your life. If you are ever hanged you’ll do it too!’

‘But how did you survive?’ I asked. He told my husband paid a substantial amount of gold coin in retribution to the father. It had been a less than profitable trip and they still had made him hang for a quarter hour before signaling to cut him down. That night in my bed I rubbed my loins as I contemplated his words ‘If you are ever hanged…’

I did the same every night when some poor wench was hanged in the square while I watched. I still saw it as a dance every time. I am led through an arch and ahead of me is the square. All too soon I will find for myself if it is a dance or panic…

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Tree wished to mention the last few illustrations are 'Tree original'.

Kudos on the art :).... the style is unmistakable; someday will be worth big money as a
"Tree original" and grace the wall of some fine collector, such as the Lord of Cruxton Abbey. :rolleyes:

Nice plotting and writing too btw.
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