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Suffer on the stick is the worst suffer at all. Man suffers 3 or 4 days on the stick. He feel cramps and pain in his rectum,bowels,abdomen and chest. He beg for mercy but there is no mercy. must endure horrible pain. His cock is in full erection and he cum in front of crowd. imp4.jpg
Long story nicked from here http://www.asstr.org/files/Collecti...ries/snuff/barbaras_barbarous_executeion.html

These people were true high rollers. She had been able to penetrate the closed world of the wealthy through her volunteer work, freely donating her time to work on committees of the ladies' auxiliary to the Symphony Society. It was an honor to be invited to work on the planning of lavish social functions, and soon Barbara's remarkable beauty got her invited on gambling weekends to Europe and week long yacht cruises through the Caribbean. She was in far over her head, because although she had earned a Masters Degree in the history of English literature, she had not yet found employment, and was glad for the opportunity to mix with the wealthy people of good families. She was only furniture for them, but was at least with them, and as a party girl, one of several girls who served only as voluptuous decoration for their yacht, she was in a position to be seen by eligible young men, so that she could marry into the money which was so much in evidence.

It was on one of these extended cruises that she was taken ashore on an island that was privately owned, and harbored a number of incredible yachts. Usually they left the human furniture, employed to lounge and frolic topless or naked around the decks and yacht's pool, to remain on the ship whenever they put ashore. Clearly they were intending the girls to serve as decoration here as well. The party she was with was going to remain ashore at least overnight, and perhaps for a few days. She and the three other party girls from her ship were told to bring only the spike heeled shoes and dental floss bikinis they wore, and to expect an exciting time.

Barbara was stunned at the opulence in the mansion as soon as they entered. From the shoreline it looked much like many of the other mansions on private islands in the area, but this one was, to say the least, deceptive. This was indeed a palace. Although it appeared from the outside to be a large bungalow built into the side of the hill, inside the main brass-covered doors was a large balcony, and from the edge, protected by rosewood railings, was a view down onto several levels. The first level down was the great hall, and had a twenty foot ceiling.

One of the levels, three down, was occupied by many others, who were enjoying drinks, and Barbara and her cruise-mates made their way down a large marble spiral staircase to join them. As they passed the great hall level, Barbara noticed a large polished marble slab the size of a coffee table. The top was highly polished. On it lay a single object that commanded her attention: it was a great broadsword, with a huge handle and a gleaming double edged blade that was at least four feet long.. The land developer she had come with told her it was a ceremonial sword, used only for special events. It was rumored that it had been used for executions, and now was the sole dispenser of justice on this private island. Barbara shivered at the images invoked by the imposing weapon, particularly with than story, but she grinned when she saw her employer was trying to scare the girls.

They were greeted as they reached the gathering, and Barbara was introduced to the elderly owner of the island and his seventeen year old wife. They were very gracious, as she found most of the very wealthy people she met were. They extended the hospitality of the palace to them, and they took full advantage of it. Their quarters were as exciting as any she had seen. She had a large bedroom suite to herself, with gold fixtures and a lavish marble whirlpool bath sunk into the floor near one corner. The entire room was done in lavender, and the door had been lavender. Each door was a different color, so she expected each suite had its own matching color scheme. The bedroom level was several floors down, so did not expect a view. Nor did she expect what she found.

There was a large plate glass window on one wall, looking out into the clear blue undersea waters of the ocean. There were a myriad of exotic fish, with a bright sand floor that sloped gently away from the base of the window, and she had the impression she was looking into a large aquarium.

As she watched in fascination, three gorgeous women wearing scuba gear and nothing else swam by. They smiled and waved at her, and she self consciously waved back. She was surprised that there were no curtains on the windows to afford privacy, but she also realized that only the guests of the owner were likely to be swimming by. One of the sports Barbara had come to enjoy quickly was skinny dipping in the warm waters on these cruises. She had soon realized that part of the reason for the invitations was her terrific looks.

She felt that displaying all of her ample charms was a small price to pay to be allowed to enjoy the pleasures of the luxury voyages on the large private yachts. When she was naked with a group of other girls, she felt only a little modesty, which she did not allow to interfere with her enjoyment of the times she had.

On her first cruise, Barbara had been given a very expensive and very minuscule bikini as a gift, and had worn it regularly on deck. The other girls had similar costumes, and they referred to them as their dental floss bikinis. They were all different, but covered little. That was the whole point of their employment. These bikinis were the only thing that resembled clothing the girls were permitted to bring aboard ship, and once they became accustomed to being seen naked by the captain's guests, they mainly used the beautiful if minuscule bikinis only when they were in port.

Barbara's was an orange string bikini, with gold strands liberally woven through the soft cord. As tiny as it was, she believed the yacht owner's wife when she said casually it had cost $500. Barbara was certain by its weight the thin strands of gold were real. She always took it off before diving into the yacht's swimming pool.

She was very careful to keep her buttocks pressed together when she was on deck, because the string held a small oval patch in place that was just large enough to cover her vagina, leaving the neatly trimmed golden curls of her pubic hair completely exposed, as everything below the hood of her clit was shaved clean. The thick string that went between her legs crossed her anus without covering that secret portal, so that bending forward would give anyone behind her a glimpse at her rectal starfish. Keeping her buns squeezed enhanced her beauty, and drew stares from whoever was near her. She was highly qualified for her job.

The tiny top of the bikini consisted of a pair of patches that were identical in size to the pussy patch, that covered her nipples and little else. The elasticized string wrapped her body, emphasizing her curves, and was long enough to tie in novel ways. She had learned to put the costume to its best use, and preferred to tie the string around her large breasts, bulging them obscenely and delighting viewers. It was the latest fashion among the jet set, and she was pushing to become firmly entrenched in that elite group.

The string bikini did so little that when the captain's wife suggested on the third day that it was affecting her tan, she took the hint and abandoned the minimal garment, and became a full fledged sea nymph, frolicking naked with four others on the decks and in the sea for the amusement of the wealthy yacht owner and his guests. Barbara was given marvellous clothes to wear for their visits ashore, and when on shore they ate in the best hotels and restaurants. Returning to the ship, she was required to return the clothing, but that was because they dry-cleaned them on board, and always had them fresh for whenever she had shore leave. She was treated like the lady she was, and enjoyed the trips enormously.

Cavorting naked on the decks and in the water like a nymph under the tropical sun was her idea of pure pleasure, and the days passed much too quickly. Her problems were related to the times between the frequent sea cruises. Barbara had no real income, and her meager resources were being quickly eaten up by paying rent and buying the clothes that let her appear to belong to the circles in which she was moving. Her only income was what she could get from her one vice. Barbara was an incurable thief.

As she watched the lovely naked nymphs swimming away in the crystal clear water Barbara realized they had a view into all of the guest rooms, which she quickly realized presented a unique opportunity. She decided to be a volunteer nymph, and see if there was an easy way to pay next month's rent. She had worn her orange string bikini ashore, which attracted immediate attention, and had brought a garment bag with a tooth brush, and a gorgeous red gown and white open topped heels for the evening. This was going to be a profitable visit if she could arrange it. Barbara took a large bath towel from the closet, and wearing her string bikini and her open heels, found the elevator, and went up to beach level. An employee showed her the way to the beach entrance, and as she went out onto the patio she saw the three she had seen swimming now coming up the beach.

She joined them as they took off their scuba gear at the equipment shed. She slipped out of her heels and string bikini, setting them out neatly on a wooden bench. She found a freshly charged set of scuba tanks, and asked one of the others to help her into it. The girl helped her to strap on her tanks, and showed her how to breath and use the equipment safely. Barbara accepted the information, although she had taken lessons at college, and had earned proficiency badges for her developed skills. She was not going deep, so she would always be able to surface in case of equipment failure. She also didn't want them to know she knew what she was doing. Barbara spread saliva on the inner surface of an underwater mask to allow her to see well in the water, and selected a pair of flippers that would provide good propulsion.

Because she was not going deep, her tanks would provide sufficient ballast. The other three nude women watched her wade into the water and submerse, then went into the palace, distracted by their own agendas. She was sure they would hardly remember seeing her, and would not be able to identify her. Barbara found the breathing apparatus awkward at first, as it was different from what she had used in college, but she quickly got used to the regime of breathing through the unfamiliar mouthpiece, and was soon swimming smoothly and comfortably underwater like a professional. She moved downward and to the right, and soon saw the wall of the building with the large thick glass picture windows. The rooms were well lighted, and some of them were occupied. She made a show of sensuous movement in the water, and she smiled and waved to those who watched her.

As she had expected, she could see into the suites clearly, and each had its own color scheme. She would have no difficulty in locating the suite or suites she targeted. The open layout of the suites made observation and casing them a simple task. Of those that were occupied, the guests seemed to expect to see a naked woman swimming by. She was embarrassed as she came across a pair of lovers in the green room, engaged in intercourse naked on the carpet. What embarrassed her was that the man was raping the unwilling teenager by sodomizing her, stuffing her tight anus with his large thrusting organ.

She was a small girl with firm little breasts, and Barbara guessed her to be no more than twelve or thirteen years old. Although the man grinned at the woman swimming naked outside his room, showing his satisfaction in occupying the tight little rectum, the girl was horrified and humiliated at being seen in the debasing act. The man slapped her face and tits with his open hands, clearly hurting her and enjoying it. Barbara had never seen violent sex before, and had wondered what could possibly be the attraction in violating another person with sex. Now she knew. The man held the girl's head up by her hair, and had total control of her as he had his way with her. It was about power, and Barbara found the concept and its competent execution exciting.

In the very next room, which was done in raspberry red, she saw what she was looking for. Draped over the credenza lamp was a stunning necklace, consisting of a large pendant ruby held in an elegant gold clasp in a thin gold chain. The ruby was set with a ring of sparkling diamonds. She guessed it to be worth more than ten thousand dollars, which meant she could probably get a couple of thousand for it. As she was casing the suite from her unique position, a man and woman entered, and waved to her. She pretended to be watching the fish, and kept an eye on them as they changed their clothes, and readied for a swim. The woman took off her diamond earrings, which were remarkable, probably worth a couple of thousand apiece. The island was so secure, and the atmosphere so relaxed, that Barbara hoped they would leave the door unlocked.

Even if they didn't, the mechanism of the lock was very simple, designed only to signal the wish for privacy to chamber maids. This was going to be ridiculously simple. Those fabulous jewels were as good as hers.

As she swam back, two other naked sea nymphs swam by her, and she gave them a friendly smile. She estimated they would be well past the raspberry room before she got to there. These were not smiling, but seemed to be in a hurry. As she neared the beach, she noticed that a large net had been extended around the area. It was huge, and kept the swimmers from roaming more than fifty feet from the vertical wall of the island and the mansion.

A shiver ram up her spine as she realized the net was probably there to protect swimmers from poisonous jelly fish, or worse, sharks. These were likely dangerous waters, particularly in close against the islands. It was the clarity of the water, allowing comparatively long distance visibility, that gave her the sense of safety. As she surfaced and stood up in the shallow water, two men in scuba equipment waded in. They carried spear guns, and looked at her with what she thought was surprise. She had told nobody she was going for a swim, and they probably thought the water was clear. She was going to mention the other two women she had seen moments before, but the men were under water before she could do so.

She removed her fins and mask as she stepped out of the water, slipped off the scuba gear, and set the borrowed equipment in place in the shed, with the tanks in the bin marked for recharging. She towelled herself thoroughly, and put on the skimpy bikini and her sexy heels. She was confident that in this spectacular costume, she would be seen only as a fluffy sex object, not as a threat to the security of the place.

To ensure the effect, she retired the top string, binding her big breasts tightly together so that they bulged enormously, with the covered erect nipples no more than four inches apart. She also rolled the oval patch that covered her vagina into a thin tube, and then slid the whole arrangement downward, so that her clit and the fleshy hood that covered it stood out above the inadequate sex organ cover. The inner lips of her vagina spread around the rolled material, embracing rather than being covered by it. She was ready. She shook her head, fluffing her long blonde hair, then used her sexiest walk in the striking heels to make her luscious tanned figure in the outrageous bikini work to its full advantage.

There were more horny men here than in a hotel during a Shrine convention, and she wanted to firmly establish her image as a flaky bimbo. That would be a much better disguise than anonymity. She was too striking in appearance to go anywhere unobserved. As she walked down the corridor of the accommodation floor, she passed a pair of men wearing bikinis. As they approached her, she saw their penises rise in the hammock shaped thin garments. They turned and whistled as she accentuated her sexy walk for their benefit, and she also turned, pumping and grinding her hips for them, with her erect clit exposed over the top of the tiny bikini panty.

"Want to join us in our room for a little recreation, beautiful?" one of them asked.

"Oh God, if I could," she said, watching their crotches rather than their faces. She kept her hips moving, rotating and thrusting sensuously, to make sure they were watching her body, not her face.

She flicked her clit with an impertinent finger, then slid another finger in beside the covering patch and thrust the finger into herself. "What are you guys doing in an hour?"

"We're going to be in the yellow suite, having drinks," one of them said eagerly, his eyes riveted to her invading finger. "Drop in for some fun."

"I will," she promised, "After I freshen up." The heads of the men's penises were poking up through the tops of their bikinis. The male costumes were insufficient to contain even a moderate erection. That was the intent of their design. She turned and moved on along the curved corridor, pumping her marvellous tight round ass cheeks for the benefit of the men, who she knew were still staring and drooling at her remarkable form, anticipating experiencing the delights of her fantastic body.. As she passed the green room, she heard the muffled moans and whimpering of the gorgeous teenager, punctuated by sharp shrieks and dull thumps.

Barbara imagined he must be beating her now, but preferred to exercise her imagination rather than watch something so crude. As she had hoped, the raspberry door was not locked. She opened it carefully, and found the occupants were gone. She checked the plate glass window with the incredible underwater view of the sparkling ocean. The two female swimmers were nowhere in sight.
The men she had seen entering the water would not be able to make it this far along yet. She entered the suite and pulled the door closed behind her. The jewellery was exactly where she had seen it placed. She moved over to the credenza and picked up the necklace.

It was incredible. She put it on, and looked at herself in the mirror. The large pendant stone dangled between her large breasts like it belonged there. She removed her own small diamond earrings and put on the pair the woman had left on the credenza. They looked gorgeous on her. She would have difficulty parting with them.

Suddenly in the mirror image she saw one of the nymph scuba divers approaching. Quickly Barbara moved to the open closet, and slid behind the hanging clothes. Her position gave her a view of the window while remaining hidden, but her being in the room would be of no consequence to the diver. The naked woman had come to a halt, about twenty feet out from the underwater wall of the building. She appeared to be frantic, looking anxiously over her shoulder. Barbara quickly saw why. Floating near the surface, face down, was the swimmer's companion. The unfortunate bitch's legs and arms were akimbo, floating with the movement of the overhead rolling waves. She was dead. Barbara saw transparent pink clouds of blood spreading from the naked carcass of the female swimmer. Sticking out of her breast and belly were a pair of steel spears, the kind she had seen used by men on her ship with spear guns, which they used for killing large fish. The kind the two men she had seen entering the water carried in their quivers.

With a chill, Barbara suddenly realized the reason for the net. It was to contain the women, so that they could be viciously hunted within view of the windows. This was a blood sports event! She had heard of such happenings, but was sure it was just fantasy storytelling to pass the time during the long evenings of the sea cruises. Now it was happening before her startled eyes. These people played hardball. Swimming into view, quite close to her window, was a man wearing scuba gear, but otherwise naked. He had a raging erection, and one of the largest male organs she had ever seen. It was suitably accompanied by an astounding set of testicles. The man was a veritable bull. He was reloading his spear gun, and she got a good look at the weapon. It was powered by a large CO2 cartridge, and was two feet long, with a vicious looking saw-tooth head. It was intended to do considerable damage.

The area was a natural arena, and the woman had no possibility of escape. She was a hunted animal, trapped in an underwater shooting gallery. The surety of the outcome made the event carnally exciting to Barbara. Then another realization struck her: these suites were positioned to witness such violent killings! This place was much more evil than it had at first appeared. Now she realized why the men had been surprised to see her come out of the water. Only the two hunted women were supposed to be in the ocean here at this time.

She was amazed at her cold blooded reaction to the plight of the woman. She might herself have been a prey of the men with the lethal spear guns, as she had been swimming out there without authorization less than fifteen minutes earlier. She felt a surge in her clit, something she had never before experienced, but most of this was new to her. This was really shocking. These people had total power, and were using it for their own entertainment. A woman's life, two women's lives, were the price they were willingly paying. She hoped she didn't lose control herself, and vomit in the woman's clothes.

Just then another man swam into view, also armed with a spear gun. They were hunting their naked prey as a team, herding her into the area that gave all of the guests watching from the suites a full view of their deadly sport. The dead woman, floating just a few feet below the surface, had been drifting toward the net, which was just thirty-five feet out from the wall, and as the gentle flow of the tide pulled her, she became tangled in the netting, and she hung there like a netted fish. Her live companion suddenly attempted to swim away, and a spear was released at her. It caught her in the leg, piercing the inner side of her right thigh just above the knee, and emerging several inches out the other side of the shapely leg.

These were powerful spear guns. As she turned in agony, a second spear was released by the other man, and it drove through one of her breasts, with most of it emerging through the other side. Both men quickly reloaded as the woman did a dance of agony in the water, attempting futilely to remove the long projectiles. Her efforts increased the severity of her punctures. Plums of her blood spurted from the exit and entry wounds into the water, forming translucent pink clouds around her injuries, and her delay was costly, because although the men were taking their time, within a minute, both of the death-dealing spear guns were reloaded.

Now the men move closer, to within fifteen feet of the beautiful trapped bitch, and she once more attempted to swim away. The move was exactly what the men expected, opening her up as a delightful target. With lyrical precision, they released, one at a time to maximize the effect for the small select audience, another pair of the lethal spears. The first caught the already pierced breast, which hung down as a perfect target, easy to hit at such close range. It struck the injure mammary distorting the soft flesh as it drove into and through the tender fatty meat.

The second shaft drove through her other breast, so that both of the big free-floating milkbags were pierced with the damaging shafts. The woman threw her head back, arched her back, and rolled in exciting circles, her large bare spear-laden breasts facing outward, and her bent legs parted. Barbara rubbed her exposed clit in excitement at the shocking spectacle, and watched the hunter closest to her quickly reload his spear gun for the opportunity the woman was presenting.

He aimed the spear gun carefully, and as she came around, there was a burst of CO2 bubbles, announcing the explosive launch of another projectile. The spear flew between her legs, driving up into her exposed vagina, so deep that only three inches of the two foot shaft was still in view. Knowing the likely damage that spear would do, the other man shot her in the belly, just below and to the right of her navel, and the vicious head of the spear emerged out her back. Now the woman twisted and writhed in such agony that she lost her breathing apparatus. The men reloaded as she struggled to get it back into her mouth, and they quickly released another pair of spears into her buttocks.

She struggled to the surface, and had reached it before the men were able to reload with their final spears. She pulled off the tanks, and let them sink down as she valiantly breathed fresh air into her lungs. Her head was out of sight above the surface, but the rest of her spear-pierced body was delightfully visible to the guests viewing the degeneracy from the comfort of their suites.

The men moved beneath her, and Barbara was impressed at their accuracy as they released their final spears, which flew side by side from slightly behind her up into her cunt, joining the shaft already in place, and the two heads emerged side by side, inches below her navel. The stricken nude woman began to slowly sink, her struggles diminishing, and a burst of bubbles emerging from her mouth. Her lungs were emptying, and she was giving up. The spear gun sportsmen had won the exciting bitch-hunt.

Barbara's knees quivered. She was astounded at what had just unfolded. This was a bloodsports island. Beautiful young women were killed here for entertainment, and her employer and guests had come here to witness this kind of outrageous abuse. Her head was spinning with the implications. Not everybody was watching this event, as she had seen almost half of the rooms were vacant just before it happened. There must be far more, and possibly far worse, still planned for this weekend. Her mind raced with the possibilities. The island was quite large, as they had come around it when they had first arrived. There might be dry land hunting as well. And what about a torture chamber? Anything was possible in a place like this.

Who were those girls? Where did they come from? How many of them were there, and how many were going to be killed for sport before this weekend was over? The possibilities kept expanding the more she thought about it, and none of what she thought about reassured her. Maybe the owners of the yachts brought their human furniture ashore to become victims! She was quickly becoming undone. She had to get out of here before the owners came back. As the men left her line of view, Barbara suddenly remembered her mission. She came out of the closet, and seeing her image in the mirror, realized that she was going to have to find a way to take the jewellery out of the room without it being visible. She had left her purse on the ship, and her skimpy costume would never do.

She had little choice. She took the valuable necklace and earrings off, and holding the rolled flap of the bikini aside, stuffed the sharp-edged jewellery deep into her vagina. She straightened the minimal garment, then looked around the room. To put off the thought that the place had been cased, casting suspicion upon herself, she decided to trash the room. She went to work, pulling out the drawers and emptying their contents, and throwing the lamp down so that it smashed. Then went into the bathroom and trashed it thoroughly, breaking the mirror for good measure.

She was so busy covering her tracks that she didn't hear the occupants return to the room. They were both so startled at the sight of the two dead women shot through with spears floating in the water that they did not at first see Barbara. As they stepped into the room, the sight of their belongings strewn over the floor grabbed their attention, and that was when the waste basket was smashed into the mirror in the bathroom. The woman screamed, and Barbara stepped out of the bathroom to see what was going on. The man grabbed her, and held her arms painfully behind her back. The woman slapped her face, and as an afterthought, she punched Barbara's big soft mammaries, scratching them with her diamond rings.

"What the fuck are you doing in our room, you bitch!" the man shouted at her.

"I heard a commotion, and came in to see what was going on," Barbara said, thinking on her feet.

"Bullshit. I just heard you smash the mirror in there," the man said.

"It was already broken," she lied, "It was just hanging there, and when I touched it, the whole thing crashed to the floor." She realized that her clit was still exposed, and as the man relaxed his hold in her, she reached down and tried to pull her micro panty up to cover the top of her gorgeous sex organ, in a display of false modesty. The rolled flap was soaked through with her sexually excreted moisture, and would not unroll to do its job.

"She's a lying bitch!" the woman said. She looked around at the mess on the floor, and suddenly spotted the broken lamp. She looked up suddenly at the credenza. "And she stole my necklace."

Quickly her eyes darted to Barbara's face.. "And my diamond earrings! Where are they, bitch?" The man tightened his grip on her arm.

"I told you, I didn't do it. I haven't got your jewellery." They both looked at her nonplussed. In her micro bikini, there was no place to hide them.

"She hid them, and then will sneak back later to get them," the wife guessed. Her husband looked unconvinced.

"Let me get back to my room," Barbara said, "I'm in the lavender room. I'll get into some clothes, and then we can go and see the owner of this place."

"We'll come with you to keep an eye on you, thief!" the woman shouted. They left the raspberry room, and as they went down the hallway, the two men with whom Barbara had spoken earlier in the curved passage way passed them.

"Hey, you got some new playmates, have you, honey?" they asked. Noticing that she was being held firmly by the upper arm, they continued, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," she said. "These people have had some trouble, and we're trying to straighten things out." When they entered her suite, the man finally released her arm. She had brought no underwear, and had only her gown hanging in the closet. She left her bikini on, and slipped her gown on over it. Her severely bound breasts bulged delightfully in the silky gown, with its low cut that revealed her bikini-covered nipples because of the binding.

She unbound her breasts, to further demonstrate her modesty, and tied off the long orange string in a more conventional manner. Also, the orange of the bikini conflicted with the red gown. The immodest hem line was cut fourteen inches above her knees, and had an indiscreet curved opening right up to the hip, revealing all of her left leg, including the roll of her buttock. It was a stunning gown, and in her open spike heeled shoes, she looked incredible.

Both the man and the woman kept a close eye on her, and there was no opportunity to ditch the jewellery. With every step the sharp edges bit into the walls of her delicate cuntmeat, but she knew better than to show any sign of discomfort. They took her directly to the island's elderly owner. He was entertaining a group of guests who were enjoying the charms of a group of naked nymphs at pool side.

"This woman's a thief!" said the victimized wife.

Her husband agreed. "I don't know how she did it, but she was in our suite when we returned, and she made a hell of a mess of the place. My wife lost the ruby pendant you gave her for her birthday. She's also missing the diamond earrings I gave her at the party last night."

"Well, young lady," said their host," you've been busy, haven't you?"

"This is all some crazy mistake," Barbara said. She stepped back as she spoke, and she could feel the sharp edged earrings grinding in the depths of her womb as she moved. "I heard a commotion, and went in to see what was going on, when these people came in."

"And where do you suppose the thief went when you entered?" the host asked her. "There is only the main door to each room. One way in, the same way out."

"I heard the noise from my room," she said, "He must have gone by the time I got there."

"That might make sense if lavender were next to raspberry, if the rooms were not all totally soundproofed, as they are, but the truth is, there are six room in between. You have my assurance, you would hardly notice a bomb go off at that range. Even the hallways are acoustically treated to impede the movement of sound. No, I'm afraid your invention tends to implicate you."

"What we can't figure is; where did she hide the jewellery?" the husband said. "We searched the place, and it just isn't there." Barbara was beginning to sweat, and a drop trickled from her hairline down beside her nose and settled at the corner of her lip.
It was more than the tropic heat that was getting to her.

"Well," said the host, "It is certainly a hot afternoon, isn't it, my dear."

"I guess in the tropics its hot every day," Barbara replied, wondering where he was going with this line.

The host turned to the wealthy land developer who had brought Barbara to the island on his yacht. "She is a nymph, is she not?" he asked.

"A first class physical specimen," the developer responded. "I'm embarrassed that she also turned out to be a thief."

"Well, let us see. Why don't you step out of that lovely gown, my dear, and go for a swim? It may not help us, but it should cool you down."

Barbara was far too smart to hesitate. She stepped out of her gown, and slid out of her heels.

"You won't want to get that lovely gold-trimmed swim suit wet, will you, my child?" the elderly host asked. Without hesitation, she untied the strings, releasing her erect nipples and the delicate lips of her delightful vagina. The other women were impressed with the perfection of her form, and now they saw that her incredible sexuality was complete. She gracefully dove into the large fresh water swimming pool, and effortlessly swam its length. When she reached the end she did a credible racing turn, and smoothly stroked back to the end where the guests were gathered. The gleaming water streamed along her sleek sides, and rolled effortlessly over her smooth tight buttocks. She was, as her own host had said, an extraordinary physical specimen.

She was enjoying herself, and she rolled onto her back and swam two more lengths of the pool. The water parted over her large breasts as she cut through the water evenly, and she left an even curling wake. Her lean legs kicked powerfully, and she left small geysers with each kick of her feet. When she had returned to the end where she had begun, she gracefully climbed out of the pool, the water running off her gorgeous body as if she were waxed, leaving her coated in pearls of standing droplets over the sheen of moisture that covered her beautiful nakedness.. She walked over to the elderly owner of the island and struck a defiant pose, with one hand on her thrust hip. As she did so, she felt a gentle movement against her inner thigh, and her heart stopped.

The exercise had done its work perfectly, as the elderly owner of the island knew it would. There was a sparkle between her legs in the bright afternoon sun. The stolen pendant's thin gold chain dangled erotically from the parted lips of Barbara's beautiful vagina. With a matter of fact movement, the island's wise old owner caught a crooked finger in the gold chain and gave it a gentle tug. He pulled out the diamond-encased ruby, and the sparkling earrings followed, and fell between her feet onto the grass. The two men who had been armed with the spear guns grabbed her. Although she was still wet and cooled from her swim, Barbara began to sweat profusely. She felt a tight knot in her stomach, and was sure she was going to vomit from fear.

"I believe its time for a trial," the elderly man said, and clapped his hands in glee. "We haven't had one here for some time, have we. We could move into the great hall, but I think this is more convenient, is it not? Is everyone here?"

He looked around, and saw that about half of his guests were present. "Oh well, this shall suffice. Let us proceed. The prisoner is indecent, get her into her clothing." The men allowed Barbara to put on her silk gown over her wet body. She slipped into her heels, and the men moved her in front of their enormously wealthy and powerful employer.

"So. I'll be the judge, and everyone here can be the jury. Here, darling, put these back so we can proceed." He handed Barbara the earrings and the ruby pendant. "Tuck them back in, if you will, but leave a bit of the chain out, as it was when you stepped from the pool." Barbara was trapped, and could only comply with his wishes. She raised the front her dress, her hands shaking, and thrust the jewellery back into her sex organ. "That's a dear," the old man said. "What do we have from the complainant?"

"She's a thief," the victimized woman said, "and she's got my ruby pendant and diamond earrings up in her filthy little pussy."

"Let us see the evidence." said the judge. The men forced Barbara's legs apart, and the woman who had lost her jewellery lifted the accused bitch's skirt. The woman grabbed the chain, and jerked it out of its fleshy nest. The action was so quick that the gold setting scraped the lining of Barbara's vagina, and brought out a blood flecked strip of freshly gouged cunt flesh.

"Here's my pendant, your honor," said the woman, holding up her prize, "the one you gave me for my birthday."

"It is indeed," the judge said, "and what about the diamond earrings?" Without hesitation, the woman thrust tree fingers roughly into the exposed vagina, and twisting them violently, she managed to gradually work her entire fist up into Barbara's tight cunt. She wore her high mounted diamond rings, and the sharp edged gems and the mounting jewellery sliced the tender inner meat of the delicate female organ. Barbara screamed as the woman got a grasp on her earrings, and then violently jerked her hand out of the grasp of the invaded cunt. She held up her prize in her bloodied fist for everyone to see. Barbara's dress fell back down, providing her with some cover, but drops of her blood dripped from between her legs to splash onto the gleaming white tiles beside the pool.

"That should be enough from the prosecution," the judge said, "We don't want to make this overly complicated. Nor do we want to damage the lady until she's declared guilty. Now what has the defence to say?"

Barbara was incapable of anything but an incoherent sobbing babble. "Just so," said the judge. "Is the jury ready with its verdict?"

"Guilty!" everyone shouted excitedly.

"Excellent!" said the judge. "Now let's proceed directly to sentencing. This is my favorite part. But first get her out of that garment. Guilty women will not be permitted the dignity of clothing on this island, at least not as long as I am the owner, and sole justice." The men ripped Barbara's beautiful silk gown from her, but left her in her heels. Everyone moved in closer to hear directly the sentence the island's owner would give the gorgeous young naked female thief.

"Young woman, you have been found guilty of an unforgivable crime. It cannot go unpunished, particularly in light of the nature of the felony. We must not have people who are my guests fearing to leave their property unguarded while they are on my island. You have violated the greatest of trusts, and have dishonored the man who's charity brought you here in the first place. Namely, mine. Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

"Those jewels aren't valuable to them," Barbara said, "They left them lying around their room like dirty socks. They have everything, and I have nothing."

"Exactly so, and we must see that it remains that way. The jury's verdict was correct, and unanimous. The sentence must reflect our abhorrence of your crime." Aware of the violence these people were capable of performing just for their amusement, such as the spear fishing of the naked women she had witnessed, she knew she had every reason to be terrified, and she was.

"It is my considered decision that you be sentenced to death . . ."

Barbara caught her breath in horror; "and that your execution be at the hand of the man who brought you here. I think for fun, your execution shall be by anal impalement with the broadsword!" She attempted to scream, but instead she lost control of her bladder and let loose a hot spray of fear piss; "and at the time of execution you shall wear the hood of shame..." Her knees buckled, and as they came together she wet the inside of her legs with her prodigious spray of warm urine. "The sentence shall be carried out in one hour's time, in the great hall, and all shall be summoned to witness and celebrate the event."

"You can't kill me!" Barbara screamed, and for her outburst she took a firm fist from one of the powerful young men, driven hard into her bare stomach. She doubled over in a flash of incredible pain. The powerful blow knocked the wind out of her, and she struggled to keep from falling off her feet. She was taken to the mansion by the two men, and into an area she had not previously seen. It was a service area, and here she was prepared for the execution celebration.

A nozzle attached to a hose from a tap was thrust roughly and deep into her anus, and the tap was turned on. Hot water spurted deep into her colon, and a brown spray was forced out around the hose, painfully spreading her tight rectum. The tap was turned off, the nozzle was removed from her anus, and she was positioned over an empty pail. She emptied her bowels with an abrupt spray of the steaming water, and immediately the nozzle was thrust up her bum again. Once more the tap was turned on, painfully filling her colon to overflowing. The cycle was repeated several times, until the pail was filled, and her swollen bum was producing pure clear water. Her entire lower track was flushed clean.

Her vagina was the next target. A thick catheter was thrust up through her urethra into her bladder, and both men contributed fresh urine into a plastic bag attached to the catheter line. They then squeezed the bag, filling her bladder to the bursting point, and with additional pressure, backed the donated urine up into her kidneys. As the plug was removed, it was stopped near the entrance, and a hard wax plug was thrust through the stiff tube to block her natural piss tube. Only an unnaturally violent force could remove it, so she was unlikely to spill a drop of the warm amber liquid before its time. Iron cuffs were attached to her arms, high up above the elbow, and a second set was attached to her wrists.

Next a strange leather hood was brought forward. It was a total head hood, with only a small hole near the nostrils to allow the wearer to breathe, but with difficulty. Attached to the top of the hood was a heavy foot long chain, and the other end was attached to a leather sack, filled with fifty pounds of lead shot. It was simply a weight, which served to keep the head of the person wearing the hood bowed forward. That was what made it the hood of shame. Liquid foam was injected into her ears, and as it hardened, she was unable to hear anything but dull sounds and a high pitched ringing. Thick foam pads were taped to her eyes, blocking out any light. A hard rubber ball was placed in her mouth, which had to be forced past her teeth, and it effectively held her stuffed mouth wide open.

Barbara's head was bowed forward, her hair piled on top of her head, and the hood was put in place. It was tightly laced up the back, completely covering her head, holding the ball in her mouth firmly in place. Thick pads inside the mask further covered her ears, while others pressed tightly against her eyes. Her wrists were cuffed behind her back, her elbows were painfully drawn together until the cuffs on her upper arms could be joined, and she was taken into the great hall. Moving was difficult, because although she was accustomed to moving in the very high heels she wore, she had never had to bear anything like the incredible weight of the bag filled with the lead shot, which pulled her head downward.

A trapeze had been placed to hang from the ceiling beside the gleaming broadsword. Her elbows were bent over it, and the cuffs attached to her wrists were chained to the cuffs around her upper arms, holding her securely in place. She thought her shoulder blades were going to burst with the pressure put on them. Her fabulous legs were spread, giving her some stability, and she looked remarkable as she stood in total submission in the spike heeled shoes. When she tried to stand up straight, she found it virtually impossible to do because of the head weight, and when the men pulled her legs harshly apart, she got the message. She was completely under their control, and was in no way able to direct her own decisions or actions.

Further diminishing her active role in her fate was the fact that she was now totally unable to communicate, and nobody could communicate with her. The only sense still available to her was touch, and she was being inundated with information, as the guests inspected her gorgeous body, running their hands over her smooth nakedness, fondling her large soft breasts, and probing her tender private parts. She could tell the difference between the touch of the men and the women. The men were rough and mastering, while the women lingered and sensed the subtleties of her lovely nakedness. The women were also more sadistic, and knew better how to hurt her.

Soon all of the guests began using metal objects to touch her, pressing them against her anus, to mask for her the actual time of the impending execution.

Barbara had no idea when she was going to be impaled, but she knew what to expect, as the island's owner's words rang through her tortured brain. Time no longer had meaning for her in her isolation within the mask. She felt it had been hours since she had been chained up to the trapeze, and had felt the humiliation of being handled and probed like a side of beef or a slave on the auction block. Terror changed to horror as she felt the metal and hard plastic touching the hot swollen ring of her anus. She could not tell keys and credit cards from the blade of a sword. The nerves of her rectum were now highly sensitized, from the hot water and the dreaded anticipation of her impending anal impalement by the broadsword. Everything that touched her hind quarters felt larger than life. With each contact with another metal object she died inside, her heart beating rapidly and her body quivering in a cold sweat, even in the tropical heat of the late afternoon.

Her mind raced with the image of the huge gleaming blade she had seen only briefly that morning as they had arrived. It was hard to believe that it had been that same morning the yacht had pulled into the harbor and they had dropped anchor. So much had happened in such a short time. She now had no way of knowing that over a hundred people had gathered around the trapeze to watch her execution, and she had no way of knowing when the wealthy land developer who had brought her to the island picked up the sharp ceremonial broadsword, and she had no way of knowing when he had positioned the tip of the double edged blade against her bright pink swollen rectum, nor when the elderly owner of the island who had been her judge had commanded that the sword be thrust.

Suddenly she knew, as she at last felt that almost welcome sharp pain of entry. This was no teasing by the guests. She felt her tight rectum split, and the intrusion into her body began. The rude entry was followed immediately with a sensation of being overfilled. The pressure on the broad blade was restrained but continuous. Barbara the thief was gradually filled with a deep and burning internal pain that grew as she felt the splitting of her colon, her uterus and the invasion of her intestines. She was unable to respond, other than to quiver, which she did dramatically as the huge blade invaded her torso. The ache of the slicing open of the pouch of her stomach was overshadowed by the searing pain of the tip of the blade nicking her heart, causing the life giving muscle to cramp, spasm, and then to function spasmodically.

Barbara was totally unaware that as she heaved and twisted extensively her sword-impaled torso in her violent death throes, her gorgeous spread knees buckled, and she forced the wax plug to pop from her piss tube, releasing a prodigious spray of a triple volume of hot amber liquid from her gorgeous cunt. The extreme movement of her struggle was ripping her apart inside on the sharp edges of the blade. The audience of guests was reluctant to leave the remarkable display of post-execution struggle by the naked thief, although they were also anxious to get a good seat in the dining room, where a special after dinner show was promised, which would eclipse the erotic dance of death being performed by the hooded and impaled young lady.

The incredible bitch's magnificent body continued to jerk and spasm, deeply impaled on the ceremonial broadsword, as if the beautiful thief were reluctant to give up her precious young life. Certainly the guests were pleased to see the extent of her highly erotic death struggle, with only the handle of the large sword sticking out between her naked buttocks. This was one of the best private executions the more seasons guests had witnessed on this delightful island resort.
Good comix, hope to see the whole Dante in this forum, but that's not related to impalation in anyway. So, why post in this thread ?
thank you phlebas for posting all these great stories! :)

Good comix, hope to see the whole Dante in this forum, but that's not related to impalation in anyway. So, why post in this thread ?

sorry for hijacking this thread, guess that was my fault for asking for dante here. :(

I guess we should continue with impalations now.
Good comix, hope to see the whole Dante in this forum, but that's not related to impalation in anyway. So, why post in this thread ?
Helach, I only posted here because the request was in here. The posts could be moved
sorry for hijacking this thread, guess that was my fault for asking for dante here. :(
yes, we do seem to have wriggled off the impaling spike! :p
I've moved all the 'Silvio Dante' content to a new thread in Fantasy Unlimited


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It's down to the last two contestants. One goes free and the other will be mounted on the blunt stake...

The tall one will last longer but the shorter one will begin thrashing in pain almost immediately...

...decisions, decisions...

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