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Now This Just Isn't Funny

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And it is good for filling mass graves, too!!!

That's good; you never know when you might need to fill in mass graves. After the third Servile War, people just notice the 6,000 crucified on the Appian way. The soldiers assigned to supervise the mass burials afterwords are totally forgotten (as are, rightly, the slaves doing the actual digging, dragging and tossing work)
That's good; you never know when you might need to fill in mass graves. After the third Servile War, people just notice the 6,000 crucified on the Appian way. The soldiers assigned to supervise the mass burials afterwords are totally forgotten (as are, rightly, the slaves doing the actual digging, dragging and tossing work)
But they didn't have diesel fuel or TIG welders back then... What happened to the slaves when they were done done burying everyone?
But they didn't have diesel fuel or TIG welders back then... What happened to the slaves when they were done done burying everyone?
A fair number didn't survive. The some of the survivors went back to the latifundia (large factory farms) where they were worked until they died. A select few were allowed to breed more slaves, though much of the impregnation of slave women was believed to have been done by non-slaves. And the trouble makers were sent to the galleys where expectancy was one to three years. There the mass grave problem didn't exist. The sharks solved it.

BTW the galleys I mean were merchant or pleasure ships. Warships were almost always manned by free men, usually soldiers because they were more reliable - don't believe that part of Ben-Hur. Lou Wallace wrote it while military governor of New Mexico, he never rode a Roman Galley.
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