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Some Sketches

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There is a full program today, a number of men and some women too, all for the cross. I settle in, watching the men naled and raised, scanning the crowd for her, the woman from yesterday. Most of the men are nothing remarkable, mature criminal types, tough but no Greek gods! One though, a younger man, has a trim strong figure, good looking, I bet he was a favourite with the girls! I watch him struggle against the executioners, vigorous, wanting to live. Ha! The activity gets his blood pumping, so by the time he is raised and hanging his cock is stiff, nodding at all the girls who have come to get an eyeful of his nakedness.

And yes, there she is. The little slut is captivated by the beauty of the crucified stud, she stands there gawping at his muscles, at his erect but useless manhood. Now she has her eyes closed, she must be fantasizing that cock between her legs, maybe even imagining herself up there with him. Shameless. I move closer while she isn't looking, while she is distracted by her own lustful thoughts. Then I am astounded to see her flash her tits at the crucified man. Right here in public, and I am the only one to see it! Not bad tits either, it leaves me wanting to get my hands on whatever else she's hiding under those clothes.

But now they bring out the women for crucifixion. An older woman and two younger ones. I keep an eye on the girl while watching them strip, nail and raise these three unfortunates. There naked bodies, their pitiful cries and helpless writhing bring mixed feelings to me, I feel sorry for them and aroused by them in almost equal measure. The way they move on their crosses, legs opening and closing, breasts swaying, gasping and sobbing - it is an erotic dance with the added drama that this is to the death. We, strangers to them, will be the last to enjoy their nakedness, to witness their bodies and souls stripped bare, to see them soil themselves and beg for mercy. Raw, and powerful, my heart is beating faster now, my own cock like the young man's, hard, but hidden by my robes!

I see the girl is still here, she is completely entranced by the suffering naked women in front of her. I'm sure she wants to join them, wants to be naked and exposed just like them, I can see it in her eyes. I bet she is wet, too, her hands keep moving as if to touch herself, then stop.

Now is the time. I am close, so close, I move in and put my arms around her slim waist, pull her close. Let me feel those breasts she was showing of so brazenly, yes, a nice handful, beautiful. She feels good pressed against me, so good, but she squirms in my grasp.

“Ah,” I whisper in her ear. “I knew your tits would feel like this! So full and soft! Great nipples too.”

“What the fuck do you want? I have a knife, and I’ll use it!”

She is spirited, excited by the crucifixions, by the nearness of death and pain. I stroke her nipples, hard under my finger, and say:
“I can see you are quite excited by this spectacle, aren’t you? So am I, as I'm sure you can tell. We should enjoy it together, don’t you think?”

There is no way I can let her go now without fucking her, I feel myself pressing into her back , I know she is aroused I can just about smell it on her! But part of me wonders still, if we go somewhere quiet, if she is honest with herself, maybe she would like to explore crucifixion with me, just the two of us? Imagine her stretched out on a cross on the ground, arms wide, breasts heaving, thighs spread and welcoming . . . . . . by all the gods where am I going with this?

"Come with me, you know you want to, you know you need to!"
With a last glance at the crucified women I steer her towards a quiet side street for a nice chat, I'm sure we can come to some arrangement.

What am I doing? What the eternal fuck am I doing? I’m letting this guy take me . . . where?

“No,” I shout at him as I try to wriggle out of his grasp. “No! I don’t want to do anything with you, you fucking prick! Leave me alone!”

He ignores me. I’m helpless in his grasp. He’s so much bigger and stronger than I am. I scream for help. He's been squeezing my tits through my tunic top with his free hand since he grabbed me. Now he takes his hand off my breasts and puts it over my mouth.

“No one’s going to help you,” he says quietly in my ear. We’re at a crucifixion. ‘Respectable’ people are nowhere around.”

He’s right. This bastard is holding me close to make the other spectators think we’re together. I wasn’t prepared for the kind of behavior that goes on by people—men and women—who come out to watch crucifixions, especially the crucifixion of women. It’s reckless, uncontrolled, lusty, bawdy. The kind of behavior no one would dare exhibit on a public street. The worst kind of behavior. And so dangerous for any woman.

The guards here do not care what happens to me. They’re not here to protect me or any other woman so reckless as to be here. They’re present to make sure no one interferes with the crucifixions. To maintain a certain level or order that does not include protecting spectators from each other. Still, I returned. I had to. The fantasy urge in me was too strong. As awful as this place is, I want to be here! What does that say about me?

Shit! I just exposed my breasts to a crucified man. (But he was so beautiful, with such a lovely erect cock.) Oh gods! Only a wanton slut would behave like I did. Why? Why does this place make me want to live out my darkest, most intense fantasies? I’m not that kind of woman. I’m respectable, dammit! Yet I did expose myself in public. And I know, despite my shame, that I’d do it again. Mother and Thessela would be horrified if they knew what I did! What kind of pervert does that make me? Am I woman who wants to watch other women hanging nailed to crosses? Yes! Yes, I am. I’m ashamed to admit it, but it’s true. I want to live out my fantasy through their suffering. I want to stay and watch them, but this fucking bastard is dragging me away! Insisting that I want something. All I know is that I want nothing from him!

I hear the crucified women screaming in agony. I turn my head towards them and see their naked bodies, glistening with sweat, twisting and squirming on their crosses as they strain against the huge nails driven through their wrists and feet. Shit! I ache to be with them, to somehow share in their horrible sufferings. I came here because of them. This wasn’t supposed to happen!

"Let me go!" I shout at him again. "I want to stay here! This is where I want to be!" But he ignores my pleas and continues to force me to walk along with him.

Now I’m scared. Really fucking scared. This guy, who is he? Didn’t he have someone else with him last week? Where’s his friend? Waiting for us somewhere? What is he—or they—going to do to me? Rape! Yeah, that’s got to be it. They’re going to rape me! I know it! Oh shit, shit, shit, shit, shit! I don’t want to lose my virginity like this! Have it taken from me by force. To have my body violated so horribly. My virginity is mine to keep until I choose to give up. Not like this! No! Not like this!

What if I get with child? What will my family think? Mother will be devastated. My sister humiliated. I come from a good family. We have social status. Oh gods! What will my father think of me? What will he do if his younger daughter—whom he so doted on—gets pregnant? I'll have shamed my family. He'll be within his rights to have me killed! He'll never do it, I'm sure. But he will disown me. Throw me out into the streets. I’ll have to become a whore to survive. A pregnant one at that! Or at best a lowly bar maid in some dark alley establishment where drunken men will grab and paw at me all the time while whores noisily ply their trade upstairs. Wait . . . no, no. My father would never throw me out, or have me killed. He’d just send me away, to live with relatives or business associates (he knows so many people) in some distant province. To spare our family the shame. But still, I’d lose his respect—and love.

We’re getting near a narrow, dark side street between buildings close to the execution site. Is this where he’s going to rape me? Who else is there? Terror runs though me. Wait! He’s going to kill me! I know it. He’s going to rape me and then kill me. I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die!

If I can only get to my knife. It's my one chance to save myself.

He pulls me down the side street. Then pushes my back against a wall. In the dim light I can see he’s not unattractive. Rather handsome, really. Not like the boyish men I dream about at night, who I invite between my legs. No, not like them at all. Still, he terrifies me. What are his intentions? I’m breathing hard and sweating. My heart is pounding. Far off I can still hear the screams of the crucified women. I try to imagine what they’re going through right now, hanging naked on their crosses, elevated above the heads of the leering spectators. Everyone is staring up at their obscenely exposed bodies. It’s so exciting! Yet, yet, I’m here, taken captive against my will by this man. I’m very scared—fucking terrified—about what’s going to happen to me.

Terror and excitement fight for control of my emotions. My abductor pushes his hips against me. Is that an erection I feel? His hand slips between the folds of my tunic top and finds my breast. He cups and squeezes my bare tit. Too hard, too hard! It hurts. I yelp. He eases up, gently caressing now. His fingers find my already tumescent nipple. Oh gods! What a feeling! Waves of pleasure spread though me. No man has ever had his hand on my bare breast before. When he grabbed at me before his hand was feeling me through my tunic top. This is a much worse violation. I’m a virgin. No man has ever touched me in such a private place before. Still, it feels so . . . so . . . wonderful. (Much better than when my best friend, Cassia, touches me in the baths. But that’s a girl’s touch. This is so, so different.) An ache grows in my loins. A familiar heat spreads through me. How can I get wet at a time like this? My face burns with shame. What kind of depraved, wanton slut am I?

He leans his head in towards mine. He’s trying to kiss me! I turn my head away. He’s unshaven and the short whiskers scratch my cheek. I force myself to focus clearly on the danger I’m in. What the fuck! He insisting that I want to be here as he mauls at my body. Isn’t that what he said when he abducted me? But I’m very aware of the terrible danger I’m in. I’m not here of my free will. I’m his prisoner, soon to be terribly assaulted. I’m sure of that. I want to be back at the crucifixions. That’s my fantasy now, Not this terrible reality. This real threat to my life. I push against his muscular chest with my captive arms, to make some space between us. I must get to my knife. I want to stab this bastard and get away from him. I don’t want to be raped!

I struggle enough to drop an arm to my leg where the knife is strapped. I pull up the hem of my tunic and feel for the knife as he gets a knee between my thighs, spreading them apart. He’s grabbing at my cunnus as I pull the weapon from its scabbard and raise it up. I feel his strong fingers probing me, penetrating me, violating me. I grunt with the pain and humiliation of his assault. My terror has turned into rage. I’m ready to cut him to save myself. I'm breathing rapidly as I look at the short, deadly blade. It seems to gleam in the shadows around me. Soon it will be gleaming with his blood! His neck is exposed.

I strike at him.
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What am I doing? What the eternal fuck am I doing? I’m letting this guy take me . . . where?

“No,” I shout at him as I try to wriggle out of his grasp. “No! I don’t want to do anything with you, you fucking prick! Leave me alone!”

He ignores me. I’m helpless in his grasp. He’s so much bigger and stronger than I am. I scream for help. He's been squeezing my tits through my tunic top with his free hand since he grabbed me. Now he takes his hand off my breasts and puts it over my mouth.

“No one’s going to help you,” he says quietly in my ear. We’re at a crucifixion. ‘Respectable’ people are nowhere around.”

He’s right. This bastard is holding me close to make the other spectators think we’re together. I wasn’t prepared for the kind of behavior that goes on by people—men and women—who come out to watch crucifixions, especially the crucifixion of women. It’s reckless, uncontrolled, lusty, bawdy. The kind of behavior no one would dare exhibit on a public street. The worst kind of behavior. And so dangerous for any woman.

The guards here do not care what happens to me. They’re not here to protect me or any other woman so reckless as to be here. They’re present to make sure no one interferes with the crucifixions. To maintain a certain level or order that does not include protecting spectators from each other. Still, I returned. I had to. The fantasy urge in me was too strong. As awful as this place is, I want to be here! What does that say about me?

Shit! I just exposed my breasts to a crucified man. (But he was so beautiful, with such a lovely erect cock.) Oh gods! Only a wanton slut would behave like I did. Why? Why does this place make me want to live out my darkest, most intense fantasies? I’m not that kind of woman. I’m respectable, dammit! Yet I did expose myself in public. And I know, despite my shame, that I’d do it again. Mother and Thessela would be horrified if they knew what I did! What kind of pervert does that make me? Am I woman who wants to watch other women hanging nailed to crosses? Yes! Yes, I am. I’m ashamed to admit it, but it’s true. I want to live out my fantasy through their suffering. I want to stay and watch them, but this fucking bastard is dragging me away! Insisting that I want something. All I know is that I want nothing from him!

I hear the crucified women screaming in agony. I turn my head towards them and see their naked bodies, glistening with sweat, twisting and squirming on their crosses as they strain against the huge nails driven through their wrists and feet. Shit! I ache to be with them, to somehow share in their horrible sufferings. I came here because of them. This wasn’t supposed to happen!

"Let me go!" I shout at him again. "I want to stay here! This is where I want to be!" But he ignores my pleas and continues to force me to walk along with him.

Now I’m scared. Really fucking scared. This guy, who is he? Didn’t he have someone else with him last week? Where’s his friend? Waiting for us somewhere? What is he—or they—going to do to me? Rape! Yeah, that’s got to be it. They’re going to rape me! I know it! Oh shit, shit, shit, shit, shit! I don’t want to lose my virginity like this! Have it taken from me by force. To have my body violated so horribly. My virginity is mine to keep until I choose to give up. Not like this! No! Not like this!

What if I get with child? What will my family think? Mother will be devastated. My sister humiliated. I come from a good family. We have social status. Oh gods! What will my father think of me? What will he do if his younger daughter—whom he so doted on—gets pregnant? I'll have shamed my family. He'll be within his rights to have me killed! He'll never do it, I'm sure. But he will disown me. Throw me out into the streets. I’ll have to become a whore to survive. A pregnant one at that! Or at best a lowly bar maid in some dark alley establishment where drunken men will grab and paw at me all the time while whores noisily ply their trade upstairs. Wait . . . no, no. My father would never throw me out, or have me killed. He’d just send me away, to live with relatives or business associates (he knows so many people) in some distant province. To spare our family the shame. But still, I’d lose his respect—and love.

We’re getting near a narrow, dark side street between buildings close to the execution site. Is this where he’s going to rape me? Who else is there? Terror runs though me. Wait! He’s going to kill me! I know it. He’s going to rape me and then kill me. I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die!

If I can only get to my knife. It's my one chance to save myself.

He pulls me down the side street. Then pushes my back against a wall. In the dim light I can see he’s not unattractive. Rather handsome, really. Not like the boyish men I dream about at night, who I invite between my legs. No, not like them at all. Still, he terrifies me. What are his intentions? I’m breathing hard and sweating. My heart is pounding. Far off I can still hear the screams of the crucified women. I try to imagine what they’re going through right now, hanging naked on their crosses, elevated above the heads of the leering spectators. Everyone is staring up at their obscenely exposed bodies. It’s so exciting! Yet, yet, I’m here, taken captive against my will by this man. I’m very scared—fucking terrified—about what’s going to happen to me.

Terror and excitement fight for control of my emotions. My abductor pushes his hips against me. Is that an erection I feel? His hand slips between the folds of my tunic top and finds my breast. He cups and squeezes my bare tit. Too hard, too hard! It hurts. I yelp. He eases up, gently caressing now. His fingers find my already tumescent nipple. Oh gods! What a feeling! Waves of pleasure spread though me. No man has ever had his hand on my bare breast before. When he grabbed at me before his hand was feeling me through my tunic top. This is a much worse violation. I’m a virgin. No man has ever touched me in such a private place before. Still, it feels so . . . so . . . wonderful. (Much better than when my best friend, Cassia, touches me in the baths. But that’s a girl’s touch. This is so, so different.) An ache grows in my loins. A familiar heat spreads through me. How can I get wet at a time like this? My face burns with shame. What kind of depraved, wanton slut am I?

He leans his head in towards mine. He’s trying to kiss me! I turn my head away. He’s unshaven and the short whiskers scratch my cheek. I force myself to focus clearly on the danger I’m in. What the fuck! He insisting that I want to be here as he mauls at my body. Isn’t that what he said when he abducted me? But I’m very aware of the terrible danger I’m in. I’m not here of my free will. I’m his prisoner, soon to be terribly assaulted. I’m sure of that. I want to be back at the crucifixions. That’s my fantasy now, Not this terrible reality. This real threat to my life. I push against his muscular chest with my captive arms, to make some space between us. I must get to my knife. I want to stab this bastard and get away from him. I don’t want to be raped!

I struggle enough to drop an arm to my leg where the knife is strapped. I pull up the hem of my tunic and feel for the knife as he gets a knee between my thighs, spreading them apart. He’s grabbing at my cunnus as I pull the weapon from its scabbard and raise it up. I feel his strong fingers probing me, penetrating me, violating me. I grunt with the pain and humiliation of his assault. My terror has turned into rage. I’m ready to cut him to save myself. I'm breathing rapidly as I look at the short, deadly blade. It seems to gleam in the shadows around me. Soon it will be gleaming with his blood! His neck is exposed.

I strike at him.

Such a pretty one, her body pressed to mine as I steer her away from the crowd. The cries of the women have aroused me, and this girl in my arms is soft and warm and so available, I need to get her out of site quickly. She wriggles in my grasp but we don't slow as I walk towards the side street.

"I don’t want to do anything with you, you fucking prick! Leave me alone!"

Ha! She says that, but I know it isn't true. Her excitement is real, her need as great as mine.
"No one’s going to help you" I tell her, covering her mouth. I feel her breath on my palm, her moist lips. I want to get my hand on her other lips.

She shouts at me, "I want to stay here! This is where I want to be!". It is, I know, within hearing of the crucified sluts, here in my arms, you want this and there is no denying. Her struggles only enourage me now, I know she wants this, why else did she come back, why else expose herself in public?

Here we are now, in the side street, I push you against the wall. Now for a feel of those young tits, properly this time, just my hands on your bare flesh, caressing your nipple, as you sighs in pleasure. You moves against my hand, clearly aroused and I am encouraged to lean in and taste your lips. You turn away pushing me, teasing, and I move to feel between your thighs, I know you is wet, I will feel that soft warmth before turning you around to the wall and giving you what she wants. I'm glad that bastard Rufus isn't here, I'll take you from behind and then get you to lick me clean. I bet you'll be up to it.

Oh gods, then what may happen? I know a quiet warehouse near here. I could take you there, give you the desire of your heart, tie you to a beam and fuck you silly. Crucify this little bitch, I bet you'd be a screamer, get you wound up good and then take you again.

I'm glad I found you again today!

What? Something gleaming in your hand?
Shit! You've stuck me like a pig! Gods I'm bleeding so much. I don't feel too good. . . . . . .
"murder . . . . .MURDER!! h e l p . . . . ."



He leans against her now, helplessly, his weight holding her against the wall as she stares at the blood. He collapses, slowly, but his last shout was heard. Someone emerges from a doorway, sees the bloody knife, shouts a warning. Heads turn, some run towards the sound, she finds herself trapped in the street, strangers blocking her escape, eyes wide and shocked by the sight of this young woman with her bloody knife. She stands frozen, helpless, unsure what to do.

"He attacked me" she said to no one in particular.
"But madam, you are the one holding a knife. Please put it down, now."

Marcella realised that she was in a lot of trouble.
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Wow way too long .....Sorry Im not abig fan of stories

And still more to come! Will she ever end this thing and just crucify somebody? Sheesh! :D

I know I tend to run on too long (assuming you're writing about my on-going story). I write more for myself. Just want to get an idea on paper (as it were) and put it out there. I very often intend to write just short comments but get carried away. I really like to incorporate images from other members' posts into my stories if I can.

A passing thought:
Wish I could get my tits to move around a bit in my avatar. That would be awesome!
I hate animated avatars on forums, too distracting.
dont mind the lenght of the story at all:)
Once again I tried to make a linocut. This time Timothy and Maura. Or other generic husband and wife, as I didn't show them haloed. The white skinned man and the black skinned woman. Equal in their fate, however the woman, especially of barbaric origin, as usual was not considered by the ancient Romans as socially equal, and that's why I decided to follow my previous considerations and to represent her without a loincloth, while her husband had been given one. The original size: a square, approximately 2,5"/2,5" (6x6 cm). Here you are the scan of the original print (hand made with a violet carbon paper) and a contrasted (photoshopped) image of the same.
You seem to master this technique very well, Andyman!
The drawing is reduced to the essential lines, but it creates a very powerful, expressionist image!:clapping:
Very bloody series - part 1 of 3


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Very bloody series - part 2 of 3


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Very bloody series - part 3 of 3


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What am I doing? What the eternal fuck am I doing? I’m letting this guy take me . . . where?

“No,” I shout at him as I try to wriggle out of his grasp. “No! I don’t want to do anything with you, you fucking prick! Leave me alone!”

He ignores me. I’m helpless in his grasp. He’s so much bigger and stronger than I am. I scream for help. He's been squeezing my tits through my tunic top with his free hand since he grabbed me. Now he takes his hand off my breasts and puts it over my mouth.

“No one’s going to help you,” he says quietly in my ear. We’re at a crucifixion. ‘Respectable’ people are nowhere around.”

He’s right. This bastard is holding me close to make the other spectators think we’re together. I wasn’t prepared for the kind of behavior that goes on by people—men and women—who come out to watch crucifixions, especially the crucifixion of women. It’s reckless, uncontrolled, lusty, bawdy. The kind of behavior no one would dare exhibit on a public street. The worst kind of behavior. And so dangerous for any woman.

The guards here do not care what happens to me. They’re not here to protect me or any other woman so reckless as to be here. They’re present to make sure no one interferes with the crucifixions. To maintain a certain level or order that does not include protecting spectators from each other. Still, I returned. I had to. The fantasy urge in me was too strong. As awful as this place is, I want to be here! What does that say about me?

Shit! I just exposed my breasts to a crucified man. (But he was so beautiful, with such a lovely erect cock.) Oh gods! Only a wanton slut would behave like I did. Why? Why does this place make me want to live out my darkest, most intense fantasies? I’m not that kind of woman. I’m respectable, dammit! Yet I did expose myself in public. And I know, despite my shame, that I’d do it again. Mother and Thessela would be horrified if they knew what I did! What kind of pervert does that make me? Am I woman who wants to watch other women hanging nailed to crosses? Yes! Yes, I am. I’m ashamed to admit it, but it’s true. I want to live out my fantasy through their suffering. I want to stay and watch them, but this fucking bastard is dragging me away! Insisting that I want something. All I know is that I want nothing from him!

I hear the crucified women screaming in agony. I turn my head towards them and see their naked bodies, glistening with sweat, twisting and squirming on their crosses as they strain against the huge nails driven through their wrists and feet. Shit! I ache to be with them, to somehow share in their horrible sufferings. I came here because of them. This wasn’t supposed to happen!

"Let me go!" I shout at him again. "I want to stay here! This is where I want to be!" But he ignores my pleas and continues to force me to walk along with him.

Now I’m scared. Really fucking scared. This guy, who is he? Didn’t he have someone else with him last week? Where’s his friend? Waiting for us somewhere? What is he—or they—going to do to me? Rape! Yeah, that’s got to be it. They’re going to rape me! I know it! Oh shit, shit, shit, shit, shit! I don’t want to lose my virginity like this! Have it taken from me by force. To have my body violated so horribly. My virginity is mine to keep until I choose to give up. Not like this! No! Not like this!

What if I get with child? What will my family think? Mother will be devastated. My sister humiliated. I come from a good family. We have social status. Oh gods! What will my father think of me? What will he do if his younger daughter—whom he so doted on—gets pregnant? I'll have shamed my family. He'll be within his rights to have me killed! He'll never do it, I'm sure. But he will disown me. Throw me out into the streets. I’ll have to become a whore to survive. A pregnant one at that! Or at best a lowly bar maid in some dark alley establishment where drunken men will grab and paw at me all the time while whores noisily ply their trade upstairs. Wait . . . no, no. My father would never throw me out, or have me killed. He’d just send me away, to live with relatives or business associates (he knows so many people) in some distant province. To spare our family the shame. But still, I’d lose his respect—and love.

We’re getting near a narrow, dark side street between buildings close to the execution site. Is this where he’s going to rape me? Who else is there? Terror runs though me. Wait! He’s going to kill me! I know it. He’s going to rape me and then kill me. I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die!

If I can only get to my knife. It's my one chance to save myself.

He pulls me down the side street. Then pushes my back against a wall. In the dim light I can see he’s not unattractive. Rather handsome, really. Not like the boyish men I dream about at night, who I invite between my legs. No, not like them at all. Still, he terrifies me. What are his intentions? I’m breathing hard and sweating. My heart is pounding. Far off I can still hear the screams of the crucified women. I try to imagine what they’re going through right now, hanging naked on their crosses, elevated above the heads of the leering spectators. Everyone is staring up at their obscenely exposed bodies. It’s so exciting! Yet, yet, I’m here, taken captive against my will by this man. I’m very scared—fucking terrified—about what’s going to happen to me.

Terror and excitement fight for control of my emotions. My abductor pushes his hips against me. Is that an erection I feel? His hand slips between the folds of my tunic top and finds my breast. He cups and squeezes my bare tit. Too hard, too hard! It hurts. I yelp. He eases up, gently caressing now. His fingers find my already tumescent nipple. Oh gods! What a feeling! Waves of pleasure spread though me. No man has ever had his hand on my bare breast before. When he grabbed at me before his hand was feeling me through my tunic top. This is a much worse violation. I’m a virgin. No man has ever touched me in such a private place before. Still, it feels so . . . so . . . wonderful. (Much better than when my best friend, Cassia, touches me in the baths. But that’s a girl’s touch. This is so, so different.) An ache grows in my loins. A familiar heat spreads through me. How can I get wet at a time like this? My face burns with shame. What kind of depraved, wanton slut am I?

He leans his head in towards mine. He’s trying to kiss me! I turn my head away. He’s unshaven and the short whiskers scratch my cheek. I force myself to focus clearly on the danger I’m in. What the fuck! He insisting that I want to be here as he mauls at my body. Isn’t that what he said when he abducted me? But I’m very aware of the terrible danger I’m in. I’m not here of my free will. I’m his prisoner, soon to be terribly assaulted. I’m sure of that. I want to be back at the crucifixions. That’s my fantasy now, Not this terrible reality. This real threat to my life. I push against his muscular chest with my captive arms, to make some space between us. I must get to my knife. I want to stab this bastard and get away from him. I don’t want to be raped!

I struggle enough to drop an arm to my leg where the knife is strapped. I pull up the hem of my tunic and feel for the knife as he gets a knee between my thighs, spreading them apart. He’s grabbing at my cunnus as I pull the weapon from its scabbard and raise it up. I feel his strong fingers probing me, penetrating me, violating me. I grunt with the pain and humiliation of his assault. My terror has turned into rage. I’m ready to cut him to save myself. I'm breathing rapidly as I look at the short, deadly blade. It seems to gleam in the shadows around me. Soon it will be gleaming with his blood! His neck is exposed.

I strike at him.
A fantastic story,but.....i think it belongs in the "Short Crux Stories" thread ....
( can the Admins oblige ??)
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Andyman, very well done, that has to be the best depiction, The stations of the cross female version, I have ever seen, the sort of thing I could write a story for or at least put speech balloons.
I don't think it could be bettered except perhaps at enormous expense reproducing all those scenes with live actors and actresses, WOW! if only.

One of the virgin martyr stories, could be equally dramatic with her passion right through from arrest to stripping and then crucifixion a good long story

Anyway you've excelled yourself this time, well done again.

I have attached an old picture of St beta who preached Christianity to the local Govenor and then refused to share his bed, saying she was betrothed to Christ and would prefer the cross to sleeping with him, and of course the angry governor obliged.
The Latin inscription confirms this situation.


  • Collaert1D.jpg
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A fantastic story,but.....i think it belongs in the "Short Crux Stories" thread ....
( can the Admins oblige ??)
It's a continuation of a joint story of Marcella and Phlebas,
inspired by Andyman's sketches - the previous part was at
Andyman, very well done, that has to be the best depiction, The stations of the cross female version, I have ever seen, the sort of thing I could write a story for or at least put speech balloons.
I don't think it could be bettered except perhaps at enormous expense reproducing all those scenes with live actors and actresses, WOW! if only.

One of the virgin martyr stories, could be equally dramatic with her passion right through from arrest to stripping and then crucifixion a good long story

Anyway you've excelled yourself this time, well done again.

I have attached an old picture of St beta who preached Christianity to the local Govenor and then refused to share his bed, saying she was betrothed to Christ and would prefer the cross to sleeping with him, and of course the angry governor obliged.
The Latin inscription confirms this situation.

Stepnash, question. I’ve often wondered about the dearth of pubic hair in medieval western art. So is this an unretouched image of St beta?


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