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The Chronicle Of Sir Rupert And The Lost Cross

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Lord Jollyrei’s taste for the finer things in life included a well-stocked wine cellar, and his very wise response to the growing tension, and to the arrival of a new guest, was to despatch Henri post-haste to the cellar to fetch a couple of bottles of his finest.

After a couple of glasses of that Sir Rupert and Brother Roland were, once again, the best of friends, and Barb, too, was joining in with the general conviviality.

“What do you get,” asked Barb, “if you cross a chicken with a nun?”

That floored Roland and the others. “I don’t know,” he said, puzzled, “what do you get?”

“A Pecking Order!”

The degree of hilarity in the room was disproportionate to the quality of the joke, but was directly proportional to the quality of the wine.

Suddenly Repertor burst into the room, closely followed by a lady that Jollyrei did not recognise, whom he assumed was Eulalia, and one that he did recognise for the excellent reason that he had been married to her for some years.

“Right, you lot, listen up!” Repertor was standing tall, and speaking with his old confidence. “I am going back to Bavaria, and I am going to kick Kibonreju’s sorry arse! Who’s coming with me?”

Jollyrei picked up the bottle, and checked the label. No, it was proper wine, not some hallucinogen. This was real.

“Me!” said Roland.

“Me!” said Barb.

“Count me in!” said Pilus.

“Erm,” said Wragg. Barb kicked him on the shin. “Me!” said Wragg.

“Can I fly one of the dragons?” asked Thessela, hopefully.

“I’d be glad if you would!”

“When do we leave?” asked Jollyrei, “I’m looking forward to seeing Thess’ dragon-flying skills!”

“You won’t be disappointed,” smiled Roland. “We got bounced by some flying horses just after we took off from Bavaria. Some aerobatics from Thess and a couple of blasts of flame from Sophie and it was all over!”

“Apart from my airsickness!” moaned Wragg.

Roland and Barb rolled their eyes towards the heavens.

“To answer your question, Jollyrei, as soon as possible.” Repertor continued to exude his new found confidence. God alone knew what Eulalia had said to him, but whatever it was, it had certainly done the trick.

“We attack at dawn!”
Hum, from my cross (I hear all what you're saying ...) , could I try a suggestion ?

Why to do not carry with you some of your bottles of wine ? If Kibonreju drinks too much, he'll sleep and no problem to deliver malins and I ......
Is the idea not genious ?

But hurry up ! I'm starting to be exhausted !!!:eek:

The Temple.jpg
Poor Kibonreju...I'm almost feeling sorry for him :(
As Pilus takes his time recovering he wonders whether 400 years of grumble....groan....might have been like a toothache plaguing old Kibonreju :D.
But then the mists of concussion clear once more .... Fortunately before demerits rain down from on high :eek:.
Lord Jollyrei’s taste for the finer things in life included a well-stocked wine cellar, and his very wise response to the growing tension, and to the arrival of a new guest, was to despatch Henri post-haste to the cellar to fetch a couple of bottles of his finest.
Pilus had hoped that Henri might have performed sufficient miracles for beatification and had returned from the cellars with a favourite old tipple.
A wonderful old claret but Pilus would have been happy with one of the later, more robust shiraz style.
not really, I noticed the title of the pic and searched for 'temple' posted by 'Messaline' ;)
(the search wouldn't have found the pic, but you'd used the word 'temple' in that post)
Auldana Winery, Adelaide
as you can learn from the auction site I've given the link for,
the St. Henri Claret was first made around 1890
by the French winemaker, Edmond Mazure,
who, it is assumed, probably named the wine after his son. ;)
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From where is coming this wine ?:oops:
From South Australia Messaline.

The old claret style was a blend of mostly shiraz (syrah) from Barossa Valley, Eden Valley, Clare Valley, McLaren Vale, and Langhorne Creek with cabernet sauvignon from the Coonawarra and the Barossa. These days it is 100% shiraz.

Pp's local discounter has it for A$90 a bottle for the current release (2012 vintage).

Australia's best shiraz come from old vines in the Barossa Valley. The best cabernet from the terra rossa soils (red soil over a limestone base) of the Coonawarra.

Pilus prays through the mists of his concussion that Jolly's cellar is well-stocked to aid his recovery.
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Auldana Winery, Adelaide
as you can learn from the auction site I've given the link for,
the St. Henri Claret was first made around 1890
by the French winemaker, Edmond Mazure,
who, it is assumed, probably named the wine after his son. ;)
The Penfolds St Henri was first produced as an experimental wine in 1957. Pp must look up Auldana's history.

Correction: Pp thought he knew the history of each member of the Penfolds red wine stable he has grown to love. The first commercial release of St Henri was the 1957 vintage but experimental vats were made from 1953.
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Lord Jollyrei’s taste for the finer things in life included a well-stocked wine cellar, and his very wise response to the growing tension, and to the arrival of a new guest, was to despatch Henri post-haste to the cellar to fetch a couple of bottles of his finest.

After a couple of glasses of that Sir Rupert and Brother Roland were, once again, the best of friends, and Barb, too, was joining in with the general conviviality.

“What do you get,” asked Barb, “if you cross a chicken with a nun?”

That floored Roland and the others. “I don’t know,” he said, puzzled, “what do you get?”

“A Pecking Order!”

The degree of hilarity in the room was disproportionate to the quality of the joke, but was directly proportional to the quality of the wine.

Suddenly Repertor burst into the room, closely followed by a lady that Jollyrei did not recognise, whom he assumed was Eulalia, and one that he did recognise for the excellent reason that he had been married to her for some years.

“Right, you lot, listen up!” Repertor was standing tall, and speaking with his old confidence. “I am going back to Bavaria, and I am going to kick Kibonreju’s sorry arse! Who’s coming with me?”

Jollyrei picked up the bottle, and checked the label. No, it was proper wine, not some hallucinogen. This was real.

“Me!” said Roland.

“Me!” said Barb.

“Count me in!” said Pilus.

“Erm,” said Wragg. Barb kicked him on the shin. “Me!” said Wragg.

“Can I fly one of the dragons?” asked Thessela, hopefully.

“I’d be glad if you would!”

“When do we leave?” asked Jollyrei, “I’m looking forward to seeing Thess’ dragon-flying skills!”

“You won’t be disappointed,” smiled Roland. “We got bounced by some flying horses just after we took off from Bavaria. Some aerobatics from Thess and a couple of blasts of flame from Sophie and it was all over!”

“Apart from my airsickness!” moaned Wragg.

Roland and Barb rolled their eyes towards the heavens.

“To answer your question, Jollyrei, as soon as possible.” Repertor continued to exude his new found confidence. God alone knew what Eulalia had said to him, but whatever it was, it had certainly done the trick.

“We attack at dawn!”

Let's not disparage my joke telling ability:rolleyes: .... and yes Wraggie, I will kick you in the shin to get you moving if I have to anytime I want. :mad:
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