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The Chronicle Of Sir Rupert And The Lost Cross

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It's always the same thing which is happening : when a woman takes some initiative, the male is getting out !!!:peep:
Usually, she cries :"Nut ... Nut " , but I recognize that "Stun" is also poetical ....;)
Fair Messaline has been left there too long I fear. She really must be rescued....
I'm just going crazy! It can happen when you get nailed to a cross!It's making me go nuts! nuts nuts nuts!
And now Malin is echoing Messaline :eek:. What damage might she have done as her tortured mind went non-Euclidian and would it be so much worse if her febrile mind turned into non-Newtonian dilatent fluid.....especially one Pilus favours with trifle as dessert :D.
And now Malin is echoing Messaline :eek:. What damage might she have done as her tortured mind went non-Euclidian and would it be so much worse if her febrile mind turned into non-Newtonian dilatent fluid.....especially one Pilus favours with trifle as dessert :D.

Is this about to get all quantum foam and superstring only my cat has a theory about that

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