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The Chronicle Of Sir Rupert And The Lost Cross

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Would you cream if we whipped you?:devil:
Alter-egos might yet succumb to leather wielded by Pp or Pilus in other threads and we may read of reactions in those though Pp, as author, would always exercise some discretion in recording a woman's deepest response.

Though if a well-known cinematographer had cameras in place ......
It was only when the army hove into view that it could be realised that one had, very slightly, overestimated the numbers. But only by nine-hundred and ninety seven. For the thousand were, in fact, three.

A French Knight, his armour gleaming in the early morning sun. An English Man-at Arms, slightly more modestly attired, but outdoing the Frenchman for the racket he was making.
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And, noisiest of all, a slim, dark-haired woman, furiously banging her sword on her shield and yelling “DEATH TO KIBONREJU AND ALL WHO STAND WITH HIM!” at the top of her voice.

The little army doubled in size when it made a rendez-vous with the two dragons, which had landed by the lakeside

“I’m sorry, they seem to have taken a holiday,” Eulalia informed him. “You should pay them more.”
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“BAAAAAAASTAAAAAAARD!!!!!!!!” she screamed, and flew at him, sword drawn, ready to cut his head off.
But her sword swished uselessly through empty space. Kibonreju had simply disappeared.
Well we do see that side of Barb quite often.
View attachment 322986 It is just that it usually looks more like this :D
View attachment 322987 Than this.

Oh? Sorry? Ahhhhhh.....by "that side" you mean that side of her character? Whoops Pp. Whoops.:doh:
Considering the visual supports to your argument, I am inclined to overlook any inadvertent obtuseness.:rolleyes: Honest error there, I expect. Should have been more clear, myself.:doh::D
Considering the visual supports to your argument, I am inclined to overlook any inadvertent obtuseness.:rolleyes: Honest error there, I expect. Should have been more clear, myself.:doh::D
Appreciate your support there Jolly old man. Inadvertant. Honest error and all that. Be a shame for demerits to flood from on high over such a trivial matter. And besides, too many demerits on his sleeve might hinder Pilus as he plies the Sword of Goliath and our St Babs really does not wish that now does she? :p
Well we do see that side of Barb quite often.
View attachment 322986 It is just that it usually looks more like this :D
View attachment 322987 Than this.

Oh? Sorry? Ahhhhhh.....by "that side" you mean that side of her character? Whoops Pp. Whoops.:doh:
Appreciate your support there Jolly old man. Inadvertant. Honest error and all that. Be a shame for demerits to flood from on high over such a trivial matter. And besides, too many demerits on his sleeve might hinder Pilus as he plies the Sword of Goliath and our St Babs really does not wish that now does she? :p

Ahh well Jolly old man. It seems that all was in vain but perhaps, after 400 years in the tender care of old K, St Babs has forgotten that the quality of mercy is not strained; it droppeth as the gentle rain drom heaven Upon the place beneath. It is twice blessed. It blesseth she that gives and him that takes....and all that.

We tried Jolly. We really did.
Ahh well Jolly old man. It seems that all was in vain but perhaps, after 400 years in the tender care of old K, St Babs has forgotten that the quality of mercy is not strained; it droppeth as the gentle rain drom heaven Upon the place beneath. It is twice blessed. It blesseth she that gives and him that takes....and all that.

We tried Jolly. We really did.

Not hard enough! :mad:
Ahh well Jolly old man. It seems that all was in vain but perhaps, after 400 years in the tender care of old K, St Babs has forgotten that the quality of mercy is not strained; it droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven Upon the place beneath. It is twice blessed. It blesseth she that gives and him that takes....and all that.

We tried Jolly. We really did.

Not hard enough! :mad:
She does seem immune to poetic entreaty. I really thought things might go better. What with mercy dropping on the tight little place beneath, which is, as you say, twice blessed, or have I misunderstood something? :confused:

Actually, she seems somewhat vexed. She's annoyed about missing Kibonreju with that sword stroke, I expect.
She does seem immune to poetic entreaty. I really thought things might go better. What with mercy dropping on the tight little place beneath, which is, as you say, twice blessed, or have I misunderstood something? :confused:

Actually, she seems somewhat vexed. She's annoyed about missing Kibonreju with that sword stroke, I expect.
You might well be right Jolly. Rather a let down for the girl that.

But yes, she does seem much blessed. Mercy dropping, as you say on the tight little place beneath, but don't forget those other firm and perky mounds with their oft-tumescent peaks. St Babs was twice-blessed there too.

By the way Jolly old man....how are you off for demerits? Not keen to share a few are you? Only Sir Rupert is pretty weighed down and Pilus has picked up nine more plus a big red one tonight as well.
You might well be right Jolly. Rather a let down for the girl that.

But yes, she does seem much blessed. Mercy dropping, as you say on the tight little place beneath, but don't forget those other firm and perky mounds with their oft-tumescent peaks. St Babs was twice-blessed there too.

By the way Jolly old man....how are you off for demerits? Not keen to share a few are you? Only Sir Rupert is pretty weighed down and Pilus has picked up nine more plus a big red one tonight as well.

Well Jolly is demerit free ... For the moment ... by virtue of the fact that he generally shows me a little more respect. :)
Well Jolly is demerit free ... For the moment ... by virtue of the fact that he generally shows me a little more respect. :)
Awww Barb. You know what Wraggie and Pp are like. Never good at talking to girls, much more comfortable pulling their hair and pinching their bottoms through the back of their chair.
So...really....all that lack of respect is only because we love you dearly but just aren't very good at saying so.

(Whispers behind hand to old mate Wragg...whaddaya reckin maaate? Thet help? Sheesa crackin sheila and ah dunwanna gettarup set).
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Usually, she cries :"Nut ... Nut " , but I recognize that "Stun" is also poetical ....;)
I can assure you it was poetry for Wragg and Roland! :)

He doesn't have those peculiarly angled walls with non-Euclidian geometries that would indeed cast back sounds in the reverse or even sound your words before you speak them.

She's talking like the squirrel, now ! Is't an epidemic ?:D

I'm just going crazy! It can happen when you get nailed to a cross!It's making me go nuts! nuts nuts nuts!
Some crazies think they are Julius Cesar or Napoleon.
Others think they are general McAuliffe.

Great research being done with new things discovered every day. The latest
No infuence?robertaheinlein121947.jpg
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Though if a well-known cinematographer had cameras in place ......
I'm not quite sure I'd go through the 40 from that cat,
she experiences whipping ... with a cat in whose tails she has tied the blood knots herself.
although that little ritual of tying the knots in there myself, well you do know. It does get me ... ready for things ;)
I'm not quite sure I'd go through the 40 from that cat,
image.jpg 40 from this one? Brother Roland's sweet little playful kitten?
although that little ritual of tying the knots in there myself, well you do know. It does get me ... ready for things ;)
Then Pp had best check to make sure the Rodent's cameras are pointing the other way :devil:
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