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The Nude Nurse and the Master of the Whip.

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As we're learning, DINA has excellent facilities for ensuring their inmates 'make it'
through whatever their captors decide they're going to go through ...
For those worried about poor Eulalia since her whipping. I have it on good authority that she will be taken to the infirmary where a fellow nurse shows her compassion and support.
My source did prove correct about the infirmary and rest. She was a little off on compassion and support.

However, she assured me that the Colonel is working hard behind the scenes to lessen the stress on Eulalia for the rest of day 5.
The Nude Nurse and the Master of the Whip.

Part 41 March 31, 1974 - The Fifth Day, Wing B

Gabriella could still not believe what was happening. Her husband had been transferred out to a civilian prison, not cushy of course, but so much better than being tortured here. She, herself, had been transferred to B wing and was spending most of her time in the infirmary receiving treatment. Adequate food, no beating, sleeping at night! It was a gift de Dios!

The pigs who ran this place were still evil. She’d heard that just this morning, a girl had been given a severe whipping by Capitán Trueno! But for Gabriella, they had promised to release her and reunite her with her son. She had even been shown a photo of him with her neighbor. They might be lying, but they had treated her well.

She would just have to do one degrading act. Gabby did not care. She would not be doing it principally for herself. It would be for her child. To save her child (and to get out of this hell hole), she would consider killing her best friend if she had to!

March 31, 1974 - The Fifth Day, Wing D, Interrogation room 1

Trueno sat relaxed at the examiner’s desk. In wing D, the desk was toward the back of the room from where the prisoners entered. Behind the desk were two chairs and a door leading to the officer’s entrance.

The plan that the Colonel had laid out three days ago was proceeding beautifully. Trueno had enjoyed whipping Eulalia this morning; his form was impeccable, he thought. She was very sexy in a non-blatant way. There would be much more pleasure to derive from her. She would “break just like a little girl!”

The door opened and four guards escorted Eulalia in to the center of the room. She stood, cuffed, blindfolded and topless in front of him. Trueno took a moment to enjoy the welts he had made, exquisitely patterned and undoubtedly painful on her body. The band-aids covering her cut nipples even added to the effect, like a stripper’s pasties. She was tall and slim, breasts modest but perfectly shaped, a deep navel centering her flat belly. Only her torn skirt hid any of her charms. And that would go soon enough. He gestured to the guards to remove her hood.

Eulalia blinked at the sudden light. Looking around she saw this was a different kind of interrogation room than she’s been in before. Equipment was all around the walls and stuff was hanging in the walls that she couldn’t really see. The edges of the room were dark and the walls painted black. But, standing in the center, Eul was surrounded by a circle of spotlights on the ceiling pointed at her, the center of attention. She noticed a drain strip a meter long right under her. She had a moment to wonder about its purpose before Trueno demanded her attention.

“The prisoner is here to answer questions! Not to sight-see. Please stand at attention.”

Eul’s legs were already sore from a night standing and shivering from the cold, but she did her best.

Trueno began going through the questions. The same boring repetitive set of questions she’d already spent six hours or more answering. He regularly admonished her on her posture, or the discrepancies in her answers. After an hour, he had yet to ask about the recorder.

Suddenly the door opened and Rodríguez stepped in. Eulalia was shocked at his appearance. He hadn’t shaven, his hair was uncombed and his usually military bearing was replaced with a noticeable slouch. He looked like he’d aged ten years since she’d seen him. He wore a different, ill-fitting uniform with a major’s insignia.

Trueno nonetheless stood to attention and saluted. “Mi Mayor.” He said. Eulalia’s breath caught in her throat; he had been demoted!

Capitán, you are in charge here,” he began, deferentially. “But I ask a personal favor. May I have 5 minutes alone with the prisoner?”

“Of course, mi amigo. Guards come with me. Mayor just come knock on the door when you are finished.”

Gracias, Capitán.”

They filed out and Juan turned to Eulalia. “Oh my child! I’m so sorry for what has happened. They have hurt you! I would rather have died.”

Eul started toward him, but he gestured her away. “We cannot embrace, my child. I am already… we are already in too much trouble. Several persons have reported our private meetings. I have been temporarily demoted to Mayor.” Eul looked relieved. “Do not take ‘temporarily’ as too hopeful. I am under investigation and could be further demoted or even sent to prison.”

“No, No!” cried Eulalia. “It’s my fault, I’m so sorry!”

“It’s OK, my child. I just worry that I can’t help you, at least for a while. And my daughter. I don’t know…” he broke off and sobbed.

“What can I do, I screwed up. I’m sorry.”

“Just don’t cause trouble. Answer their questions as best you can. No more lies. I know they really want to let you go, to send you back to Britain. They first must have the truth. And I warn you, the Capitán will stop at nothing to get it.”

“I’ll do what I can,” said Eul, not sure how she could tell the ‘whole’ truth. “How will I know if you are OK?”

“I’m working to help you. I have friends. I hope to keep the guards from raping you again and even to let you sleep tonight. We might get some time alone, just the two of us. If you are told, ‘The Mayor is happy’, it is from me and we will be able to meet. Understand?”

Eul nodded, tears running down her cheeks.

“I must go now. Be brave, I love you child!’

“I love you too, Juan. I love you so much!”

He turned and knocked on the door. The Captain and the guards reentered as he left.
well-imagined mind-fuck.
Thank you so much. I have been grasping for technical, literary terms for what the Colonel is doing to Eulalia, and you come up with the perfect phrase! I personally avoid using the "f" word in conversation (I believe its overused and meaningless as most people use it - and rude!) . But in this instance, this is a perfect use of the good old Anglo Saxon word. He is fucking with her mind!
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Oh much more to come!
Much more? Pp can almost hear the chopper blades beginning to wind up … a naked, very battered eulalia on the floor, heavy chain rivetted tight around her ankles … readied for a one-way flight out over the coast and a refreshing dip with the abundant and voracious sharks in the Humboldt current.
Soon to be no more than another white headscarf stencilled on the paving in a plaza de armas somewhere …
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Much more? Pp can almost hear the chopper blades beginning to whirr … a naked, very battered eulalia on the floor, heavy chain rivetted tight around her ankles … readied for a one-way flight out over the coast and a refreshing dip with the abundant and voracious sharks in the Humboldt current.
Soon to be no more than another white headscarf stencilled on the paving in a plaza de armas somewhere …
:D Welcome Back PP :D

And Happy Christmas, too!
Much more? Pp can almost hear the chopper blades beginning to wind up … a naked, very battered eulalia on the floor, heavy chain rivetted tight around her ankles … readied for a one-way flight out over the coast and a refreshing dip with the abundant and voracious sharks in the Humboldt current.
Soon to be no more than another white headscarf stencilled on the paving in a plaza de armas somewhere …
View attachment 658042
Muchas Gracias for that cheerful and 'uplifting' :rimshot:(and quite possibly true) forecast of Eulalia's fate. I am grateful you find the story interesting.

I can tell the readers that Eulalia (or her body) leaves Santiago de Chile by air. But, of course... that doesn't tell you much, does it?
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The Nude Nurse and the Master of the Whip.

Part 42 March 31, 1974 - The Fifth Day, Wing D, Interrogation room 1

The questioning resumed as if there had been no interruption. On and on.

Eul was beginning to sway in place from cramping in her legs. Her sleep-deprived brain found it harder and harder to follow his questions.

Trueno then began asking, for the third time in this session, about her sexual history. This time he asked a number of questions about her attraction to other women, whether she’d had sex with other women. Eul denied each suggestion and said she had no sexual interest in females. Trueno grinned and seemed amused at her denials. Eulalia began to resent the questions. The visit from Juan had strengthened her. She felt stronger in answering the stupid questions.

Then it happened - the final straw.

“Are you a virgin,” Trueno asked.

Eul couldn’t believe the question was asked again. She had admitted to every sexual encounter she’d ever had (only omitting the high-school rape – no one knew of that) and he was asking if she was a virgin. Resistance rose from somewhere inside the Scottish girl. Her resentment turned into defiance.

“You know damn well I’m not a virgin.”

“That is not the way to address an officer, puta. I haven’t had relations with you. I have no way of knowing if you are a virgin.” Trueno commented sarcastically.

“You had 20 men gang rape me last night, over and over! That’s bullshit that you don’t know!” Eul snapped.

Trueno smiled like the cat who’d caught the canary. He gestured to the guards.

The two behind her grabbed her upper arms in vise-like grips and pulled her shoulders back and up until she was on her toes. They wedged their hips against her ass so her middle was thrust forward.

“You seem to disdain the rule of silence. This time you will pay.” He nodded to the two guards in front, “Diez.” He said in a low, cold voice.

They stepped up to her, holding their truncheons by the cross handle for better force. 38131832-police-truncheons-isolated-on-white-background-3d.jpg The first drove it hard and deep into Eulalia’s belly just above her navel. It sunk in and a whoosh of breath was forced from her mouth.

Before she could recover a breath even to scream, the other drove a similar blow lower, about three inches below her navel.

The two then began an alternation, pounding unmercifully into her exposed and defenseless middle, from just above her pubic bone almost up to her solar plexus. After each had struck her five times, the guards behind released her to fall onto her knees. Eul bent down and retched and then vomited up her lunch. Even when her stomach was empty, she kept heaving as she gasped for breath.

After a minute, the guards lifted her up to a standing position. Trueno enjoyed the look of agony on her face along with her labored breathing and the sight of bruises forming over her belly. A trail of vomit dripped down her chin and onto her chest.

“I hope you’ve learned, puta. You’ve made a big enough mess. If I were a cruel man, I’d make you lick it up. Guardia, la manguera.”

They moved Eulalia back and a guard walked over to a wall and returned with a large diameter hose. He proceeded to wash the vomit down the conveniently placed drain.
They brought Eul back to stand before the Captain. She had recovered enough to be aware of how cold the water was on her feet.

“I don’t think you realize the serious trouble you are in, Miss Burns. Maybe a different position would focus your attention.” He nodded to the guards and held up three fingers together.

The guards unfastened Eul’s cuffs. Before she could even rub her wrists, they pulled her arms in front and reattached the cuffs. A cable was pulled down from the ceiling and attached to the chain joining the cuffs. A guard went to a winch in the wall and began ratcheting the cable tight. Her arms were pulled up until they were straight over her head and she had to stand directly under the pulley. The guard tightened slowly until the girl was stretched and stood on the balls of her feet in the cold water on the floor.
Captain Trueno stood up and walked over in front of his prisoner.

“Guard, I don’t think the prisoner will need her skirt for a while. Please remove it.”

They stripped off the uniform skirt and threw it in a corner, leaving her with only her brief panties.

“You don’t need these either,” he said as he grabbed the bandages on her nipples and ripped them off. Eulalia cried out as the cuts reopened.

Trueno grabbed her hair tightly in one hand, pulled her head back to look up at him; his grip so tight she cried out in pain.

He brought his face inches from hers. “I’m tired of you lying and taking me for a fool. You will start answering my questions honestly and completely. I can be much tougher on you than I’ve been!”

He walked back behind his desk. “I’m going out for a smoke and to relax, When I come back, I hope this new position will have convinced you to cooperate.” The Captain casually gave a 5 finger sign and an open palm to the head guard and left, closing the door behind him.

“The head guard stood in front of Eulalia. “You are ours until he comes back,” he said with a broad grin.

March 31, 1974 - The Fifth Day, Wing D, Officers’ Break Room

Capitán Trueno emerged from the interrogation room into the small, but comfortable break room. The room, well-heated for a respite from the intentionally cold interrogation rooms, was reserved for the interrogating officers who needed some rest during long, grueling sessions. Refreshments were always on hand as well as comfortable recliners to relax their backs after sitting for hours in the desk chairs.

Coronel Rodríguez sat enjoying a cigar and a brandy with a big grin on his face. He was still wearing a Mayor’s uniform.
Bien hecho, mi amigo!” he said, saluting Trueno from his recliner. “I have waited to change so I would not miss your work on the camera. You have her totally intimidated. She will be screaming for mercy before long. Will you show her some?”

“When have I ever, mi Coronel?” asked Trueno with a feigned expression of hurt. “We hurt her mind, then we hurt her body, then back to her mind again. It is so delicioso; she can never prepare herself for the next puñetazo!”

Muy cierto,” laughed the Coronel. Don’t get too carried away. We need something left for the morning. Ah, in the morning when I go to her? Magnifico!”

“I look forward to watching that on the camera!” said Trueno. “I’ll give her another forty minutes to hang and for the guards to play with her, before I return.”

Bueno,” said the Coronel standing up. “I must put on my real uniform and do some work. Let me know when she goes back to her cell. And make sure the guards know not to rape her again, for now anyway. I want her a little rested for the morning.” They both laughed, Rodríguez left and Trueno settled with a sigh in a soft recliner.
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