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Without releasing the other two girls from the pillories, the executioners grabbed Isabel and dragged her upstairs to flogg her.
- Come on, baby, don't resist, I heard you tied to the cross and you won't have to do anything else but scream, ha, ha
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The young woman, still covered in semen and urine, resisted like a beast, but it was no use. The executioners tied her to a cross and began to whip her mercilessly.
The girl screamed like crazy every time the whip scratched her skin and skinned her some more.
The public counted the lashes in a sadistic and bloody orgy.
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Meanwhile, from their pillories Luciana and the novice Roxana cried seeing what awaited them but they couldn't even ask for mercy because both had their mouths occupied by smelly cocks.

Isabel was whipped until she couldn't take it anymore and began to hang from her bonds. Then they revived her by throwing a bucket of salt water at her and while she howled with itching, they went to look for Roxana.
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The young novice pissed herself in fear as she was carried up onto the scaffold.
Roxana lasted almost twenty minutes before fainting and then it was Luciana's turn.

After the torment of the lashes, it was time to brand them with hot irons.
To start the red hot irons torture, the girls were tied to a pole structures with arms and legs wide spread, so that they could not protect any part of their body to the touches of red-hot iron.


A brazier was placed next to each of the three victims so that the executioners would have hot irons to work with at all times.
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Sadist Goliath and his assistants had real fun making the three victims suffer horribly as they were torturing them with hot irons for no less than four hours.
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First the executioners used red-hot skewers or tongs with which they took pinches of meat and twisted them, but later they used rakes with red-hot tips to skin the skin and used it on the breasts of the condemned.


Luciana howled madly as her round breasts were skinned with red-hot rakes



The girls howled like crazy as their breasts were ripped apart to the applause and screams of the crazed audience who seemed to be enjoying this bloody orgy enormously.
In the midst of the ordeal, the poor girls begged for a quick death, but no one was willing to listen to their pleas.

Finally as it began to get dark the victims were released from their bonds but only to be bound again with their arms dangling from a high trestle. So the torturers piled wood under them and lit the fire.
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The girls screamed hysterically again and "danced" trying to move their legs away from the "caresses" of the flames. People laughed at witches who kicked around naked in a ridiculous way.

That gratuitous torture was the last preparation before taking them to the pyres where they were going to be burned alive.
After playing with the prisoners for a long time, they were taken down from the easel and led to the place where the stakes were to be burned alive.
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- Come on adulteress, the fire awaits you

The first to be tied to the stake was Isabel, but Luciana soon followed.
A few meters further on they forced Roxana, the novice, to climb the logs to the stake, threatening her with a packsaddle.
- It was that bitch Duchess, Luciana, she has ordered us to be tortured and burned in this cruel way.

- Isabel, die in peace, that bitch has had some innocent women tortured and she will pay a thousand times for her crime.

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Luciana was also tied to the post
- Goliath, light the bonfires.
- Milady, now there is too much wind, if we light them now, the bonfires will take a long time to burn. In addition, there was no dry firewood and we had to put green firewood, smearing the firewood and the girls with resin and tar, they will burn faster.

- Do as I tell you, it will take them longer to die.
As Goliath had foreseen, the flames grew little by little. The wind that was normally good for fueling the fire, in this case was too strong and the green wood did not burn easily.
Thus the flames were burning the feet and legs of the condemned for ten long minutes, before rising higher.

Although several hundred people had turned out to watch the witches being burned at the stake, people remained silent to hear the screams of the damned as they burned. In fact, they had a long time to hear them.


Despite the tremendous pain, the novice Roxanna tried to die with dignity and managed to suppress her screams during the first minutes while the flames "licked" her feet.
In contrast, Isabel howled like a madwoman, with her face turned to the sky and screaming over and over again that she was innocent.
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Luciana also suppressed her cries of pain, but her voluptuous body writhed in her bonds while her face dislocated. Some men couldn't help but masturbate while the Jewish witch burned slowly.

Normally as soon as there was enough fire, the smoke reaches the nose and throat of the condemned. Then they would drown in a few minutes, but in this case the strong wind dispersed the smoke.
Isabel did not stop screaming for a moment. The poor girl cried out to be finished off at once while the public remained tense without missing a moment of the horrendous ordeal.

Then a flame rose a little higher and Luciana's thighs and hips burned for a few moments so that the young woman abandoned her silence and her desperate screams accompanied Isabel's howls.
In fact, after a quarter of an hour of torture, the flames had already reached the thighs and buttocks of the three condemned women who were now howling hysterically. Their screams were so sharp so didn't seem human.

- My God, my God, take me now, welcome me into your bosom. IIIIIIAAAYYY

Hearing the novice Roxanna's plea, a priest believed that the witches were repenting their sins and brought a cross to Luciana's face.

- Kiss this cross and repent of your sins witch, so God may have mercy on you.

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- Get that out of my sight, Christian pig, I'm going to Abraham's bosom WHILE YOU GO TO HELL IIIIAAAYYYYYYY

As the flames slowly ascended her body, Luciana seemed to go crazy and began to curse Duchess Lucrecia while everyone crossed themselves.

- Damn you, Lucrecia, damn you Duchess of Hell, you will burn in hell for all eternity and the flames will burn your guilty body as they now burn my innocent body. AAAAYYYY, AAAYYYYY, TAKE ME NOW, YAHVE, I CAN'T ANY MORE; AAAAYYYY
Then a flame rose a little higher and Luciana's thighs and hips burned for a few moments so that the young woman abandoned her silence
An odd comparison of the crowd watching and the condemned woman's reaction to the flames enveloping her. The crowd enjoys her frantic screams while the woman is consumed with her final torture...

Finally, after almost half an hour of horrendous ordeal, the flames completely covered the bodies of the victims and ended up consuming them.
With her last strength, Luciana did not stop cursing Duchess Lucrecia while her entire body was already a flame. Only then did he fall silent and expired.


Like the rest of her people, Duchess Lucrecia had heard Luciana's accusations and curses and for a few moments she was speechless and awestruck. However, and when the bodies of the condemned were still burning in their bonfires, the Duchess said.
- Damn witches! We have been too lenient with them, but from now on they will know all my rigor. Arrest and question all suspected witches. In the coming weeks we will light more bonfires.

The torture and public execution of the three convicts seemed to drive the Duchess Lucrecia crazy and made her forget the most elemental pride, since the following days she kept her lover Genoveva in her bedroom for many hours. Some days he didn't even come out of his room and he spent all day and all night fucking her.

Genoveva, the Duchess's maid was more prudent and rational.
- My lady, I feel great pleasure in making love to you, but we must be more careful. The other ladies and maidens are beginning to murmur.

- Yes, you are right Genoveva, you are so beautiful...

Lucrecia decided to listen to her lady but that only exasperated her more.

The loneliness in her bed drove her crazy. Lucrecia vividly remembered the long hours in the torture chamber and the torture and public execution of those girls, and she couldn't stop caressing or masturbating.

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Many times she imagined herself at the stake but the flames gave him no pain but great pleasure.


- If my husband suspected what I do with my maid of honor every night he would hand me over to the executioners and they would do the same thing to me that they have done to those poor girls, or maybe worse....
After the execution at the stake of the three innocent girls, the Duchess imposed the Reign of Terror.

Lucrecia insisted on directing the trial when the accused were women and especially if they were young and beautiful. Then she gave free rein to her frustration and her sadistic lust. Her husband's rejection caused her to hate all beautiful women and at the same time contemplating their suffering caused her great sexual joy that compensated for this frustration.

The Duchess insisted that Goliath torment all the accused and see how he did it. In addition, all trials ended in death penalty.

Many times the disproportion between the sentence and the crime committed was enormous.
A young girl was arrested for stealing a simple apple to feed her little brothers. Normally she would have been sentenced to remain in the stocks for a day and a night and receive ten blows to the behind, however, Lady Lucrecia ordered that she be tortured for two days until she confessed that she was a witch.
The sentence was death at the stake but before that, the young woman was paraded naked throughout the city with bells hanging from nipples.
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Another disproportionate sentence was that of Lady Viola, a young noblewoman of the court whose only fault was making a funny comment about the Duchess's style of dress and how she liked to show her boobs in public wearing large necklines.

When she found out about the insult, Lucrecia put on one of her most daring dresses and went to Lady Viola.
- Dear Lady Viola, I have been told that you consider me to be the woman of the court who shows her boobs the most in public, but I come to tell you that you are wrong because you have much more boobs than I do.
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Lady Viola was arrested and sentenced to death, but was led to the ordeal completely naked through the streets of the city.
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Basically she was lucky because being a nobleman she had a relatively quick death on the gallows.

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In any case, her hanging was one of the acts that contributed most to people starting to hate Duchess Lucrecia.
A few days later, Lucrecia was informed that two nuns from Roxanna´s covent had been caught naked in the same bed. When questioned, they said that they went to bed because they were very cold and just wanted to keep warm, but no one believed them and they were sentenced to die at the stake as lesbians.

Actually it was the death they deserved according to the law, but the Duchess added a humiliating episode that was that one carried the other to the gallows mounted on a wooden horse on wheels.
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The two nuns had to go through the streets completely naked among the mockery of the people.
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The Duchess herself went to see the execution up close, and just as they were about to light the pyre, a huge downpour of water fell. As the wood was wet, it took a long time to burn and the two nuns took more than two hours to die in horrible suffering.
During their interrogation, the two lesbian nuns did not accuse either of their sisters of any crime, but insinuated that young novices like Roxana behaved "too liberally."

Lucrecia had the trial clerk "rewrite" the defendants' trial statement at that point
- But milady I can´t, I....
- Silence, do as I tell you or I will tell the judge to dispense with your services as a bad secretary

- Yes Madam

So Lucrecia showed the bishop that new statement. According to the new version of the records, the two lesbian nuns, before being burned at the stake, had declared that most of the novices had lesbian relationships with each other.


The bishop asked the help of several priests and monks to read the document, and all agreed that the statement was reliable because the secretary had made a good forgery.
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- My God, said the Bishop, what depravity!, but names are not mentioned here. How will I know which of the novices are lesbians?
- Arrest all of them answered the Duchess, and Goliath and his executioners will help us find out the truth, do you agree Fray Juan?

- Yes, absolutely, Duchess.
The young novices were brought to the presence of the bishop and the clerics without suspecting anything.
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- Sisters, some of you have been accused of having lesbian relationships with each other.

Hearing that, the novices looked at each other in disbelief.

- We believe that only some of you are guilty, but to determine your guilt or innocence you must be examined by the venerable clerics. So you must undress and each of you will be examined by a clergyman in his private chambers.

Hearing those words, the novices protested. they would never undress in front of men.

- You decide, those who do not agree to undress and be examined by the clerics will be handed over to the Duchess's executioners who will interrogate them with harsher and less paternal methods.

This threat ended up deciding the novices who agreed to undress in front of the clerics,
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However, despite their submissive behavior, the inquisitor Fray Juan insisted that the novices be chained or had their arms tied behind their backs.

Already stripped naked, and handcuffed, each cleric took a novice to his bedroom to properly "examine" her.
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Thus, the frightened novices accompanied the learned clergymen to their respective rooms and there were properly examined by them.
Most of the girls submissively collaborated with them and allowed themselves to be "examined" without resisting, since the alternative was to be handed over to the Duchess's executioners.

However, after much discussion, the clerics concluded that they were not qualified to determine which of the novices were lesbians and decided that they should be questioned by the expert inquisitors.


At first the inquisitors wanted the girls to spontaneously confess their sins and limited themselves to veiled threats if they did not, but they continued to insist that they were innocent and that none had had lesbian relationships with their partners.

- My daughters, said the Bishop, you leave me no choice but to hand you over to the Duchess's torturers, the interrogation will continue tomorrow in the torture chamber, let these sinners be taken there and spend the night reflecting. Tomorrow if they do not tell the truth they will be subjected to torture.

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In this way, all the novices were handed over to Goliath and his sadistic helpers and taken to the dungeons where they spent the night "reflecting" while the sadistic executioners duly attended to them.

From then on, the novices were interrogated in a different way, with the help of Goliath's executioners but the supervision of the clerics.

The innocent and naive young women were subjected to bestial torments
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Witches chair
Rack and hot irons
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Rack, nipples and pussy torture

The mother superior of the convent was called to collaborate in the interrogations.

- Come on, sister Hortensia, confess the truth and the executioners will stop torturing you. Which of the sisters were your lovers?
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Duchess Lucrecia did not want to miss the torture of these beautiful young novicies and was present at them to see up close how they were subjected to water torture or pinched her tits with red-hot tongs.

Finally all the novices ended up accusing each other as lesbians and were condemned to die at the stake.

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Pairs of "lovers" were tied together to the same stake so that they would burn together.
At nightfall a grand "auto de fe" was held. The innocent novices were burned alive in pairs. Their screams and the flames were heard and seen from far away as the Duchess had her own lesbian relationship with Genoveva.
The frequent public torture and executions of beautiful naked girls were such an exciting and morbid spectacle that attracted a large population from the villages to the city and therefore resulted in the prosperity of the Duchy.

However, among the families of the novices, the rumor spread that the Duchess Lucrecia had falsified the minutes of the inquisitorial interrogations to frame the young women. This and the disproportionate punishment of Lady Viola caused a strong hatred towards Lucrecia to spread in a part of the city's population.

However, this hatred became visceral when the Duchess ordered adulterous women and single mothers to be arrested and executed in a very sadistic way..
- These indecent women must be properly punished, she told her close advisers. Let them all be arrested and executed without trial. In addition, the punishment will be carried out by decent women who will help the executioners.

The execution procedure designed by Duchess Lucrecia was extremely cruel.
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First completely naked pregnant women were hang from their necks.
But after "dancing" for a few minutes, the victims still alive were impaled little by little.

Then they were placed on incandescent embers and roasted slowly.
Lesbian lovers were roasted together over a grill or plunged into cauldrons of boiling water.
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The Duchess further decreed that single nursing mothers must be publicly humiliated before being executed. They were to be publicly milked to their own embarrassment and then hung from a sadistic tool invented by the Duchess herself: the "hellish bra".
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This consisted of a circular shackle pierced by dozens of holes. Once placed at the base of the victim's breasts, the executioner introduced red-hot needles. This in itself was a ghastly torture, but it was even worse when the executioners hoisted the victim up by her breasts and hung weights from her feet.

One of Duchess Lucretia's own ladies, Lady Catherine had been caught in bed with one of the servants and the Duchess sentenced her to death after exposing her naked and bound before the entire court.
- Please, Duchess have mercy, please.
- I've always envied your big tits Lady Catalina, but I won't envy them anymore, hang her from the "hellish bra" and put weights on her feet until her breasts tear.
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