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The Trial Of The Slave Bard

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The hair length is right,but the breasts are a little too big.
we know my dear Elfgirl but the other proportions are good isn't?:rolleyes: We will dream a bit
So the trial date was set. Judge Admi thought it best that Eulalia was incarcerated in his dungeon… umm… jail until the trial began. In deference to Melissa he insisted Tree again doubled the bond on Eulalia with half immediately going to Melissa for just compensation for loss of revenue and to allow her to continue renovations on the coffee shop while training new grinding slaves. Tree reached into the pocket of his duster and started peeling US $100 dollar bills from his roll. As the ‘Ben Franklins’ stacked up on Judge Admi’s bench Tree snarled “Tell me when to quit.”

“Well, you’re not quite there yet, Tree” he said almost giddy at the sight of the money.

“I’ve got things to do” Tree said and through the whole wad on the bench. His eyes got big and he said “That should be about right!”

Tree glared at Melissa and said “I only wish you were on trial. I feel like I’m wasting spikes on this recycled bitch.”

Tree walked to the back of the courtroom lighting up a Marlboro. Judge Admi called behind him “That wasn’t nice, Tree, and there is no smoking in my courtroom (except for products from Wu industries)!”

Tree flipped him the middle finger as I walked out the door. Judge Admi went down to his dungeon… eh… jail to check on Eulalia. As he entered her cell he opened his trousers and asked the chained prisoner “are you comfortable?”
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Ah,ok got it.
be ready to testify, Connie, I think you will be called to testify


...Judge Admi is required to release the witness list. I watched 'My cousin Vinnie' last night so I know the law...

Tree flipped him the middle finger as I walked out the door. Judge Admi went down to his dungeon… eh… jail to check on Eulalia. As he entered her cell he opened his trousers and asked the chained prisoner “are you comfortable?”

Och aye, your Honour Sir, I feel much more comfortable like this than I ever did with clothes on pretending to be a respectable young lady.

So, when am I going to be - er - "tried"?
I like the idea of being tried by a judge from the place where it's a crime to grow weeds but not to smoke 'em.

Or can I be tortured first? I'll sulk if I'm not.
You are naked and chained, Admi is walking into your rat-infested cell while dropping his pants and you ask if you will be tortured first????:confused:


...yes, Ulrika, I need a drink...
for me too darling:D
You are naked and chained, Admi is walking into your rat-infested cell while dropping his pants and you ask if you will be tortured first????:confused:
I can be a demanding little wordslut -​
need to be taught a bardslave can't pick and choose!​
While Admi insured Eul would get sufficient ‘exercise’ excitement was growing in the slave chambers and grinding room in the coffee shop. While Julie worried about Melissa’s health the slave girls seemed to glow with the new-found attention they were receiving from Melissa’s whip (at least the sweat shone over their red welts).

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Judge Admi had a long day in court and as he settled back to relax in his chambers he had the prisoner Eulalia delivered to him. Before the Bailiff Ulrika left he ordered her to remove the irons from Eul.

Eul stood looking out the fourth floor window of Admi’s chamber. Admi opened a beer and asked if Eul would want one. She shook her head as her gaze stayed fixed on the square below. Admi asked “What’s wrong, slave bard? You seem troubled.”

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“Oh, nothing, I’m just facing a ‘trial of my peers’. Have you ever heard of a slave being acquitted?”

“No, but there is a first time for everything.”

“Yeah, I guess hell could freeze over, too. Why did you have my irons removed?”

“I thought you would be more comfortable. The door is unlocked too.”

Eul glared at him and said “You thought I might be more comfortable? Admi, I am a slave girl. I feel naked without my chains.”

“You are naked without your chains, and pretty much so with them, Eul” Admi observed…

Eul was exasperated. “I was speaking figuratively, Admi!”

“No, it was English but I understood anyway.”

She rolled her eyes then asked “Did they scoop your brains out when you reached puberty?”

“I have never been to Massachusetts.”

“And what benefit is there in the door being unlocked?”

“Why, you are free to go whenever you wish.”

“Really? With a court order signed by you that I am free?”


“And what would you think happen to a naked slave girl that has escaped your court?”

“Oh, I’d order them to bring you back alive. It would be like a fox hunt. We would have a grand time tracking you down” Admi said with a broad smile on his face.

Eulalia looked down at the square. Mistress Melissa had brought her there to watch other slave girls face their discipline, including execution. She had been publicly flogged there herself. Without thinking Eul said “I’d rather be fucked by you.”

Admi was positively beaming, failing to notice Eul was being sarcastic. In moments she found herself bound spread-eagle face down on his bed (really private chambers!!!).

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Admi explained he would start with her pussy then move to her ass. As he dropped his pants Eul whimpered “God help me!”

Even through the multiple closed heavy doors Eul’s screams would echo throughout the marbled corridors of the courthouse…

“Oh Yes… Yes… Harder, Admi, hammer me harder!!! OH GOD finger my clit while you ram my ass… Yessss oooowwwwwwww…. Oh, sweet mystery of life, now I have found you…

…Eul reclined in the armchair with her feet propped up on a table and puffed on a Madame Wu Supreme Blend cigar. Admi pulled his robe on and looked down at her. “So how was that, slave bard?”

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“Not bad, Judge Admi, with fingers like that I’m surprised you don’t play a musical instrument.”

“But I do; you sang melodiously.”

“May I ask you something? What is with Tree and this vendetta he has against me?”

“I am not sure. He hasn’t been himself since Messa shot an arrow through his dick. He just seems confused.”

“That could explain a lot” Eul replied. “Admi, I’m scared. I don’t want to think about my trial. It’s not a slave girl’s position in life to ask but if you could find it in your heart to tie me to your bed and rape my ass again…”

“Of course, child…” he replied with a glint in his eyes…

I'm not really a smoker, but a post-coital Madame Wu's just what I need.​
Hey, I like the collar, do I get to wear that for the trial?​
But something a bit drastic has happened to my boobs,​
must be all the excitement,​
hope they revert to 34B before I appear in the dock!​
Fear not- it is just post-coital boob swelling. As for a collar at your trial would you prefer leather or iron???

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