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The Trial Of The Slave Bard

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I'm not really a smoker, but a post-coital Madame Wu's just what I need.​
Hey, I like the collar, do I get to wear that for the trial?​
But something a bit drastic has happened to my boobs,​
must be all the excitement,​
hope they revert to 34B before I appear in the dock!​

she tell much about it perhaps helping you a bit

[oops, accidentally merged my reply with your post, Admi! :p]​
:confused: you men just don't know the troubles we girls have! :D
no problems we understood those poor skirts​
yes poor creatures​
. As for a collar at your trial would you prefer leather or iron???


I like the feel of either, Tree, or a sharp steel chain -​
whatever arouses the wicked willie of His Honour the Judge,​
and ensures you and your goons have a good grip on me!​
Eulalia held little hope that she would not be convicted and in all likelihood she would be condemned to death. And while she feared the thought of dying, she was terrified that she may crucifixion again. When she wasn’t being used Judge Admi there were long periods of time she was held restrained in her cell. Great care was taken to insure her discomfort, from the heavy wood stock and yoke with thick chains to immobilize her to the roughhewn wood phallus that penetrated her anus.


There was little to think about besides her discomfort and her fate. Eul could not clear her head of the agony of crucifixion along with the public display of her tormented body. She remembered the crowds enjoying her attempts to find comfort.

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Worse was the despair of the long night.

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But as bad as it was she had hope she would live. This time there would be no such comfort and for whatever the reason Tree had it in for her she knew he could make her suffer for days before she’s succumb to death…

In addition to the slaves of the coffee shop there would be an equal number of slaves from other stables that would serve on Eul’s jury to give the appearance of impartiality. Each one had to be vetted by Judge Admi. While the slaves from other stables may or may not have heard of the slave bard Eulalia, all had heard of Judge Admi and his unique method of ‘vetting’ slaves using his massive… umm… endowment. The smart slave did not resist…


…or even encouraged the lecherous Judge.

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Some slaves, particularly the younger less experienced ones, tried to resist Judge Admi. They were crated up and sent to the O.P.P. for additional training

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Once passing the initial part of Admi’s ‘vetting’ the slave were asked if they could convict and condemn a sister slave without regards to the facts or lack thereof.

One slave was foolish enough to say she would never convict a sister. She was given an opportunity to think about her answer…


By the way, all the coffee shop slaves passed with flying colors. The opportunity to get Eulalia out of the was a chance they couldn’t pass up…


Things could get good here when Gibbs sees that Admi has gone nuclear with the number of naked babes in a pisture series:D

I remember when I was a young slave, barely a year into my service. My Mistress Melissa asked me if I would like to serve on a jury at Judge Admi’s court. I told her I wasn’t good at sorting facts and she explained I needn’t be; I only had to find the slave guilty as charged and condemn her to death. If I did so, I might make head coffee grinder. ‘What the hell’ I thought. ‘I’m 19 and could become a famous slave bard, too!’

Little did I know I would later spend a day nailed to a cross and now face execution at the whim of my sisters; and I had little doubt how that might go… I had been there.

It was a nice morning for mid-winter although Eulalia wouldn’t know. I walked into the sub-basement of the court house and went to the cell Eul was held in. The air was warm and dank. Eul was sitting on the floor of her cell. She looked up when she heard me coming. I asked her how she was doing.

“Just fucking grand, Tree; I’m facing a trial by my peers because you didn’t like a few cups of coffee. We can guess how that will go. Admi has been using me as his personal sex toy. The rats won’t eat the food they’re feeding me and I’m sitting on straw that I have shit in because I ate the food the fucking rats wouldn’t. Tell me, how’s your day going?”
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still, at least I get to sit and do nothing for a few hours -​
look on the bright side!​
we do............ we do............
Now that my Blue Nose is gone I understand going from a 34B to a 34D, but wouldn't it take a lot of, oh, I don't know, work, to go to a 36D???


Oh, thank you, Ulrika, yes, I was thinking....
thinking???????????????:confused: :eek:

I know....

“Tree, can I ask you why you are doing this to me?”

“Sure, Eul, I designed a new cornu and Nailus Martyrs won’t market it until it’s been tested. There isn’t a hell of a lot of pre-crucified women around so I said ‘fuck it’ and kind of bought you. I did try to get Messa and she said ‘no fucking way’ and jumped on the phone to Mr. Wu. So, sorry, Eul, you get convicted… I mean tried tonight.”

“You had it right the first time, Tree…”
I know....

“Tree, can I ask you why you are doing this to me?”

“Sure, Eul, I designed a new cornu and Nailus Martyrs won’t market it until it’s been tested. There isn’t a hell of a lot of pre-crucified women around so I said ‘fuck it’ and kind of bought you. I did try to get Messa and she said ‘no fucking way’ and jumped on the phone to Mr. Wu. So, sorry, Eul, you get convicted… I mean tried tonight.”

“You had it right the first time, Tree…”
how do you mean tree? I'm tired from last night and need that Bard-slave tonight for my recovery also no judgement today:p perhaps can you do somewhat in twilight
how do you mean tree? I'm tired from last night and need that Bard-slave tonight for my recovery also no judgement today:p perhaps can you do somewhat in twilight

He is one dirty sick bastard that I have one of my few goals in life to aspire to...


...I have others, but keep him amused, girls. It is your best interests.....
Eul could not get over that for all the reasons she could suffer death on the cross that she would die so that asshole Tree could try out a new cornu. She wondered what could be so special about a cornu that Nailus Martyrs wanted it demonstrated before they would carry it. But then again she thought about the sick mind of Tree and was intrigued by what fiendish device he would subject her to…

Admi arrived at the courthouse after singing in the church choir at the late service. He spotted Tree and rushed over. “Tree, my friend, the grand day has arrived! Tonight Eulalia is condemned to death!”

“Don’t you have to do the trial first?” Tree deadpanned.

Admi and Tree looked at each other in silence for a moment before they broke into laugher. “Of course we do, Tree! Come into my chambers and we watch on my television the arrival of the slave-girl jurors.”

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Meanwhile down in the courthouse’s subbasement the guards began preparing Eul for her trial…


Now, I'm rich ! Do you want "some Dollars" to help you, Tree, in your search of new cornus ?;)
th.jpg:rolleyes:...your devoted Messa
The slaves from the coffee shop were brought in under heavy guard. They were not used to being out of the relatively secure confines of Mel and Jul’s shop…


They knew what their jobs were at Eulalia’s trial. The bailiff Ulrika explained the duties to slaves from other stables…


Tree vehemently protested the four from a very rich man’s stable saying they were more ‘harem girls’ than slaves and had never even been whipped!!!

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Judge Admi overruled him…

So the jury was ‘seated’ so to speak as slaves were not allowed to sit during a trial. Two rows of six slaves lined runway to the defendant’s box. Eulalia was brought out, wearing leg irons and Nailus Martyrs wrist restraints that only a previously crucified woman could, with bolts passing through her wrists.

Even though Eul knew her life was all but over she nearly fainted when she saw Melissa there, wearing clothes. She knew it was not a game…

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Eul was placed on the ‘defendant’s platform’; the crate her body would be placed in and burned should she be condemned to death. Then, as the ultimate humiliation to any slave, all the restraints were removed from her body. Eul could only take comfort that she still had her cunt tag.

Judge Admi regally strode into the room and took his seat behind the bench. He looked around the courtroom, shuffled some papers, and then cleared his throat. “Ladies and gentleman, we are here for the trial of the slave bard Eulalia who stands accused of behaving as a slave prima donna, dereliction of subservience with the goal of gaining more attention of her Mistresses, grinding bad coffee, and other crimes too numerous to list here.

“She will be tried by a jury of her peers, the naked wretches that stand before her and some who will also testify. I anyone wishes to testify on behalf of the accused slave bard they will be allowed to after her persecu… the prosecution rests. As a slave she will have no right of rebuttal.

“Mind you this is the guilt stage of her trial and you will find her guilty with some peril. When convicted… I mean, if convicted there will be six balls placed in a bowl numbered 1 through 6. If one through four is drawn a slave from Mistress Melissa’s stable will be crucified for twenty-four hours by The Hanging Tree. If 5 or 6 is drawn a slave from one of the two visiting stables will be selected for the crucifixion then be train to be the coffee shop grinding slave…”

The first to testify for the persecution… you know what I mean… was a surprise witness; Mistress Melissa. Judge Admi reminded her she would be without the services of a crucified slave grinder for perhaps two months while a new slave recovered from her crucifixion. Melissa looked up at Eul and said “I am tired of whipping this slave cunt, your honor.”

‘I do like being called that’ Admi thought. Then in a whisper only Eul could hear Mel said “Even slaves have a shelf life- yours expired!”

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