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  • RevengesLittlePleasuresBFS.jpg
    1.5 MB · Views: 1,219
Watching Lea suffer on the nails was great.
Marge hadn't left the site, slept only when she could stay awake no longer
Lea had fought hard but the cross won in the end.
Her rival dead, after two and a half days on the cross.
A relieve but also a disappointment it was over.

That night that same cross now began to haunt her dreams.

Merry Christmas!!!


  • HerNightmaresAfterRevengeFS.jpg
    125.7 KB · Views: 1,115
That night that same cross now began to haunt her dreams.
And soon her daily life too!
Today, she enjoys her revenge.
But revenge is never for free.
There is the Law of the Conservation of Hatred, that could turn against her too!
From tomorrow on, she will have to look back over her shoulder, for the rest of her life!
Like I said, she will have to look over her shoulder from now on! And some day, she will see the wood of a cross, straight behind her!
Merry Christmas!!!
Merry Christmas to you too, Crumera! :xmas2:
Sounds like a never-ending crux story?

Now something different:
Inspired by the way the thief's feet were nailed in "My last day"

She had her last day on earth, just beginning her first day in the hell that is the cross.
No one will break her legs.....................
I've been trying to find My Last Day" with no luck. Could you please tell me where to look?

Thank you for all that you do for this site!
I've been trying to find My Last Day" with no luck. Could you please tell me where to look?

Thank you for all that you do for this site!

I post my selfmade renders here on this site, not a part of the crew :)
I guess you like my art? thanks for that !

I post my selfmade renders here on this site, not a part of the crew :)
I guess you like my art? thanks for that !
That was graphic for a Jesus flick. Lots of blood and pain, nails through the wrists not palms, breaking the legs, and carrying the patibulum rather than the full cross.
What do you think she is looking at?


  • DespairsFS.jpg
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