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The Selfie

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There was a kind of ornamental gate that marked the beginning of the path up Mount Kibonrejo, to the Taranasians it was the division between holy ground and ordinary ground. Beyond the gate, which was entirely undamaged, the results of the earthquake could be clearly seen, wrecked buildings, crashed cars. The sounds of sirens and the shouting of rescue parties added to the contrast between the peace of the mountain and the chaos of the town.

The locals, reminded of the quake, were getting edgy again, and PP would be glad to get them away from what could easily become a lynch mob at the drop of a hat. He felt very sorry for Ella and Tash, they were just high spirited young women and it was really hard luck that they happened to be the ones caught up in an earthquake. Westerners were forever doing daft things on the mountain but most of them carried on with their holidays and flew home without the bat of an eyelid. These two were maybe a bit dafter than most, but with a bit of luck he hoped he could spare them the caning. It was not in the interests of the thriving Taranasian tourist industry to be hitting the guests with canes, and once he got a senior officer involved he was completely certain that reason and common sense would prevail. Mind you, he wouldn't have minded seeing them naked.....

Ella, Tash, and PP were less than twenty paces from the gate when a huge man, clad from head to toe in blue, took up position in the gateway, arms folded and legs apart. He looked like an entirely immovable object.

“Bugger.” Said PP.

The Taranasians all bowed to the ground before this individual.

“Kneel down, Ella!” advised PP, kneeling himself.

Ella knelt, as did Tash. “Who the hell is that?” hissed Tash.

“It’s Raggi, High Priest of Kibonrejo. Also a thoroughgoing bastard….” PPs reply was a whisper.

“Where are you taking these women?” Raggi’s voice was like thunder. He repeated the question in Taranasian, but PP answered in English, still using the ceremonial form address to one of the most important and powerful men in Taranasia.

“Oh, Mighty High Priest of the Immortal Kibonreju, may you live for ever!” Actually, PP bitterly regretted that the jumped up little prick hadn’t been swallowed up in the earthquake, but it is wise not to be too frank on these occasions. “We are taking them to the jail to punish them for their disrespect.”

“You are taking them to the jail so that you can quietly tap them on the wrist and tell them not to be such naughty girls in future! Do you think that I do not know perfectly well that you deride our beliefs, and treat them as outdated and superstitious? Do you think that we are fools?!”

Raggi held out his hand, and one of his minions obediently placed a scroll in it. He opened the scroll, and cleared his throat. “’He that desecrates the holy places of Kibonrejo, let him lament his folly from his cross of shame!’ I don’t think that could be clearer. Why aren’t these miscreant females already lamenting their folly from their crosses?”

“Because, Sir,” said PP, with as much patience as he could muster, “because they are guests in Taranasia, visitors to this land, who add to its prosperity! You know as well as I do that Western tourists are always messing around up there. If we crucified every one of them then the hotels would be empty and you certainly wouldn’t be enjoying those ‘freewill offerings’ to the mountain gods that keep you in the standard to which you have become accustomed!” PP was beginning to push his luck, but Raggi was just one of those people that made him see red.

“How dare you speak like that! How many of my fellow countrymen have died this day? Are their lives worth nothing? You speak of other western tourists, but how many of them have infuriated Kibonrejo to the extent that he shakes the very ground beneath our feet! None of them! Only these two have insulted him that much! Crucify them, I say! And, I warn you now - you are getting close to the same fate yourself!”

“Oh, Mighty High Priest of the Immortal Kibonreju, may you live for ever!” Yupar spoke up. “Please! They saved my life! They are good people, they did not know what they are doing, but Miss Ella braved the dangerous gas to rescue me and the small children that I was looking after! Please do not crucify them, sir! Please! Spare them!”

“That’s all very well, but if there hadn’t been an earthquake you would not have required rescue! Have they even apologised for the error of their ways?” Raggi’s voice was dangerous.

“For God’s sake!” Tash could contain herself no longer. “There’s nothing to apologise for! We’re just two young women on holiday? Do you seriously think we went up the mountain to flash our tits so that we would cause an earthquake? Honestly! You people!”

Raggi looked furious. PP thought fast. “Sir, if I can, um, ‘encourage’ them to apologise, would that be acceptable?”

“You can try, but you do it right here, not by sneaking them off to your police station. Let us all hear them say they are sorry! You can do it right here on this gate, if you like. Fetch rope! Fetch a cane! Strip them!”
Me and my big fucking mouth! Cool story Wragg! Xxx
Ella, Tash, and PP were less than twenty paces from the gate...
“Bugger.” Said PP.
“Kneel down, Ella!” advised PP, kneeling himself.
Ella knelt, as did Tash. “Who the hell is that?” hissed Tash.
“It’s Raggi, High Priest of Kibonrejo. Also a thoroughgoing bastard….” PPs reply was a whisper.
“Where are you taking these women?” Raggi’s voice was like thunder. He repeated the question in Taranasian, but PP answered in English, still using the ceremonial form address to one of the most important and powerful men in Taranasia.
Close. We were so bloody damned close. If only I cudda got 'em through the gate. Now its that Grand fucking Poobah Raggi. Shit!

I can bluff most of the officials but not this jumped-up, self-opinionated, arsehole. Bite your tongue Pp. Losing your rag with this fuckwit won't help the girls at all.

OK. Think Pp. Think ya fuckin slow idiot. Right. First up get the girls under control. Easy with Ella. Give her an order and she'll obey. Yep, kneel. Too easy. That bloody Tash. Geez I wish she'ed shut up. Wish I had a bloody gag.

Now, placate the bastard. Use me best English, speak like a soap-dodging bloody Pom. Use the right words but make him translate to himself. Gives me a little time.

Yupar! Ya'ra bloody grouse shiela. Ya blood's worth bottlin' ya know. Speakin' up like that. Helped but not enough.

Geeezus Tash. Shut the fuck up. Doan talk about flashin' ya tits. Doubt he knows what a pair look like. Give her a shovel and she uses a fuckin' excavator. Dig us really deep hole why doncha.

Maybe if I.....might work.....OK, hurts me but maybe grovel a bit and, well, know the girls won't like it but, shit, can''t have 'em crucified can we.

“Sir (Pp whispers....I'll wash me mouth out later) if I can, um, ‘encourage’ them to apologise, would that be acceptable?”

Might be a chance. Slip down to the jail. Get 'em into protective custody like I did with Barbara what's her face and the blonde, get away with the 40 but do it gentle.

Oh geeez. The bastard's twigged. No choice now. Though that Ella has a nice arse kneeling there. She'ed look bloody good in a tight skirt. And the young one. Tash. She looks like she might run a bit. Arse looks nice and taut. Hafta stand back a though. Reckon she might kick a bit. Don't really want to do this in public. Might embarrass meself when they get stripped down.

Well Pp. No backin' out now.
Ella felt herself being roughly dragged to her feet by Raggi’s henchmen. Her mind was a whirl of conflict. She was afraid of Raggi, she could tell that he was a bigoted and dangerous man who despised westerners and who especially despised western women. She was afraid of PP, she had no idea what was going through his head. Maybe he’d spared her from the cross, but he’d seemed more than keen to inflict the cane on her. What were his real reasons for leaving Australia and coming to this god-forsaken place?

As for Tash, why in God’s name did she seem intent on goading Raggi? It almost seemed as if she welcomed the prospect of being publicly humiliated and punished! All Ella knew was that she was terrified, she wanted to get away from this awful place more than anything else in the world.

Terrified and infuriated – this was all so unjust! Never in her wildest nightmares had she imagined that she might be blamed for causing the death and destruction of an earthquake, and that the hurt and fury of an entire population would be directed at her! Once again the crowd were howling and bawling at her, and only Yupar looked sad.

She made one last attempt to get some sort of control over the situation. “Wait! STOP!! You have no right to do this! I demand that the Canadian and Irish embassies be informed of this before you lay a finger on us! NO! Get OFF! Leave me alone!”

She gripped her top with both hands to stop them removing it. She had no bra on, and she really did not want to be naked in front of all these horrible people. Horrified, she heard Tash screaming, and saw that that they’d already got her stark naked and were fighting her towards the gate.

It was no good. Her arms were prised away from her body and the top easily came off over her head. It was thrown into the crowd and someone was lucky enough to be gifted an addition to their wardrobe. Seconds later others became the proud owners of her shorts and knickers. Raggi’s henchman decided that her sandals would make a nice gift for his daughter, so he kept those himself, he was also in possession of her bag with her cards, cash, passport, even the keys to her hotel room and her flat back home.

Ella howled in terror, rage, and humiliation. “This is an outrage! NOO! Give me back my things! You have no right!”

The stony path was agony under her feet as they forced her towards the gate. Tash was already hanging, screaming, her arms stretched above her head, a rope bound her wrists, and another was just being secured so that she was dangling with her feet six inches clear of the ground. She watched as they tied her own wrists, saw them toss the free end of the rope over the beam, saw Raggi himself hauling on the rope. Moments later her feet lost contact with the ground and she was hanging next to Tash.

“Ella! I’m scared! This cannot be happening!”

“Well, maybe it wouldn’t have been if you’d kept your tits under wraps and your mouth shut!” Ella was furious with everyone. Even Tash.

Tears were pouring down Tash’s cheeks. “Oh, Ella, I….” She got no further, as at that moment PP’s cane scythed into her buttocks.
Good emotion. Nice anger. And you really convey the "things out of control and happening fast" sense that the girls must be feeling. Excellent! :)
Ella felt herself being roughly dragged to her feet by Raggi’s henchmen. Her mind was a whirl of conflict. She was afraid of Raggi, she could tell that he was a bigoted and dangerous man who despised westerners and who especially despised western women. She was afraid of PP, she had no idea what was going through his head. Maybe he’d spared her from the cross, but he’d seemed more than keen to inflict the cane on her. What were his real reasons for leaving Australia and coming to this god-forsaken place?

Gawd I hate it when it comes to this. Ya know there are a lot of Aussies and others up here in Asia for the young girls. Yeah, some for the boys too. But not me. Nup. Not Pp. Started off purely altruistic (nice word that...musta learnt sumthin' at school) and all that. Trying to head off trouble for young western women. Too easy for them to get caught out. Too easy to end up in the wrong place, sometimes like this pair in real deep shit. But, yeah, can’t deny the job has its side benefits and I did soon learn that there is a bitta pleasure in getting some of the women into “protective custody.”

I am careful to go as easy as I can but the public expect ta see proof the women have got enough discipline and they insist on a message bein' sent wider so I hafta to leave marks. I keep it to their bums, no worse than I got at bloody bawdin' school really. More embarrassin' for 'em than painful but there hasta be marks.

Do getta few who seem to like it though. That Barbara....Yeah, Barbara Moore. Bit like these two really. The brunette sortta dragged her blonde friend...who was she? Yeah...Siss...Siss Little into something just like this Tash'n Ella. Something in Barbara’s eyes when I gave her the cane. Gaawd she had a lovely tight little.....bum. Used it a bit harder on her. Got us both goin’ a bit. Ahh......always remember her.....special that one....so special. Cum’on Pp, bakta reality here. Concentrate mate.

Reckon this Tash might be a bit like that. Seems to want to egg bloody Raggi on. Getting outta hand but be a bloody riot if I try to stop ‘em. Can’t use me gun here. Just have to manage it as best I can and try to get away with bein’ as easy as I can on ‘em both.

Yeah, Yupar. I know. Ya tried luv. Makes me a bit sad too but I’ll get ov’rit. But gotta funny feelin’ that yu’d betta hang ‘round.

Feel sorry for that Ella. Frightened, scared. Ya cun try luv but it won’t help much. His bloody henchmen get a real buz outta gropin' you western girls. Reckon they get starved fa’rit at home. Yeah ya bastard. Saw that. Saw whatya pocketed. Got ya number pegged. Sawl right Ella. Pp saw’rit. He’s gunna get a visit from Pp laita’ron. Should be able ta getcha stuff back.

Not so much fun now Tash. Is it? Naked and stretched up on that bloody gate. Ya tits stickin’ through the bars fa’rawl ta see. Poor bloody Ella’ll be beside ya soon enough. Bloody grouse young bodies though. Pfooaarrr, culdn't ya just...... Calm down Pp. Don't wantta embarrass ya'self here. Ya pants fit a bit bloody tight ta be thinkin' like that.

Yeah, that’ud be bloody Poobah Raggi. Being the one draggin’ Ella’rup. Shit. She's yellin’ at Tash now. Knows she is in real strife here.

Gotta be careful with Ella if I can. Bloody Tash. Might be able to appease’em a bit if I wallop her hard first then back orf a bit. Maybbe by the time I git ta Ella I can be more gentle.

Ahh well. Here goes.....
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The eyes have it....it's all in the eyes ... or is it the romance of the expertly wielded cane?
Ahhhh. The memories. The eyes? Oh yes,
Barb caned.jpg but PP will never forget the enticing wiggle of that wonderful tight little at each and ev'ry expertly applied stroke......was it only the romance of his cane? Pp would never kiss - with his cane - and tell.....
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Gawd I hate it when it comes to this. Ya know there are a lot of Aussies and others up here in Asia for the young girls. Yeah, some for the boys too. But not me. Nup. Not Pp. Started off purely altruistic (nice word that...musta learnt sumthin' at school) and all that. Trying to head off trouble for young western women. Too easy for them to get caught out. Too easy to end up in the wrong place, sometimes like this pair in real deep shit. But, yeah, can’t deny the job has its side benefits and I did soon learn that there is a bitta pleasure in getting some of the women into “protective custody.”

I am careful to go as easy as I can but the public expect ta see proof the women have got enough discipline and they insist on a message bein' sent wider so I hafta to leave marks. I keep it to their bums, no worse than I got at bloody bawdin' school really. More embarrassin' for 'em than painful but there hasta be marks.

Do getta few who seem to like it though. That Barbara....Yeah, Barbara Moore. Bit like these two really. The brunette sortta dragged her blonde friend...who was she? Yeah...Siss...Siss Little into something just like this Tash'n Ella. Something in Barbara’s eyes when I gave her the cane. Gaawd she had a lovely tight little.....bum. Used it a bit harder on her. Got us both goin’ a bit. Ahh......always remember her.....special that one....so special. Cum’on Pp, bakta reality here. Concentrate mate.

Reckon this Tash might be a bit like that. Seems to want to egg bloody Raggi on. Getting outta hand but be a bloody riot if I try to stop ‘em. Can’t use me gun here. Just have to manage it as best I can and try to get away with bein’ as easy as I can on ‘em both.

Yeah, Yupar. I know. Ya tried luv. Makes me a bit sad too but I’ll get ov’rit. But gotta funny feelin’ that yu’d betta hang ‘round.

Feel sorry for that Ella. Frightened, scared. Ya cun try luv but it won’t help much. His bloody henchmen get a real buz outta gropin' you western girls. Reckon they get starved fa’rit at home. Yeah ya bastard. Saw that. Saw whatya pocketed. Got ya number pegged. Sawl right Ella. Pp saw’rit. He’s gunna get a visit from Pp laita’ron. Should be able ta getcha stuff back.

Not so much fun now Tash. Is it? Naked and stretched up on that bloody gate. Ya tits stickin’ through the bars fa’rawl ta see. Poor bloody Ella’ll be beside ya soon enough. Bloody grouse young bodies though. Pfooaarrr, culdn't ya just...... Calm down Pp. Don't wantta embarrass ya'self here. Ya pants fit a bit bloody tight ta be thinkin' like that.

Yeah, that’ud be bloody Poobah Raggi. Being the one draggin’ Ella’rup. Shit. She's yellin’ at Tash now. Knows she is in real strife here.

Gotta be careful with Ella if I can. Bloody Tash. Might be able to appease’em a bit if I wallop her hard first then back orf a bit. Maybbe by the time I git ta Ella I can be more gentle.

Ahh well. Here goes.....
"Poobah Raggi"

Love it, Pp! :)
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw PP raise his arm again. She shut her eyes tight, tried to think of something nice, tried breathing out steadily, tried all the tricks she knew to reduce the experience of pain.

It was no good. It seemed to her that PP had spared her nothing in the delivery of the stroke, and she shrieked in utter agony as the soft flesh of her buttocks was split apart by the cane. She kicked and danced in panic, she could see the watching Raggi lick his lips in appreciation of the show she was putting on for him. She could hear the crowd cheering PP, they could see that he was putting in a good effort, and any suspicions that they might have had that he would go easy on the girls were allayed by their unearthly screams, by the angry red weals appearing on their backs and bums, and by the trickle of blood running down their legs.

Through her tears of pain Ella saw a hooded monk lean towards Raggi and say something. Raggi bellowed with laughter. Bastards.

After the fifth or sixth stroke Ella stopped feeling them as individual blows, she just dangled there in a universe of pain. But how could she survive forty of these blows? She’d had less than ten, and the pain was worse that she could have believed possible.

Tash, too, was just screaming continuously rather than responding to individual blows. Sometimes, as she thrashed about to try and get away from PPs cane, Ella’s body would bump into Tash’s. The touch of the other’s body was the nearest thing Ella experienced to comfort during those awful minutes.

Still the cane continued to slash at her unprotected back. Oh, Sweet Christ in Heaven, when would this end? PP wasn’t counting out loud, she’d lost count, and the nightmare just continued. Her back felt like it was on fire.

The next blow landed across the back of her thighs, and Ella was overwhelmed. “I’m sorry!” she wailed, “I’m sorry about the selfie! I’m sorry I caused the earthquake! I’m sorry for whatever you want me to be sorry for! Just please, please stop hurting me!”

Raggi grinned in triumph, and held his hand up. “Thank you, PP, you may stop.”

He walked up to Tash and leaned closed to her. She could see the pustules on his nose and smell his foetid breath. Did everybody in this goddam country suffer from halitosis?

“We just need to hear your apology as well, my dear, and then all this will end. Go ahead.”

“I think you are right, Raggi, I think there is a god of Kibonreju, and he did cause the earthquake because of our selfie.” Tash’s voice sounded remarkably calm, despite her ordeal, though it was punctuated as her breasts rose and fell quickly, panting as she was from exertion.

Raggi produced a self satisfied smirk, then Tash continued.

“Thing is, Raggi, he’d never seen tits as good as ours, he just had to toss himself off once he’d seen them, and that’s what caused the earthquake. And he’s got the right man for his high priest, ‘cos you and he at least have that in common. You’re both wankers!”
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw PP raise his arm again. She shut her eyes tight, tried to think of something nice, tried breathing out steadily, tried all the tricks she knew to reduce the experience of pain.

It was no good. It seemed to her that PP had spared her nothing in the delivery of the stroke, and she shrieked in utter agony as the soft flesh of her buttocks was split apart by the cane. She kicked and danced in panic, she could see the watching Raggi lick his lips in appreciation of the show she was putting on for him. She could hear the crowd cheering PP, they could see that he was putting in a good effort, and any suspicions that they might have had that he would go easy on the girls were allayed by their unearthly screams, by the angry red weals appearing on their backs and bums, and by the trickle of blood running down their legs.

Ah well. Shit! I guess it has come to this. No bloody way I can back out or get’em away without it. Fuck Pp, ya sweatin’ arncha. Yuv never, ever, had ta go this far and really flog’em hav’ya? Had a few where yuv had to do it a bit rough in the open but pretty much always been able to get’em into “protective custody”, mark’em a bit, present the evidence of satisfactory punishment and sneak ‘em away.

Some are grateful. Sure, and the few “fringe benefits’' add a bitta pleasure to the job up here. And a few do seem to enjoy it all and bring you out a bit........that recurring memory of her erotically undulating tight little bum returns time and time again.....but this is different.

Hand is bloody slippery. Getta grip ya gutless prick.

The crowd is baying. Bloody Poobah Raggi’s henchmen are getting amongst ‘em, stirring them up. Breathe deep old mate. They are expecting blood. Nothing else will satisfy them. Geez, I’m gunna hate this. Those bloody bonza bare bums there in frontta me. That Ella’s! Yep. And that little terror Tash’s too. Wouldda been nice in the jail. Bein’ gentle with ‘em.

Fuck Pp, calm down. Ya gettin a bloody hard on mate. Yeah, I know bloody beautiful arses and ya can see what’s lyin’ there, winkin’ atcha between their thighs.

But no chance now.....maybe later if ya can get’em away ta look afta’rem.

OK Pp. Steel ya’self. Start with Tash. Take the cane back.....scythe it down, make sure old mate, square on her bum.....WHACK!.....listen to her banshee wail....piercing.....OK, Ella’s turn.....see her tryin’ everything ta calm herself, breathin’.....sorry luv, won’t help ya much......OK....Pp....make sure....centre of her lovely bum.....WHACK! Oh shit, luv, soft skin....split it.....no fuckin’ wonder ya shrieked like that.

Got the crowd on my side though. Attention a bit off that bastard Raggi.....bit of a rhythm now Pp old mate. Tash then Ella. Keep ‘em hard.....fuck Pp, not her back...shit mate watch it...kidneys there....no bloody damage....keep it ta their bums, the back of their thighs....

WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! Fuck! The screamin’. The bloody banshee wailin’ from Tash.

Geez Pp, yuv never marked one like this before....red welts yeah but not split their skin like this...blood trails everywhere now.....right down their bums, runnin’ down their legs too.

What’s that fuckin’ Raggi larfin’ at now? What’s that fuckin’ arsehole thinkin’. Ya never bloody know with him. Like the fuckin’ wind...changes...unpre-bloody-dictable!

Poor bloody Ella’s had it, saggin’. She’ll never take 40. No fuckin’ way old mate. Only been a half dozen but, fuck, she’s in a worlda’ hurt poor woman. Only bitta comfort’s when they writhe and bump each other. Can I get’em ta do that a bit more? Give ‘em a bitta peace?

Oh shit. Can’t give’em much more. Come on girls....please....give up and say ya bloody sorry.

Couple more...back of her legs....really sting’em.....come on Ella... Thank bloody god fa’that...finally.....say it Ella...yep.....thanks luv. Couldn’t have given ya any more. Was hurtin’ me too ya know.

Geeez the bastard’s crowin’ now. Reckons he’s won. Gunna tell me I can stop.

OK Tash. Your turn now. Please luv, say ya bloody sorry and we can get away safe’n sound. Get ya bum patched up. Pp’ed be very pleased ta rub the lotion in for ya. Soothe us both ya know....slippery hand’ud be hard to control...calm down Pp...not like that after’ya hurt ‘em so badly.

Gudonya luv, nice words there, acknowledge their bloody god of Kibonreju and the earthquake. Your fault fa’ flashin’ ya tits.....Admit it....nice....nice.....

OH SHIT! She called their bloody god and lord fuckin’ Poobah Raggi both wankers, pullin' 'emselves at the sightta their tits!

Like I said earlier...give her a shovel and she uses a fuckin’ exca-bloody-vator.

Geeeezzz Tash. What bloody hope have we got fa’ya now.
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