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Now This Just Isn't Funny

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that's funny, they weren't predicting rain today?
I love those stick figures on the back window of big SUV's - you feel like you connect with the family
Since my divorce, I've really gotten good at new cooking styles.
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Newspaper "For Sale" ad in rural Arkansas
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Now this is just plain weird. John Barrymore,


best known today as the grandfather of Drew, was arguably the greatest actor of the 20th century. He drank himself to death at the age of 60 in a like minded company

some of whom lived to ripe old ages. One of them who didn’t, "artist, forger, and profane figurehead" John Decker, painted Barrymore’s portrait, accompanied by his fourth and last wife and her mother.


Wait, what? :confused:

The preview behind that link gives some background.



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Talking of vibrators, if she says one of these phrases to you, better make sure you have one handy:

I've smoked fatter joints than that

Wow - and Your feet are so big

Why don't we skip right to the cigarette?

Does it come with an air Pump?

It's OK: we'll work around it!

Maybe it looks better in natural light

Maybe if we water it, it'll grow

But it still works, right?

How sweet: You brought incense

Can I be honest with you?

Why, oh, why is God Punishing me?

Oh no... a flash headache

Can I paint a 'smiley face' on it?

Why don't we just cuddle?

Only if you get me real drunk first

This explains your car

You know, they have surgery to fix that

Ahhhh, isn't it cute!

Are you cold?

It looks so unused

It's a good thing you have so many other talents

Make it dance!

At least this won't take long

I suppose this makes me the 'early bird'

What is that?

Will it squeak if I squeeze it?

I never saw one like that before

So this is why you're supposed to judge people on personality
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