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Crucifixion scenes (never mind the breast torture)

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In any case, I really think you have a plausible crux method, Algabal. No elevation of the cross, no lifting the patibulum into place. Just stand her up against a short stipes, nail her wrists first, then her feet. Like Yusebby envisioned years ago. A matter-of-fact, everyday crucifixion. Nothing special.

Well every method has its pros and cons.
This one really is an effective way to get the "girl on a stick" with a minimum of fuss :D

Considering what he’s about to do, guy's a real psycho. :eek:
Hah. Imagining the situations is one thing, imagining the guy who does all that is a few steps further down. Definitely psycho.

I'm considering this as a starting point for a series (because well... nobody has any idea what's going to happen so we need to find out :D )

The idea would be, she's ordered to take out two nails from her "necklace", and what he actually does is, he tells her to hold them tight in her right hand, while he first ties her right wrist and then her right ankle to the cross. The promise is: as long as she doesn't drop the nails, they won't get pounded in.

Then he goes to her left side and starts whipping her. Of course at some point she drops the nails.
So he goes back over to the right and nails her right hand and foot.
Then he tells her to pull out the other two nails, and hold them in her left hand. Second round. Don't know what he does that time. Maybe skewer her tits ;)

In the end he'll tell her it's all her fault.
Shouldn't have dropped those nails, girl.
What are we going to do with a wretch that can't carry out the simplest commands.

For the sake of completeness here's an improved version of "The last dance of defiance", it's crisper and sharper, I already had that one posted at Foundation.
Algabal, have fun with the buildup, but for my part I just hope she ends up nailed to that thing in the manner of Callia.


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"The Sacrifice of the Sibyl"

It has always been a tradition of wise kings to listen carefully to the warnings of the oracles.

Wise kings though are the exception.

Most of them are cruel, hot-tempered, narcissistic fools.
They don't like reminders of their own fallibility and mortality.
They see forecasts of bad outcomes for their grandiose military adventures not as valuable warnings to consider but as evidence of treason.

And so it happened that the King's henchmen invaded and desecrated the sanctuary, took hold of the Sibyl and dragged her to a dead tree on a hill overlooking the sea, where the King had her stripped, raped, and hoisted up into the branches, where she was nailed fixed to the wood through living flesh and bone, and left to watch the King's fleet pass over the horizon towards its great conquests, while she should hang suffering, wilting and dying.


Some time after this unholy act, an onlooker pointed out that tiny leaves had begun to sprout from branches that had been dead for years.
This surely was a sign that the gods of the land had accepted the sacrifice, and the King was in the right.
So the people of the town followed him, to their doom.

The few survivors still left after the retaliation of the foreign lands that their King had attacked without provocation remembered little of their history.
But one thing they remembered was that in the year when the dreadful downfall occurred, they had in Spring sacrificed a woman by nailing her to dead wood.
And that they had survived the disaster.
What they forgot is that they had brought the disaster upon themselves.

With that, a tradition was born, that to ensure the continuation of the people through all challenges, each Spring a woman was to be sacrificed in the same way.
The more holy, the more innocent, and the more pure of spirit she was, the better.

Although they soon did away with the tree and replaced it with a custom-built frame to optimally suspend the sacrifice and offer her to the gods.

And the gods always love a good sacrifice.
"The Sacrifice of the Sibyl"

It has always been a tradition of wise kings to listen carefully to the warnings of the oracles.

Wise kings though are the exception.

Most of them are cruel, hot-tempered, narcissistic fools.
They don't like reminders of their own fallibility and mortality.
They see forecasts of bad outcomes for their grandiose military adventures not as valuable warnings to consider but as evidence of treason.

And so it happened that the King's henchmen invaded and desecrated the sanctuary, took hold of the Sibyl and dragged her to a dead tree on a hill overlooking the sea, where the King had her stripped, raped, and hoisted up into the branches, where she was nailed fixed to the wood through living flesh and bone, and left to watch the King's fleet pass over the horizon towards its great conquests, while she should hang suffering, wilting and dying.

View attachment 576820

Some time after this unholy act, an onlooker pointed out that tiny leaves had begun to sprout from branches that had been dead for years.
This surely was a sign that the gods of the land had accepted the sacrifice, and the King was in the right.
So the people of the town followed him, to their doom.

The few survivors still left after the retaliation of the foreign lands that their King had attacked without provocation remembered little of their history.
But one thing they remembered was that in the year when the dreadful downfall occurred, they had in Spring sacrificed a woman by nailing her to dead wood.
And that they had survived the disaster.
What they forgot is that they had brought the disaster upon themselves.

With that, a tradition was born, that to ensure the continuation of the people through all challenges, each Spring a woman was to be sacrificed in the same way.
The more holy, the more innocent, and the more pure of spirit she was, the better.

Although they soon did away with the tree and replaced it with a custom-built frame to optimally suspend the sacrifice and offer her to the gods.

And the gods always love a good sacrifice.

At first I thought you were doing a slight rewrite of the Odyssey, wherein Priam not only ignores Cassandra but has her crucified. Your account is far more grim, with a distinct "One Tin Soldier" vibe to it.

No idea what's been going on here.

Except of course, girls on sticks, well whipped, that's a given

The one on the far right may have had this idea of offering herself up in exchange for someone she thinks doesn't deserve this.
She came a bit late for that plan to work out but well ... they are still going to swap her in.

No idea what's been going on here.

Except of course, girls on sticks, well whipped, that's a given

The one on the far right may have had this idea of offering herself up in exchange for someone she thinks doesn't deserve this.
She came a bit late for that plan to work out but well ... they are still going to swap her in.

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As usual, my attention is riveted by a comely ass.

You draw female flesh excessively well, Algabal. :devil:


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Anyone else notice the built in pulley system on the stipes? You know exactly how those crosses are raised. Amazing.

That's right, the detail is tremendous. A fully thought out pulley system, and have you noticed that the loose ends are tied off on a nail which conveniently pokes through to the other side and provides an additional torment?

The foot rests, the breast skewers (mot really my thing), the little splits in the wood where the nails are (must remember that one!). The girl carrying her own nails, kneeling, looking back around . . . . and a convenient height for that executioner in front of her. So many beautiful details.
No idea what's been going on here.

Except of course, girls on sticks, well whipped, that's a given

The one on the far right may have had this idea of offering herself up in exchange for someone she thinks doesn't deserve this.
She came a bit late for that plan to work out but well ... they are still going to swap her in.

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So nice ! Thank you, Algabal.
the detail is tremendous.
On detail - I've found that in pencil/paper vs pure digital, drawing detail outside of the main figures is a lot less tedious and bothersome on paper.

Though digital offers the option of 'generated' detail - gradients, shading, textures and so forth. There's quite a bit of that in 'the sacrifice of the sibyl', which was purely digital.

This one is done with colored pencils, then I photographed the sheet, and since I was too lazy to fill in the sky in the pencil drawing I just colorized it into blue in photoshop. Some of the wrinkles in the paper are still visible.




Nevermind the Kung Flu, it's about time I posted something new.

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Wow, there is really something to this one. Initial impression is that she is soaring through the sky, beautiful face framed by luscious hair, eyes closed in what? Ecstasy? Agony? Both?
The sky itself seems to radiate around her head.
Level of detail is wonderfully evocative. Ropes, nails, the lines of the body, the lovely little bush framed genitals, the tumescent nipples, the wood of the cross.
Makes me think of some recently posted pictures of Ripley/Sigourney Weaver, it could almost be her up there. Great picture Algabal. Now another with her slumped down would compliment it nicely :)
Wow, there is really something to this one. Initial impression is that she is soaring through the sky, beautiful face framed by luscious hair, eyes closed in what? Ecstasy? Agony? Both?
The sky itself seems to radiate around her head.
Level of detail is wonderfully evocative. Ropes, nails, the lines of the body, the lovely little bush framed genitals, the tumescent nipples, the wood of the cross.
Makes me think of some recently posted pictures of Ripley/Sigourney Weaver, it could almost be her up there. Great picture Algabal. Now another with her slumped down would compliment it nicely :)
Well yeah this one is more beauty and ecstasy focused than some of my other pics. Agony is there of course too but right now ecstasy has the upper hand.

I decided to go without my usual complement of breast skewers and whip marks - a proper but not too harsh whipping would of course help with the ecstasy but the marks would distract visually. She didn't necessarily ask for this but in some way she's enjoying it.

And yeah, the perspective is built around that soaring / flying high into the blue sky idea.

Also it means I dont' have to draw any background, boring crux-thugs, and so on. Yay!

By the way I have the impression that this forum has developed some serious technical issues since my last visit.
I only post or visit every now and then, but even answering a post failed completely in the first attempt - I got a reply box that I couldn't type in.
I switched to Firefox and then I coukd post. But the image display seems crippled and you basically have to open everything with right click.
Well yeah this one is more beauty and ecstasy focused than some of my other pics. Agony is there of course too but right now ecstasy has the upper hand.

I decided to go without my usual complement of breast skewers and whip marks - a proper but not too harsh whipping would of course help with the ecstasy but the marks would distract visually. She didn't necessarily ask for this but in some way she's enjoying it.

And yeah, the perspective is built around that soaring / flying high into the blue sky idea.

Also it means I dont' have to draw any background, boring crux-thugs, and so on. Yay!

By the way I have the impression that this forum has developed some serious technical issues since my last visit.
I only post or visit every now and then, but even answering a post failed completely in the first attempt - I got a reply box that I couldn't type in.
I switched to Firefox and then I coukd post. But the image display seems crippled and you basically have to open everything with right click.
To me, its the last gasp before the final collapse.
Algabal, besides HOW THE HELL ARE YOU ?!?! I have to ask, did you consciously model this one on Sigourney Weaver's Ripley?


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Makes me think of some recently posted pictures of Ripley/Sigourney Weaver, it could almost be her up there.
I have to ask, did you consciously model this one on Sigourney Weaver's Ripley?
Hmm, I did a search for her on the site and found this,

I can see where you'd get the idea.
I guess that's the advantage of posting my pics without a big story added on, anyone can interpret them as they like ... if you want to she'll do perfectly well as a young Ripley who landed on he wrong planet. But the truth is I wasn't thinking of her at all.

Basically I picked up the character studies for 'Flowergirl' and worked with that (hell even the stick she's hanging from is similar)

Its not necessarily the same girl but based on the same drafts.
Hmm, I did a search for her on the site and found this,

I can see where you'd get the idea.
I guess that's the advantage of posting my pics without a big story added on, anyone can interpret them as they like ... if you want to she'll do perfectly well as a young Ripley who landed on he wrong planet. But the truth is I wasn't thinking of her at all.

Basically I picked up the character studies for 'Flowergirl' and worked with that (hell even the stick she's hanging from is similar)

Its not necessarily the same girl but based on the same drafts.
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I see whereof you speak. :babeando:


But your Ellen Ripley lookalike got me curious about many other artistic representations of her in the nude are out there. And I found this

which made me wish once more I’d learned how to do 3D rendering, because she’d really look good on a cross. ;):babeando:


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